Lustful Mistake

By SamsamTa

17.3K 771 123

In the hunt for a hot story, journalist Beam enters a SM Circle to investigate an infamous Master for a revel... More

Author's Note
Job Interview
Endurance Test (Part I)

Endurance Test (Part II)

3.3K 202 43
By SamsamTa

Beam's POV

A humming tears me from my dreams
I'm blinking. It's Forth's cell phone flashing and vibrating on the bedside table.

Who the hell is calling now?

Forth gently pulls away from me and reaches for the phone. But instead of accepting the call, he leaves to the bathroom. I hear the toilet flush and the water noise from the sink, but then he does not come back.

I pull myself together, try to shake off the fatigue, and get up.
Is he talking secretly? Should I not hear the conversation?
My stomach contracts. What if there are others?

Quietly, I open the door to the bathroom and peek into it. It is empty, only the violet light is burning. My clothes are still on the floor in front of the tub. I pick them up and press them against my chest.
Forth can only have left the room through the other door where the study is located.

I hear him talking, but I do not understand a word. Aha, he's on the phone! My heart cramped. At the same time, I scolded myself for my jealousy. Maybe he just did not want to wake me up.
Like the last time, I open the door, as quiet as I can. Only a small gap. The room is in the dark. Forth sits back at the desk in front of the laptop with his back to me. This time I can see the screen. It shows a map with a plan from here. I recognize the river and the highway towards the next town. I have also googled this section to find the Master's house. In the forest area moves a small blinking point.

"He seems to drive back to his ritual place." Forth says in his cell phone, which is next to the laptop and is set to loud. "You really do not have to come, Lam, stay home. I can handle this alone."
He taps on the laptop, and new photos appear, this time shots of a flat. The quality is poor, many images are out of focus as if they were photographed from afar. They show a black-haired man in a suit and three naked men.

What are they doing there? And who was the guy? From behind he almost looked like Forth.

"I'm feeling guilty." Lam says on the phone. "Shall I really not replace you?"


"You just pretend that you do not want me with you." The man on the other end makes an indignant impression. There is a short break because Forth answers nothing.

"Why are so quiet?" Lam asks. "What's going on, Forth? Something is wrong with you."

I breathe a sigh of relief. His name really is Forth. But then he can not be this estate agent Darvid Kreepolrerk.

Sighing Forth combs through his hair. "I screwed up."

"What happened?" His friend sounds alarmed.

"I do not know where to start, but ... I have a guy in my bed."

"Congratulations, dude! That's great!"

So, I am crap? I would like to tell my opinion to Forth now! But I hold myself back. Let's see what else he is saying. Angry, I get dressed as quietly as possible.

"It was time, too." Lam says. "And you took him to the villa?"

"Yes, damn it."

"I will not tell anyone. Promise." This Lam suddenly sounds totally pleased. "Is it serious?"

Forth shrugs. "I do not think so."

A new sting bores into my heart. I was so sure that Forth felt more for me than sheer lust.

"Why not?" Lam lashes out.

"I ... do not know." Forth says softly, resting his head on both hands. "I screwed up big time ... I should never have brought him here. He is a journalist and has been snooping around. That's how I met him." Forth gets up and walks across the room.

Quickly I turn off the light in the bathroom, so I can continue to open the door unnoticed.

Forth now stands in front of the window and tries to adjust a video camera on a tripod. The lens is half hidden behind the curtain. A new photo flickers on the computer screen while Forth handles the camera. It shows a house at night, some windows are lit and someone is moving behind the curtains.
As Forth goes back to the table and drops into the swivel chair, I quickly shut the door down to a small gap. I listen to the conversation with a racing pulse. "Beam is a threat to the whole operation. I could kick my ass, but I was so horny for him ... I can't believe what I've done."

What kind of operation? And has Forth only responded driven by instinct? It hurts to hear it all.

"I've known you for a long time, man." Lam's voice comes from the phone. "This with this man is a good sign. You're just hiding in work and living from case to case." Lam continues.

Slowly, the puzzle gets together.
The house that does not belong to Forth. Cases, the surveillance camera ... and Forth knows about me. I remember him looking for my ID. Forth is not the Master, he is a policeman! Obviously at a special unit. He only oversees this Master, and the real Master lives in the house opposite!
I probably missed that house between the trees in my search on Google Earth.

"You can do that." says Lam. "And if you need someone to talk to, just call me."

"I will. Thanks." Forth replies and ends the conversation. With a sigh, he leans back in the swivel chair and cranks his neck. Forth looks so sad. I almost feel sorry for him. But when he turns off the laptop, I open the door and step behind him.

"I do not like it when you lie to me." I say softly.

Forth whirls around and jumps up. "Beam! Since when are you here?"

"Long enough to realize that my Master is not a Master at all, but a cop."

