Violetine: One shots

By theloosexannon

96.6K 1.8K 1K

Adorable one shots of this adorable twdg ship. • • • ‼️MATURE FOR TRIGGER WARNINGS‼️ •suicidal thoughts/acti... More

Plot Twist
New Girl
News flash (not an update)
Christmas sleepover
Internet friends
News flash (not an update)
Please say yes
Violentines Day
Need You Now
8 years
Plz read
Final show
My sons Baseball game
Team effort
You're gonna be okay
The car
Plz read... (not an update)
Plz read (not an update)
Bed rest
Eggroll day


1.9K 52 30
By theloosexannon

Happy Easter, here's something to lighten the mood and make up for my shitty last one shot that I might delete

They are all older in this. Clem: 23
Violet: 24
Brody: 22
Marlon: 24
Minnie: 24
Sophie: 24
AJ: 8
Tenn: 10
Willy: 12

"y'all remember how we used to hunt eggs when we were little? When we did it at night with flashlight helmets on? Or when we would do it blindfolded and the eggs had beepers on them?" Louis asked cheerfully and utterly out of nowhere while they watched AJ, Tenn, and Willy look for eggs in the back yard.

The question made everyone turn their attention to Louis, waiting on the point of the conversation.

"we were AJs age. we've known each other for that long. That's crazy." Louis finished. Clementine looked over to her girlfriend standing next to her in the sun while Louis, Marlon, and Minerva were under the shade sitting around a back yard table. Brody and Sophie were out helping the kids find eggs. Lee and Carley were inside making dinner.

Violet was smiling while watching Tenn charge for every colorful egg that caught his eye as Minnie pointed to the ones he missed. Vi eventually noticed Clementine staring.

"what?" She blushed and laughed.

"I never see you smile like that unless you're around the boys.. I like it." Clem said and took her hand.

"I smile at you all the time."

"yeah but... A guardians love is different from a lovers love. You look after that boy like there's nothing else in the world, and he's not even yours." Clem pointed out.

"I love that kid to death, like you love AJ. I don't know what I would do if I lost him. That's why I keep such a good eye on him and make sure he's around me at all times whenever we're out together." She said with her eyes not leaving the young boy.

"you'd be an amazing mother. You know that?"

And that drew her attention off of Tenn and into her girlfriends sparkling amber eyes in the sunlight and almost making her forget what she was going to say.

"uhh, maybe one day... I've always wanted kids, but like I said, I'd be afraid to lose them." she looked down at the concrete beneath her feet and Clem looked at her with sad eyes.

It grew quiet for a few moments before Tenn came running up to us followed by AJ.

"ViVi! Look! Look how many eggs I have!" he said, showing her his bucket full of blue, red, pink, orange, and purple eggs.

"wow dude! That's a lot! Did you find them all?" Violet asked, getting down to his level and smiled.

The sight of the two made Clementine's heart melt. Violet really would be an amazing mother.

"hey there goofball. How many did you get?" The little boy held his bucket up to her in excitement and it was full! "wow buddy that's a lot!"

"Let's count them and see if there's anymore because we- er, um. The Easter bunny told me he hid 71 eggs out here!" Sophie said, coming back from the yard.

"wow!" AJ said. "that's a lot!"

"come here buddy, I'll help you count them." Clementine said before sitting at the table with the young boy and began counting.

AJ had 29, Tenn had 22, and willy had 20. They got them all.

"alright, dinner time! Then we can open the Easter baskets for you kids." Brody said.

"wait! We still have to find our golden ones!"AJ pointed out.

"oh yeah, cant forget those." Clementine said.

Every person has a golden egg. Violet puts stuff in Tenns, Clem puts stuff in AJs, Clem Puts stuff in Violets, vice versa. Louis fills Marlons and he does the same, Minnie and Sophie do each others and Brody and Willy dont have one because they don't  care. Then Lee and Carley hide them so we can't cheat and tell them how close they are.

The stuff in the golden egg is always amazing! It's like a Christmas present you've been waiting to open forever.

