
De Elisheba29

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"So you have a life threatening disease that could kill you?" Caroline asked for clarification on what I said... Mai multe



312 16 13
De Elisheba29

Damn he was faster than I expected. I almost couldn't keep up. Key word: almost.

When I took off running into the woods, Myca had a confused look on his face. I then heard him scream after me,

"Ryan where are you going? It isn't safe out there!".

His voice then faded away the further I ran. He was probably going to tell someone what happened considering the rogue attacks and all. I wouldn't blame him if he didn't considering how drunk he was. Oh my crab! What if hazel eyes is a rogue?!

This is so cool! Eeek!

I lost him for a second but I quickly found him again. This part of the forest was thick with trees and branches everywhere. I had to be careful running here or else I would get my head decapitated.

I began to think who he could potentially be. He could be a rogue for all I know.

I got lost in my thoughts trying to figure out who is. I then realized I had lost him. I screamed out in frustration. I kept going however in hopes I could pick up a scent. I then saw him coming from my left down a small hill. If I ran I wouldn't catch up to him so I did the first thing just came to my mind. I jumped.

I landed right on him leading in us tumbling down the slightly steep hill. We reached the bottom of the hill safely. I realised I was on top on him straddling him whilst his arms were wrapped around my body.

I then realized I had no cuts or bruises but he had a few. He held me to protect me from the fall. How sweet but I need answers right now! Who is this creep?

I couldn't exactly see his face because my body was blocking the moon light. His eyes however seemed to glow so I could see them clearly. We stayed in that position for seconds but honestly it felt like hours. I felt his hands rest on both sides of my hips. His hands were large and sexy. Every thing about him was sexy. His hands began to travel up my waist and they stopped. I held my breath wondering what he will do next.

His hands traveled down to my ass and just as I was about to protest, he gripped it. He sat up and then stood with me still on him which made me squeak. He was now standing and I was hanging onto him. He placed me down gently. This all happened in a few seconds so I didn't have time to register his face. But I felt his arms as he carried me and good goddess how can one be so blessed!

He then stood up and I thought he was going to run away but he just stood there and looked at me with those damn hazel eyes. His back faced the moon light hence I couldn't see his facial features the way he could see mine.

He turned around and began to walk away from me. I awestruck by the power he possessed. It was like a Lycans power but he just seemed... different. My inner self or wolf I guess you could call it that purred at the feeling. He was alluring.

I immediately ran after him and stopped him but this time I could see his face. He was a god. So so gorgeous! How could a creature like this exist? He had full pink plump lips and when I say full and plump I mean it. They were extremely tempting, I could just bite them. He had a perfect jawline and perfectly symmetrical features. His hair was like Ryder's but just better. It was dark brown and it fell over his forehead in curls. It was long too.

Those eyes were like a cherry on top. It was a beautiful sight to behold honestly. I froze just drinking him in. It seemed like time stopped in this moment. The moon lit him perfectly casting a serene glow on him giving him a godly appearance.

I didn't realise my mouth was agape until he closed it. A small smile began to form on his face just when I thought he couldn't get any better. We stared at each other more and more. I didn't even realize he was getting closer to me until he was right in front of me. His scent hit me like a ton of bricks and I almost drowned in my euphoria. I couldn't exactly pinpoint his scent but damn it felt so good.

He got so close that I had to look up to him and we were definitely eye raping each other in this moment. He thick arms lay by his side. The arms which a few minutes ago held me to his muscular yet lean body.

He bit his bottom lip and that immediately sent a tingling sensation in my down region if you know what I mean. Good goddess I was in love. Well not literally of course but you get the point. I mean I didn't even know his name.

"Who are you hazel eyes?" I mumbled but he seemed to have heard me which led him to looking at me in confusion at my little nickname for him.

It's like something snapped in me and I was back in control and no longer succumbed to this lust filled atmosphere.

I immediately stepped away from him. If he got any closer I'd definitely be pregnant at the end of this night. He was a freaking stranger! In fact a stalker.

"Why are you stalking me?" I asked with my best glare.

"I'm not stalking you." He replied and I held my breath. The sound of his voice was so so beautiful. His voice was deep and smooth and he has a slight accent. His accent sounded a bit Latino.

"Yes you are." I breathed out. I shook my head and stepped back.

"I don't think so Ryan." He replied his voice an octave lower. Gosh hearing my name roll off his tongue was amazing. It's like he was meant to say it.

"Okay mister how do you know my name and who the hell are you?" I asked with a glare. I was doing my best trying to stay mad at him but my hormones were not on my side.

