Creepypasta boyfriend scenari...

By KreepyKitten2000

941K 12.6K 11.8K

This is a creepypasta boyfriend scenarios book. Accepting new characters and chapter ideas. When suggesting... More

Creepypasta boyfriend scenarios
First Meeting Him
Hanging out
When he confesses
When he asks you out
Authors note (sorry!)
First date/Seeing his human form
Christmas Special/first kiss Part 1
Christmas Special/First kiss part 2
First Kiss (Redo)
When you snuggle
When he yells at you
When he apologizes
When he gets jealous
Time of the month
When he meets your parents O.o
Meeting Your Parents Part 2
Author's note
When you kill someone
Happy Easter!
When He Has To Leave
When He Comes Back
When You Help Him Relax
When he catches you reading a fanfic about him
Happy Appy
Bloody Painter
Jane the Killer
When You Get Jealous
When he walks in on you while you're changing
When he tries to be/is sexy
When he catches you fangirling
His friend catches you making out
He catches you singing
Slenderman One Shot
Slenderman One Shot
Slenderman Oneshot
Slenderman Oneshot
When He Reads Your Diary

This weird feeling around him

29.8K 454 352
By KreepyKitten2000

~Eyeless Jack~

You and Jack now have been hanging out a lot more than usual. When you two were first starting to hang out, it was nothing. But lately you have been feeling weird around him. You don't know why or what it is. You would see him, and your face would go red and you couldn't talk or think straight around him! You now stutter and blush. Sitting on your bed you tried to think what was wrong with you. "Am I sick? No, Maybe...Maybe...Agh! What's wrong with me!" You cry out from your bed. "Haha well for starter, you're talking to yourself." You look up from your pillow you see Jack standing by the door. "Jack! How long have you been there!" "Umm quite a while." You blushed. "W-Well how long have you been standing there then!" "Well, I first got here when you were pacing circles, then left to go get a drink, THEN-" You cut him off with a look. "You don't need to tell me what I did!" You snapped embarrassed. "Well I got to go, got a job to do." Jack walks to you and hugs you. You hug back but are blushing madly the whole time. He jumps out the window and waves to you before running off.


You were lying on your bed at your house in your room. After a while, you look at the clock that read 2:46 pm. It was Monday and you had no school, plus your parents have been gone since Friday. It didn't really surprise you that they haven't called or texted you something. They were both drunks. You get up and look out the window looking for a sign of them. You didn't like them, but you had to live with them until you found a place of your own. Sighing, you turn away from the window and go downstairs to the kitchen hoping to find some food. Opening the fridge you found nothing good worth eating. You were out of money from your secret stash, so you couldn't even go buy anything. And even worse... Masky hasn't visited you in a while. Last time you saw him was last Wednesday. You sat down on your couch and looked out the window. Your stomach growled and you sighed. You heard the window open and saw that it was Masky holding 3 cheesecakes in his hands. Your heart felt like it was beating 10x faster seeing him. He set them down and you tackle hugged him. "Where have you been!" You exclaimed. "Sorry (Y/N), I was on a job and just got back and thought we could celebrate over some cheesecake." You stomach growled again and you blushed in embarrassment. He chuckled, "Haha sounds like you need it too." You blushed even more. You run into the kitchen and grab two plates and forks and set them down. Masky starts heading towards your fridge and you quickly yell out "Wait! Umm don't open that up." "But, (Y/N), I have to put the cheesecakes in the fridge otherwise they'll go bad!" He opens the fridge up and sees nothing but beer bottles and cans. "Ummm, (Y/N)... what is all this." As your about to answer your stomach growls. "(Y/N), when was the last time you ate?" You looked down to hide the tears forming in your eyes. "Thursday at lunch..." Masky puts the cheesecake down and hugs you. As he's hugging you, you start to cry. You try to hold it back but it doesn't work. "Shhhh, it's ok (Y/N). I'm here now. Don't worry." As Masky's words calm you down, you can't help but to breath in his scent. It smelled like cheesecake and woods with some cologne. As you breath in, your heart skips a beat and you start to blush. "Th-Thank you M-Masky." He pulls away from you and his mask rises a bit, showing he's smiling. He cuts one of the cheesecakes and puts them on plates for you two to eat. As your eating he gets some cheesecake on the side of his mouth. He licks it and you start to blush again. You get up quickly and say "I'll be right back." He nods and you speed walk to your room. Closing the door you slide down to the ground asking yourself quietly, "What is going on with me!"


