The Wolf and The Queen

Von JonahOlson001

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A story about a man's journey from being the monster of the woods to being a hero to those around him until h... Mehr

The Wolf and The Queen

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Von JonahOlson001

the wolf and the queen

By: Jonah Olson

My breaths are slow and silent. Crouching I eyed my prey in the distance. It's been weeks since the pack had eaten last. I could hear its calm heartbeat. Hunger fueled me, but I had to be smart. If we didn't catch the stag, we would surely starve. My hind legs tense as I lunge forward sinking my teeth into the beast's neck. It struggles for moments as it's life fades away. A much-needed end to the hunt. The cold was coming soon. Food would be scarce and some of his pack would pass.

I drag the beast back to the den. Hunts like this reminded me of my old life as a man. Cursed with the ability to transform at will. People shunned me and tried killing me until the day I decided to stay in my wolf form. I was accepted and eventually became an Alpha in my pack. It had been many winters since I was last a man.

I reached the den as the other wolves howled in excitement. They ate as I walked away. In retrospect I never wanted to lead a pack. I truly did want a normal life as a man. I imagined myself having a farm, a wife and children, maybe even a pet. I found it funny however that I turned out to be an animal myself. In some ways I have that now. A family that relies on me for guidance especially in the hard times. I've grown accustomed to it in the time. However, the thought remained on what my life could have been if I weren't a monster

I reached the den as the other wolves howled in excitement. They ate as I walked away. In retrospect I never wanted to lead a pack. I truly did want a normal life as a man. I imagined myself having a farm, a wife and children, maybe even a pet. I found it funny however that I turned out to be an animal myself. In some ways I have that now. A family that relies on me for guidance especially in the hard times. I've grown accustomed to it in the time. However, the thought remained on what my life could have been if I weren't a monster. I sit watching over my pack from a distance. I enjoyed the seclusion sometimes. They are simple creatures that thrive from instinct and the want to hunt and breed. It's the animal in them. I on the other hand have the mind of a man, or at least had the mind of a man.

I hear soft footsteps approach as I turn my head to see a female. From the smell I could tell she was in heat. I snarled at her as she tried to force herself onto me. She bows apologetically and walks away. Although wolf in form I never mated with them. I felt like it was improper. I spent three nights chasing the stag and now am very tired. I curl up near a rock and fall asleep.

Nightmares flooded my mind every night for as long as I could remember. Horrible visions of my deepest fears coming to fruition. I wake up thrashing my claws into the rock howling. The pack quickly runs to my aid. They gather around me sniffing the air. I calm their fears as I walk away. I spend a lot of my time alone. I fought like hell to survive and wound up being their alpha when the old one had gone mad. I wanted to live, but they wanted a leader. The following morning, I was on patrol of the den.

A shrill scream erupts through the woods. It was a woman's scream. I sprinted to her. I made sure to run on my toes so the only one that knows I am coming is me. I found a clearing. I heard horses galloping. A woman came through the clearing running as fast as she could. I heard horses galloping. She was beautiful. Long red hair beautifully piercing eyes. Hidden I watched as the men swarmed in on her. Three of them all armed as the tackled her to the ground. I feel a familiar rage course through me as I watch them try to rip off her dress. I couldn't control myself as I lunged at them. They have swords, but I have so much more. I tore through the first man as if he were a rabbit. The other two stopped what they were doing and drew their swords pointing at me. I circled them. I wanted their blood so bad. I knew what they were going to do. They deserved the fate I was more than happy to give them.

The second man lunged at me cutting my shoulder. I rip through his arm and claw at his throat. I was about to sink my teeth inside of him but the third came from behind and sank his sword into my side. I let out a painful howl as I turned to him and claw down his chest biting and thrashing. The taste of his blood on my tongue was sweet.

My vision was starting to fade as my legs were about to buckle. I heard the woman trying not to scream. I look at her and see the fear in her eyes. I see the black wolf that ripped through three men and was about to attack her. I began to cower as I walk closer to her. She looked so scared and she had no reason to be but how could I tell her that I was not going to hurt her? I felt myself collapse near her panting heavily. The blow took a serious toll on me. She leaned towards me reaching out to touch me. "Thank you..." she says

Something inside of me was changing. I was changing back into a man. It would not have been long before I was back to who I was. Horses in the distance had come closer. I heard the Knights that saw me and thought I was going to kill her. "Kill the beast! He attacked the princess!" I got to my feet and ran. Everything felt like fire. I hear the arrows zipping past my head. In the distance I heard her scream "Don't hurt him!" then one struck me behind my left shoulder. I fell hard rolling to the water. I felt myself slip in and out of consciousness. I slowly fell asleep as I felt my bones change back to that of a man.

