killer x reader

By SinisterArcherWrites

624 11 0

DISCONTINUED (y/n) kurumi. Most dangerous person alive. The government put her somewhere more secure than th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 8

62 1 0
By SinisterArcherWrites

Me and killer sat down in a silent bubble from some devil fruit and no one on the outside can hear us.

"Well lets go back 95 years ago."

95 years ago.

"I didn't travel to this island for that bitch not to be here! Where is she!!"
"Calm your self for god sake woman!"
"Bout bloody time."
"You here to learn how i look so young."
"Dr Kureha i will outlive you anyway. At your 46 i give you 50 years."
"No! I will live a minimum of 141!"
"And have a talking reindeer?! Don't kid me."
"Shut up why are you here."
"I screwed up a bit. Here's a few men."
"You are the empress! Who refused sex with the emporer of you island so he sent you to the cold Palace here. Exiled. Yet look at you."

"An Exiled empress."
"So miss (y/n) D Takashi. You want more of that eye medicine."
"Only thing that hides my eye. Yes please. And no one has used that name in a long time."
"Takashi. Means prosperity. Yet you wield none of his children yet his harem does."
"Yes. Although i am still studying on that D part. Any ideas?"
"Nope. I heard its extremely rare and passed through bloodlines. Punishable by death in some areas of the grand line."
"Kureha. Come to the coves tomorrow i have something to show you. Yes at my Palace."

I got on rather well with the lady. She was one forced to marry and ran away here so she somewhat understands me. She doesn't believe in love or having children unless she's in love. So very much me.
I grabbed the eye drops and made my way to the emperors cold Palace where i added the drops and saw my maid looking at me with malevolence.
"Nothing mam!"

I shrugged it off as i went to bed before lunch and crashed not waking until sunrise the next morning.

I stretched and made my way to the cove where i checked everything was in order before.

"Come in!"

She came in cautiously as she looked at the sight.

"These flowers shouldn't exist! They marines believed they burned them all wiping out their existence."
"Why do you think it was so well hidden. I found it by mistake."
"What about that butterfly?"
"The guardian. Apparently the water is sacred and holy. Never touch it. The butterfly actually can fight. So... Who knows."
"Can i take some flowers and experiment?"

I shrugged as she dug in.

"Protect this for me. I'm leaving for a while."
"How long?"
"Who knows. But i promise if your alive in what 90 so years ill do you a favour. Just survive."
"Ha! This witch wont die easily! Now don't you go and die empress."

"Oh really? See your corpse later sucker."

I gently left the gardens to find my hand made boat which... Did look like a coffin but who cared.
It worked. I was at sea for 7 days and 6 nights before i reached some sort of land.

I looked around instantly hating life.
" Little garden! "

Noo! Come on!!!

I angrily stomped about until I found too young giants.
"What's this? I thought you guys stayed at elbaf."
"You know of Elbaf?!"
"Of course i have visited once."
"You look young."
"Older than you."
"We are both 65!"
"Yep! Im older. No suprise. Names
(y/n) Takashi."
"Haha! Even in elbaf we know of you. Exiled!"
"Was. I ran away."

After that i enjoyed having an occasional battle as they argued amongst themselves who got the best this or biggest that. Which gets annoying alot. After a year they gave me a pose that was set long ago but they didn't want me to leave.

I promised to return and i don't lie.

18 years later! 77yrs ago

" She has to pay. "
" She said she did... 18 years ago. With a flower cave?"

The dr rushed to me and smirked.
"You fell in love then."

I didn't actually answer that as i gave child birth to my first born.
"Not mine or any one. A new bloodline name... Monkey... Monkey D Garp."
"At least its unusual."
"What do you think he'll grow up to be?"
"What ever the fuck he wants. Just not the next royal."
"So who's the lucky man?"
"Don't have a clue."
Dr Kureha looked some what upset with the answer.
"The crown prince, the emperor wanted a child you denied... Haha!"
"Yes very funny. He was nice enough actually. But yes i never actually got his name."
"Interesting. How long you staying this time."
"Until i must leav-"


She hid me and my baby in a closet and i peaked out to see if it was the same one i married.

He hadn't aged much for almost 20 years and still carried that ridiculous Sakura branch.

