(ON HOLD) Love Has No Wheels...

By ShuThotty

35 2 0

This story is on hold currently!! More

Chapter 1: The Door

Chapter 2: Fixed?

14 1 0
By ShuThotty



"Huh!?" Kiibo jolted up. He looked around. Wasn't I just in the kitchen? he thought. Why am I in Miu's-

Oh God.
Oh no.

Miu scoffed. "You had me scared for a second, asshole!" She was holding some kind of rod that had a screwdriver at the end of it. She looked at Kiibo as if she was looking for imperfections.

"W-What am I doing here!?" Kiibo said, flustered and confused. He looked at his suit and it was somewhat clean. It was better than before, but it didn't look completely clean.

"Well, Gonta was wondering where ya were, since you were gone for a whole fuckin' hour! Turns out you were uncontious in the kitchen. Gonta was worried, so he told me to fix you up. We think that you had a malfunction. You had everyone worried sick, you dipshit!" Miu ranted. She put down the screwdriver and walked to a cabinet and grabbed some sort of liquid.

"What's that?" Kiibo asked, about to stand up. Miu quickly turned and said "Don't stand up yet!" She closed the cabinet and sat next to Kiibo as he lied down.

"So, what is that liquid-" Kiibo asked again before getting cut off by Miu. "You can drink stuff, right?" She asked, pouring a glass of the liquid. "Hm? Oh, yeah." Kiibo replied, slightly worried. Knowing Miu, she would probably spike the liquid.

"Drink this then!" Miu said, handing Kiibo the drink, almost spilling it on him. "Okay, okay!" Kiibo sighed and took a sip before drinking it. It tasted sweet, but it still tasted like water at the same time.

"This tastes sweet. What is this?" Kiibo asked, setting the glass down. "It's just some sugar water mixed with some medicine I gave you last time." Miu said. Kiibo knew she was hiding something, but he shrugged it off.

"Well, I got to go. It is almost dinner, after all," Kiibo got up and started heading for the door.  As he shut the door behind him, he couldn't help but sigh in relief.

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