After school became your favorite time of the day after a while of meeting up with Hoodie and hanging out with him. But for some strange reason... Every time you would see the meadow, your heart would skip a beat and you would become very nervous. You would usually just shake your head and tell yourself that it would be ok. Sadly, the feeling became more powerful and even when you were still at your locker at school you would feel nervous. You talked to your best friend (Best Friends Name) about it. "Oooo sounds like sombody's in L-O-V-E!" She/He would tease. You would blush and say no but when you really thought about it, it did make sense. "So, will I be the Best Maid/ Best Man at your guy's wedding then?" She/He asked one day. You blushed 50 shades of red and stuttered "W-What! N-No! We're j-just friends! That's all!" You looked down at your hands and whispered "Even if I did like him, he probably won't like me the same way back." (Best Friends Name) went over to you and hugged you. "I'm sure he likes you that way!" She/He said. You smiled and hugged Her/Him back. "Thank you, (Best Friends Name). Later that day you went to your usual spot and sat down near the river. It wasn't very deep or very fast so you didn't have to worry about getting swept away by it. Dipping your hand in the water and making ripples, you thought back to what (Best Friends Name) said. "I'm sure he likes you that way!" Those words kept repeating in your head. Angrily you slammed you hand in the water. "Ah I'm so confused!" You said out loud. "W-What are y-you conf-fused about-t?" Turning around and blushing you saw Hoodie standing there. "N-Nothing, just thinking about school." You said while turning you attention back to the water. You started standing up, but slipped and you felt yourself fall backwards into the water. There was a splash and you were suddenly cold. You stood up shivering and got out of the water. On dry land you saw Hoodie taking off his hoodie and run over to you. Grabbing you shoulders, he asked "(Y/N)! Are you ok!" You nodded your head, still shivering. He put his hoodie on you and hugged you. After a while you stopped shivering and noticed that Hoodie had his hoodie on you. Pulling away, you smiled and said thank you. "Y-You should p-probably g-go home now." Hoodie said. You start to take his hoodie off but he stops you. "Keep it... I-I have others." You smiled and started walking back to your house. Turning around. you waved and smiled. Thinking on your way home, 'Maybe your right (Best Friend Name), maybe he does like me like that.'

~Ben Drowned~

"Screw you Ben." You muttered darkly, as you had just lost to him... Again. "Haha anytime Ib." You glared at him as you blushed. You tried to put your attention back to the game but couldn't. You sighed and paused the game. "Awww is widdle Ibby not happy with me winning?" He then laughed. You sighed and walked out of the room saying "I'll be back." You went downstairs to the kitchen and got a (Favrite Drink) from the fridge. You leaned back against the counter and took a drink from it. For some weird reason... You felt guilty. Guilty that you haven't told Ben your real name. You made up a name since he was a complete stranger when you had first met, but now that you two have known each other more. You sighed and took another drink. You slid down to the floor and brought your knees up to your chest and rested you elbow on your right knee. You thought about how you were going to tell him. Getting up after a while, you headed back up to your room and quietly opened the door to see Ben looking at last years yearbook. Quickly and silently, you went behind him and snatched the book out of his hands. You looked to see what page he was on and saw that it was your grade. You threw the book away in the trash can. "Hey! I was looking at that." Ben exclaimed. "Yeah, keyword... Was." You growled. You hated your school. All the girls were snotty spoiled brats or too girly. The boys were no better. Leaving you alone away from everyone else. "How come in every picture that I saw of you, you were alone?" Ben asked. "Because." You said back. You didn't want Ben to know that you were a loner, afraid that he would act like everyone else and leave you. A month ago, you could have cared less that he would leave you, but now. Every time that you see him now, your heart flutters and you get nervous. You try even harder to beat him, knowing that he'll win anyways. "Hey Ib-" He starts but you cut him off. "You can stop calling me that now." You tell him. He looks at you curiously and stands up. He walks over to where you were and looks down to your eyes. "Ib-" "I said you can stop calling me that!" You snap at him. Your eyes widen and you look down. "Ben, if you had to leave... Would you come back to me?" You ask quietly. A few seconds go by before he does anything. You took that as your answer and held your breath to hold the tears back. He pulls you into a tight embrace and starts to calm you down. You managed to hold the tears back as he hugged you. "Why would you think that?" He asked quietly. "Because everyone I have ever trusted has left me." You choke out. Ben pulls you closer to him and you let a tear go. "I would never leave you. Your a smart, pretty, strong, independent girl and you are a fantastic gaming girl. All those people who leave you out alone are complete idiots to not see and realize this." He says. You didn't realize you were holding your breath and when you let it go, you start to cry. "Shhh, it's ok. You don't need to cry." Ben soothes you. You take in a deep and shaky breath to calm you down. You nod your head and let go of Ben. "You know... Red is MY eye color. Not yours." He jokes. You smile at him and close your eyes. "Hey Ben... Can I tell you something?" He smiles and says "Anything." You open yours eyes and smile. "Ben... You can call me (Y/N).

