丅ᕼᗴ ᒪ ᔕɊᑌᗩᗪ - L x OC -

By Mwua05

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Prepare for *TASK FORCE SHOCK HORROR* as Lola sweeps L off his feet, adopts Near and Mello, and skillfully di... More

strange unknown places.
life gets 99.9% better.
crazy fan-girls.
Lola's travels and adventures.
L's successors bond.
L's problems.
Sane children.
I am forcefully removed from my home.
It's... Christmas!
Mild distractions.
Fleas on a sugar rush.
Shocked and horrified.
Choking and spluttering.
One big happy family...
Waffles and pineapple juice on the balcony.
84.7% clueless.
Mango is feeling very emotional.
Yes, the origami chickens have returned.
Personal space.
Traumatised for life.
I want chocolate.
Friends don't hit each other with chocolate bars.
Godly hugs.
A feisty little inconvenience.
Stop peer-pressuring my boyfriend.
L is mine.
No one punches L in the face.
A massive sleepover...
I'll give you this strawberry if you keep it a secret...
I am beautiful!
Childish behaviour and inevitable death.
'One punch' him to the moon.
Light's godly face is purple.
Naomi Misora
I don't even have a title hehehehehe
The 5th of November.
The Key is magical and I do naughty things.
L tries to chuck me out the window.
I have a Watermelone.
L fails at being serious.
My eardrums are blown to smithereens.
Mello is a dodgy kid.
Light disrespects my human life.
I kill the people.
Mello is emotional.
Three tiny Ls.
Light is a name stealer.
Kind parenting.
They are good at looking.
L hasn't showered in 300 years.
Preparations for the dodgy meeting...
Takada sort of dies?
deus ex machina

Watari is a savage old man.

611 18 12
By Mwua05

We watch in silent anticipation as Higuchi sifts through a drawer of files, eventually picking out the one that concerns Matsuda.

"We're in position, we'll move on your command..." Mogi whispers over the radio.

Higuchi takes a leather notebook from his back and slowly - as if enjoying every curve of the letters - writes Matsuda's other alias, grinning horribly as he does so.

What a PRUNE.

Light slams his hand on the desk as Higuchi leaves. "He's not doing it!" he cries. "He just made a note of his name before leaving, so... he's not gonna kill him here?"

L's face drops in disappointment.

I haven't told him exactly how Kira's power works...

So he must have been looking forward to this, only to be disappointed.

Or so he thinks...

Maybe I can get him to arrest Higuchi now and we'll seize the notebook.

"Well..." I begin improvising as I speak, "we're wondering how he kills right?" I glance at L who looks at me hopefully, wondering if I'm finally going to reveal Kira's secret. "He wrote his name. That's it, and from that we can assume, considering he's no longer in a hurry..."

"That was it?" L mutters in disbelief. "It can't be... a notebook?" I can tell his mind is whirring, thinking at a level I can never dream of being capable of cause I'm so stupid.

Light groans. "What's going on!"

"Ryuzaki, do you want us to apprehend him?" Mogi asks in a hushed voice as Higuchi strides past his hiding place.

"Negative," L replies moodily "We're still, not sure, how he kills..." he says slowly.


L, take the hint!

"You should have arrested him," I say, actually irritated with him for once.

L scowls at me, but his expression shifts to that of guilt after a moment.

He's probably remembering our conversation earlier about what I say goes, no matter what.

His future is in my hands, the least he could have done was made it easier for me to save him!

I swallow the lump in my throat.

I just hope we won't end up paying the price for such an avoidable slip-up.

I sigh and shake my head. "It doesn't matter, just... do your thing," I say stiffly.

"Freya..." L groans. "Don't be like that!"

Don't be like what?

There's a lot going on right now, a lot of potential deaths and ways that this situation could turn out to be my absolute worst nightmare.

I want my happily ever after already!

Is that too much to ask?

I will cry.

"I'm sorry!" I say impatiently, folding my arms. "I'm just really stressed out right now."

And the last thing I want is to argue with L, you know, since these scraps of days are all I might see of him forever, or at least for a long time.

L sighs and makes his way over to me.

I huff and let my watery gaze fall to the ground.

He brings our foreheads together and gazes into my eyes. "Calm down," he hushes.


I close my eyes sadly and say nothing.

"Pleeeease?" L pleads.

I can feel him tilt his head.

"You shouldn't worry about me," I breathe out, suddenly feeling adamant that he should return his attention to what's going on.

"Why, shouldn't I worry about you?" L persists stubbornly.

"Because there are other things going on right now that are more important..." I open my eyes to him smiling.

