The Mermaids Secret & The Boy...

By DeesOnlyDirection

117K 1.2K 269

Under major editing!! Read if you want but just a heads up some of it going to be mixed around and chuncks of... More

Runaway (new version)
A Picture Says It All (new version)
Awfully Wonderful Memories (new version)
Tradgic Reunion
Jealous Much
What Really Happened
How They Met
I Hate That I Love You
Suspicious & Secluded
Simon Cowl
Unwanted Visiters
Interview With Marina
New Rivals
The Twist
Second Chances
Over Again
The End

More Discoveries

3.9K 50 13
By DeesOnlyDirection

*Marina's P.O.V*

*Next Day, on the plane*

So after a lot of arguing and yelling yesterday nothing had gotten resolved. Lou and Harry were still hurt and not talking to us. Zayn was on auto-pilot the whole night and the cookies didn't work! Mostly because Niall had ate most of them before I even got to Lou's door. Liam's in a sour mood as well because of all the fight that was going on and Sasha is in a crate at the bottom of the plane! My poor bestie! So you could just imagine just sitting in a private jet surrounded by these boys it was quite awkward. Except Niall , who was thankfully sitting next to me asking me the most random questions trying to distract me. Bless his cute Irish heart. He reminded me of this boy that used to come watch me and Zayn preform in the park. Always had a smile on his face and always liked talking to us after we finished.

"So...I was um au..wondering what real reason why we found you on the beach..the way we did." Niall asked a not so random question that got the attention of the other boys as well. I sat my song book I had been writing in.

"Since my father and the Atlantic Kingdoms king have been fighting over 'land' for forever they thought of a 'comprise'. I marry his son Kane and we share the land. Rule together. So I ran left with Sasha. But somehow Kane and some of his guards caught up to me...then I was waking up on the beach. But from what Sasha told me Kane was gonna..well rape um you know me." I whispered looking down at my bare feet. I heard a cracking sound and looked up at Zayn, his eyes were a dark abyss and I saw that his vice grip on the seats arm that was slowly breaking under the pressure. The boys looked apprehensive at he was going to explode.

"Zayn" I said barely above a whisper. "Calm down remember what is said? don't focus on the what ifs. Just breath..." I told him. If he didn't calm down his powers could get the better of him and we could end up crashing. He followed my directions and his breathing and eyes went back to normal.

"What happened?" Liam asked nervously looking between

" kind get angry or become very weak our powers tend to take control unless you have a necklace like mine." I said tapping my amulet.

"Wow so what kind of powers?" Niall said taking a bite from a chocolate bar he got somehow...

"I can control water...Zayn can control earth and plants. But we can also cast spells and seals if we've been taught well enough" I finished explaining.

"What about the healing thing?" Liam asked.

Zayn spoke for the first time "um its not really a power if everyone has it. Its more of a defense mechanism."

"So you guys are basically invincible?" Harry said curiously looking up from his phone

"Noo we're far from it. At least when we're human. Our senses are dull in human form and just like 'vampires' or 'werewolves' we have that one thing that could kill us in a second if it enters the heart or brain..."

"Blue valeria...highly dangerous. I heard that even the smell of the plant is sickening." I said remembering the my defence teacher telling me how assassins and police put the plants juices on their weapons and thinks. I looked over at Harry and Louis. Harry was looking at his phone once again... and Lou was glaring out the window. His arms folded in on his chest these giant headphones on his head covering his ears.

"What about the guy that was in your dressing room yesterday?" Niall said said with his mouth full so his words just came as mumbles.

Liam and I scolded him at the same time. "Niall don't talk with your mouth full!" Me and Liam bumped fist and Niall apologized.

"And Leo is my brother. He told my father about me...sleeping with Zayn. And caused this whole shitload of problems." I said thinking about everything that has happened. I was all his fault. I lost my love and my daughter. All because he didn't like Zayn. "I lost everything" I whispered to myself. I could feel the tears gathering in my eyes but I forced them back. I couldn't risk Zayn finding out.

