Shigadabi Oneshots

By hopelessly_aromantic

77.1K 1.8K 2.1K

Wattpad's really lacking in Shigadabi stuff so I thought I'd make some because its one of my favorite bnha sh... More

A Partner
Love at Opening Set (Marching Band AU)
I'll Wait for You
Toga's Sleepover
|A/N| (not an update sorry)
Hand in Hand
Change Your Mind (Part 1)
Change Your Mind (Part 2)
Shameless Advertisement >: )
The Treble with Parents (Marching Band AU)
Someone Killed Mineta
Holy Crap 10k!!!!!!
10k Q&A!!!
The Assassination (Part 1)

The Cat's Out of the Bag

3.7K 126 111
By hopelessly_aromantic

@KateLuna9 requested a Neko!Tomura x Dabi AU-type thing where Tomura is hit by a neko quirk so here it is! (Only 1 1/2 months late lol)



It was night when the phone rang at the bar, echoing throughout the empty bar of the league of villains.

Dabi slowly stood up from his spot on the couch, rubbing his eyes as he awoke from a state of delirium. It was rare for anyone to call the league on mission nights, and when they did, they'd usually call someone's personal phone. Whoever had called them was probably just some dumb telemarketer who had gotten their phone numbers mixed up on their list.

But that call had woken him up, so Dabi answered it anyway.

"Hello?" he said blearily, placing the phone against his ear.

"Finally! We got a hold of you!" Kurogiri's voice sounded over the microphone. "Listen," he said, "Shigaraki's been hit by some pro-hero's quirk and he needs to go back to the base. But he's a we need you to take care of him while we're fighting."

"Hit by a quirk, you say," Dabi mumbled, "But Shigaraki usually stays in the fight until he's pretty much dead. A flesh wound won't even stop him."

"Yeah, well, it's a Neko-type quirk and..."


"Well 'neko' refers to a quirk that makes someone more submissive than usual. It makes it harder for them to refuse orders and it nullifies their quirk." Kurogiri said, "It also gives them cat ears and a tail."

"What??" said Dabi, not sure if he'd heard the last part correctly over the muffling of the telephone, "Did you say cat ears?"

An explosion sounded in the background of the call. "I don't have time to explain so just....take him," Kurogiri shouted over the background noise, "I'll open up a warp now!" The sound cut off and the line went dead, the phone buzzing in Dabi's hands. A few seconds later, a purplish warp gate appeared and out stepped a meek, skinny figure with long hair, pale skin and of course, bright blue cat ears right on the top of his head.

"So I heard Kurogiri right after all," Dabi smirked, staring at Tomura's ears and chuckling, "You have become part furry."

"Shut the f*ck up," Tomura responded flatly.

"Aaaaaaand not much else has changed," said Dabi, "You're still an annoying little piece of sh*t. I suppose no quirk would ever change that."

Tomura rolled his eyes.

"You know," Dabi continued, "When Kurogiri said 'submissive' I thought you would be like, a scared little kid. A few heads shorter, least."

"How much shorter can I get?"

Dabi laughed. "Exactly. In fact I'm confused to why they took you out of battle at all."

Tomura placed his hand flat on the coffee table next to him, all five fingers touching the wooden surface. The table, however, remained intact.

"They took away my quirk," he said, "And there's this thing with not being able to refuse orders? I don't really know. Kurogiri knew more about the quirk than me."

Dabi nodded. "Go take a shower and change into clean clothes," he said to Tomura, staring at the battle worn clothing draped across the other man's body, "You look pretty worn out."

Tomura cheeks went pink and he seemed to stutter for a second, but he walked upstairs towards the bathroom and his room anyway. A little while later, he appeared in the main room again, dressed in a light blue sweatshirt and what appeared to be black leggings. His hair was still dripping with water, and his tail hung loosely behind him. "Really," he said, grumbling, "Of all the things you could have ordered me to do, a shower had to be one of them. You know cats hate water, don't you?"

"I never 'ordered' you to do anyth-" Dabi started. He suddenly remembered Kurogiri's words. It's harder for them to refuse orders, the older man had said over the phone. Dabi shook his head in embarrassment suddenly becoming very flustered because of his mistake, "I'm so sorry!" he said quickly, "I didn't realize that I was ordering you. I'll be more careful in the future."

Tomura just nodded silently.