The princess was shocked at the events that transpired. She had so many questions. "What was that thing?" Why did it save me?" and another question rose to her mind as well "Is it still alive?" To her it was no beast that saved her but a guardian. A protector that came to her aid. A big black wolf with no fear in its eyes as it did not hesitate to kill them bandits but stop the moment she was safe. He was in so much pain and she begged for the Knights to hold their fire, but they did not stop until he was out of sight.

When I finally come to; I can hear the stream by my head. My body hurt so bad. I look to my wounds and see skin rather than fur. I was back to my mortal state. I reach for the stream and washed the blood from my skin as my wounds finish closing. I try to make myself stand but it took a while learning to stand on two legs. I nursed my wounds until I forced myself to move. Limping for a while I allowed myself to transform back into a wolf. I followed the scent of the woman to a village. Looking around I crept around the citizens. I keep track of the scent until I was outside of a castle. I sniff up the air and made my way to a window where I saw her.

She felt her bruises talking to herself. thinking about the events "What was it that saved me?" he could hear the guilt in her voice as she then asked, "Did he die?"

Then the questions arose that were understandable. "Was the wolf real? Did he kill those men?" she looked at her bruises and she believe those were real and the attackers were definitely real. "What saved me?" was her final question. I desperately wanted to speak to her. To tell her I was the one that saved her yet, how could I? I couldn't really speak as much as I could interpret. Not to mention that she would think I was a madman as well. She was safe though and that was what had mattered to me.

I heard the door open and a maiden tell the woman tell her that her bath was ready. As she walked away so did I. I snuck back to the wood line keeping my distance from the villagers. They would surely believe I am a threat and I had no intention of hurting them, but the tables turn when the see a giant black wolf lurking around. I walked through the woods when I hear her speak. I ran back to the castle wall and leaped onto the balcony listening to her speak. She had a kind sounding voice. I spent my whole life hating royals, yet she was different. She calmed me. I feel my heartbeat slow. The pain from my wounds was all but gone at this point. The one thing I am truly thankful for my abilities is the healing. She was talking about me to the maiden. The maiden listened excitedly as the Princess spoke of the events that transpired.

"So, the demon saved you?"

"He didn't seem like a Demon. When I looked at him he just seemed different."

"What do you mean different?"

"When I looked in his eyes it had almost seemed like he was human. He had a man's eyes."

"So strange." The maiden finished

When the conversation ended I descended to the bottom level where I had seen the villagers staring back at me. Loud screams arose as they gathered their weapons. I sprint to the wood line, but they began to gather around me. I snarl and growl at them trying to get them to back away. Pitchforks lunged at my head as I narrowly avoided being hit. I knew I had an opportunity by calling my pack, but they would have ripped them all apart if he did.

The princess heard the screams and threw on her clothes and looked over the castle to see the black wolf. "It's him!" she yelled as she ran through the castle down to him.

I'm beginning to panic as the townsfolks surround fearing the events to follow I howl loudly. The princess ran out in a long red cape and screamed "I command you to not hurt him!" They didn't listen to her command and it looked like they were about to surround her as well. Not thinking straight, I ran around the back of her and put my head between her legs and had her rest on my shoulders. She grabbed onto my fur and I ran through the crowd. Hearing them scream I ran as fast and hard as I could away from them. Her grip was so tight that it started to sting.

I didn't realize how fast I was running until I stopped dead where I would go to clear my mind. Panting I lay down to let her off. She swayed back and forth for a few minutes before nearly stumbling. I was so exhausted, but we were both safe. She walked around me watching me "You are real. You're the one that had saved me." She said

I lower my head approvingly. She touched my fur rubbing her hands down my back. It felt so good. Her fingers reached the sword wound and moved away from her hand abruptly. She stumbled back saying "Sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you" I lift my head up then down to let her know everything was okay.

She smiled at me as I sat and finally stopped panting. "You are spectacular" she says

In the distance I could hear twigs snapping. I turn to see my pack approaching defensively. They questioned why she was there and continued to want to rip her apart for infiltrating our den. I walk in front of her. "No harm shall come to her! I am your Alpha!" I yelled to them.

They approach closer and closer as my second steps the closest to me. He wanted to challenge me. "You are no Alpha..."'

He tried lunging at her, I quickly grab him forcing him to the ground biting harder and harder into his neck. He struggles under my grip begging me to spare him. "You will not lead this pack. You will never lead them." I told him then looked to the young cub who had joined our pack a winter ago. "You will lead them in my absence."

