We, the Dreamers: A RWBY x Wa...

By After_Hours_Writer

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In the furthest depths of the void, a new solar system was discovered. A system of planets, unknown to any fo... More

Chapter One: I Mean You no Harm
Chapter Two: An Invitation
Chapter Three: The Ride There
Chapter Four: Meeting the Ice Queen
Chapter Five: Initiation Preparation
Chapter Six: Partners
Chapter Eight: New Roommates
Chapter Nine: The First Day
Chapter Ten: Sparring
Chapter Eleven: Lesson Learned
Chapter Twelve: Conspiracy
Chapter Thirteen: Revelation
Chapter Fourteen: Jaunedice
Chapter Fifteen: Jealousy
Chapter Sixteen: Forever Falls
Author's Note: Quite A Dilemma
Chapter Seventeen: Rememberence
Chapter Eighteen: Tending Wounds
Chapter Nineteen: The Stray
Chapter Twenty: Chaos
Chapter Twenty-One: The Beach
Chapter Twenty-Two: Board Games & Investigation
Chapter Twenty-Three: Quality Time
Chapter Twenty-Four: Distress Call
Chapter Twenty-Five: Intimacy
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Orokin's Ball
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tiny Kubrow
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Hunt
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Search and Destroy
Chapter Thirty: Vytal Festival
Chapter Thirty-One: A "Gift" From the Void
Chapter Thirty-Two: A Gruesome Finale
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Dreamer's Greatest Nightmare
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Inevitable
Volume II Preview: Defy our Destiny
Volume II / Chapter One: Natah
Volume II / Chapter Two: Prison Break
Volume II / Chapter Three: Coming Home
Volume II / Chapter Four: Reclamation of Vale
Volume II / Chapter Five: War on the Grineer
Volume II / Chapter Six: Patch
Volume II / Chapter Seven: Formalities
Volume II / Chapter Eight: Stolen Army
Volume II / Chapter Nine: Hostage
Volume II / Chapter Ten: Love United
Volume II / Chapter Eleven: The Calm Before The Storm
Volume II / Chapter Twelve: The Storm After The Calm

Chapter Seven: Stress

5.6K 72 237
By After_Hours_Writer

Emerald Forest...
3rd Person POV

Ryoma: Ooooooooh. What was that?

After the hard collision that had occured between Ruby and the Tenno, the latter began to stand up, a bit dazed by the sudden impact. As Ruby saw cute little Beowulves and stars, the Tenno saw goofy Clems and derpy Lotuses before coming back to his senses.

Ruby: Hey, Ryoma....

Ryoma: Did you just fall from the sky?

Blake: She did.

Yang: I...

Behind them, a young orange haired woman emerged from the trees towards the temple, riding on a much larger beast with joy.


As the beast's claws swiped wildly in front of it, the woman reacted by whacking it in the back with her hammer. Upon hitting it, the beast went limp as it was slained, bucking the young girl off of it. Landing on her feet, she began to inspect the creature's condition, speaking with a sad tone as her friend emerged from behind it.

Nora: Aww... it's broken.

Exhausted after chasing her, her friend responded as the others looked on in mass confusion.

Ryoma: Did she just-?

Ren: Nora! Please... don't ever do that again.

Ryoma: She did........ whaaaaaaaaa-?

Blake: Did she just ride in on an Ursa?

Ryoma: A what?

Yang: I-.

Weiss: How could you leave me!?

Ryoma: Hmm?

Up above them, Weiss was holding on to the talons of a giant black bird. The talons of which were the size of her own body.

Ryoma: What the-!?

Yang: You again!?

Ruby: I said "jump"!

Blake: She's gonna fall.

Ruby: She'll be fine.

The young girl's grip let go of the talon, causing her to flail as she began to fall.

Ren: She's falling.

Ryoma: !

As the Tenno took a running stance, preparing himself to catch her, someone else had done just that from the tree limbs above.

Ryoma: Huh?

Upon further inspection, that person was the familiar blonde haired boy Jaune Arc, holding her bridal style as, they floated in the air.

Jaune: Just... dropping in?

Ryoma: Oh.... I guess my assistance wasn't needed.

As the two looked down at the ground below them, they realized that like an old cartoon, gravity was about to butt in.

Weiss: Umm....

Jaune: Oh No.... OH NOOOOoooooo!


Jaune: Oomph!

