One Night Amongst the Stars

By EmeraldBarnes

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One Night Amongst the Stars

88 1 1
By EmeraldBarnes

The night was dark on this planet.  The stars were dim, and where was their moon?  On our planet, we had three: a large one and two smaller ones circling it.  It was absolutely breath-taking.  At least this planet had a similar atmosphere.  I could easily walk about this planet safely.

I sat in my ship – more of an escape pod than anything – looking into the dark.  I wondered where I had landed.  I hadn’t picked a specific destination; I just left.  It was best for everyone this way.

I thought I should probably sleep, but there wasn’t any way I could calm my conflicted mind.  There was too much to think about.

I knew I must sleep.  My body was quickly depleting of strength.  The day had been an exhausting one, and it was too dark to explore.  It would have to wait until morning.  If there was a morning here. 


My alarm clock was a little too loud this morning.  I quickly turned it off and lay there for a moment.  Rex, my black and white border collie, was snoring at my feet.  Outside, the sun had just risen.  I didn’t want to get out of bed, but I did anyway.

I slipped out from under the covers.  Rex looked at me and then closed his eyes again.  It wasn’t the first time I thought about how nice it must be to be a dog.  I walked to the bathroom, relieved my bladder, washed my hands, and then went into the kitchen for breakfast.

I started the coffee brewing and then made myself a bowl of cornflakes.  I sat down at the small dining room table and ate.  Afterwards, I placed my empty bowl and spoon in the sink and called Rex into the kitchen where I fed him. 

While he was eating, I dressed in a pair of old jeans, a t-shirt, and work boots.  By the time I finished dressing, Rex was through eating.  I rubbed the top of his head, poured some coffee in a mug, and we walked outside by way of the backdoor.

 The morning air was nice and cool, and dew dampened my boots.  Rex ran ahead of me, sniffing the ground and enjoying the cool morning.  I couldn’t blame him.  It was a beautiful day.  The sun shone brightly on the dewy grass, and the clouds floated aimlessly in the bright blue sky.  I couldn’t help but smile as I took a drink of my coffee, feeling the warm black liquid run down my throat. 

Rex and I walked down the dirt path leading through the woods and to the lake near the edge of my property.  I squinted at the sun shining on the lake but enjoyed the setting in front of me.  I was always thankful for the beautiful land I owned. 

Rex stopped, took a defensive stance, and emanated a low growl.  I looked in the direction he was growling and saw a young woman cowering behind a tree, terrified at the gentle dog warning his master of an intruder. 

“Rex, hush,” I said gently as I walked towards him.  He immediately fell quiet.  I patted him on the head and said, “Good boy.”

Then, I called out the woman.  She looked up at me with scared eyes. 

“It’s all right.  I’m not gonna hurt you.”

I felt like I was talking to a small child.  I walked a little closer, as she stood up straight.

“Who are you?” she asked.

“Blake Ford, ma’am.”

“Blake Ford.”

“Yeah.   Nice to meet you.”  She nodded.  “What’s your name?” I asked.


“Where you from, Miss?”

“Where am I?” she asked instead of answering me.


“Where’s Amory?”

“In Mississippi.”

I was a bit confused.  Surely this girl knew she was in Mississippi if she had shown up on my land this morning.

“Where’s Mississippi?  What galaxy?”

“What on earth are you talkin’ about?”

“Earth?  Am I on Earth?”

“Um, yeah.”

“I’ve read about this place.  It’s nothing like what I’ve read.”

 “What have you read?” I asked.

“There is only war and madness.”

“Not in all places here.”

“Of course war and madness are everywhere.”  She seemed to be reminiscing about something.

I stared back at her, wondering how come such a beautiful woman had lost her mind.  And beautiful she was.  She had long blonde curls that shone in the bright sunlight.  She was wearing a pair of black leggings and an oversized purple shirt.  On her right arm was some kind of strange tribal looking tattoo that ran the length of her arm.  It was similar to a vine with intricate purple leaves.  It was extraordinary. 

She walked closer to me; it was almost as if she were studying me.  She might have been for all I knew.

“You are very strange looking,” she said.


She squinted her eyes at me like she didn’t know what to do with me. 

“Are you really from another planet?” I asked.

“Yes,” she answered.

I still wasn’t sure I believed her, but I found myself wanting to.

“Can you tell me what planet?  Jupiter, Mars, Saturn?”

“No.  Those aren’t habited.”

“There are more planets?”

“Yes.  Galaxies full of planets exist.  Maybe more.”

“You’re kiddin’ me.”

“What does that mean?”

“It’s like a joke.”

“A joke?”

“Kinda like lyin’ for fun.”

“Why would someone lie for fun?”

“Because it’s funny.”

“Lying is not funny.”