"Well, do you want to play some video games or something? I was just sleeping before Kurogiri called but we can set up the PS4 if you want," Dabi suggested.

"S-s-sure," Tomura said, the same pinkish color returning to his cheeks. Dabi froze.

"Was that an order? Do you want to do something else?" he asked nervously.

"N-no video games are great," Tomura insisted, "And you phrased it as a question so it was fine."

Dabi nodded, "If you say so, Shiggy." He sat down on the couch in the center of the room and turned the TV on, switching it to the PS4. He patted the spot next to him and held up a controller.

"Here," he said. Tomura took the controller and sat at the other end of the couch. Dabi stared at him quizzically. "Why are you sitting all the way over there?" he asked curiously, "Do I have cooties or something?"

"No," Tomura said quietly, "I-i just don't want you to distract me while we're playing." He took control of the console and loaded up Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, putting himself as player one. Dabi had played this game a few times in the past, but it soon became clear who was better at the game.

After multiple games, Dabi threw his controller down on the couch in annoyance. "I quit!" he exclaimed, getting up and turning off the console.

"Hey!" cried Tomura, "I didn't get to save my progress!"

Dabi sat back down on his side of the couch, smirking. "That's what happens when you choose a game that you win every time."

"Well how was I supposed to know that you were bad at my favorite game!"

"I don't know. I guess the real question is how the f*ck you're so good."

"Well, I play it a lot when we have free time between missions," The blue-haired boy said softly.

"Why don't you hang out with someone on the team then?" Dabi asked, matching Tomura's more relaxed tone.

"Well, Kurogiri's usually busy trying to recruit new members or something, and you all go out for drinks together, usually."

"Oh," said Dabi. He hadn't realized how much they had excluded Tomura from their group. "You could always come with us, you know," he suggested.

"Do you think that I want to spend time with you lowlifes?" snapped Tomura.

Dabi was quiet. He knew that Tomura was a grumpy bitch but he thought that maybe, just maybe, the man had some affection under all his gloom. Clearly, however, he was mistaken.

They stayed silent for what seemed like an eternity, the tension rapidly building in between them.

Dabi moved closer to Tomura on the couch, not sure what else to do in the current situation.

"What'd you do that for?" snapped Tomura.

"It doesn't make sense for us to sit so far apart if we're not playing games, mophead," Dabi snapped back.

"Well you don't have to be a bitch about it, jeez," Tomura said, being a bitch about it himself. Dabi grumbled, scooting even closer to Tomura to annoy him. If he had been paying just a little more attention to the other while he did so, he would have noticed that Tomura got more flustered than annoyed at this movement. But he didn't, so that's that.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of angry silence, Tomura stood up and walked away from the couch all together.

"What are you doing?" snapped Dabi as the other man walked out of the room.

"Going up to my room," said Tomura, "Gonna try to play video games without you being a sucky player and a bad sport."

Normally, Dabi wouldn't have cared what Tomura did it his free time, but at this particular moment, he just couldn't bear the fact that Tomura was going to go off and sulk alone, after so many nights of doing the exact same thing before.

"Can't you stay here and talk?" he asked rather forcefully.

"No," replied Tomura coldly, "Especially if your idea of 'talking' is yelling at the other person for how much of a sad bitch he's being." He turned around and continued to walk out of the room.

"Wait!" Dabi cried after him, "I'll come up with something nice to talk about." He didn't know why he was doing this, really. In any other situation, this wouldn't have mattered as much to him.

"I just don't want to talk with you, okay?" Tomura said angrily.


"I. DONT. WANT. TO. TALK. WITH. YOU." yelled Tomura, turning and running up the stairs like a little child having a temper tantrum.


Everything went quiet.

Tomura stopped where he was on the stairs and slowly walked towards Dabi, sitting on the couch curtly. "You could have given me a warning, you know," he said softly.

Dabi stared at Tomura, a mask of realization suddenly coming over his face.

"I-I didn't realize!!" he said quickly, "I'm so sorry!!"

Tomura scowled at Dabi. "Why does it matter to you so much?" he asked.


"Us being 'friends' and having a little 'bonding moment together' and all that sh*t."

Dabi paused. "I....I don't know," he said finally, "I guess...I just said you were always alone....after missions and stuff....and I just...thought you might be lonely."

Dabi expected Tomura to roll his eyes and snap back a snarky reply but he just sighed, staring at the scarred man blankly. "It's not that," he said, "It's just that....I've never thought about having friends before."