Watching the two land on the ground, the Tenno couldn't help but cringe in horror as he noticed their position: With Jaune, ending up face first into the dirt, and Weiss, in a seated position on his spine.

Ryoma: That's gotta hurt.

I'm a mocking tone, Weiss spoke to her knight in shining armor.

Weiss: My hero...

Jaune: My back...

To the Tenno, out of seemingly nowhere, Yang Xiao Long's eyes began to turn red and her body began to emit a small burst of fire as she growled in rage before yelling at everyone.

Yang: GGGGRRRRRAAAAHH! I can't take it anymore!

Ryoma: (O_O)

Yang: Can everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?!

Ryoma: I... uh... y-y-yeah. I'll chill out... whatever it was I was doing.

For a brief moment, there was silence. Then the sound of gunfire ruined the moment as Pyrrha emerged from atop a small hill beside them, shooting and frantically running away from an unusually large black and white scorpion behind her.

Ruby: Yang?

Pyrrha: Jaune!

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Nora: Nora!

The scorpion stopped itself as it noticed the gathering of students in front of it, allowing Pyrrha to reach them without endangering everyone.

The Tenno began to assess the situation they were in: an unusually large scorpion stood in front of them, waiting. And an equally large bird circled around them from above.

Ryoma: The bird's too high up for my bow to reach it. As for the scorpion, that bone plating could be an issue. Hmm.... What to do...?

Yang: Great! The gang's all here! Now we can all die together!

Ryoma: I'm sorry?

Ruby began to take a combative stance, holding her scythe in preparation for a horizontal swing.

Ruby: Not if I have something to say about it.


Yang: Ruby-!

Before anyone could utter a word, the young girl made a battle cry and charged towards the scorpion. In essence, pulling a Leroy Jenkins.

Yang & Ryoma: Wait!

While screaming, Ruby fired a few rounds of the weapon's built in sniper rifle at the ground behind her, building up speed and using it as momentum to reach the beast. When the two meet, the colossal scorpion swatted the young girl away from it with its large claws, knocking her to the ground.

Ryoma: Miss Rose, you-!

Ruby: D-Do-Don't worry! Totally fine!

As she stood back up, she began firing at the scorpion's skull, cracking it a bit as they ricochet off. This angered the beast as it chased her down with extreme aggression.

Ryoma: It's not working!

As Ruby ran back towards the group, the bird above began to fire sharpened feathers down on her, catching only her cape. Pinned to the ground, Ruby's own cape pulled her to the ground, keeping her there as her own sister yelled out to her.

Yang: Ruby! Get out of there!

Ruby: I'm trying!


Ryoma: Alita! Archwing!

Cephalon Alita: It'll be a minute, -since the planet's new-.

Ryoma: You're kidding!?

The scorpion approached the young girl and raised its stinger, prompting the stressed out Tenno to sprint towards her.

Yang: Ruby!

Ruby: Oh boy....

Drawing out the sentient nodachi, the Tenno slid across the grass and swung the air in front of him, releasing several red orbs of radioactive light out from within the sword to home in on the beast.

Ryoma: Kanojo kara hanarete...[Stay away from her...]

As the orbs went around a scared Ruby, and collided with the scorpion, the Tenno vaulted over her. Stunned and confused, the scorpion began to look upward at its attacker, only to see metallic gold and a long blade coming down through its stinger like a guillotine.

Ryoma: Monsutā!
[You monster!]


Deathstalker: *SCREEEEEEEEECH!*

The Tenno had landed in between Ruby Rose and the deathstalker, beside the creature's dismembered stinger. As the creature screeched in vain from its missing stinger, the group began to notice something different with the Tenno. The little bit of gold that was aligned on his armor had begun to rapidly spread, forming a metallic skin of ferrite steel. Sparks of red lightning began to emanate from all around his feet and his sword.

Ruby: Ooooh....

Weiss: What the-?

Blake: "Nothing special", huh?

Pyrrha: Is that his semblance?

Ryoma: Ima, anata wa itte okotte imashita!
[Now you've gone and pissed me off!]

Everyone: ?

Ruby: Uhh....what?

As the scorpion charged towards the Tenno in a fit of rage, so to did he. Lowering his shoulders, the Tenno pushed through the creature's claws with ease and collided into its skull, breaking away at the cracks from before as it was knocked back a few feet. With a bit of distance in between them, the Tenno twirled the nodachi with his hand before taking aim at the cracks, screaming as he charged with the intent to kill.


