The Fox Hero

By Thunder_God_Thor

1.1M 22K 32.7K

During a raid of a illegal experimentation site, A 6 year old child is found by the heroes, imprisoned in a c... More

Midoriya Izuku - The Origin
Entrance Exam.
Class 1-A
Battle Training
The Normal Days.
USJ Invasion I
USJ Invasion II
I was Tagged.
News of Sports Festival
Sports Festival Commence
The Second Part Of the Festival.
Sports festival Ends
Stain..The Fight with Hero Killer
Starting Of End of Term Exam.
The Boot Camp
Boot Camp II
The Villains Invade
The Unwanted Guest.
Explanations and a little game.
The Battle Against All For One.
The Battle Against All For One II
U.A Becomes Boarding School
Liscene Exam..
The Big Three
Internship And Eri

Momo and Izuku Vs All Might.

32.3K 627 254
By Thunder_God_Thor

Izuku and Momo stretched as izuku cracked his knuckles and turning towards momo he asked " Hey, you ready? "

"Yes, i am" she said nodding to izuku as she finished her stretching.

They both stood their ground and took their fighting stance when a gust of wind came at them blasting the duo backwards as they crouched on the ground to brace themselves from being blown further back.

All might was seen walking towards them excluding an immense amount of pressure as he said "Are you ready heroes? Because if you think of this as just a test, then you are in a world of pain"

"We can't fight him head on, midoriya-kun, we will lose in an instant." momo instructed seeing all might getting in position to rush at them but when she turned towards her partner she saw nothing and looking forward she saw izuku had already taken off with a chakra enhanced fist towards all might shouting " Let's see what you got all might!!"

But all might was not the number 1 hero for show, he dodged the incoming punch and grabbed izuku's face to throw him down, izuku knowing he would be slammed tried to free himself by kicking all might in the shin but to no avail as all might slammed him head first into the street as he groaned in pain.

Momo seeing her partner getting beaten made eye contact with him as she made 2 grenades and threw them at all might as izuku leapt away but so did all might, the blast was useless as all might was not hurt but it had given izuku an opportunity to escape from all might.

All might got ready to attack again and he looked around only to see momo standing with a loaded cannon which she fired at him smiling as she said " Did you forget me?"

The cannon ball flew and it hit all might in the face, stunning him a little as blood trickled from his nose, izuku seeing the opportunity quickly ran in and slammed a rasengan to his gut which sent him into a building.

Izuku grinned behind his mask as his wound began to heal and turning towards momo, he said " Totally Awesome, we make quite the pair" fist pumping as he finished his sentence.

Momo tsmiled a little but remembering it was a test, she said seriously " Midoriya-kun, we must escape now, we should take this chance"

"No! This is fun, i want to fight all might more. I want to test where i stand compared to him" izuku said ready to attack all might again.

"But-" momo started only to be cut off as all might was in the air above her with a guardrail in his hand which he used to trap her in as he said " A present for the one who wishes to escape"

Izuku turned towards all might and was met with a fist in the gut as he gasped and another fist to the face that sent him flying in the building nearby.

"And that was for the rasengan, it hurt....a little." all might said laughing.

Izuku stood up and rushed back as all might dodged his attempts and repeatedly hit him,hard. Meanwhile momo watched izuku get his ass handed to him as she struggled to get out from beneath the guardrail.

"Tell me young midoriya, why do you crave for fun in fights?" All Might asked a little confused about izuku as he threw izuku on the ground.

"I....don't know, my instincts...they scream at me to fight...any opponent...hah...who is....stronger than me. I feel an excitement...i don't feel normally...but i feel it during battle...and it is exhilarating." Izuku replied panting as he laid on the ground, trying to stand up. His black eye healing along with the bruises he had fading.

"You have to see others my boy, this way is wrong, having fights just for fun, this fun of yours can cause you to lose a close person" All Might advised, the last part he said softly but his thoughts were 'So he's addicted to the adrenaline rush from the battles, i had a similar problem when i got one for all, in my thirst to perfect one for all i fought many battles and got addicted to the adrenaline.'