"That...explains a lot, actually," Dabi said. He paused for a second, but then hesitantly put his arm around Tomura's shoulder. "Is this okay?" he asked cautiously.

"What's it for?" asked Tomura.

"Just...comfort," replied Dabi, "Because...I'm your friend."

"Hey I get to choose who I'm friends with, not you!" exclaimed Tomura.


"But, yes, you are my friend," Tomura said quickly after. Dabi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes. My purely platonic friend," Dabi said, emphasizing the platonic part of the phrase. He felt his cheeks go hot and his palms go sweaty, but he didn't exactly know why. Panicking, he stuck his hand in Tomura's mop-like blue hair, only to come in contact with the blue cat ears atop his head.

They were soft, and Dabi scratched them affectionately, despite the awkwardness of the situation. Tomura, however, didn't object to the motion. Soon, Dabi could hear a low rumbling sound coming from Tomura's chest.

"Are you....purring?" Dabi asked.

Tomura blushed .

"You're even more of a furry than I thought!" Dabi said smirking. Tomura scowled at him and hit him playfully.

"Watch what you say, zombie face."

Dabi laughed and stuck both hands in Tomura's hair, causing the man to purr even louder.

"You like that, do you?" he asked jokingly.

"I-it's a reflex reaction!" Tomura replied.

"Reflex reaction, my ass," Dabi said, still joking around, "Admit it. You're totally into me."

"I am."

Dabi froze. "Was that...part of the quirk?" he asked softly.

Tomura blushed. "Well, I would never have confessed if it wasn't for the quirk but-I am," he said, "I am totally into you."

Dabi bit his lip, gazing into Tomura's glossy red eyes. It was so much to take in all at once. He almost didn't know how to react. And yet..."Can I kiss you, Shigaraki?"


And then they kissed.

And they kissed and they kissed and they kissed. Over and over again, their mouths connected and their tongues intertwined, driven by their desire for more. At one point, Tomura's tail wrapped firmly around Dabi's body, as if it was protecting him from any harm that would come his way. 'Reflex reaction,' Tomura had said when Dabi asked him what it was for between kisses.

Dabi soon learned that 'reflex reaction' was Tomura's lame excuse for being overly soft.

When they finally both were out of breath, Dabi pulled away from Tomura, pressing one last kiss on his cheek before snuggling his face against Tomura's chest.

Tomura sighed happily. "Amazing huh?" he said, petting Dabi's soft black hair affectionately.


"The fact that we went from rivals to friends to lovers in a matter of minutes."

"Just sounds like bad writing to me."


"Nothing," said Dabi quickly, smiling into Tomura's chest. He pushed the other man back on the couch, making their heads bang against the soft surface. He stuck his hands in Tomura's hair once again, making the other man purr once again.

Tomura smirked. "So you're in to beastiality then, huh?" he asked cheekily.

"What the actual f*ck Shiggy," said Dabi, starting to get off the couch to annoy the blue-haired man.

"Well if I'm a furry, then it only makes sense that...." Tomura trailed off, giggling softly.

"Shut the f*ck up," Dabi said, embarrassed, "You're not a furry, you never were a furry, and I'm definitely not into you because you're a furry." He actually moved his leg off the couch to get up, but Tomura pulled his entire body back on the couch instead.

"No. Stay," he said, hugging Dabi even closer to him on the couch. Dabi squirmed a bit, but finally accepted his position as the little spoon in Tomura's arms.

"You win, Shiggy," he said to the other man.

"I always do don't I?" Tomura said, smirking. Dabi, for once, didn't seem to reject, and the two fell fast asleep, curled up on the musty old couch in the league of villain's hideout.


Hours later, Kurogiri and the rest of the gang return from their mission to find Tomura and Dabi still curled up on the couch together.

Toga lets out a small gasp of surprise. "It really worked!" she whispered.

Kurogiri led the new recruit into the building.

"Ijiwaru Asahi; Quirk: Glamour," he announced. There were a few small, very quiet patterings of applause, no one wanting to wake up the two lovebirds sleeping at the back of the room.

Ijiwaru walked over to the couch and brushed his hand over the two sleeping bodies, removing the cat ears and tail from Tomura's head.

"You've done well, Ijiwaru-san," said Kurogiri, "Welcome to the team."


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