"Well at least he got Zayn here with us. And now we have you so at least something came out of it. Right?" Niall said pulling me from my darkening mood.

"I guess" I replied giving him my best smile...he blushed and went back to his 'Ipad'. The humans technology still amazes me. I mean with all this things they have invented you would think they would have some how found out about the supernatural by now.

"Ugh why is it always so hot in these planes!" Harry said getting up and leaving to the bathroom taking a blue blanket with him. I saw Zayn and Liam face palm themselves and Niall just shaking his head with disapproval. What's going on...

"Wait am I missing something here..." I asked looking at each of the guys for an answer.

"Let's just say..Harry's worst habit-"

Niall cut off Liam "Is getting naked. All the time." Wow I have never... heard of..

"Your joking right?" I asked chuckling halfheartedly. Then I see a topless Harry walk out the bathroom with the blue blanket wrapped around his midsection and stopped laughing. "Ohmygoddess you weren't! Harry!" l squealed at him.

"What? I have a blanket on calm down Marina." He said taking his seat next to Louis. Liam scolded Harry from across the isle.

"Harry this isn't a good impression on us..."

"Its okay Liam if he does this all the time I might as well get used to it..." I said hesitantly trying not to eye Harry up and down. Hey don't judge me! I may be a mermaid and love Zayn deeply but I'm still a girl. I'm not afraid to say Harry is gorgeous! Who wouldn't think he or any of the guys weren't. You would understand if you were in my position.

"Marina!" someone yelled. I came back to earth to see Niall snapping his fingers in my face.

"Sorry what?"

"Haha she was distracted by all of this" Harry said with a cheeky smile. I blushed he was sorta right. Zayn growled and Liam told both of them to shut up.

"I was asking if I could see your water powers.." Niall said handing me a bottle of water.

"Oh let's see" I thought of all the things I could do as I unscrewed the cap. "What's your favorite shape and color Niall?"

"Umm an orange triangle?"

I giggled at the weird combination. I focused on the water and using my hands guided it out of the bottle. So the water was floating in the air between my hands. The boys (even Lou) starred in amazement. I shaped the water into a triangle that was no bigger then my amulet. Then changed the color to orange and just to make it extra special I put a green 'N' in it. I hardened the water so it was kinda like glass but it was umbreakable. I heard woahs from the guys as the thing fell in my hands. I handed it to Niall.

"Wow that was the coolest thing I have ever seen!!" Louis said speaking for the first time, surprising everyone. We all stared at him. "What?" he said after a few seconds of weird stares.

"You have been doing the silent treatment ever since we left the hotel." Harry told him.

"Well its hard to stay mad at something out of my control. I mean you guys didn't have to tell us about your...supernatural powers. So I'm just glad you guys did tell us. But from now on NO more secrets. So whatever else your hiding spill it now." Louis finished his speech with a serious but gentle smile as he looked around at all of us. I guess now's the time to tell them about the people after.

"I um my father and Kane might be looking for me. But they think I'm in Mexico s-" I said with my head down.

"That's what Leo came to talk to you about", Zayn stated. "Damn it Marina! Why didn't you tell sooner?" He seethed his whole body going in alert mode. I didn't really have an excuse as to why I didn't tell them.

"Relax Zayn!" Niall said still playing with the charm I made him. "Who would dare mess with one of the biggest boy bands in the world. Who are constantly in the public's eye. They would have to be stupid or insane." He said as if he was talking about the weather.

"Niall has a very good point... plus we are going to the bungalow in the middle of practically no where and no one knows we are going there. So we should be safe, for a while at least." Liam said in an encouraging voice.

"But what if they do find us? I mean we are just humans!" Harry said apprehensively. I don't know what would happen. I never really thought I would be here in the first place. I was just planning to run as far as I could when I got to the beach. I didn't plan on running into Zayn.

Without really thinking about my words I said, "I will protect you with my life you have my word." I said in a deadly serious voice. When my father does come for me it will be that last time he sees my face. And that's a promise.