The others looked so sad as they lowered their heads to me. I chose to leave them. Chances are they would've likely never taken me back. In, essence I chose a life I once knew over the one I've come to know. It was the only way I could save us both. The petty wolf in my teeth was whining and struggling still. I let him go and watch him scamper off with the others. Where they went I wouldn't know, nor would I be allowed to know for that matter.

When the coast was clear I walked away from her to the rock where I slept. I feel a tingling inside of me as I feel myself revert to my human form once more. It felt so slow as I feel my bones readjust. Feeling organs shrink and having the pain of growing bones. This time it was more painful than the usual transformation. I feel a breeze on my skin as I fall to the ground breathing heavily. I hear her freaking out in the background as I lay there.

Soon her footsteps come closer to me as she tenderly places her hand on my back. I flinch at her touch. Her hand was so cold. "I'm... not going to hurt you." She said

I could feel my wounds again. The transformation sometimes affects the healing process. I was so broken still. I could feel her cover me up with her hood. My breathing was rough, and I was so cold. I lift myself up and lean against the rock. I cover myself up at the waist as she walks around grabbing sticks and twigs. She was making a fire. I feel myself breathing more slowly. She walked to me wiping my face. "What are you?"

I tried to mutter something to communicate with her. Yet when I opened my mouth I could just make sounds. I wasn't strong enough to communicate with her yet. She looked at me intensely. A light smile spreads across her face as she says "I know what you are..."

I look at her questionably. "You're a Night-Howler... My mum used to tell me this story before bed when I was a child. I always thought it was a legend but now I know it's true."

"Hmm?" I mutter

She brushed her hand through her hair trying to remember the story in detail. "The Night-Howlers were a race that died out a long time ago. It is said that the gods once wanted man to hunt like beasts. Yet eventually man turned on the gods and as punishment the Night-Howlers were cursed with confliction. Man is not born evil but when they betrayed the gods they decided to curse their minds with the urge to hurt the innocent, but if they indulged themselves they were cursed with immortality. They were eventually considered to be demons by holy men. Most of the Howlers killed themselves or were murdered by villagers. For hundreds of years they were thought to be gone forever. Disappeared into nothing more than myth. But here you are."

So that is what I am... A Night-Howler. I'm a man cursed by the gods for the acts of my ancestors. I look down in resentment of myself. She then placed her hand upon my cheek and looked at me at eye level. "They were also considered devout protectors of the innocent if they could withhold the insatiable need to hurt them."

Her words were like, honey but it didn't stop the fact that my nature proves I am evil. The urge to avoid my humanity now made sense. I avoided them to save the ones that are deserving of a full life. I feel my strength growing as I manage to mutter a single word "Monster."

She had so a sorrow filled look on her face. "You saved my life. You are not a monster. You heard them trying to attack me and nearly got yourself killed to protect someone you did not know. I don't know you Howler...But I do know you are no monster."

"Thank... you" I whisper slowly

"What's your name?" She asks kindly

I had to think about that. It had been so long since I was called something. I remember a woman's voice from a long time ago. I remember a name she would say "William." I said aloud

"William? That's a good name. Mine is Caitlin."

"Caitlin? You're royalty. I-I protected you. F-from them." I said pointing in the distance

"Now there's a start" She said smiling

Her face slowly turns back to curiosity as she asked, "Why did you save me?"

"Those men... were bad. I could smell their evil. You did no wrong."

"And the wolves?"

"They wanted to hurt you too. If they did, they would all die. I do not want that for them."

She leans closer to me, but I do not stray away from her. She lays her head against my chest. She was so warm against me. I felt the urge to fall asleep. "You need to get back to where you belong Princess."

She leans up looking at me "I am not leaving you out her by yourself." She said abruptly

I looked at her intensely "I cannot protect you when I am weak."

"That means you cannot protect yourself either. I am not leaving your side tonight until I know you will be safe."


"Please nothing! I am the ruler of this land and I will stay here by your side!"

I was still too weak to argue with her I said "Okay if something happens. You run as fast as you can. If you stay I would not be able to protect you."

She nods and promises me that if something were to happen she would run.


As night fell upon them she could feel William breathing heavier as the night progressed she leaned up and saw him slowly contorting his face. She looks down to his hands as claws began to protrude. "William!" she yelled

He was not waking up as she watched him slowly transform... She softly whispered in his ear a song her mother used to sing to her as a child when she was upset. She held him close to her as she sang softly. He seemed to start calming down as the transformation began to cease.