~Jeff The Killer~

Since you lived near the woods you had a 'special area' just for you. It had targets and a soft area for you. You and Jeff would usually go there to practice knife throwing. You would hold competitions to see who could throw the best and fight the best. It would depend on the day. Sometimes, you would win, other times Jeff would win. With all the time you two spent together, you started feeling weird around him. You didn't know why but you would show off more, stutter, and blush a lot. One day after you two had been target practicing, you looked over at Jeff who was polishing his knife. "Jeff." He looked up from his knife. "Yes (Y/N)?" "How can you tell if you can trust someone?" You asked him. He tilted his head to the side in thought. "I don't know." He admitted after a while of silence. "Oh." Was all you said in response. You went over to your bow and grabbed some arrows and started shooting the targets. 'How can I know to trust him, if he doesn't even know.' You thought to yourself.

(Jeff's POV)

Well, that was a weird question. Why would (Y/N) ask me how to know if you can trust someone? I watched as she started shooting the targets with her bow and arrows. I watched as her slim, yet strong arms pulled back, her beautiful (Your Eye Color) eyes focus on the target, her long and skinny legs stand in shooting position. "Wait, where did that come from?" I said to myself quietly. "Where did what come from Jeff?" I saw (Y/N) standing in front of me holding her bow and an arrow. Wait, she asked how to know if you could trust someone... Is she planning on trying to kill me! "W-What are you doing with that arrow (Y/N)?" I asked her. She looked at me then the arrow, and an evil smirk came on her face.

(Your POV)

"W-What are you doing with that arrow (Y/N)?" Jeff asked you. You looked at him and then the arrow in your hand. It was a broken one so you couldn't use it, and you had used all your other arrows. He had a confused and scared look on his face. 'Wait, does he think I'm going to try and kill him?' you thought. You smirked evilly as an idea came to your mind. "Why Jeff, I think this arrow is broken and need you to help me test it out to prove it still works!" You said and started raising the arrow up. Jeff quickly grabbed his knife and pointed it to you. "You know I can kill you, right (Y/N)." He said and looked at the arrow still above your head, ready to come down at any time. "Of course I do Jeff! Now help me out." You say, and start to bring the arrow down fast. You made it go in front of his face instead of straight down to stab him. "Ahhh!" Jeff yelled. You started laughing and went to go get your arrows that were stuck in the targets. "What the hell (Y/N)!" Jeff yelled at you. "Hahaha you should have seen the look on your face when you thought I was actually going to kill you!" You said as you pulled the arrows out of the targets. "Damn it woman! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" You set your stuff down on the ground and walked over to Jeff who was sitting on the ground now. You gently grabbed his face in your hands and looked into his eyes. "Aww did I scare poor Jeffy Weffy?" You said in a teasing voice. He shook his head out of your grasp and pinned you down to the ground. "He raised his knife over his head. You tried to get out of his grip but couldn't. "That wasn't very funny (Y/N)." He growled. "You deserve punishment for that. Now, Go To Sleep!" and he quickly brought the knife down to your chest. You gasp and closed your eyes. When you didn't feel anything you opened your eyes. He stopped it just before it would have pierced the skin. He let go of you and you sat up and ran to a tree and slid down it and brought your knees to your chest and buried your head in your knees. You began to sob at the fact the the boy that you had feelings for, almost killed you. Jeff ran over to you and hugged you. You began to cry harder. "Hey Hey Hey! (Y/N) I was just kidding like you were!" "I-I d-don't c-care! Th-That was-s t-terrible!" You choked out. Jeff put you into his lap and pulled you closer to him. "Shhh, it's ok (Y/N). I won't hurt you like that, ok?" You nodded and calmed down. When you had calmed down, you realized that you were in Jeff's arms. Your heart began to beat faster and you blushed. You slowly pulled back and stood up. You put your stuff away and locked it up. You looked at Jeff who was on the ground and gave him his knife. He looked at you and blushed. He quickly got up and hugged you. "I won't kill you (Y/N), Ever. I promise." You nod and he lets go and watches as you walk through the woods back to your house. (Hopefully this makes up for the last chapter!)