Izuku stopped and thought but suddenly he was tackled and taken away. Momo and Izuku stopped in alley as izuku looked at momo who was panting.

"Yaoyoruzu-chan? Thanks" izuku said as he sat down to recover a little from the beat down he recieved

"It's nothing, i had to get us out of there, we were in a pinch" momo said catching her breath.

"So, any plan?" Izuku asked momo who was startled and turned towards izuku as she asked " Why the sudden change?"

"All might said something" izuku said and momo looked at him curiously " He said if i keep thinking like this, i mean jeep fighting for fun, i could...lose someone close to me, do you think so too?" He asked looking at her for an answer.

Momo didn't know what to say, she was shocked all might said something like this but she then sighed and said " He is correct midoriya-kun"

Izuku hearing this looked down as momo continued " But at the same time he is wrong"

Izuku looked up confused as she said " You can have fun in all fights, but try to control yourself midoriya-kun when something or more specifically lives are at stake. During friendly battles or spars you can have fun all you want."

Izuku understood that and nodded smiling at her as he hugged her and said " I knew you would understand, you are the best"

Momo blushed a little and izuku broke the hug and said seriously " Well? Have you got a plan?"

She nodded and explained to him as he smirked and added some of his own detail as they got out of the alley.

Momo made a cannon and shot it at all might who saw it coming and dodged as he laughed and taunted " You can't get me with the same move twice, you have to come up with something better than that."

"Who said that was to hit you?" Momo retorted as all might's eye widened and he looked for izuku until he was hit by lightning and shouted in pain

Izuku was behind a car and used his electric field move to trap all might in a electric field, even being hit by lightning all might kicked a nearby car which flew at izuku who laid on the floor to avoid getting his head blown off, while he still maintained his move.

"Now! Yaoyoruzu!" Izuku shouted as momo had successfully created another cannonball and loaded it in the cannon.

she then shouted "On it" and fired the cannon again which hit all might in the gut and he flew back, izuku using the oppurtunity formed a Chidori and ran forward, jumping upwards when near all might.

Just as he appeared over all might his fist coming down, izuku threw his special kunai with his other hand behind all might, vanishing just as the kunai hit the ground and appearing behind him to hit the chidori but all might was faster and grabbed his fist which lead to the chidori diffusing.

Izuku jumped upward and kneed all might in the chin, who flipped back and kneeled on the ground as a trail of blood came from his mouth which he wiped using the sleeve of his costume.

Izuku ran at all might and hit him with a kick in the gut, but all might caught the kick and izuku twisted and used his other leg to kick all might in the face.

All might skidded back a little as izuku ran at greater speed and punched, all might tilting his head dodged it and grabbed his arm and pushed his palm in his gut as izuku winced and all might threw him onto a car as he said " Ouch. That hurt"

All Might grinned and said " What happened Hero? Why are you being so sloppy? Getting tired?" but izuku smirked and said "Who said that i wanted to hit you? I was just a distraction that, lead you right where we wanted you to be."

All Might hearing this had his eye widened as he looked around to find momo and hearing a wierd sound he quickly turned around just in time to see momo running straight at him, carrying with her a giant rasengan.

All Might didn't even get the time to react as momo rammed the giant rasengan right into all might's gut and twisted it which lead to the muscular pro spinning around and flying right into a building and breaking past multiple walls.

Momo then grinned as she shouted " GIANT RASENGAN VERSION MOMO!!"

Izuku stood up wincing a little as his wounds healed and grinned behind his mask and said " Really? You really have to add that version momo on my moves"

"It wouldn't be fun without them." she said winking at izuku who smirked and held out his hand and asked " Shall we, milady?"

She took his hand and smiling replied " Of course" as they both ran out the gate as the buzzer rang stating that they passed the exam.

They were then taken to the observation room where they watched the others match and izuku laughed watching mineta run away from his sister crying. He laughed at how koda ditched jirou just because he was scared of bugs and then later come back and scare present mic with the bugs.