" Beam, I ..."

"You twitted me!" Angrily, I turn around and run back to the bedroom, Forth follows closely behind me. "Beam, wait!"

I grab my phone and put on my shoes. "Why did you do this mean game with me?" I ask in a low voice. I desperately try to hold back my tears. I just want to go away. My stomach is an icy lump, and I'm shaking all over. Maybe Kit can pick me up, otherwise, I'll have to order a taxi. "You lied to me.  And denied my chance of a mega-story!"

Forth's POV

When I see Beam so angry and hurt, I do not know what to do: shake him so he comes to his senses again, or take him in his arms and comfort him?
Instead, I stand there like an idiot and think feverishly about what I can say to not lose Beam.
Finally, I opened my heart, only to screw it up immediately

I run back to the bathroom into the study to collect my clothes. I quickly slip into my jeans. When I return to the bedroom, Beam is already at the door. I certainly will not let him go out into the night alone.

"Why did you lie to me?" He asks me, his back to me, a hand on the door handle.

"Would you have preferred me to leave you to this psychopath?" I pull my shirt over and stuff it in my pants. "I wanted to protect you from him and keep you quiet, so you do not do anything stupid. The man is dangerous!"

Beam suddenly turns around. If looks could kill, then I would have fallen dead on the spot. "You could have told me the truth. Instead, you've kept me believing you are that Master!"

"I wanted to tell you when we met in the city, but then ... " Damn, how can I explain what I was thinking?

"Then?" He raises an eyebrow. "Then your libido overwhelmed you."

"But you have also made every effort to seduce me!" I open the closet, in which a trolley with the clothes that I have deposited here for longer missions.

"Oh, now I'm to blame !?" Beam yells at me.

"We're both not entirely innocent." Frustrated, I breathe out as I grab my chest holster and put it on. Then I slip into a jacket. "I have to go watch the guy. Please stay here and let us talk about everything in peace. I do not want us to diverge like that. I would do anything to ..." To keep you with me, I would have liked to say. But that's probably the wrong time now. "To get your forgiveness."

Suddenly he calms down. A bit too sudden for my taste. "Maybe you can do something." He says. "Take me with you."

"That's not going to happen!" What is Beam thinking? This is a police operation, this is nothing for a civilian.

He crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the door." Oh, this is going to happen. After all, you also brought me here. Would your supervisor like that?" He just looks at me. Penetrating. Challenging.

Suddenly I feel very uncomfortable. Of course, Beam is up to every trick, but would he actually snitch on me?

"Take me with you. Then we'll see."

"Is the story everything you're interested in?" I ask tiredly. I do not want to argue with Beam anymore. No matter what I say, I would only make things worse.

"I do my job, you do yours." He replies coolly.

I stand in front of him and look him deep in the eyes. "What if I do not take you with me? Will you then take revenge with an article?" He does not say anything, just looks at me expectantly.

Damn, I can not read him at all! In order to get to the story about Kongthanin, he would have gone into his SM circle, offered himself to the guy as a slave. The thought alone turns my stomach upside down.

Fuck! I get my gun from the vault, which is also hidden in the closet, and put it in the chest holster. "But you stay in the car!" I command him and leave the room.

The silence between us is unbearable.

Beam sits with me again in the Mercedes, only this time there is no erotic tingling in the air. Just iciness.
I should have tied him up at the mansion. That's what a real Master would have done.

"I only ask you not to endanger the operation. If all goes well, you can start your vendetta from me."

"I never said I would take revenge." He says without looking at me and stares out into the night. He does not want revenge? My hope is rising.
Meanwhile, we drive already for 5 minutes through the forest. The paths are twisted, but I know the way to Kongthanin's hidden spot, where he likes to meet with individual slaves to reward them in their own way for their services.

"How dangerous is this Master?" Beam asks again.

"He does not physically abuse the slaves, he even looks after them well, but he abuses them for criminal purposes."

"What exactly do they have to do?" When I do not answer right away, he adds. "I will not give anything that jeopardizes the investigation. Promise."

"You're a reporter." I turn my head briefly and when I see him smile, my heart almost bounces off my chest. "I really just wanted to protect you from harm. Somehow, all of this ... then became independent."

"I believe you." He replies to my joy and pets my leg. "I've always felt that you would never hurt me. However, your Masterly attitude seemed to me to be strange."

Grinning, I shrug. "Over the past few days, I've been watching Kongthanin - that's the guy's name - constantly, so I was able to copy some things. And the rest I improvised."

"You were not bad for that." It's good not to deal with an angry Beam anymore.

"I was curious how far you would go, and it's really fun to test your limits - and my own. Only at some point, I could not get out of it." I park the car at the end of the road and turn off the engine. Immediately it is pitch dark. "I have to go now."