~Homicidal Liu~

You were doing your math homework and didn't get it at all. No matter how you looked at your notes, the just looked like numbers and letters put together. You sighed. 'I don't know why Liu comes over. I'm just an idiot that can't do anything.' You thought. Just then, you heard your door open. "(Y/N), are you home?" "HEY BITCH YA HERE OR NOT!" "Shut up Sully." "Well she won't hear us if you don't talk louder!" "Sigh just shut up Sully." Usually you would laugh or even smile at this, but today you didn't. You got up quickly which made you feel dizzy. You fell down to the ground on your knees holding your head in your hands. Liu came in and saw you on the ground. "(Y/N)! Are you ok! What's wrong!" Liu said, slightly panicked. You groaned as you looked at him. "I'm fine... I'm just seeing two of you right now." "OH SHIT LIU! SHE CAN SEE ME!" You groaned again and started getting up. Liu was by your side and held you up. You looked at him and said "Thanks." "(Y/N) what happened?" Liu asked quietly. "Well I was trying to do my homework and heard you and Sully by the door. I got up to quickly and felt dizzy and then got a headache... So you yelling 'Oh shit Liu she can see me' Sully, was not the best thing." You told them. "See what you did Sully?" "Whatever." You went into the kitchen and got a painkiller for your headache and took it. When you got back to the living room, you saw Liu sitting on the couch reading your math notes. He looked over at you and smirked. "Need help?" You blushed and shook your head no. You didn't need Liu to waste his time with you. He probably had better things to do anyways. "I'm fine." You said. Liu set your notebook down and walked over to you. "What's going on (Y/N)? You aren't yourself today." He asked gently. You could feel the blood going to your cheeks. "I-It's nothing. I-I'm fine! Completely good I could run a marathon right now I'm that good!" You blushed 50x more after repeating what you had just said to him. Liu looked at you with an unamused expression. "I know that's not true. Now... What's wrong." He asked again. You sighed and looked down at the ground. "HURRY UP ALREADY! WE DON"T HAVE ALL DAY!" Sully said. You flinched at what Sully had said. "I don't need any help with my homework, it must just be a bother to you." You said quietly. You felt Liu come closer to you and you could smell his cologne. Breathing it in, your heart began to beat faster and your breathing hitched. Liu then pulled you into a hug and you could feel your face blushing. "It's no trouble at all (Y/N). I enjoy helping you, it gives me time to be with you and repay you for the meals." You nodded against his chest. He then pulled back slowly and grabbed your hand and led you to the couch. He sat down and made you sit in his lap. You were sure that you were redder than blood at this point. He grabbed your notes and notebook and had you lean your head against his shoulder. "This is actually very easy math. Your just overt hinking it as always." He said. You nodded and looked at the notes. Liu then started explaining it to you and you suddenly got it. You looked up at him and he looked down at you and smiled. You smiled back and blushed a little. You were still on Liu's lap when you started writting down the answers to your homework. After a while Liu yawned and you looked at him and got up and went to your room and fixed the room up a bit. When you came downstairs, he was laying on your couch asleep. You smiled and got a blanket. You started putting the blanket over him until he suddenly grabbed your wrist and pulled you onto him. He held you so you were on his chest and couldn't get up. You blushed and he murmured "Stay here tonight, it's a Saturday night so there's nowhere to go tomorrow." You nodded and tried to get up again. "I said stay, didn't I?" He said. "I'll be back, I promise." You told him quietly. He slowly let you go and you went up to your bathroom and brushed your teeth. You grabbed a bigger blanket and dragged it downstairs. He was sitting up by the time you returned. He smiled and ran and grabbed you bridal style and carried you to the couch. You lay there on top of Liu under the blanket with Liu's arms over you in a hug. Suddenly you feel him tighten his grip and you ask him a question. "Hey, Liu..." "Yes (Y/N)." You gulped and took a deep breath in. "Did Sully take over you?" You asked nervously. He chuckled and you felt weak with his answer. "Oh no (Y/N), this was all me, Sully had nothing to do with this."