“It can be,” I said laughing.  She stared back at me not saying a word.

“So, um, Ariyana right?”  I was slightly embarrassed, so I wanted to change the subject.


“How did you end up by my lake?”

“Quite by accident,” she answered, “I am sorry for intruding.”

“No, it’s fine.  I’m happy to meet you.”  I wasn’t lying.  She was an interesting character, even if she was crazy. 

She still stared back at me like I was an enigma.  If she really thought she was an alien, then she must’ve thought she was meeting a human for the first time.  It still confused me though.  She acted like I was the first person she’d come across.  If she’d lived on Earth, then why was she acting like she’d seen this planet for the first time today?  Had she recently lost her mind?  Maybe she’d been in an accident or something. 

 “Have you eaten this mornin’?” I asked, hoping that breakfast would give us a chance to talk more.

“ No.”

“You hungry?”  She nodded.  “All right.  Well, come back with me, and I’ll get you some food.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem,” I replied.


I followed the human.  We walked through the woods on a pathway while his dog followed us, sniffing the ground we just walked on.  I was somewhat afraid that the dog would hurt me, but he must trust his master.

This human seemed really nice, nothing at all like what I’d seen.  They were all angry and controlling beings, but Blake was nice.  It was quite refreshing to meet another human, one who wasn’t trying to kill me.

Rocks bruised the bottom of my bare feet.  I would have to find something like Blake was wearing on his.  Maybe that would help. 

The air smelled fragrant.  I wondered what that intoxicating scent was.  I had never smelled anything like it before.

“What is that smell?”

“Hmm?” he asked stopping and turning around to face me.

“I smell an unusual scent.  What is it?”

He sniffed the air and said, “Oh, that’s honeysuckles.”  He laughed.


“You’ve never heard of honeysuckles before?”


“Come on.”

“Where are we going?”

“Just follow me.”

He turned to the right and walked off of the path.  At first, I didn’t know what to think of this human.  Maybe he wasn’t as honest and kind as I first thought.  What if he was directing me off of the path to kill me?  My heartbeat accelerated, and I shouldn’t have been scared.  He seemed like a harmless human, and I had been trained.  I knew how to handle myself against assailants.  In the end, I followed him. 

It wasn’t long before we stopped in front of a plant.  It was about waist high, had green leaves with some white and yellow blossoms.  They weren’t quite flowers, but they kind of looked like them.

“Pick one,” he said.

I picked one like he did.  He pinched the end off of his and pulled out what looked like the center of it.  He licked it.  I was confused but imitated him.  I licked the middle of it, and it was sweet.  It wasn’t much, but there was enough to taste what caused the fragrance in the air.  It was amazing.  I laughed and so did he. 


“I hope this is all right,” I said, spreading the old quilt my great-grandma made over the bed. 

“This is fine,” she answered.  A smile spread across her face.  She ran her hands across the double wedding ring pattern on the quilt my grandma received on her wedding day.   

“This is beautiful,” she said.

“Thank you.  It’s been in the family for a while.”

She looked sad, and I wanted to say something but was at a loss for comforting words. 

“Well, the bathroom’s right down the hall.  I’ll work on gettin’ you somethin’ to eat.”

She smiled and said, “Thank you.”

I walked out of the room after mumbling “You’re welcome.”  I headed towards the kitchen and called to Rex, but he stayed at Ariyana’s door watching her closely.

“Come on, Rex,” I said again. 

He was being stubborn, so I left him.  Hopefully he wouldn’t frighten Ariyana.  I continued into the kitchen and grabbed some bacon and eggs out of the refrigerator.  I set them on the counter, grabbed my frying pan and set to work.

Rex finally padded down the hallway and sat at my feet hoping I’d drop some food.  I tossed him some bread while making toast.  When the breakfast was nearly finished, Ariyana walked into the kitchen. 

“Hope you’re hungry,” I said, “I cooked too much food.”


I took a seat at the table and watched as Blake poured a black liquid into a mug.  It smelled oddly delicious, but I didn’t think I could drink something black.  He set it and a plate of food in front of me.  The food didn’t look much different than what I was used to on my planet.  He poured himself a cup of the same liquid and walked back to the table.  He sat across from me and smiled.   His dog lay near the backdoor and watched us intently.

“So,” he said, “Is everything okay?”

I looked at him. I didn’t understand his question. 

“The food.  Is it okay?”

“Oh, yes.  Thank you.”

I smiled and took a bite of the eggs.  He smiled too and put his mug to his lips.  He took a drink and set it back down. 

I was still wary of the drink.  I knew it’d be hot because steam rose from it.  I don’t remember ever drinking anything like this before, but it couldn’t be too bad.  Yet, I let it sit for a while in hopes that it wouldn’t be too hot by the time I get around to drinking it.  Instead, I eat more of the eggs and burnt bread.