He then turned towards momo and saw that her hand was burned badly and grabbed it as she squeaked and said " Yaoyorozu-chan, this hurts right? So why are you hiding it"

"Umm, that is" she stuttered as recovery girl looked at her hand and said " My healing will make you quite tired girl, you already have low stamina and energy due to your match so you might fall asleep."

"But...but i want to watch the others matches" she argued, she wanted to see everything. She might learn something from there.

Recovery girl sighed and said " If i don't heal it, it will scar and scars look bad on girls" as momo bit her lip.

Izuku seeing her said " I'll heal them, give me your hand"

izuku took her hand out and put his hand over hers as his hands glowed a faint green color and momo's burns started to disappear and she said amazed "Wow! The burns are gone and i don't even feel tired, since when can you heal"

"Since some time ago, kurama told me i could use chakra like that but i am not that skilled" izuku said rubbing the back of his neck.

"You should definetly stop by my infirmary sometime, izuku-chan, some patients might need your help when i can't heal them because of their stamina" recovery girl said to izuku, impressed by his ability.

"Yeah, yeah, sure" izuku replied waving her off.

He found aizawa's spare sleeping bag and picking it up he said "Yaoyorozu-chan?"

"Yes?" She questioned as she turned around but seeing the bag in his hands she instantly knew what he was going to say and said as she deadpanned "You want me to wake you up when everyone arrives and it's time to go back."

"Yes, see, you always know what i think, we make quite the pair" Izuku said winking at her oblivious to what he implied.

She blushed and said " It can be that you're just too easy to predict"

"Ah, you break my heart with such harsh words, yaoyoruzu-chan" izuku mocked as he put his hand over his heart.

"Shut up" she said as she shook her head.

"Ah young love. Those were the days in which i had fun with my boyfriend too" Recovery girl remincised as she smiled.

This made momo so flustered that she unkowingly started making green matryoshka doll, which looked like izuku wearing a mask.

Izuku picked one up and said " Hey! This looks like me"

Momo was even more embarrassed now as she threw the dolls on his face as she said "Go to sleep already!"

Izuku rubbed his face and said " Jeez, what's her problem" as he put one of the dolls in his pocket as he laid down and was out like a light.

After a while Momo shook him as he woke up to see everyone gathered and he yawned as he said " Is everything over?"

"Yeah, you all did a good job out there so for now rest, you're grades will be told tomorrow" Aizawa informed them as izuku nodded and began walking away.

Izuku walked with his sister as he said "Come on nee-chan, why did you let that pervert pass?"

"Foolish little brother (just kidding),As much as i wanted him to fail my dear otouto, as a teacher i can't hold grudges and must judge each student, according to their talent and skills" Midnight explained to izuku wagging her finger.

"Oh, i see, but still it would've been fun to see you kick his tiny ass" Izuku said smiling at her.

"Well, towards the end i thought, i shouldn't have let him off so easily, but if i had your teleportation move then i could've easily stopped him" Midnight told izuku as hearing this izuku stopped.

"Izuku?" Midnight asked confused.

"I forgot my kunai there, here hold this" izuku said as he gave midnight one and vanished.

He took his kunai which was embedded into the street the same place where he threw it and putting it in his bag, he vanished again and appeared in front of midnight as she said " You know sometimes i envy that skill of yours, it makes some jobs so much easier. This move is perfect for someone lazy like you."

"Hehe i know, and the part about being envy? That, everyone does nee-chan, everyone does" izuku said walking ahead of her as she caught up to him as they both talked while walking home.

Meanwhile with the league of villain, tomura was planning something and for that he had even gathered some new members which were dabi a boy who could wield blue flames, toga a teenage girl who could transform into others by ingesting their blood, compress well his name suggests what he can do, muscular who could increase his muscles, magne one who could use magnetism, and spinner who wield blades.

Tomura grinned and said " You all remember the job right? And are the preparations done?"

"Yeah we do remember and everything is ready." Dabi said looking at tomura while leaning against the wall.

"Good, good, very good. This time the heroes won't even know what hit them, mwahahahahaha." Tomura grinned and started to laugh loudly.

To be continued.....

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