You were making pancakes and decided to have some fun with them. So once they were done, you got out the cookie cutters. For some reason, someone had given you hatchet cookie cutters for Halloween cookies. You took them out and started to cut the pancakes into hatchets. Once you were done with that, you put them on the table. You had the parts of the pancakes that wouldn't be usable and ate them plain. You looked out your window to see Toby coming. You finished up your pancake string and opened the door for him. He walked in and took his mouth guard off mouth-guard and smiled at you. You noticed the hatchets hanging on the sides and took one and started running to the kitchen with it. "G-Give th-that-t b-back (Y-Y/N). O-Or I s-swear t-t-to God-d I will k-kill you!" He growled. You run to the table where his pancakes were and set it down next to the plate. You sat on the opposite side of where the plate was. Toby ran into the kitchen and saw his hatchet next to the plate full of miniature edible hatchets. He looked at you and started laughing. You smiled, it always made you happy when he would smile or laugh. "Th-There miniature h-hatchets! Hahaha, th-there so cute!" He laughed. When he finally calmed down he took his hatchet and put it back to it's rightful place. He looked at you and smiled. You started blushing and got up to do the dishes. While Toby ate his pancakes, you washed the dishes. You had to do them by hand since you didn't have a dishwasher. As you were cleaning a knife, you had accidentally cut yourself. "Ouch!" You yelled, as soap got onto it. After looking you noticed that it wasn't deep enough to need stitches, but deep enough to bleed a lot. Toby heard your cry of pain and came rushing into the kitchen. He saw you by the sink with your finger cut and started running up to your bathroom to get the medical kit. You hadn't realized that Toby was already there so when you two met on the stairs he quickly grabbed you bridal style and carried you downstairs to your couch. "Toby, it's not that bad of a cut! Really!" You tried explaining to him, but being as stubborn as he was he didn't listen. He took out the rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball and began to clean the cut. You hissed in pain, but didn't show anymore signs of pain. After he was done cleaning it, he put a bandage on it. "Thank you Toby." He blushed and you blushed as well. Looking down, you saw that he still hadn't let go of your hand and you blushed even more. 'What is wrong with me! Why am I blushing?' You thought to yourself. Toby realized that he was still holding your hand and started blushing. He quickly let go and ran to the kitchen. You heard dishes being moved and when Toby came out, he had water on his shirt. He then quickly said "Th-Th-Thank y-you." and left. You blushed and went to the kitchen where you saw all the dishes done and put on the drying rack. You smiled and held hand that Toby had held. Closing your eyes, you remembered the feeling of his strong, yet soft hand. You quickly snapped out of your daze and looked around the house. It wasn't very messy, but could still use a cleaning. So you started cleaning your house.


You were at your usual spot by the river. It was in the evening and you were watching the sun set. You knew the path from the river to your house very well, so you weren't worrying about getting lost. As the sun disappeared you got up and started walking back to your house. While passing a tree, you noticed one of Slenderman's notes on it. You started thinking about Slenderman. After a while you shook your head and started walking again. It was getting cold out, so you put your hoodie up and continued walking. You passed another note on the tree and read it. "Leave Me Alone." You said out loud. Then you felt something wrap itself around your stomach and ankles and start pulling. You screamed and Started panicking. "S-Slender! S-Stop! It's m-me! (Y/N)!" You then felt the pulling stop and a voice sound panicked say "My dear (Y/N)! I am so very sorry! I did not know it was you!" You sat down on the ground and rubbed your stomach while groaning. "Ugh it's alright Slender... It was my fault. I shouldn't have stayed by the rive so late." You stood up and went to him. He looked down at you and then pulled you into a tight hug. "Um, Slender... You're squeezing me to death now!" He stopped hugging you and looked you over. "Child, perhaps it would be better if you went home." He said. You nodded and he teleported you back to your house. "Thank you." You said while blushing. He nodded and then disappeared. You went inside and laid on your bed. You lifted up your shirt and noticed it was red. You sighed and decided to take a bath to hopefully help with the soreness. While laying in the water, you thought about slenderman. How he's helped you, showed you his woods, and even made you feel happy. You smiled and realized what you were feeling. You chuckled to yourself and got out to start drying off. "Oh (Y/N), what have you gotten yourself into?"