"three! Two! One! GO HUNT!" Louis yelled at the kids. Then everyone spread out to find them. Vi and Clem stayed together.

"what did you put in Tenn's?" Clem asked looking all around trees and cinder blocks by the fences.

"a $10 and new colored pencils and a few disco broccoli books"

The kids eggs were HUGE (also hard to hide). So they could fit a lot in there. The teens eggs were a lot smaller.

"what did you put in AJs?"

"some Nike shoes he's been begging for, and I'm pretty sure Louis snuck Air pods in his egg." Clem laughed.

"oh yay, and eight year old handling air pods. Smart." Violet laughed.

"I found mine!" Minnie yelled from the grill, it was under the hood of it.

"me too!" Louis yelled.

"there's mine!" Violet yelled running into the shed, finding it on a high shelf blending in with yellow Hedge clippers.

Clementine grew nervous remembering what she put in hers.

"I'll help you find yours." Violet said, snapping Clem out of her thoughts.

They looked and looked and looked and finally found it in a baseball glove in the pool house.

Once everyone found there's it was finally time to go inside and open them all. Starting with the kids little eggs then everyone's golden ones.

AJ needed three zip lock bags to hold all the candy and money he had! That kid is gonna be awake all night. Clem snapped pics with her camera, or at least tried to when AJ stood still for about three seconds.

"okay! Time for the Golden ones!" Louis said, holding his small softball sized egg and the kids picked up their basketball sized eggs.

AJ tore his open too fast for Clem to get a picture and she just laughed at him. Tenn opened his and smiled brightly at the books and other stuff. AJ held up a small white box and just yelled.

"AIR PODS!!!" The whole room laughed and snapped pictures.

Minnie and Sophie opened their eggs and thanked each other for the stuff. Then Marlon and Louis. Then it came down to Clementine and Violet.

"I'll go first." Clem said and opened her egg, finding a new portable camera. And it looked expensive! "Holy shit!"

"you're always complaining about lugging your big camera around and that it's too heavy soo I just figured." Violet said and smiled happily at her girlfriends face.

"this is amazing! Thank you so much, babe!" Clem yelled, checking out the quality.

"okay, my turn." Violet said, eager to open hers.

"okay wait. This one's big. Take a deep breath before you open it." Clementine informed, leaving Violet confused, looking at the other kids faces, they clearly knew what was in it.

She opened it to reveal a small black box and a note.

"read the note before you open the box."Clem said shaking. Violet picked up the note from the egg and opened it, Clementine grew more nervous and sweaty every second.

"dear Violet,
You have tolerated me and my clingyness for nearly 6 years now. We met and started as friends, and in as scared to get closer. Even when I knew you liked me back, I was still worried. But I'm so glad now that I took that chance all those years ago at midnight on New year's. I jumped into a new year with you and every year since that night have been the best years of my life, and I'd like to feel this way for the rest of my life. Us together and happy.
Violet, will you-" she froze and looked up. Clementine took the box from the egg, got on one knee,  and opened it, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. And she had a nervous look on her face, but a smile of hope.

"Violet, will you marry me?" she finished her sentence for her. Violet had her mouth hung open and eyes filled with tears as she stood up from the floor. There was a moment of silence before Violet let out a sob and nodded her head yes. Clementines smile grew and she stood up and hugged her really tightly and let Violet cry out happy tears into her shoulder. Listening to the whoops and claps around them. Eventually bigger arms wrapped around both of them, Louis, then Marlon, then Brody, even Minnie, Sophie, and the kids joined in the hug.

"congrats to my favorite gay couple!" Louis yelled and broke away from the hug. Clementine was now crying happy tears as Violet wiped hers away. Louis picked up Clem's new camera and turned it on. "First picture on here! Make it special!"

Clementine faced violet as the both held the ring up and their lips touched. The camera focused on the ring in front of them and the girls kissing was kinda blurred but they thought it looked cool.

Best Easter ever.

1516 words
Happy easter everyone!
I hope this makes up for my last crappy one shot.

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