Like a madman, the Tenno charged forth once more. Using the tip of the blade like a spear, he drove Tatsu through the scorpion's skull into its flesh, stopping it altogether as it goes limp.

Ryoma: Give me the Archwing, NOW!

Cephalon Alita: Any second now,-You impatient boy.-.

As the Tenno pulls out the blade from its skull, breathing heavily while doing so, Ruby had finally found the feathers that had held her down and pulled them out.

Yang: Ruby!

As she stood up, her sister ran to her to deliver a bone crushing hug.

Yang: I'm so glad you're okay!

Ruby: Yang... you're... crushing me again.

As she let go, Jaune spoke up about the Nevermore that was circling around them.

Jaune: Guys? That thing's circling back! What are we gonna do?

Weiss: Look, there's no sense in dilly-dallying. Our objective is right in front of us.

She began to stare at the relics behind them.

Ruby: She's right. Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the Cliffs.

She nodded at Weiss as a faint gold trail began to rapidly descend from the sky.

Ruby: There's no point in fighting it.

Jaune: Run and live. That's an idea I can get behind!

Ryoma: Mada oete imasen...
[I'm not done, yet.]

As they turned around to grab their relics, the faint gold trail of light began to brighten as it curved. With a deafening whirl, the Archwing segment passed over the group from above.

Nora: My ears!

Pyrrha: Hmm?

As they heard it pass by, they turned around to see the golden trail rocketing towards the Tenno.

Ruby: Ryo-!

As the Tenno and the segment collided, the Tenno twisted his body around to ensure a proper attachment to the Warframe's spinal cord. As it did just that, with a small clicking sound, the segment dispersed back up in a parabola shape, leaving only the Tenno hovering over the ground with an Itzal Archwing.


Yang: Now that's pretty damn awesome.

Weiss: Where exactly did he find that kind of equipment!? Only Atlas would possibly have such-.

Their thoughts and glamor over the Archwing were put to rest as several sharpened feathers passed by them, hitting the grass below.

Jaune: Run!

As they did just that, the Tenno launched himself from his position with the familiar thunderous boom. The only one to recognize such noise: Miss Schnee.

Weiss: That noise....

She looked up while running, seeing a gold trail of light fly around the Nevermore.

Weiss: It was you!

Weiss: That lil-!

Another feather misses her head, only cutting a few strands of her lonhlg white hair.

Weiss: Ah! Stupid bird.

Meanwhile, above them, the Tenno flew all around the massive Nevermore, simultaneously studying it and firing arrows at it. As he did that, he began to realize that although the arrows had punched through its flesh, it had no actual effect on the bird; Other than of course passing it off and distracting it as the group below made their way towards the bridge that lied below the cliffs. Shooting it with his basic arrows was like bringing a cupboard dish to a gunfight.

Ryoma: Damn! This bird's thick! Should've upgraded Cernos more.

Looking down below him, the Tenno noticed everyone taking stances over a bridge, anticipating something.

Ryoma: What are they-?

Distracted by the people below, the Tenno was caught by the Nevermore's beak. As only his head and feet stood out, he began to reach for Pyrana Prime as the bird started to crush his Warframe while flying down towards the group.


Ryoma: Watashi wa kyō koko de shinu koto wanai, gaichū yo!
[I will not die here today, vermin!]

Gripping Pyrana Prime, the Tenno reached outward and aimed the shotgun pistol right at one of its red eyes. Pulling the trigger, the weapon began to rapidly launch fragments of bullets like buckshot, destroying the creature's eye and everything around it. Kawing in response, the Nevermore let go of the Tenno, letting him fall towards the ground with his Archwing shattered to pieces.

Ryoma: Damn! Itzal's in pieces.

Cephalon Alita: -Greeeeat.-An unfortunate setback, Operator.

As he was falling towards the ground, a trail of rose pedals flew by him towards the Nevermore, causing great confusion to the Tenno as he landed on his feet. Looking up towards it, the trail itself had faded, showing only a Rose entangled around the neck of the beast. And with a single bullet...



....decapitation. Then silence...

Ryoma: ...Ruby?

Landing on her feet, the young girl looked down at everyone below the cliffside, giving a thumbs up and a smile as she yelled.

Ruby: We did it!

Jaune: Whoo!

Yang: Ye-eah!

Nora: We crushed it!

Ryoma: Yeah. We sure did, didn't we?

And with that, it brought the end of Beacon Academy's initiation.

This chapter was brought to you by an alcoholic beverage.

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