"I heard it from Astrid and Persia." He shrugged. He knew them? Holy crap he is one of the other Lycans! I can't remember his name. He must either be Luca or Xerxes.

"I need to know your name." I commanded him. He looked amused. Well I can understand why. I looked like a little red firecracker to him. He was way taller compared to my puny height.

"I thought you'd prefer to call me Hazel eyes." He said questioningly. My eyes widened when I realised I had just revealed his little nickname.

"Luca. Luca Alvarez." He said with a small smile. His eyes twinkled in the moonlight. Good goddess I was going to faint.

"Why are you stalking me Luca?" I asked him. Saying his name felt right. His lips opened up when he heard my name.

"I said I wasn't stalking you." He told me playfully. He thought this was a joke!

"That time at the Lycans house which is well your house I guess and yesterday at the mall! And today. Explain that!" I crossed my arms over my chest which made my boobs push up making them look bigger. He noticed that and took a deep breath like he was trying to compose himself.

"First of all you were in my house. Second of all I was at the mall. Aren't I allowed to go there?" He replied. Well I mean all this felt like coincidence but I won't back down.

"In the woods? I saw you two days ago from my bedroom window." I asked.

"I like to move where I can't be seen." He shrugged. This boy was insane.

"That makes no sense and what about today huh!?" I asked him. I bet he couldn't answer that.

"I came to the party with the others." He smiled like he had won this fight. This was far from over.

"The party is inside what we're you doing in the woods?" I asked. Ha!

"I was taking a piss." He said in a serious tone. What the Frick!?

"Why were you growling?" I asked in horror. I didn't know what his answer would be but I had a feeling I would regret asking this question.

"Well I was taking a piss right, then this lizard fell in my pants. So I wore my pants and I felt something weird crawling and I undid my pants again and the little idiot fell out but not before scratching me of course. I growled when it was all in my pants and it scratched me. The little thing hissed at me!" He told me.

"I don't think lizards hiss." I answered him in horror.

"This one did. It was challenging me. Now I'm a Lycan who never backs down from a challenge so I growled at it and the little freak was scared and ran off. It chewed on my balls for goddess sake!" He exclaimed like a little child.

I was frozen in complete shock and horror. What the heck did my poor ears just listen to? I can't get that image out of my mind. We looked at each other for a few seconds before he suddenly burst into laughter. It took me completely off guard. What was he on to now?

"Oh my goddess you should see the look on your face." He continued to laugh. I narrowed my eyes at him.

His laugh was so sexy it brought about unknown feelings in me. I didn't even know someone's laugh could incite such in me. Seb's laugh was pretty sexy but this was on another level. It sounded of pure joy and happiness and damn it was deep and it just gave me a tingling sensation.

His laughter died down and I growled at him.

"Do you think this is funny?!" I asked him angrily but deep within me I was aroused. I hopped he couldn't smell my arousal.

"Damn your growl is very sexy. You should do that more often. You might just get some from me." He grinned showing me his white teeth.

"But you're right I am stalking you." He deadpanned before he winked at me and began walking away.

"What the hell Luca! Why?" I asked him as I walked next to him. I had absolutely no idea where we were going.

"Does it really matter why? Can't I just stalk a girl in peace? I remember a time when I was allowed to be a stalker. Now it's a crime! What a day and age we live in." He said as he shook his head. Okay he is insane. I'm walking with stalker in the woods. He could kill me!

"Okay I'm going to go now. It was really nice meeting you but you're a freak." I said before I began walking away. I was going back to the party and far away from him.

Although I didn't want to leave. Weird I know but he was an interesting guy but he could kill me but I  want to bask in his beauty. Just stare at the way he makes his eyes glow to make his presence known or the way his licks his plump lips. Good goddess the way he looked at me when I was straddling him. I could've stayed in that position for ever. Or the way he said my name, that was an extreme turn on.

"Woah wait don't go I'm kidding brownie." He said as he held onto my arm to stop me. Immediately his skin made contact with mine I felt something. I don't know what but I felt something. This has been happening every time he has touched me tonight.

"Brownie? That's racist. Just because I'm black." I said.

"No no no you got it all wrong brownie. You gave me a nickname Hazel eyes due to the colour of my eyes so I did the same. I don't know if you remember but you have brown eyes. They are extremely gorgeous by the way." He winked. That did make sense but he still sounded racist.

"Plus so what if you're black. You're beautiful nonetheless." He said nonchalantly but I could tell he was being sincere. Hearing him call me that was insane. I was actually convinced. I don't mean I think I'm ugly or anything, I know I look decent and I'm happy with the way I look. I love it but hearing him say added an entire new meaning to it.