"How can i help this time."
"All the women birth stillborns."
"That's the 12th time. Its not them who's got something wrong, it's you."
"I bet that the exiled empress placed a curse... I came here to ask about this pregnant woman that washed up."
"Gave birth and fled back to sea. Don't know she was. Sorry. But now you must leave i have other patients."

He went to leave until my baby sneezed making everyone freeze. Thankfully Kureha managed to mimic it exactly.

When they left kureha explained i shouldn't stay as he came frequently to see if i returned.

I explained im staying at least a year. The man told me he would meet me here one day soon.
It was the only reason i had returned.

But a month later when i walked around looking different. Having kireha help me dye my hair i walked around normally till i saw a pirate ship i knew.

It was him.

I ran holding the baby close to my chest and saw the crew. Waving and explaining who i was, they all froze.

I asked for him. But all i got was an eternal log pose. Before they had set sail.

I guessed what it was and when the next crew came along, i asked them if they were willing to take me to this island.

I did end up with the captain despite this being a quest to find my lover and as i suspected, it was a grave.

My son and i had our adventure until about 5 months later the crew dropped me off back at drum Kingdom where i was to have his child. Of course 3 months later i had a second son to a father who was executed.
"Another pirates child. Whats he going to be monkey d something?"
"No. Different father. New family name... Whats a good pirate name... Gold... Roger... Ah! Gol D Roger!"
"What will be his future."
"The way the stars are lined something that'll change the world."

22 years later. 55 years ago

I heard a knocking on the door and opened the door.

"My beautiful son! Oh look at you now!! All big and strong!!"
"Mother! You do this every Christmas. But i do have news... Im having a child!"
"Your 23! That's too young my boy! But I'm glad for you! Let me see him when he's born."
"Alright... Is brother doing the usual no show."

I gave a slight menacing grin.
"Let me give him a call."

I got my den den mushi and began dialing his main ships phone.

"Rayleigh speaking."
"Sorry... Who's this?"
"Captain an angry women is calling... Claiming to be your mother."
"Give here... Hello Gol D Rogers speaking?"
"Hello mother... I won-"
"If you do not make it i will personally hunt you down. And remember when you two his on the other side of the island using ropes to go into a deep cave. And i jumped. Yes i can still do that shit to you! Bring you crew! I'll feed them all! JUST BE HERE! UNDERSTAND?! "
" Yes... I'll set sail immediately... "
" You fucking better you little shit. "

For the next 3 days me and garp caught up letting learn all about this woman and his adventurous life as a marine.
While i enjoyed his company i did become skeptical of my other son ever arriving.
Garp came back every birthday, mother's day, and Christmas. Occasionally new year.
But roger never visited. Missed the last 3 years.

On the 3rd night an hour or so after garp called it a night and i was having a glass of wine, i heard a quiet knock.

I grabbed my guns and opened the door to see two people... Although what do i expect at 22 when he left only a few years ago.

"Hello mother. This is my first mate!"
"Tsk- ive been asking for several years!!!"

His friend went to apologise for him before we started laughing.

"Haha! My name is (y/n) Gol d monkey. I guess."
"Rayleigh mam. Pleasure to meet you."
"I like this guy! How old are you?"
"Same as me then."
"No... That is my brother."
"What? You Gol hes monkey."
"Same mother."
"Different fathers."
"That and i wanted them to live lives unaffected of each other if they took different paths."
"You look rather young though to have two children."
"Witch hasn't aged since we were born."
"Devil fruit?"
"Nope. They never figured it out. I'd give up kid. Hehe! Come in i have food."
"New look again?"

"Actually... This is my original. Proper original first ever real look. No more eye medication, no more dye in my hair."
"Right. Any food?"

I smacked my sons head and his first mate wanted to fight but by that look his haki knew better.

"Not hello mother i love can i come in. First thing is food. Ungrateful shit... Ugh... Come in."

They both followed in and garp had at some point retreated back to his bed.

"The house has changed a bit."
"Yes. Rayleigh you have first room on the left and roger the second room."

The boys devoured the food before going to their allocated bedrooms as i went to sleep on the sofa.

I must have woke around 4am when i heard the tap running. I got up and say that polite silver haired boy.