"I think it's fine... Light can handle it," L decides immediately. "Right, Light?" he calls over.

"Um, sure Ryuzaki..." Light mutters over his intense surveillance of Higuchi driving and talking to 'himself'.

My eyes betray my relief, and I breathe slowly into L's shirt as I hug him tightly. "Just what would I do without you..." I murmur to myself.

"Terrible things..." says L, faking extreme concern, "but in all honesty, I'll be worse of without you."

"You have Watari," I proclaim.

"I can't kiss Watari."

"You could!"

"No thanks."

"But... aren't I annoying?"

"Oh, you're very annoying," L agrees with a roll of his eyes, "but I love everything about you, even if you drive me to insanity with your annoyingness."

"Oh... ok, but your already mental," I jibe.

"I take it that's not a problem?"

"No, you could be as insane as Mello and I'd still love you," I admit with a smirk.

"That... is extremely unnerving," L remarks, "but thank you nonetheless." He kisses my forehead.

We cuddle for a few short minutes before I breathe out and declare; "Let's catch Kira."


"So?" We both make our way over to Light.

"This is bad, he made some sort of 'deal' with the 'Rem' person and now seems only to require a face to kill someone!" Light says, visibly in a panic.

A bead of sweat rolls down his forehead.

L's eyes widen, and in an instant, he's fully engaged. "Are there any other details you picked up Light?"

"He put his hand in his bag, and approximately half a second later the traffic cop that pulled him over was dead, it's possible that-"

L interjects, "Everyone!" he yells, contacting all of our units at once. "It's too dangerous to allow further action by Higuchi, let's bring him in! I believe he has the same powers as the second Kira, he is able to kill, just by looking at someone's face. Please keep this in mind when you move in to arrest him."

"Nice work," I compliment, smiling faintly as I placed a hand on L's shoulder, "that barely took you a moment and you were in control of the situation again."

"Well, I am L, after all."

"Watari," he addressees, barely a second later, "connect me to the director of the NPA."

L speaks once the call is live, "This is L, we are now aware of Kira's true identity. He is now heading from Hibiya to Shibuya along highway route one, in a red sports car," he briefs. "Our group will be handling the arrest. In the meantime ensure that no police officers approach this car."

"Uh... alright."

"Dad," Light begins to instruct his father, "during the next commercial take measure seven."


What's measure seven?

It sounds dodgy!

"Understood," Mr Yagami says firmly.

"So then... Freya, Light, let's say we go and join the fun as well," L says nonchalantly.

"Yeah." Light nods.

"LET'S GO!" I cheer, jumping up and down in exCitEmeNt.

L stands on his chair before hopping down.


He uses handcuffs to tie Misa to a chair.

"Sorry Misa, but I'm going to have to make sure you're restrained for a while," he says casually.

"Don't you think you're overdoing it?" I raise an eyebrow at Misa, cocooned in the long winding chain that once bound Light and L like a caterpillar, stuck sitting on a chair.

L waves as we leave. "If we don't come back someone will come free you within the next twenty-four hours," he tells her in monotone.

"WHAAAT?! LET ME OUT!!!" Misa screeches.



I demand to sit in the front seat.

For numerous reasons.

Mostly the fact that if I don't Light could get his hands on the notebook.

But I also really want to!

"I didn't know you could fly a helicopter, that's incredible!" Light comments from the back beside Watari as we ascend noisily into the night sky.

The cars and buildings below are as miniature as Near's toys.

"Well, you can figure it out with intuition," says L.

I press my face up close to the window and gape at the glowing city below us.


I don't think I've ever seen such a beautiful sight.

Apart from L.

I really have been missing a lot of wonderful things trapped in headquarters all day.

I need to do some more exploring...

"Hey look," I point out on the sat nav or whatever. "Higuchi isn't going to Sakura TV!"

L glances at it for a brief period of time. "Based on his route I'd say he's going to the Yotsuba main office," he deduces.

"RIGHT!" I exclaim. "So... he wants to find some footage of Matsuda."

L nods. "Come in, Weddy," he speaks over the radio.


"Did you remove absolutely everything relating to Matsuda at the Yotsuba headquarters?" he checks.

"Yeah, why, is he headed there now?" she asks, taking L's lack of response as he pilots the helicopter as confirmation. "Isn't that convenient," she mutters, "that gives me more than enough time to meet up with Mr Yagami and set up the ambush."

"Yes, Wedy, we'll see you soon, good luck!" I say, before ending the call.

"Right, so where to?" I ask L, looking outside to try and spot Higuchi's car.

Hey, there it is.

Outside Yotsuba.