"Shut up." I mumbled as I felt the blood rush to my face. He chuckled.

"Can you please let go of my arm now?" I asked him. The longer he held on the more I wanted to Jump his bones. Damn it! What is wrong with me?

He let go of my arm but he stood close to me like he didn't want me to leave. I sighed before I began walking in the opposite direction of the party and I heard him let out a breath of relief. We walked side by side occasionally bumping into each other. Our hand were brushing up against each other which I found weird.

Luca resembled someone but I had no idea who. He had striking features similar to someone like his curly brown hair, I had met or seen. I just can't remember who. Then it hit me.

"You look a lot like Roman." I told him. I could see the resemblance. There eyes on the other hand completely different.

"Well he is my older brother." He replied. I nodded my head. Interesting.

We walked in awkward silence. We both didn't really have anything to say. I thought I was going to destroy him and warn him from stalking me but being in his presence seemed to leave me speechless.

However the silence was broken by the sound of a branch breaking. We were both on alert scanning our surrounding. We heard more movement and we both looked towards the direction where the sound was coming from.

A little rabbit came running out and we both let out breaths of relief. That could've been a rogue.

"We should probably go now." He said to me. I nodded and we began to walk back to the party.

"Seriously though, why are you stalking me?" I asked him. I needed to know the answer.

"I don't know. I just am." He replied nonchalantly.

"That's not an answer."

"It's not the answer you're looking for but it is the answer."

I had to think of ways to get the answer out of him. Think Ryan think.

I walked faster and stood right in front of him leaving no space between us. My breasts were pressing up against him and his breath hitched at my action.

I lifted my hand to cup his jaw and he leaned into my touch. My other hand laid on his chest feeling all his muscles that were covered by the shirt. Damn he was muscular. My hand that laid in his chest began to travel down until it reached the top of his pants. He let out a soft growl encouraging me to go on.

I then...

I'm just kidding that didn't happen. Get your minds out of the gutter. I just met the guy I can't do that. You should know me by now. Plus I have a thing going with Seb. We might be fighting but I still like him. You dirty minded people.

We continued walking and making small talk but I needed to find out why he was stalking me.

"I can feel the gears turning in your mind." He  to me.

"Yes because I still don't know why you're stalking me." I told him with a roll of my eyes.

"I already told you just drop it." He chuckled. Damn even that sounded sexy as hell. He was like a walking sex machine. I had a feeling he wasn't telling me everything but I wasn't going to push it.

"Fine I'll drop it. We need to head back though it's too late to be out here." I told him and he agreed.

We began to walk back to the party when I felt a chill. It was pretty cold and I wasn't wearing my trusty turtle neck.

He handed me his black leather jacket that was surprisingly warm. I happily accepted it because it was literally getting colder. This jacket was drenched in his scent that I still couldn't pinpoint but it smelled heavenly and calming. I could breathe him in all day. This felt so right. I feel like I said the same about Sebastian but I'm a hormonal teenager okay! But this just felt different in it's own way.

I then realised he was wearing a grey T-shirt with a pair of black jeans and combat boots. He looked ruggedly sexy.

We reached the party and I saw most of the people had gone back inside because it was getting cold. I noticed some people in the jacuzzi.

We kept walking until we got in the house. Astrid was the first to notice us. Her eyes widened and she whispered something in JC's ear and he looked at us and his eyes widened. They both had abnormally large smiles and they raised their cups to us to which Luca just nodded his head with a smile of his own.

"Why are they acting so weird?" I asked him and he just shrugged with a knowing smile. That damn basturd.

I walked towards the little bar and got a cup of water. Two cups of alcohol was enough for me. I didn't usually drink considering I'm underage but I'm pretty sure 90% of teenagers if not 100% have at least tasted alcohol. This was probably the second time for me. But whatever they were serving here tasted good but I was not going to get drunk obviously. 

Luca came next to me and also got a cup of water. I sat on the little bar stool and he stood next to me.

"You're in your last year of school right?" He asked me.

I nodded and said, "Yeah. I literally only have a few months left till My exams."

"When did you move into this town?" He asked me.

"A couple of months ago. When did move here?" I asked. I've been here for a while huh.

"Well I lived here six years before I left. My pack remained here however but they soon left after a while too. We all came back three weeks ago." He answered me.

"Why did you come back?" I asked him.

"Instinct I guess." He answered me before he smiled to himself like he shared an inside joke with himself.

"So you know Caroline?" I asked him.

"Yes. I couldn't help but notice you two aren't exactly on good terms." He noted.