"Red! Knock it off! I can play more games than just yours!" "But wouldn't you rather play mine instead!" You sighed. You were playing a non-pokemon game and Red was getting mad about that. "Red... Why play your game, when you can be here?" You asked. You didn't mean it to sound perverted in anyway, but that's how Red took it. "B-But (Y/N)! We aren't even dating!" He gasped and looked away from you. "Are you just using me!" You rolled your eyes and paused your game. You walked up to him and crossed your arms and looked at him. "Red, I didn't mean it that way you idiot... What I meant was why would I play your game when I can play games and talk with you in person." He looked at you and smirked at you. He pinned you to your wall with your hands above your head and his hips by your legs so you couldn't break free. He started kissing your neck and you gasped. You liked the feeling and wanted him to continue, but you knew he shouldn't be doing this. While your heart was fluttering in your chest like a humming bird caught in a cage, you started struggling. "Red stop it now." You tried saying as strongly as you could. He stopped and looked at you. "But, isn't this what you wanted?" He asked with a smirk. "No this is not what I wanted!" You retorted. You started blushing and Red started chuckling. "You are so lucky that my sister isn't here right now, or you would be nothing but a bloody mess!" You threatened. His chuckles turned to laughter and he lost his grip on you and you slid down the wall and started to fake cry. Red stopped laughing and looked at you. You knew how you felt about Red. You wanted him to be yours, but you were too nervous to ask him. Red down next to your "crying" body. "Um (Y/N)... What's wrong?" You continued fake crying and didn't look up to him. "Y-You w-were so m-mean!" You said. "C-Come on! I I was just joking around! Please don't hate me! Please (Y/N) don't hate me!" You started laughing which looked like you were sobbing. Red continued staring at you and Started crying himself. You looked at him and started laughing even more. "W-Wait! you were faking that!" Red said while bloody tears were leaking down his cheeks. You nodded and laughed even more. You sighed and calmed down. "Ahh now we're even." You said while smiling. "Damn it... I hate you." He said while glaring at you. "Now now, Hate is a very strong word." You said while smirking. "Good, 'cause that's how I'm feeling right now." He said while going into his game. You sat there and waited for him to come back and say he was just joking. The rest of the day went by with you staring at your GBC waiting for Red to come back. When you heard your sister and Silver in the room next to yours, you quickly got up and ran over there. Opening the door you saw Silver and (Favorite Girl Name) sitting on the floor talking about their favorite pokemon. "Silver... Have you seen Red?" You ask. He nods and says "Y-Yeah, h-he came and-d t-told m-me th-that you h-had been m-mean to h-him and th-that he h-hated-d you n-now." You felt tears coming to your eyes. Silver continued, "D-Don't-t take it-t seriously th-though. H-He says h-he hat-tes me a-a lot-t too b-but nev-ver means it-t." You nodded you head and said goodbye to Silver before going back to your room. You picked up your GBC and stared at it. You felt tears fall from your eyes and land on your GBC. You sniffled and wiped them off. You felt it shake in your hands and you set it down on the floor. You sat on your bed and wiped your eyes. Red came out and tackle hugged you off your bed and onto the floor. "(Y/N)! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I don't hate you! I promise! Please forgive me!" You felt relieved and nodded your head. Red got off of you and pulled you close to him and hugged you tightly. You blushed and felt your heart speed up. You rested your head on his left shoulder and heard his heart beat speed up. You smiled and looked up at Red. He was looking at you and then when your eyes made contact, he looked away and blushed. You smiled and snuggled closer to him. Soon you drifted off to sleep snuggling to Red and listening to his heart beat. You were close to sleep when you felt yourself lifted off the floor and gently into your bed. You opened your eyes a little to see Red putting you in your bed. He put the blankets over you and kissed your forehead and say "Goodnight (Y/N), I love you." Then you saw that he was gone. You smiled and drifted off to sleep.