"Wait a minute." I feel Beam hold my arm. "What do the slaves have to do?"

"Distribute counterfeit money among the people. Kongthanin is just a minnow, but behind him stands an organization that produces funny money on a grand scale. He himself never appears in public. This is done by his slaves. He makes them addicted that they are doing everything for him. They buy some trifles with the false money or so to distribute counterfeit money to the people."

"Oh, maybe I should thank you for protecting me."

"That would be the least ... " Suddenly I feel his hands on my neck, his lips on my mouth. The surprising kiss is a redemption. If I did not have a job to do, I would never let Beam go. But I really have to leave.
Only by exerting all my willpower I succeed in detaching myself from him. I've been listening to a conversation, and if I've understood it correctly, I can catch some bigger fish today, and we finally find out where this band prints the money. "Stay in the car and lock up. I'll be back soon." I say, take out my Mini Maglight from the glove box and get out. From the trunk, I get a GPS transmitter - a small box with two antennas, which can be attached to the body of a car by a magnet.
Then I make my way through the dark forest, the light of the flashlight directed to the ground. I know exactly where to go and see the clearing soon.

A blanket is laid out on it, which is illuminated by four car headlights. A gagged figure in a full-body latex suit rolls on it. The person wears a head harness, similar to the one I bought in the erotic shop. Two men in black clothes and ski masks hold the person tight. Also, Kongthanin is present, dressed in dark clothes. However, the Master does not wear headgear. He puts a suitcase on the blanket and opens it. "You have the little one." He says in an icy voice. "Very well.  Then the fun can begin."

Perfect, everyone is distracted. I sneak to the two vehicles and kneel behind the car that does not belong to Kongthanin, while the person whimpers and the men laugh. Attaching the transmitter works smoothly, and a few minutes later I'm back at my car.

But Beam is gone.

"Damn!" I know exactly where he is.

As quiet as I can, I walk back the short distance and discover my renegade reporter behind a sawed tree trunk. He pushes on his cell phone. The light of the display brightens his face. I sneak up behind him and put his hand over his mouth while I take the smartphone away from him with the other hand. "Have you lost your mind? Everyone can see you." I hiss before I pull my hand away.

"We have to help the guy!" Immediately he takes the phone back.

"He wants it that way. That's his reward." I've witnessed the procedure many times before. The slaves do their job to Kongthanin's satisfaction, they can choose an erotic fantasy, which he then fulfill. At first, I was not sure if I should intervene or not. "Look closely. He does not really defend himself."

"How could he? He is being held by two men!" Beam sounds indignant, but he props his elbows on the tree trunk and peers over to the clearing, which is far enough away that no one can not see us in the dark.

The masked men pull the man onto his back and keep his legs spread open. Now I realize that the continuous suit between the legs has a slot. His nipples and penis also peek out of the catsuit and squeeze through the skin-tight material. From his face, only eyes, nose and mouth are recognizable, in which the ball is still stuck. Now Kongthanin removes the ball, and the man says breathing hard. "Thanks, Master!"

Beam crouches behind the tree and presses on his cell phone. I lean over him. "What's going to happen?"

"I want to take a picture, but I have to put out that stupid flash and click sound first."

Smart guy. Nevertheless, I take the smartphone out of his hand again, turn it off and stow it in his jacket. "We're leaving here now." I've done my job, the rest will take over my team.

"One more moment." Beam raises his head again to watch the action. "I have to make sure the guy is fine."

While the masked man holds the guy's legs apart, Kongthanin has pulled on black latex gloves. In one hand he holds an extra strong vibrator. The Master tweaks nipple clamps on the nipples of the slave, who then cries out. The sound stops through the night and stirs up a little owl that flies wildly fluttering away. Immediately one of the masked ones puts his hand on his mouth. Kongthanin presses the vibrator into the anus of the slave. The slave wriggles, but the men hold him firmly. Kongthanin clenches his hand around the slave's cock and presses hard. "You need it hardest of all my slaves, huh?" He hisses.

"Yes, Master." He whimpers.

Meanwhile, my eyes have become accustomed to the darkness, so I can admire Beam's perfect butt. It reminds me of what happened between us. Suddenly the job is forgotten and a wild desire comes over me. This desire that only Beam can trigger in me.

I hug him from behind to hug him and whisper in his ear. "The guy is fine. Come on now." I want to take Beam on the spot because my cock is already hard. Beam presses his butt against me. The little devil knows exactly what is going on. "You do not obey me? I think I have not punished you hard enough yet." My heart is pounding. Will he play with me or drop me off?

He turns in my embrace and whispers. "If I'm allowed to watch for a while, I'll be pretty good later and fulfill all your wishes, Master."

