By hrtjnk

28.7K 1.6K 856

"Will I be able to reach you on the other side of this grudges?" From elementary until middle school, Jungko... More

Hiding From You
I Remember You
The Protective Person
She Did It
Beautiful Eyesight
Accidental Lip Touch
Rain Drops & Tear Drops
Shared Pictures
Revealing the Truth
Let's End It
The True Rain Kiss
Did You Miss Me?
You Still Like Me
Give Him Chances
Next To Me
Fireflies Love
Still In To You
Please Save Her
I Want to See You
Knew All Along
Between Us

The Other Side of You

1.4K 97 31
By hrtjnk

Jennie sat on the other side of the hard nurse's bed, drinking the warm water that the nurse had offered her a minute ago. a blue curtain was placed in between them, to separate the same room into sections. on the other side, laid the unconscious Jungkook.

"you are lucky to have not been hurt anywhere" the nurse mention as she writes down Jennie's report on to the school's health record.

"when do you think he will wake up?" Jennie asked when she heard the last school bell ring. It was now time to go home. they have been in the nursing room for two hours now.

"hmm... I don't know exactly when but let me go check up on him" the nurse said as she went to the other side of the curtain.

Jungkook was already up, listening to their conversation. as soon as the nurse got to his side, he quickly held his finger between his lips and wave his hand for the nurse to come closer.

she did so as he took his phone out, went to his note app, and started typing.

'tell her to go first' Jungkook showed his typing to the nurse as she furrowed her eyebrows before glancing back at him.

"how is he?" Jennie asks from the other side of the curtain after hearing no sound. the nurse quickly walked away from Jungkook and back to Jennie's side.

"I think it's best if you go first or else you'll miss the last bus" the nurse suddenly said.

Jennie looked down on her unlocked phone for the time. right, her driver and mother are probably already outside waiting for her. thinking so, she swiftly puts her backpack on and steps down from the tall bed.

"I'll get going then, thank you" she bowed as she reaches the doorknob. hesitating to open the door, she turns right back, glaring at the curtains as she hopes for him to wake up.

Jungkook stayed still behind the curtains, listening for the door to be shut. but instead, he heard her hesitating to get out of the room. he wished for her to stop and just go without leaving anything behind, not even her words.

"can you also please tell him 'thank you?" she ask, glancing at the nurse, who stood there looking at her back.

these words brought warmth into his investment of blocking all of those gym supplies for her. behind the curtain, genuinely, a small smile curved on Jungkook's lips. but, the smile didn't even last because he was forcing it to fade away before it stuck there forever. 

"ahhh.. yes" the nurse immediately smiles as she pretends to write something down on her clipboard. in this lying situation, she could only do so much for them both.

when the door slammed shut, Jungkook steps out of the bed and peek along with the side drop of the thick blue curtain. it wasn't long until the nurse can see his shadow peeking out and talking to him.

"you heard her didn't you?" she mentions as Jungkook walks over hunching because his back was sore and full of bruises. 

"I feel like my back will break any sooner--"

"don't worry. luckily it was just bruises that will take a while to heal. oh, by the way, you guys were in the same room, why did you have more injuries than her?" the nurse asks, furrowing her eyebrows as she turns away to go grab some medications from the back drawers.

"I fell on top of her, that's why" Jungkook lied, looking everywhere else but her. he felt well, hearing that she didn't have any injuries.

the nurse didn't ask any further questions as she just simply nodded and gave Jungkook some applying medications and bandages so he can wrap them around his back for bacteria prevention.

after accepting all of the things the nurse gave him, he walked out of the nurse's office and into the halls. he stretched his neck from side to side, walking as slowly as possible so his back muscle won't pull.

"oh Jungkook!" Ms.Park greeted him as she stop him in the middle of the hallways of their walking. he took a quick glance to see who it was and realize it was his twelve-grade teacher. 

"yeah?" he replies, trying not to hunch as much as before.

"since you joined us late, you should come to the tutoring session so you can catch up with the other students in the room" she suggested to him.

"there's such thing?" he raised his brows.

"of course, it's tomorrow, after school!"

"ah, you see I don't--"

"see you there!" she insisted, walking away indicating that he have to come.

he held onto his back as slowly walks out to catch the last bus or else he'll have to walk 5 miles home under the peachy, sunkissed, sky. the words of Ms. Park bothered him. he hates tutoring since he hasn't had the best time with them. but he felt that he needed to go this time because apparently, he wanted to do well for his mother.

walking past the big green and dying yard of the school, Jungkook came upon the front of the school's gate. on one of the poles, Jennie stood there kicking one of her feet as she was still waiting for her ride.

not many people were there so everything could be easily seen. running away to hide before she sees him, he did so but his name was already called from her delightful voice.

"Jungkook!" Jennie yelled as she saw Jungkook going the opposite of her. 

he pause and then decided to skip away again, pretending not to hear her. Jennie skipped behind him. it wasn't long until she was able to catch up about 5 feet from him. this was because he really couldn't run from the backaches.

"Jungkook!" Jennie shouted again for him to stop and eventually he did so because he looked foolish for escaping. maybe it wasn't as bad if he have just given her a chance to say what she wants before parting.

"Jennie ah!" her mother yelled from the school gate when she spotted Jennie chasing after Jungkook. 

Jennie swirled back, only to find her nicely figured mother and the calming driver there, waving for her to go. she turned back to find the back of Jungkook, who was still standing there in front of her. his whole back was reflected of the peachy, colored, sky.

"I won't come near you, I just want to tell you that I--"

"Jennie ah, let's go!" her mother yelled one more time from the school gate. she took a look at her watch, almost passing the time when she needs to go home and get ready for some events.

Jungkook didn't dare to face her, he was too scared to let his face show. instead, he squeezes his fits as Jennie hesitates. moving a footstep after another, he walked and turned behind the end side of the school building. 

Jennie quickly took a step to follow but her mother reached the back of her wrist and pull on her from going. her mother also looked for Jungkook as he seemed familiar from the back.

"what are you looking at? let's go home, it's getting late" her mother reminded Jennie as she peeked her head side to side, trying to locate him in the soccer field that he might appear from since he disappeared into the back of the school but it was empty.

willingly, her mother drag her nicely back to the car and left the school. the car pulled off and drove away as Jennie sighed in the sudden interruption from her mother. 

"who were you talking to?" her mother asked in curiosity. however Jennie wasn't even listening to her, instead, she thought about why he was running away from her and if he was mad about having to take all the injuries for her.

Jungkook came out from the wall where he hid, dumbfounded. it has been a while now that he had heard the voice of a woman who caused him great angst. he looked at his hand watch for the time and notice that the last bus has already gone by. now he has to walk all the way home.

during the walk home, he softly hummed the sky to sleep and the stars to shoot high, stargazing from above the city's head. his mind on Jennie.

his hands found his sweater pocket as he walks with the danger, guilt, and hatred thought of her. just now, he has come to a confirmation that Jennie is the daughter of a woman that has caused him to hold grudges for six years. 

it wasn't like he didn't know. wasn't all of his behaviors tells him that he knew she was the daughter of that rich heirs. but yet why is he still surprised and scared for the truth? or was he more scared about hurting Jennie?

••• to be continue •••

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