“Sorry about the toast,” he said, “If it’s not good.  I can make you some more.”

“It’s fine.  Thanks.”

He nodded and then stared at me.  I blushed. 

“What’s your story?” he asked.

“What do you mean?”

“How’d you end up here?”

I didn’t want to talk about it, but he was so nice in helping me out. 

“I left my family.”

“How come?”

It pained me to think about it.  I couldn’t live that life anymore.  I wouldn’t be forced to do anything I didn’t want to any longer.

“Just – differences.”

He nodded like he understood.   My chest fluttered, which frightened me.  I put my hand to my chest, and he asked, “Are you all right?”

It calmed down, and I said, “Yes.  I’m fine.  Sorry.”  I forced a smile on my face.

He nodded, but concern was written all over his face.   

“Do you live alone?” I asked, needing to get the subject off of me.


“No mate then?”

He laughed.  “No.  No mate.”

I don’t understand why that would be funny.  We fall silent, and I ate the rest of my food as he watched me.  It made me nervous, but I was so hungry. 

After he poured himself another glass of the black liquid, he asked, “Would you like somethin’ else to drink?  You haven’t touched your coffee.”


He asked me what I would like, and orange juice sounded like the best option.  I knew I would like that.  He poured some in a clear glass and brought it to me.  I take it with a mumbled thanks.  He smiled and took his seat.  He drank more coffee while I finished my glass of orange juice.


After she ate, we decided to take a walk.  I listened to her describe her home planet.  She said that the sky was purple and the grass was a brighter green than ours, and their moons were like large silver stars lighting their way home.  She was some kind of princess among her people but had to leave when her dad brought in the man she was to marry. 

I still didn’t know if I believed her.  I really wanted to, but it was too fantastical.  I had only learned of the nine – well, eight – planets and Pluto who was down-graded to a moon in our solar system.  And she was asking me to believe that there was another solar system with more planets, including hers.  I didn’t know what to believe anymore.

“Do you want to see my ship?” she asked.

I couldn’t tell her no.  I mean, it was a spaceship after all.  How could I pass on this opportunity?

“Sure,” I said, and she started down the path we walked this morning.  Rex chased a rabbit into the woods, and Ariyana laughed.  I smiled.

We continued on around the lake and stopped in an opening near the gravel road that led past my house and down to the neighbors who lived on the other side. 

“Here it is,” she said and stroked it proudly.

It was a Chevy Tahoe with a busted passenger side window.  My heart sank. 

“It’s beautiful,” I said.

She patted it and said, “This is the only thing I have left from home.”

I had a feeling that she’s happy she’s away from home, but I couldn’t help wonder who this girl really was and how she found her way here. 

We found ourselves walking back down the path where Rex met up with us.  He’d been running hard.  His tongue wagged out of his mouth, and he panted heavily.  I rubbed his head.

I couldn’t keep my mind off of Ariyana, or whatever her real name was.  I had to find out more about her.  She was sick and needed to be somewhere safe.  I wanted to protect her, but I didn’t know the first thing about helping her out. 

Inside the house, Ariyana yawned and asked if she could take a nap.  “Of course.”

“Thank you.”

She walked to the room I’d shown her earlier.   She stopped at the door and turned around to face me.  She smiled and walked into the room, shutting the door behind her.

Rex followed me into the living room where I flopped down on the couch.  He jumped on the couch next to me and laid his head in my lap.

“What am I gonna do?” I whispered, and I rubbed behind his ears. 


I opened the door and heard people talking.  My stomach fluttered.  I rested my hand on my stomach and walked warily throughout the house, looking for Blake.  I found him talking to some fellow men.  Two were dressed in black uniforms and two others were dressed in blue outfits.  One of them wore a white coat.  I knew something bad was about to happen.

Blake rose from his seat, his dog, the loyal follower, beside him.  “Ariyana.”  He said my name gently, but I had a feeling he was about to tell me something terrible.

One of them men in blue said, “Come with me, Abigail.”

“Who’s Abigail?” I asked.

“That’s you,” Blake said.

“No.  I’m Ariyana.  You’re mistaken.”

Blake turned to the other men and asked if he could have a moment alone with me, but I didn’t know if I could trust him now.

“Let’s sit,” he said.

He took a seat, and Rex lay at his feet.  I sat across from him in another chair.  One close to a door if I had to make a quick escape. 

“Ariyana.  You’re not from a different planet.”

“You’re wrong.”

“No.  I’m not.”

He grabbed a book off of the table and handed it to me.  I cautiously take it.  “Read it.”  I didn’t want to.  Bad memories were associated with this book.  I’d never seen it before, but I knew it held terrible secrets.  Secrets that would stay with me forever.

