5SOS Preferences & Imagines

By punkbandit

131K 1.2K 176

Preferences on the one and only 5 Seconds of summer! Writing about Luke, Ashton, Calum and Michael! (Been wr... More

#1 - How you meet
#2 - Sweet texts he sends you
#3 - Tweets from his friends
#4 - First Date
#5 - you stay the night (part 1)
#5 - You stay the night (part 2)
#6 - waking up
#7 - how he describes you
#8 - twitter trends for your birthday
#9 - he asks you to his girlfriend
#10 - He gets in a fight infront of you
#11 - sitting on his lap...
#12 - wearing his clothes
#13 - Interuptions
#14 - You go on tour with him
#15 - Late night talks
#16 - He picks you up/surprises you at school
#17 - your secret tattoo
#18 - how he kisses
#19 - the other boys see your marks
#20 - your contact on his phone
#21 - Turn ons
#22 - song that describes your break up
Im sorry
#22 - song that describes your break up (re-published)
#23 - thoughts on tour
#24 - talking about other guys
#25 - Packing
#26 - Unexpected Happenings during Hide and Seek
#27 - Piercings
#28 - You're in a keek
#29 - Detention buddies
#30 - One of the boys walk in on a cute moment
#31 - you find out your pregnant
#32 - 7 minuets in heaven
#33 - undress
#34 - You try to surprise him on tour but he is cheating
#35 - cold fingers
#36 - You try and surprise him on tour but he is cheating (Part 2)
#37 - He Doesn't Like Your Boyfriend
#38 - he sneaks a picture
#39 - Neck kisses
#40 - request (lukesbutcheeks)
#41 - You see him cry
#42 - Silent Treatment
#43 - How you spend a day off by yourselves at home
#44 - 'Every night I almost call you'
#45 - Late Night Shenanigans
#46 - ''You Are Not My Dad''
#47 - fights
#48 - fateful meetings
#49 - "Baby"
#50 - You're Insecure About Being Too Big
#51 - "your not my dad" (part 2)
#52 - request two (daisy_g11)
#53 - kisses
#54 - your voice is deep
#55 - you visit his family and you get stick
#56 - He Crashes your Slumber Party
#58 - Previously in an Abusive Relationship and He Scares You While Fighting.
#59 - how he turns you on
5sos fam
#60 - Jealousy
#61 - How He Handles You Being Insecure
#62 - "he's a bad influence"
#63 - at/before his concert
#64 - pick up lines
#65 - your child/children find something of yours
#66 - the boys dont like his girlfriend
#67 - Wrapped around your finger
#68 - first kiss
#69 - Good Girls (dirty)
#70 - Request three (limisshemmo1996)
#71 - request four (xHood1996x)
#72 - The kind of ghost he would be
#73 - Forgetting your anniversary
#74 - The morning after
#75 - Baby bumps
#76 - He gets embarrassed
#77 - What turns him on (no. 2)
#78 - request five (_HauntedClifford_)
#79 - baths/showers
#80 - Early Mornings
#81 - Feelings
#82 - He's Your Brother and Another Guy Likes You
#83 - Friends with Benefits
Im on camp
#84 - lip tattoo
#85 - the peircing he makes you get
#86 - the tattoo he helps you choose out
#87 - casual days together
#88 - cute moments
things i like about 5sos
#89 - You Accidentally Discover His Turn On
#90 - You and the boys have a sleepover.
#91 - hot and bothered
#92 - How He Would Help You Study
#93 - The Other Boys Make Fun of You On Twitter
#94 - Stop
#95 - Snuff - Slipknot (Song preference)
#96 - Holding/Talking To The Baby For The First Time :-)
#97 - Camp
#98 - the perfect girl
#99 - Marked
#100 - Your child swears
#101 - fuck (calum imagine)
Facts about me
#102 - Apartments
#103 - Things you do that annoy him
#104 - festival madness (Michael imagine)
#105 - Steeling the sheets at night
#106 - You Fall Asleep on Another Boy and They Get Jealous
#107 - Help Me (Luke Imagine)
#108 - Nightmare (ashton imagine)
#109 - Highschool lovers
#110 - his favorite place to leave hickies
#111 - His nickname for you
#112 - Tears
#113 - When He Knew He Loved You
Books :)
a/n; hey you
#114 - meeting your favourite band/artist
#114 - song for when you have sex
facts about me! (tagged)
why hello