"Blackmailer!" I mumble before kissing him. I push him behind the trunk and enjoy the teasing game of his soft lips. But I can not get weak. We finally have to leave. Out of the corner of my eye, I observe the events in the clearing.

Kongthanin now penetrates the slave with violent thrusts and jerks him off at the same time. "May I come, Master? Please?" Plead the slave.

Beam raises his head to see something, too. "I had no idea how that SM circle is working."

"He seems to be doing that for a while." I reply as I have already seen much heavier things during Kongthanin's observation. "Come on now, please."

"It does not work that way without stimulation." Beam replied grinning.

"What?" But then I understand and grin back. "You have just that one thing in your head." I hand him my hand and pull Beam to his feet. Together we go to the car, fingers entwined.

I can not wait to have Beam back in bed. If we even make it this far, because as soon as I'm behind the wheel, Beam pulls down his pants and boxer shorts and climbs on my lap. I can see the pre-cum glistening, as he sits with spread thighs on me and tries to open my pants.

"Are you always so greedy?" I ask him and help him with the buttons.

"Only with you." While he releases my erection, he licks his lips. I kiss him, and my heart is racing with joy. I put my hands on his bare thighs, stroking the tender skin on the insides, but annoying Beam by not touching him where he needs it most. Instead, I knead his buttocks devotedly and suck his nipples through the thin T-shirt fabric.

Crouched so he does not hit the roof of the car, he strips off his jacket and throws on the passenger seat. Then he grabs my cock at the root, to slowly lower himself on him.
Groaning, I rest my head at the backrest. My cock thumps wild as I plunge into his tight hole and leisurely penetrate him deeper. Beam's walls close tightly around my shaft, envelop him, caresses him.

He puts his hands around my neck and pulls my head up to kiss me. He strokes my upper body with his hands, but when he hits my gun he recoils.

Immediately, I pull the Glock out of the holster and put it in the glove box. Nothing should disturb our love game.

I press my hands on Beams bare butt, knead it and thrust into him. Beam lets his hips circle on top of me and shoots my desire to new hights.
He grins. "I want an exclusive article when the case is resolved. As compensation for your lies."

"Are you going to blackmail me again?" I ask, breathing heavily. Beam knows exactly where my weak points are and that's why I adore him. My sex god.

Beam suddenly speeds up, seeming to tense his inner muscles, making him even tighter, which almost makes me cum. I grab his hips to stop him. "Okay, I'll see what I can do." I give in.

"Good slave."

"Hey, I'm the master here!"

"I'm on top here, I have the power." He whispered, wrapping his hand around his own cock and stroking himself with skillful fingers. Groaning he closes his eyelids and claws his fingers in my hair. I like it when he does that, holds on to me and I can give him that certainty to let himself go.

I stretch and spread hot kisses on his neck, his torso, suck on his nipples, whereupon he rides me harder. "Beam, I ..." I can not hold myself back any longer. If a certain point is exceeded, all attempts to control yourself no longer help. "Slower." I moan as I want to come along with Beam.

Apparently, Beam does not want to because he looks at me closely, seems to study every reaction, while he takes my cock deep inside, slowly riding on me. Just like I love it. I scream and melt in his tight heat, pumping once, twice ... eight times into him.
The climax is so long and hard that I run out of air. Electrifying shock waves run from my glans over the entire shaft deep into the abdomen, where they spread rapidly in all directions.
Wow, how could I have done without such fantastic sex for so long?

Exhausted, I finally lean back. Did Beam come with me?

"As I said, now I have the power." He smirks and starts to stroke his cock while he rides my limp cock. What an incredible man. His smile disappears and gives way to a rapt expression.

I embrace his hips and stroke his butt. "Yes, help yourself, Baby. I want to see everything." Panting, Beam supports his head on my shoulder as he moves his hand up and down faster and faster. I knead his butt cheeks and feel his inner body contract around my limp cock, which is still half inside him. With a cry, Beam explodes, arches his back and his semen spreads between us.

He buries his face in my neck. His fast breathing touches my neck. I hug him and pull him close to me.

We have done it again, even in my official car! Somehow we do not seem to be able to leave each other.

"What will happen to us now?" I ask into the silence, while we just hold each other in awe.

Beam turns his head and nibbles on my neck. "I do not know. Did I pass the probationary period as your slave?"

"Does that mean you forgive me?" I hold my breath.

"I forgive you." He pulls me over and kisses me long and hard. Beam has just made me the happiest man in the world.

"So instead of having a rich SM prince charming, you can really deal with a cop who lives in a three-room apartment and drives an old car?"

"It's only you who matter. I do not need more to be happy."

And I also do not need more. I just need my Beam.

The End!

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Yah, I think I have to reboot my brain after this story...
Anyway, thank you for your support. Love you aaaaaaaaall and happy weekend <3

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