"Same goes for me. Nobody's gonna lay a hand on my brothers." Zayn said.

"Awww group hug!" Lou screamed jumping up as did everyone else. Including Harry who forgot that he only had a blanket on.

"Omygosh! Ahhh Harry's willy!! Ahh!! Zayn his willy!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I had my hands over my eyes so I couldn't see it. There was alot of commotion and I felt Zayn shielding me as if that could help! Harry was yelling Sorry over and over again and Liam telling him to go get some clothes on. All the while Niall is laughing his little Irish bum off. Ugh this is gonna be a long flight!

*********6 Long Hours Later********

We had arrived at this very isolated barn house after stopping at Niall's "heaven" a.k.a Nandos that supposedly has the best chicken ever. Harry said that his Uncle was away for the week on a business house so the house and bungalow were ours for the time being. We all hurried into the front door of the house to get out the cold, windy air. I sat Sasha down on the wood floor (shes a house cat now). Taking a look around as the boys continued to bring in the luggage from the van with the help of Paul. Who I still had to have a little chat with but he keeps saying "later" or "not now". I was wandering around the house with chatting with Sasha when I heard the clicking of heels coming around the corner of the hall I was currently walking in.

'Who is it Sasha?' I asked when she casually walked around the corner with her tail standing tall.

'A gir-'

"Awwww a kitty! Come here I won't hurt you..." A girls voice said. I heard Sasha hiss and decided it was time to meet this stranger...

"She doesn't like people too much. I'm sorry." I said looking at a very average girl. She had long brown hair and kind of on the pale side. She was wearing jeans and a superman tee on. The mystery girl stood up at the sound of my voice. She's very pretty!

"Its okay I'm used to it. Harry's cats are the devils incarnate! haha. You must be Marina. I saw you on the Ellen Show which was amazing by the way! I was in tears at you and Zayn's performance I think it was the same for a lot of people. Omygosh I forgot to introduce myself, I'm so rude I'm Eleanor, Louis' girlfriend!" She exclaimed all in one breath then pulled me into a tight hug. I laughed awkwardly at her friendliness. I could see why Lou was with her.

"When did you get here?" I asked her because we had just gotten here like 15 minutes ago.

"Just now, I was on my way to the kitchen to make the lads some tea. Then me and Lou are going out to catch up on things." She said with that dreamy look in her eyes that you only get when you're madly in love. Sasha told me she could see the same look in my eyes when ever I was with Zayn or even talked about him. I knew instantly that we were going to get along just fine. And when everything is cleared up in my world we could even be best friends.

"Okay that's great. Lead the way to the kitchen and I'll help you make the tea." I told her nicely. I really wanted Eleanor to be my friend. I mean Sasha is my best friend and all but she has never understood me like a real girl would.

*******10 minutes later********

"-and then he walked around with a pout on his face!" Eleanor and I were joking about, sharing stories with each other. Just having a blast until I heard Niall.

"Ughhh! I'm so hungry ladies! You guys should make me some food." Niall said walking in with Zayn and Lou trailing behind him.

"For once I actually agree with Niall!" Lou said taking a seat next to Eleanor and causally slipping his arm on her shoulders. I saw her smile grow and she leaned into him more. Awwww that's so adorable! Just as I was going to make a smart remark to Lou Zayn was in my ear whispering.

"Come on let me show you our room..." He said with a husky voice. If he thought he was getting anything (if you know what I mean) he is dead wrong.

"Okay I'm coming, Niall the tea is on the stove and some sandwiches in the fridge but try to save some for the rest of us." I asked him as Zayn was dragged me out the kitchen.

"First come! First serve Marina!!" I heard him yell back. I have a feeling these two weeks are going to be interesting to say the least.


Im so sorry its such a short boring chapter. I spent too much time on the character video (to the side). But I promise that the next one will be extra long and definitely more interesting and let me say one word. PERRIE. yup so expect drama.

♥LIVE WHILE WERE YOUNG♥ go see the music video if you haven't seen it yet!! Then rape that poor replay button!!!!













I Love You ^_^

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