"Morning ray."
"Ah! Shit sorry... Didn't see you... Wait... You slept on the sofa."
"Ye. Roger has my room. You have his. Garp has his own."
"I can take the couch. I don't want to intrude."
"Its fine. Don't worry. I need a bigger house soon anyway."
"This house... How old is it?"
"a decade younger than me nearly. My parents left this island to me when it was attacked and the whole island was destroyed. Only survivor."
"I never saw a history about this island like that."
"How far back did you look?"

I gave him one of my famous smirks and he looked at me in a questioning way.
"To the void century. 900 years ago."
"Maybe read this book."

I threw him a book. The history of this island.
"I cant. This is ponogliths. Only the woman on our ship could."
"If she wants she can read it."

He smiled before leaving foe the ship and returned a while later with a woman.
"You can read this?"
"Yes? I can also speak it."
"Speak it... How? Even i can't."
"Cause its not your first language."
"This island history states it was attacked with no survivors. It was the only race to have mythological beings. Elves. Life spam of up to 2500 years. They created the ponogliths."

I shrugged.
"I have a few of these books."

I let her take them as she left for her ship leaving me and Rayleigh alone again.

"Wine? Whisky?"
"Not this early thanks."
"Why you up anyway."
"I couldn't sleep. New environment. Not on the ship. Haki constantly alarmed."
"I wouldn't worry too much."
"I heard you gave birth on a different island and i saw your birth certificate. You was... Or are the empress of a country... So why did you return?"
"Because no one remembered this place existed. It was a safe place to raise my children. And now a safe place for pirates."
"Yes. Marines have no jurisdiction on my island. And garp won't hurt his brother while here. So relax alright."

31years later. 24 years ago.

The last 31 years i met roger and his expanding crew every Christmas and id feed everyone. Let them drink till they dropped.
We had fun.
Garp was always loving but in the last year he had became distant. His child was a real nice fellow and i actually found him sweet. Although he took a while to understand i was his actual grandma. Not some fake young woman.

But today i was sat crying gripping a newspaper.
The first time i heard about it.

My son was dead.

I was crying and struggled breathing especially when it stated the man who captured him had become renowned as a hero.
Monkey D garp.

My heart was smashed.

Roger was finally having his own kid with that beautiful woman.

I tried calling garp but he never picked up after that day.

Although i did learn he was to protect his brothers child and for that i couldn't completely hate him.

8 years later. 16 years ago.

Ace and luffy had been born by this point and garp would occasionally send me pictures of them both growing up and having fun. Being a good grandfather.
But never did he say hello to me.
After rogers death, we never talked.

I wanted to find out where they were so i set sail letting the world government know i was still alive. The last of my race. The mother to the strongest people to have ever walked this earth. That my bloodline was strong.
That my son was a pirate king and a hero! My grandson dragon was the leader of an army and feared yet had done nothing. My grandson ace and great grandson luffy would be amazing and as powerful! My family line are fucking fighters!

So i set sail to find them. Sinking marines and pirates alike but bot finding them.

5 years ago.

I ended up swimming in the sea after my ship sunk and got picked up by a young devilish looking male. Raven hair tattoos. The captain on a yellow... Tank.

After a year of travelling somewhere i trusted him thought we were in love. Until he handed me over like a prize to the marines in exchange for some sort of deal.

During this heart brake i spent time with a man named smoker who forced himself on me whenever he had the chance.
Eventually the warlords learnt of this and despite doflamingo and crocodile having sex with me, they were alright to talk to and they never really emotionally abused me. Mihawk was pretty alright and passed messages onto shanks who told whitebeard who i met in my travels.

2 years ago

The marines sought to rid me and trapped me on an island surrounded by iron and silver.
Despite it being thought to as a fairy weakness, they burn us equally.
And isolation tends to make us a little lost for time. Despite living isolated most of the time, i have a clock and news.

Eventually marines were sent to see if i was alive. They allowed me to keep my weapons in case of pirates or something stupid.
But marines would be just like smoker abusing their power. Especially that Admirals guy sakazuki whatever.

Then eventually you guys found me.

I guess...

That's the brief of my life.

I am an ancient elf and the last of my race with strong and feared descents.

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