#57 - The boys find out about your secret relationship

1.8K 8 0
By punkbandit


You smiled to yourself as you read the latest text message from your boyfriend, Michael. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever met." Ten simple words and your whole day had been changed, putting you into a better mood and just generally feeling happy about where you were in life. Michael has been on tour for the last three months and was due home tomorrow. You knew that these months had been challenging but you knew that he was living his dream, being able to travel the world with his best mates. "Babe, I cannot wait to see you again, hold you, kiss you." You felt butterflies in your stomach when you thought about Mikey coming home, it was almost as though you were nervous but you knew it was in an excitable way. You went through the rest of the day with a smile plastered on your face, one more night's sleep and then you would be reunited. Less than that really, Michael's flight landed at 3am and you were planning on going out to meet him. The only problem was that you and Michael had a secret relationship that no one, not even the boys knew about, and having Mikey on tour had made it very difficult. You were friends with all of the boys it was just that you didn't want any body making a big deal out of the relationship, you both had just wanted it to be about the two of you. At around ten to three you were outside the gate waiting for Mikey to land and after around thirty minutes of waiting you saw him emerge, his bright hair standing out in the crowd. He caught your eye and grinned which you automatically mirrored. You looked at the other three and pulled your hood down further, not wishing to be seen. You watched as Michael carefully slipped away from the others and made his way towards you. You backed further out of view from the boys and then Michael was by your side. "Y/N" Is all he could get out before pulling you into his chest. "Oh my god I missed you so much, you don't know." You giggled slightly, before coughing as you were slightly chocked by your tears "Oh believe me I know Mikey, I missed you so much." He cupped your chin with his hands before attacking your face with kisses but avoiding your lips. He looked down into your eyes. You instantly felt drawn to him and moved closer before he connected your lips. This was the first time you had kissed him in three months, oh how you had missed it. "Michael?" You heard Ashton's voice and you parted yourself from Michael. "Y/N?" Luke asked in shock. "What the fuck is going on?" You lowered your head not wanting to make eye contact. Michael intertwined his fingers with yours before speaking. "I'm just saying hi to Y/N, I haven't seen her for three months." He explained. "Right, well I haven't seen Y/N since we left for tour does that mean I get to greet her by sticking my tongue down her throat?" Calum questioned "No, it's not like you think, you see..." Michael paused "We've been seeing each other for five months, I just wanted to see her again."