“Please.  Read it.”

His voice was sweet, and I wanted to read it.  Curiosity was quickly taking over, and I still felt like I could trust Blake.  I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, although I wasn’t sure about the people outside.

“I found it in your car,” he said.

“My car?  You mean my ship.”

He shook his head, and I was confused.  More confused than I’d ever been before.  The key was in this book.  If I wanted to know more, I had to read it.

I opened the book.  The handwriting inside was messy, but I could still make out the words.  I read a sad story about a young woman who had been attacked by a man, her father.  I closed the book in a hurry and looked at Blake.  He looked sad.

“Who is this?”

“It’s you.”

“No.  This didn’t happen to me.”


I knew it was a long shot that the memories would come back if she read the book.  They told me that she’d had no recovered memories since she’d been found two months ago.  She was black and blue from the beating she’d taken.  Her dad had been apprehended, but she had already become a new person.  Ariyana.  A woman fleeing a different planet in order to escape. 

“Who are they?” she asked me.

“They’re here to take you to a safe place.”

“I’m safe here.”

“I can’t protect you the way they can.”

Tears fall down her cheeks, and I walked to her and held her close.  She was like a child who needed comforting. 

She rested her head on my shoulder, and I held her small, shaking frame in my arms.  The two orderlies from the psychiatric hospital walked into living room.

“Time to go, Ms.  Abigail,” the tallest man said in a deep voice.

“No.  Don’t let them take me.”

“I have no other choice.”

I released her, but she held onto my waist.  “Ariyana, please.”

“You can’t let them take me.”

The orderlies looked at me, and I nodded.  They touched her, and she screamed.  They forcefully grabbed ahold of her and pulled her off of me.

She screamed my name as they forced her to leave my house.  “Don’t do this to me!  You can’t let them take me.”

“I’m sorry,” I yelled back at her.  “Please believe me.  I’m sorry!”

I fell onto the sofa.  The cops stopped by and told me that they were leaving.  I didn’t acknowledge them, and they found their own way out of my house.  Rex jumped onto the couch and laid his head in my lap. 

The cars pulled out of my driveway, and I was left pondering my actions.  I knew she had to go back, but how could I do this to her?  She didn’t want to leave, and I shouldn’t have made her.  She could’ve stayed with me until she regained her memory, but I wasn’t equipped to handle this.  I was just a farmer. 


He walked into the rec room searching for me.  I was embarrassed by my actions, but I couldn’t help think he sent me back to this place, the place I loathed with every inch of my being.  He smiled when he saw me.  I turned my head and looked out the window.  The chair scraped across the tiled floor as he pulled out the extra seat from underneath the table.  He took a seat and said, “Abigail.”

I looked at him.  He looked older than when we met, almost a month ago.  I wondered if he’d slept any. 


“Have you forgiven me?”

“I don’t know.”

“You know I had to do it?”

“They won’t let me leave.”

“You only have another week.”

The memories had come back to me a week after meeting Blake.  It was embarrassing to think that I was running around calling myself an alien named Ariyana. 

When I don’t answer him, he asked, “Do you know where you’re goin’ to go?”

“Not home.”

“Do you have any friends?”


He stared at me for a moment before saying, “Come stay with me.”  My mouth fell open.  This was the last thing I expected him to say. 

“Let me make it up to you, Abigail.  Please.”

“What will I do?”

“Help me work the farm.”

“I don’t know a thing about farming.”

“You can learn.”

I turned back to the window.  I thought about his offer, but I didn’t answer.  I was still angry with him. 

When it was clear to him I wasn’t going to answer, he slid a piece of paper to me and stood.  He walked out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.


A week later, at sunrise, I pondered driving to the hospital to see Abigail, but I figured if she hadn’t called me yet, then she didn’t want to talk to me.  So, I dressed and walked out to the barn to start my day of work. 

While I was tossing hay to the horses, Rex barked madly at something.  Figuring it’s just a rabbit or squirrel, I tossed some more hay to Diamond, the pregnant mare.  Eventually Rex stopped barking.

I finished up with the horses and headed to cut the hay in the field.  The tractor wouldn’t start up, and I cursed at it. 

“Stupid tractor!”  I threw my cap at it and sat on the ground. 

“I don’t think throwing a cap’s gonna help much.”

I turned around to see Abigail standing beside Rex.  She was dressed in blue jeans , a white t-shirt, and cowboy boots.

“I wasn’t exactly sure how to dress.”

I smiled and stood.  “The boots might be uncomfortable for a hard day of work.”

She smiled and said, “I’m sorry.”

“So am I.”

Rex barked and rubbed his head against Abigail’s leg in approval.   

“What can I do?” she asked.

I smiled, and we set to work on the tractor. 

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