"YO, L, HIGUCHI IS GETTING IN HIS CAR, HE'S LEAVING!" I fill L in as best I can, before quickly contacting Mr Yagami. "Hi, Imagay, Higuchi man is leaving Yotsuba place, get ready to ambush him in less than 15 minutes, are you READY?"

"Thank you Freya," Mr Yagami replies with a chuckle, "of course I'm ready."

My lip curls. "Right, good luck to you lot!" I click to end the call and wipe the imaginary drops of sweat from my forehead with a sigh of exhaustion.


This sure is a lot of action.

L flies us above the Sakura TV building, we circle it as we listened in on the radio.

"How are you feeling?" I ask the group.

"To be honest," Light says first, "I can't wait."

"Yes, I'm also eager to take Higuchi into custody, then maybe we'll finally find out how Kira's power works," L agrees, launching into a friendly discussion with Light as we await the pending confrontation.

I sure hope this is how things will be after we catch Higuchi.

Light isn't a bad person, Kira is.

You can't blame me for thinking like that.

Because it's true.

Admit it, you liked Light before you realised just how immoral and insane he became.

I smile wistfully as I survey the ground below.

All of a sudden, I spot Mogi and Aiber sprinting into the building with helmets to cover their faces.

"There are Mogi and Aiber," I point out.

We circle the tower once more before an urgent call reaches us from Mogi, "L, Higuchi's got a gun and the chief's been shot," he informs us, "Higuchi's escaping!"

Light gasps and leans forwards, "Dad!" he says in distress.

"I'm alright..." The gruff voice of Mr Yagami comes through, "I'm sorry Ryuzaki, but if we pursue him right now we can still catch him!"

Light lets out a breath of relief, and soon becomes fiercely engaged in the pursuit. "This is bad, he's managed to escape from Sakura TV!"

L keeps us steady as we chase the car.

I'm beginning to wonder how he's so good at flying...

L says it's time to apprehend Higuchi.

"Watari are you ready?" L asks calmly.

"Yes," Watari replies in a posh accent as he practically hangs out the door with a sniper and goggles.

"WoW. Watari, you're actually unbelievable, you know that?" I shake my head in disbelief.

He is so cool.

No wonder the guy gave up on running an orphanage and being an inventor for this!

Living life on the edge!

Pun intended.

I just hope he doesn't fall out the helicopter.

"Here," L tosses me a gun, not even bothering to ask my opinion on having one in my possession, "you should have this for self-defence."

"Oh... cool." I inspect the gun and grin, holding it up dangerously.

"Be careful!" L hisses.

"You're the one that gave it to me!" I glare, a little moody that he doesn't trust with this deadly weapon.

L rolls his eyes. "Yes, but you have a habit of being very unsafe."

"What? Me unsafe?" I murmur in shock and amusement. "Who would have known..."

Suddenly I spot dozens of police cars up ahead, blocking the rood as Higuchi skids to an abrupt halt.

I whistle, "Heh, that settles that!" and spin the gun on my finger.

"Be careful!"

"What's going on," Watari interjects, "I thought we told the police not to get involved."

"Looks like they ignored us, wasn't that kind of them?" I say absentmindedly, peering outside at the scene.

"No, the only one who would do this is..." Light begins.

"O MA GAWSH IT'S AIZAWA! MY BFF! Actually, I hate him but whatever..." I fake cry.

L lowers the helicopter until we hover just above the road, directly in front of Higuchi's vehicle which remains at a standstill.

He's completely surrounded by police cars on one side, and the members of the task force on the other.

Suddenly he revs up his engine and speeds directly towards the gap underneath the helicopter.


L face palms.

"Stop. Right. There," Watari states confidently, before firing a bullet that somehow manages to pOp Higuchi's tyre and send him careering off course.

He sMashes into a wall.

I gasp. "Watari... you SAVAGE old man."

Light, with some obvious difficulty, stifles his laughter and focuses on the officers approaching the car wreck.

Like a ship wreck.

Except a car.

And not in the sea.

Higuchi holds a gun to his head, swearing that he'll shoot in a final desperate attempt to evade capture.

Watari silently shoots another bullet, it bounces cleanly off the metal of the gun and knocks it clean out of Higuchi's hand and onto the road from his smashed window.

L lands the helicopter, staring at the scene with a blank expression.

"It's over..." Light murmurs.

I flop on top of L. "I'm SHOOKETH," I say miserably. "I'm suffering. I need a sandwich."

"Yes, it's over," L says simply as he supports my weight.


Oh, it's not over yet, honey.

This chapter was dedicated to MwuasBuddy for her friendship and devotion to this story.

She also really likes Watari.


- Mwua

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