"The boys just left, I'm on my way x" The message flashed up on your screen. You picked it up and replied before getting back on with what you were doing, you smiled at the thought of how you were going to see your boyfriend again. You hadn't seen him in a while because of both of your busy schedules. The only way recently, was to wait until Ash's friends/band mates went out for the evening so you could see each other. There was a knock on the door and you almost ran to let him in. You opened the door and saw his beautiful smile. "Ash, I missed you so much!" He pulled you into him and kissed the top of your head, "Baby, I'm so glad I get to see you today, I missed you too, so much." You let him wrap his muscular arms around your small body. The two of you stood as one, embraced for a couple of minutes, thinking about how long it had been since you'd been in this position. Eventually, you both made your way back into the flat and towards the sofa. "Y/N, I love you so damn much, you know that right?" You felt your mouth curve into a smile. "Yeah, I do, and you know I love you more right?" He giggled his amazing laugh which caused you to join in with him. "There is no way that is possible, I love you way damn more." This turned into a cute 'I love you more fight" which ended up in him kissing you in order to prove to you he loved you more. "Ash, I just want to tell you that I really appreciate you giving up one of your free evenings to spend it with me, you're the only person that's ever done something like that for me." Ash's smile became soft but loving "Y/N, I absolutely adore you, you're my girlfriend and I love spending time with you, to me this is my free night, I'm not giving up anything, it's just a secret, nobody knows but us, that to me is fine, I love you." You leaned in and kissed him softly, in which he responded by deepening the kiss to almost full make-out session stage. Ash's phone rang, causing the two of you to break apart. "It's Luke." He explained, making you stop giggling as he put it on loud speaker, so he could continue playing with your hair. "Where are you mate?" Luke's voice came from the phone. "At home, why?" Ash said casually. "Ashton don't bullshit me mate, you butt-dialled me," You froze looking up at Ash who was looking just as anxious as you. "So, you and Y/N, how long has this been going on?" Ash looked at you, unsure of how to respond, so you gave him a look to tell him that it was okay to explain. "Eight months. Look Luke, do the others know?" Luke sighed "Eight months?! You didn't even leave any clues and yes unfortunately for you they are right next to me now." You heard throat clearing in the background "Hi Ash and possibly Y/N." Michael said. "Yeah Y/N's here but the reason we didn't tell you is because we didn't want you down our backs all the time, to be honest I thought you'd judge because Y/N is way out of my league." You felt your heart swell at his words. "Jesus, do you not know us at all?" Calum said. "Yeah, guys of course we would of supported you, ugh, okay look we have to go but Ash stay with Y/N tonight and we'll pop by to see you both tomorrow." Luke hung up the phone. "Wow." Ash stated, running a hand through his hair. "Ash, if anything you're out of my league." He smiled and laughed again before leaning in and kissing you passionately.


Being a friend of the band 5 Seconds of Summer had its perks, however, being the girlfriend of a member of 5 Seconds of Summer was even better, even if only the two of you knew about it. The boys were currently half way through their tour when 'they' invited you on tour. You knew that it was mainly Luke who wanted to see you but you were close friends with Michael, Calum and Ashton too so you presumed they wouldn't mind having you there either. When you arrived at the airport to see the boys your heart skipped. There was your boyfriend, the one you hadn't seen in months, looking at you with those incredibly blue eyes and you couldn't kiss or hug him at all. "Hey Luke, I really missed you." Is all you managed to say without choking up in front of three people who didn't know about your relationship. The five of you ended up back at the hotel, whilst Calum was explaining where you would be sleeping you couldn't help but get lost in Luke's eyes as you had so often many times before. "Got it Y/N?" Calum pulled you out of your day dream. "Oh yeah, got it." The words fell from your mouth before you had even noticed. You spent the rest of the time talking to the boys about how the rest of the tour had gone, hearing stories that you had already heard from Luke during your late night chats, whilst trying to pretend they were brand new to you. To be honest, all though you loved spending time with all the boys, you just wanted to spend some time with Luke alone. You sat around, in the hotel room you'd be staying in, with the boys watching films and just chatting until one by one the boys starting going to their individual hotel rooms and going to bed. Finally it was just you and Luke, you waited until you were sure the boys weren't coming back before turning to face eachother. "God, I missed you." Luke began before kissing you with passion. "Luke, it has been the worst two months ever, not being able to see you." He chuckled, "I know baby, I nearly came home twice because I missed you, but you convinced me to stay, why?" You kissed him again before replying "Luke, I don't want to stop you living your dream, you may miss me and of course I miss you too but think about what you get to do everyday, that's incredible." He smiled and leaned in to kiss you. The kiss started to get heated and soon he was kissing your neck hungrily. You moved to the bed and let things play out. Waking up the next morning, you smiled to yourself, the moment feeling so perfect as you were back in Luke's arms. You rolled over and just watched him sleep for a few minutes. "Y/N, I know you're staring." A smirk forming on his face, without him even opening his eyes. " You giggled and kissed his nose, he opened his eyes upon contact and pulled you into his chest, attacking your face with kisses. You both laid together, in each other's arms for a while before you looked at the time. "Luke, we need to get up, the boys will be awake soon." He sighed before removing himself from the bed. He got himself dressed and ready before walking towards you. "Y/N" He embraced you, "I love you." Those three simple words nearly made you cry. You hadn't heard them in person for over two months "I love you Luke." He smiled and left the room. About twenty minutes later you decided to go and find the boys. When you eventually found them they all smirked at you like they new something. "What?" You asked suspiciously. "Well, now that you're both here we just wanted to let you know that the two of you aren't subtle, and aren't quiet. We know what you guys were doing last night." Michael laughed. Your cheeks burned red. "Oh my god." All three of them were laughing whilst you and Luke were looking embarrassed. "Okay so how did it happen, is it a one time thing?" You looked at the ground, unsure of how to answer, "Um, no." Luke began. The boys stopped laughing and turned to face him, their faces filled with shock. "Y/N and I have been together for a while, seven months actually, that's why I invited her on tour, so I could see her."


