Your Wonderful Guide to World...

Av RobynTheWriter827

17.6K 1.1K 329

This guide will hopefully help you to create the perfect world to set your story in. I'll be suggesting resou... Mer

The Arts - Part One
The Arts - Part Two
Trade and Industry
Deep Culture
Miscellaneous Tips
Final Words
Temporary Chapter


300 22 5
Av RobynTheWriter827

Hello everyone! Today I'll be giving you a big list of resources you can use. Most of these are specific to worldbuilding, but a few are general to writing!


Pinterest - I love Pinterest. But in terms of writing, it's brilliant. You find links to blog posts on certain topics, there are infographics on publishing, information on book genres, screenshots from Tumblr posts about writing and so much more. You also get lots of worldbuilding advice and writing prompts. 10/10, there's also a website.

Tumblr - On Tumblr you find a lot of similar things you would find on Pinterest. But one thing I like about Tumblr is that there are so many writeblrs (Tumblr blogs with a theme of writing) run by so many diverse people. There's quite a famous blog for writing POC characters, and you can ask them questions on any aspect of writing POC. I think Tumblr is a great place to find sensitivity readers. 10/10, also a website.

Forest - This app helps you stay focused. You plant a virtual tree by setting a timer and not using your phone for that amount of time. It has white noise sounds in the app for concentration. You can see how long you've focused for and how many trees you've planted over the last week, month and year. Quite a lot of features are hidden behind a pay wall I don't want to pay, and you can buy things, but they cost a lot of in-app currency. Despite these drawbacks it helps me stay focused while writing. 7/10.

World Scribe - This app lets you create an encyclopedia for your world! You name the world, and then you create 'articles' of characters, locations, items and more! Then you 'link' the things to each other. You link characters to locations and groups, items to locations and everything in between. Once you've added all the information, you go into 'reader mode' where you can then open the articles and look for information, then click on the links you created. It's a really cool concept, and I love using it. 10/10!


World Anvil - I haven't used this very much, but it is brilliant from what I've seen. It's like World Scribe, but much more detailed. 10/10.

Wikipedia - It might not be the most reliable for some purposes, but great for general researching. 9/10.

Wattpad books

Worldbuilder Tips and Guides by Unspoken_Uprising - I'll admit, I've admired this book and the work that has been put into it ever since I started writing this one! It's very detailed and well organised, and I wish my book was as good as this. 10/10 read it for high quality information you won't find in this book!

How to Write Stories People Will Love by Zoe_Blessing - This is more general writing advice, but I highly recommend! There are lots of chapters of advice, and even a chapter where you can ask questions and Zoe will answer them. I've read this book a lot and is my go to when I'm stuck. 10/10.

That's all for today! If you have any suggestions, please comment or PM me.

Next time, on Your Wonderful Guide to World Building - Final Words! Yes, it's really the end, but I'm going to need your help on some aspects of this book.

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