You had been hanging out with Silver and Red a lot. Red would pay more attention to your sister than you which you were thankful for. You wanted to spend time with Silver anyways. Sometimes he would bring you into his game, something your sister has not experienced yet because Red was worried he would screw up somehow and hurt her. Today, you and Silver were in Lavender Town and there was a festival going on. Silver had bought you some cotton candy which you two shared. After going on some rides and playing some games, you headed towards the forest. You wanted to see some wild pokemon. You two had been walking around for a while when a wild cubone appeared. You smiled at how cute it looked. You noticed it was limping though and went over to it. On it's leg, there was a giant scratch. You opened your backpack and got out some cleaning spray and bandages. You sprayed the cut and cleaned it out then wrapped the bandages around it. You took out a sitrus berry and gave it to the cubone. It gladly took it and ate it then rubbed it's head on your leg. When Silver came over, the cubone tried hitting him and then snuggled into your side. "Haha hey, it's ok. Silver won't hurt you! He's too sweet." You blushed as you said the last part. You looked at Silver and noticed that he was blushing too. You put your attention back onto the cubone and began petting it. Soon you were talking to Silver about the pokemon. Silver noticed how much you loved the little cubone and gave you 6 pokeballs. You looked at the cubone and held one up. It taped its head on the ball and went inside of it. You had just gotten your first pokemon. You looked at Silver and tackle hugged him. You were laying on top of him hugging him and saying thank you. When you felt something on your back, you opened your eyes to see that Silver had his arms and legs. AND he was hugging you back. You smiled and blushed. You then got off of him and helped him up. You noticed that he was blushing. You smiled and hugged him again. When he hugged back your heart started beating faster and your stomach was doing doing somersaults. Then you guys saw Red coming towards you. He looked mad. "R-Red-d what-t's wrong?" Silver asked him. "(Y/N) is a total bitch, I hate her!" This made you mad. No one called your sister a bitch but you. "Hey! That's not true!" You defended your sister. Silver put his hand on your shoulder and looked at you. "Wh-what h-happened R-Red?" He asked. Red had calmed down a bit now and started telling you what happened. "Well, She wasn't playing my game, so I called her out on it. Then she started saying that that why play my game while she had me in person. So I decided to joke around and I pinned her to the wall and started kissing her neck." You looked at him horrified. "How could you! Why would you do that to her!" You yelled. You knew that she liked Red and that must have been hard for her. "Anyways, She told me to stop it and I did but I asked why. Then she started threatening me and I laughed and lost my grip on her. She then started fake crying. I didn't know she was faking it and thought that she hated me. So I started talking to her and then she started laughing at me! So I told her that I hated her." You were so mad at Red. You glared at him and Silver looked at you. "R-Red, why w-would-d you say that-t?" Silver asked. "I don't know! I was mad!" He retorted. "Red, do you hate my sister?" You asked him. "Hell no! I Lo- I mean really like her!" He than ran away. H-Hey (Y-Y-Y/N), w-we sh-should-d head-d b-back now." You left the forest you two were in and started going home. Once you were in your room you started talking about the cubone. Then your sister came in with a worried look on her face. "Silver... Have you seen Red?" She asked. He nods and says "Y-Yeah, h-he came and-d t-told m-me th-that you h-had been m-mean to h-him and th-that he h-hated-d you n-now." You saw tears start forming in her eyes. Silver continued, "D-Don't-t take it-t seriously th-though. H-He says h-he hat-tes me a-a lot-t too b-but nev-ver means it-t." She nodded her head and said goodbye to Silver before going back to her room. "If Red doesn't make her happy again, I will pound him into the ground." You growled to Silver. He put an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. You felt your heart start to beat faster again. "D-don't worry. H-he'll m-make it-t up t-to her." He softly said in your ear. You felt shivers go down your spine at how comforting he sounded. You closed your eyes and felt yourself drift off to sleep. Silver picked you up and put you on your bed gently. He pulled the blankets onto you and made sure you were comfy. He then smiled and hugged you. "Goodnight (Y/N)." Was the last thing you heard before falling asleep.


Well, Sonic thought it would be funny to see how far he could go before you broke down from fear. You were reading a book on your bed when you heard a noise come from outside your door. You looked at the clock and saw that it was 10:28 pm. You opened it up and saw a rubber rat. You didn't like this at all. You started walking through the halls and downstairs. The kitchen light was on and all the knives were spread out on the counter. You started shaking and ran into your room and locked the door. You looked around your room and saw a figure holding knives in his hands. You started to shake and soon your legs wouldn't support you. The man started coming towards you. You noticed that your computer was on and started calling for help. "Sonic! Sonic Help! Sonic!" You looked at the man and saw that he was really close to you. You were backed up in a corner with no where to go. You felt your tears fall down and your heart beating wildly in your rib cage. The man raised a knife to stab you and you cried out one last time for help. "SONIC PLEASE!" Just as the man was about to stab you, he started laughing. You recognized that laugh and started to cry more. The man took off the hoodie that was covering his face and it revealed Sonic's face. You looked at him and shook. You couldn't breath and needed your inhaler. Looking around your room, you saw it by your computer. You tried standing up but your legs were to shaky. You started coughing and Sonic realized something was wrong. "(Y/N)! What's wrong?" You pointed to your desk and said "Inhaler!" He looked at the desk and found it and gave it to you. He didn't realized that by pretending to kill you, he would be almost killing you." (Cuz that makes sense :P) You took it and started to breath normal again. You still were trembling pretty bad and didn't want to even try to move. Sonic had scared you too much this time. You stood up and use the wall for balance. When he came over to you you raised your hand and slapped him as hard as you could in the face. Sonic glared at you and then started raising the knife again when you started falling forwards. He dropped the knife and caught you. You still weren't breathing right, which made you pass out. This was not what he had planned at all! He sat down on your bed with you in his arms. And he waited for you to wake up. It was about 6 o'clock in the morning by the time you did wake up. When you opened your eyes, you were on your bed. You felt something on your head and looked up. You saw that Sonic had his head resting on top of yours. You looked down and saw that you were in his lap with his arms around you. Your heart started beating faster and you blushed. Somewhere you knew that you liked Sonic, and this was just proving it. You smiled and snuggled closer to him. He opened his eyes and saw that you were closer to him than he remembered you were when he fell asleep. He felt you move and you looked up at you. Your (Eye color) eyes met with his red ones and you blushed. You started getting out of his arms when he pulled you closer. Your face was 50 shades of red and your heart was beating fast. Sonic felt your heart beating and figured that he better make this quick. "Hey (Y/N), I'm sorry about basically scaring you to death. I didn't mean it to go that far." You nodded your head and his grip got tighter than he let you out of his arms. You stood up and looked at him. Your face was still red. "J-just don't d-do that-t again!" You said quickly. You remembered your kitchen and walked downstairs and started putting the knives away. You thought about waking up in his arms and you smiled. You had liked the feeling and hoped that you could experience it again.