It was slightly weird, you see you were good friends with all of the boys, Luke, Ashton and Michael, in fact you were best friends, you happened to live together, five of you, in one house. But you had to admit it was hard. Hard being in a relationship that nobody knew about, you had to be so careful. You couldn't go out, you couldn't act like you wanted and you couldn't tell anybody. It was especially hard when he was in a band that was getting bigger everyday. You had decided to keep your relationship a secret because you didn't want to hold Calum back, at first you had tried to just be friends but one night you couldn't deny the attraction you had to one another. So that night, the two of you decided that you should be kept a secret. You were excited though because the boys had been working non-stop recently which meant they were all super tired and usually went to sleep as soon as they got home. This allotted time for you and Calum to spend together, and to be honest you were really looking forward to it. You usually prepared something for the boys to eat, either ordering some form of takeaway or cooking from scratch. Today, you decided to start from scratch because you found that cooking from start to finish was always a lot nicer and healthier and truthfully all five of you had been slacking recently, only eating takeaway, so you decided to make homemade pizza. The boys arrived home and ate like they'd never seen food before. They ate until they were full and then slowly started making their way to bed, all except Calum. "Babe that pizza was amazing did you really make it?" You pulled a face "Yeah, don't you believe me?" He laughed "Oh you're so cute baby, of course I do." He walked over to you and pulled you into him, kissing your forehead. "Do you realise that we've been together for six months?" You listened to his heart beat, it was calming. "Wow, I guess we're pretty good at sneaking around." You laugh "Yeah, I think you should know how important you are to me." He began "Y/N, I'm not gonna lie I found you attractive from the moment I met you, and then I started developing deeper feelings for you and that eventually led us here, Y/N I love you so fucking much you don't understand." You smiled softly "Oh Cal, believe me I understand because I love you so fucking much too, I understand completely. He leant down and kissed you, except it wasn't full of lust it was soft and full of love. "Calum, Y/N?!" Ashton asked groggily "Are you guys like a thing?" You both froze, knowing that you'd been caught. "Oh hi, Ashton, so what brings you here?" Calum asked nervously "Well, I was just getting some water but apparently I stumbled upon something else? Six months guys? Why didn't you tell me?" You softened slightly, feeling that you might as well tell him. "It's complicated because at first we tried just being friends but that didn't work so we decided to give 'us' a try and well, I can't speak for him but I've been really happy ever since." You stated and looked up into Cal's face "Well I can speak for me and this has been the happiest six months of my life." He leant down and kissed you softly. "Oh guys, please don't, but guess who I'm gonna tell?!" Ashton questioned before running around the house with you and Cal at his heels, banging on Luke and Michael's bedroom doors and telling them that you and Calum were together and had been for six months.

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