My eyes widened before I said, "What makes you think so?"

"Well she isn't with you currently and remember I was stalking you." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah but we're gonna work things out. We just have to." I told him. I was mad at her but I didn't want to lose my best friend so I was obviously going to try and fix things.

"You got this brownie." He winked at me and I couldn't help but smile a little bit.

We continued with our small talk until Sebastian walked up to us. I saw Luca visibly tensed.

"Luca." Sebastian said to which Luca nodded his head in recognition but I could feel a hostile vibe from him.

"Ryan I didn't expect to see you with a Lycan." Sebastian told me pointedly. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well here I am." I answered him.

"Well Ryan I hope you know the kind of people you're dealing with or do you want me to shed a little more light." Sebastian said as if he had something on Luca. Luca remained stoic and didn't show any emotion.

"Sebastian I'm really not up for this right now-"

"Don't want you want to know what a player he is. How he treats women. What a murderer he is!" Sebastian said in a spiteful tone.

Luca remained stoic. I was a bit shocked. Not because of what he said but because he was saying it. I could sense his jealousy. I found it petty to be honest.

"I know."

He remained silent. I noticed the shock on Luca's face. A tiny smile broke out on his lips that he quickly concealed. Sebastian remained silent before letting out a low growl before he stormed away.

"Is it true?"

"That I'm a player?" He asked to which I nodded.

"I wouldn't think so. I've made a few mistakes on my long life but I'd like to believe I'm a pretty genuine guy."

"And the other thing?" I said lowly. A murderer. That was a heavy word.

"I've lived a long life Ryan." He replied and that was the only answer I needed from him. Our species is primal and primitive. We rely on our instinct. Considering how long he has lived and I'm assuming it's hundreds of years, it's understandable in a way. But I don't really know him so I don't know what the circumstances were and if he truly made the right decision but then again I have no right to judge.

We sat silence before Caroline walked up to us.

"That bitch friend of yours is getting on my nerves. Hey Luca." She said directing her statement to us both. I looked at him and he looked at me and we both smiled trying to reel in the laughter.

"You fought? Again?" I asked her placing down my empty cup of water that I'd been drinking from.

"When don't we. I can't wait to tell you what a snake she is. That way you'll understand." She huffed.

"Why don't you tell me now?"

"Ryan let's not do this again okay."

I raised my hands up in surrender. She sat at the bar. I missed us talking. I seriously can't wait for us to solve this.

Sydney then walked in and made a straight beeline to us. She had an evil glint in her eyes. After tonight I just lost what little trust was forming for her. She knew coming here would cause problems yet she did it anyway. I think I should begin to disassociate myself from her. I hope I'm making the right decision.

"Ryan. I haven't seen you all night. Who is this delicious gentleman?" She said as she stared at Luca seductively. Oh no you don't, not my hazel eyes.


He isn't mine.

I snarled at her and the three of them looked at me with shocked expressions on their faces. I was shocked too. I had no idea where that came from. Luca looked at me with an unreadable expression. Sydney backed away him but still kept looking at him and I didn't like it one bit. She can look at Sebastian all damn day but she better stay away from Luca.

Where is this possessiveness coming from?

"Sydney just leave okay you're clearly not wanted here." Caroline growled.

"Oh but I really don't care. You see, Ryan and I need to talk because I've missed her you know. By the way she is way better at braiding hair than you ever were." She mocked. Uhm I've never even touched her hair.

Caroline stood up and landed a punch to her face and held onto her neck. That's a good punch. I remember when I told her I'll teach her how self defense. I have to make good on my promise and I'm impressed. She then grabbed Sydney's neck and squeezed.

A low glass shattering growl was heard from the other side of the room. This growl was territorial and could make anyone submit. Everyone stopped what they were doing in fear.

We looked in the direction from where it was coming from and saw a furious Roman. His eyes had turned black and red. Dark veins spread throughout his entire body. He was in a half shift. Not all Lycan but no where near human.

"Get your hands off my mate." He growled. His voice was many octaves lower and more wolf than human. His Lycan was taking over.

Sydney's eyes widened in fear and slight hope. She then looked devastated like this was not what she wanted or how she thought this would turn out to be.

I then realised what he said. In fact we all did.



Sydney was his mate.


Cliffhanger like what?!😂😂
Ouuuu drama am I right?

What do y'all think about hazel eyes?

Well I want you look at a bit of eye candy. I present to you Alvarez, Luca Alvarez.😍😍 just imagine him to be more muscular.


He is sooooo delicious 😍😍😍

Enjoy reading😉


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