Glance - Fall Out Boy Songs B...

By Menece

4.2K 300 206

Dark Dark, Phoenix, Menace, Frosty and some other people live in a big building on a forest glade. They train... More

2nd The Day Before
3rd Outside
4th Firebirds
5th A New Morning
10th The Rooftop
11th Energy
12th The Show Is Over
13th Hold On
14th Oh Sugar Sugar
15th Hugs
16th Together
17th Control
18th At The Station
19th Consequences
20th Doesn't Matter
21st Night
22nd Early
23rd The Nightmare
24th Fruits
25th Inbetween
26th That Again
27th What Every Girl Loves
28th Thunder
29th Party Time
30th Breakfast
31st Design
32nd Crush
33rd Fire Fight
34th Time And Nature
35th Thriller
36th Love And Light
37th Super Fade
38th Shadow
39th We Are Wild
40th Now I'm Just Numb
41st In The Dark Dark
42nd I Will Change You Like A Remix
43rd Hey Young Blood
44th It Was The Fourth Of July
45th As Long As It's About Me
46th I'm A Nervous Wreck
47th Twin Skeletons
48th You Look So Pretty
49th But You Are Gone So Soon
50th Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea
51st The Last Of The Real Ones
52nd Bishops Knife Trick
53rd Young And A Menace
54th Open Doors Were Open-Ended
55th So Long Live The Car Crash Hearts
56th Sometimes The Only Way Out Is Through
57th Do You Love Me Like That ?
58th Like Fire And Flame
59th Disguise
60th Fallen
61st Hopeless
62nd Where Were You My Whole Life ?
63th Glass
64th Vision
65th Date
66th Fun
67th Trouble
68th Happy Birthday
69th This Is Halloween
70th Weird
71st Normal
72nd Julade
73th Numace
74th Chasing
75th It's Still Weird
76th Struggle
77th Feelings
78th The Beginning
79th Darsty
80th Evil Shades
81st Back
82nd Cocktail Party
85th Change And Worries

1st Home

336 14 16
By Menece

In a magical forest, on a bright glade, there stood a big stone building. It was the home of a lot of special people. Dark Dark was one of them. As a young adult, he was human-like but had magical powers.

Dark Dark was standing outside, not far from the big stone gate and the rocks, where people sat down to talk. No one else was here but him. It was before noon, about ten. As always, Dark Dark ate breakfast at nine, an hour ago. Here outside, he wanted to to get some fresh air and sort his thoughts.

His heart beated quickly and his hands were shaky. Tomorrow afternoon he will meet his new fighting partner. The previous year he trained with his younger sister Phoenix. Soon it will be time to switch partners. He will miss training with Phoenix. The news board on the wall near the kitchen, will show who will be his new fighting partner.

Sighing Dark Dark's black eyes looked into the distance, trying to let go of his concerns. It will be okay. No need to worry. He will hold on.

Watching the wind pulling on the leaves of the trees at the edge of the glade, he ran a hand through his black hair. Thinking about the last year when training with Phoenix, a heavy feeling formed in his chest. They were nearly evenly matched. However, Dark Dark, as the older brother, had to be stronger than Phoenix, to be able to protect her, when there was danger. Mostly he really was stronger and could beat her. He out-smarted her, or was faster than her. Unfortnuately it didn't always work. Sometimes he made a mistake, or missed. He knew, he couldn't always win. Dark Dark wasn't a sore loser. He was happy for Phoenix, when she won. Gladly he could be proud of her. She was so confident. He just wished he could be like that too sometimes.

Slowly Dark Dark looked away from the trees and went back inside the building. In the hallway, he saw his best friend Menace. She was tall and slim, with long wavy purple hair. With her 21 years, she worked as an artist, painting canvas and organsing exhibitions in the gallery. Filming her artworks, comminting on them and put the videos online then.

Menace smiled at him and said: "Hey, how are you? Are you excited about getting a new fighting partner already?"

"I wouldn't say excited... I'm rather...", Dark Dark searched for the right words to describe his feelings.

"... Scared?", she suggested unsure. Menace would be worried, if he actually said, that he was scared about it.

Dark Dark sighed quietly but hurried to say: "I wouldn't call it scared... It's more of... I'm nervous. I'm nervous about it. Not in a positive way... But also not really in a negative way either. I'm just... thoughtful."

Understandingly Menace nodded. She felt that he didn't know who to expect. It won't be his sister Phoenix or her, his best friend, because he was with Phoenix last year and with Menace two years ago. They never had the same partner in a five year period.
So, he won't get any of them for this year. It will be someone new, someone he never trained with before probably. New things like that could be scary but also exciting. He just had to be open for it.

"Anyway... I'm very excited!", she called and jumped up and down. Her purple hair was flying around.

Dark Dark shook his head.
She was so goofy and happy to try new things and meet new people.

He admired how she could always be so positive and joyfull about most things. Sometimes he wished he could be more like her too. However he wasn't. Dark Dark was mostly thoughtful and calm. Menace seemed so excited and motivated. It was a real talent of her to inspire people that way.

Dark Dark said good bye to Menace and made his way to his room. While going upstairs, he thought about his best friend and about his new fighting partner he will get tomorrow.

Who could be his new partner? If it won't be Phoenix or Menace, would it be someone else he was friends with? Or someone he hardly knew?

He hoped he will get along with whoever it will be and have a good time.

When Dark Dark arrived on the second floor, he took the right hallway to his room. It was opposite of the library. As he entered his room, he sat at the chair near his desk. Taking out his notebook from a shelf under the desk, he began to write a few notes for a new song for his rock band. He worked on it till it was time for lunch. Next week, he will show it to his band members, when they meet up again in the studio.

Shortly before twelve o'clock, Dark Dark stood up to get to the kitchen. Today, they will have rice with vegetables and chicken. Most people liked that. It was healthy, varied and tasted good.

During the meal, Dark Dark only thought about fighting training. He looked at everyone sitting at the table. Some seemed neutral, others nervous, a few were excited. Nearly all the people had conversations. Menace spoke with Phoenix about her newest artwork. They both were looking forward to the next day.

Dark Dark viewed all the people again. Did they also thought about their training tomorrow? Was he the only one, who was so worried about it?

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