"I don't know, I just can't explain it. Whenever I'm around him I feel weird." You were sitting on the couch reading a book and listening to the TV as a movie was playing. Dark came out of our TV and saw what was on and raised an eye brow at you "What the hell are you watching?" He asked you. "I have no idea and really don't care either. I'm more focused on my book." He slowly nodded and you turned the page of your book. "Hey Dark, can I ask you a question?" You asked him as you put a bookmark in your book and then shutting it. "Sure." He said as he plopped down on your couch next to you. "Why did I have a dream about you before I even met you?" He stiffened and narrowed his eyes. "What was the dream about?" You shifted uneasily and looked at your hands. "Well, it was dark and I saw you and when I blinked, you were gone. I heard laughter and turned around and you were right behind me. In all honesty, it scared the crap out of me." He chuckled and looked at you. "Do I scare you?" You thought about it and then shook your head. "No, I'm used to you now." He frowned and then smirked. "So, if I did this..." He took out his sword and pinned you down on the couch. Raising his sword so it was where your heart was, he started coming down. "You looked at him with a bored expression and when he didn't stab you, you stuck your tongue out at him. "Hmm, so you really aren't scared of me." He got off you and you heard a noise and looked around to see where it was coming from, only to figure out that it was your own heartbeat. You suddenly felt really warm too and put your hand to your face. It was warm and you started breathing fast as Dark looked at you. "You OK there? Your red and breathing fast." You nodded and quickly got up. Walking fast to the kitchen you got a glass of water and leaned against the counter. "What the hell! What just happened?" You stood up and went back into the living room and turned on your Nintendo 64 and grabbed the controller. "Alright, maybe playing will clear my mind." You said quietly. Dark smirked at you and went into the game. Well, let's just say that it was not a good idea. Your mind was still racing so it was easy for Dark to beat you. After the 8th try, he gave up and popped out of your screen. "If you're going to play like that... Then I may as well just quit." You shook your head. 'What is wrong with me!'


You were at your house and getting ready to go see L.J. For some reason, you had been wanting to go see him more than usual and it was confusing you. Just as you were putting your hoodie on, L.J appeared in your hallway. You exited your room and saw him and screamed. "L.J! How, Why, What are you doing in my house!" He laughed, why I'm here to see you silly!" You nodded and went to your room to brush your hair. He came in and took the brush from you and started brushing it for you. You raised an eye brow at him and gave him a questioning look. He braided your hair and put what looked like a piece of candy on the bottom of it. You looked at it and saw that it was a hair clip. "Cute." You said smiling. "I thought it would look good in your hair." He said smiling. You blushed and said your thanks and then went to your cupboard and pulled out a bag of candy. "Want some?" You asked him, even though you already knew the answer. "Yes please!" He yelled. You chuckled and threw him some pieces which he threw in his mouth. You brought the candy bag over and the two of you sat down all day watching funny movies and eating candy. When he left though, you were sad. 'Do I like him?' You asked yourself as you got in your bed and closed your eyes.


It's now been about 2 months since you've met Percy and lately you've felt weird around him. Your heart beats faster, you're nervous around him, and your breath hitches when he gets close. Today he was coming over and you didn't run to the door to greet him. He knocked and it took you quite a long time to open the door. "Hey, oh, what's wrong?" He asked, seeing your face in a look of confusion and deep thought. "N-Nothing, just thinking about something." He nodded but the frown didn't leave his face. Your phone rang and Percy jumped high in the air and pulled out a knife. You quickly answered your phone and it was your friend (Friend's Name). "Hey... Ya... Now?...I'd like to but I can't, I have company over...How about tomorrow?...Alright, see you tomorrow then!" You hung up the phone and looked back at Percy who still had his knife out and was shaking. Seeing him like that made you think that he was cute... 'Cute? Where did that come from?" Shaking your head to clear your thoughts you went over to Percy and started calming him down.

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