I was in a field covered in armor. My sword drawn I could hear something approaching me. I turned in all directions but saw nothing. A loud growl pierced the silence as it came closer. I pull out my sword and have it at the ready. I could hear the twigs snap as something was running after me. I was being hunted by something. I see a beast that looked like a moving shadow. It looked so evil. I turned around and ran as fast as I could in the other direction.

I felt the heat of its breath on the back of my neck smelling the blood on its breath. I screamed for help, but nobody would answer me. I felt its claws sink through my armor like it were cream. The white-hot pain made me buckle. I was forced to my back screaming from the agony I was in.

"You cannot fight destiny William. You are what nature has made you. Masquerading yourself as a man does nothing. You are a killer."

"I'm not a killer!"

The beast slaps me across the face showing me corpses. "You killed these men."

"They were deserving!"
"Ah so they were but what you are denying yourself is how much you enjoyed taking their lives didn't you?"

"It... had to be done"

The beast roared in my face as I feel its pressure on my whole body "YOU'RE NOT ANSWERING THE QUESTION WILLIAM! What did you feel? Pleasure? Anguish?"

"... I felt..." I say withholding tears "Pleasure taking their lives."

A maniacal laugh nearly deafens me. "Accept who you are William! Or I will make you what you were always meant to be."

I felt intrigued by the offer deep inside of my heart. I didn't want to be a monster, but it is what I am. I look at the beast and see myself. Smiling the wolf steps off and said "Look."

I looked over and saw the princess in shackles. She was so scared "Kill her William"

Fear filled me "No..."

I felt it snap onto my shoulder breaking the bones under its' teeth. I yelled out in pain. "Such a coward!" I could feel the beast tear into me. I began to lose hope that I would survive until I heard a kind voice in the darkness. A lullaby I had long forgotten.

Suddenly I was lifted from the dream and found myself walking to a light. I ran to the voice as fast as I could try to escape the hell I was trapped in. I could hear the roaring as the light began to fade. I ran harder than I ever had before. I tried transforming but something wouldn't let me. Her voice got louder as I came inches away and leaped.

I woke up in a fright. Caitlin wrapped her arms around me as I was shaking violently. "It's okay! You just had a nightmare."

I felt her heartbeat against me as I hugged her back. "What happened?" she asked

When I calmed down I said "Darkness. The darkness came and tried to change me."

I sank my face into her neck. "What were you singing to me?"

"I sang a song to you that my mother used to sing with me when I had nightmares. You were crying and trying to change so I tried to calm you down the way my mum used to."

"What is it called?" I asked calming down

"It's called I see the Moon"

"Can you sing it to me again please?"

Smiling she nods and begins to softly sing

"I see the moon, the moon sees me
shining through the leaves of the old oak tree
Oh, let the light that shines on me
shine on the one I love.

Over the mountain, over the sea,
back where my heart is longing to be
Oh, let the light that shines on me
shine on the one I love.

I hear the lark, the lark hears me
singing from the leaves of the old oak tree
Oh, let the lark that sings to me
sing to the one I love,

Oh, let the lark that sings to me
sing to the one I love."

As she sang to me I felt her rub my back softly. She made me feel so safe with her. It made me feel as if the world would no longer hurt me. For the first time in my life I had felt safe. The sun was about to rise. We watched it together over the cliff. Those few moments when the sun is just over the horizon is the best part of being away from civilization. Sometimes if you listen hard enough you could almost hear the wind singing its song.

"You must return to the castle princess."

She stood up near me as I fell back hitting my head against the rock. I winced as she said, "Why should I?"

"This is not where you belong."

She crossed her arms in agitation. "Come with me William." She said

I shook my head in defiance. They will not accept me Princess."

"Call me by my name William!"

"I'm sorry." I said "I cannot come with you Caitlin. They would never accept me, and I do not know how to be one of them."

She looked like she was nearly in tears. "Please, come with me William. You will be okay I will make sure of it."

My heart broke for her. I lowered my head. "I would need garments."

She smiled and hugged me. "Is your strength back William?"

I quickly transformed and had her climb on my back. I ran her back to the village. We were a few meters away when I finally came to a stop. She climbed off and wrapped her arms around me. "I will come back to see you as soon as I can William. I promise you." I nodded my head taking her word. I watched her walk away. Taking a piece of my heart along with her.

Time passed for a long while as I waited for her return to me. I thought of her often, although it made me sad quite often. I searched for my pack for months with no avail. Loneliness started taking the best of me. So, it went for three winters. When the flowers began to bloom once more I couldn't take it anymore and set out to search for her.

I walked to the wood line and turned back into a man. It was night fall so everyone was fast asleep. I snuck into town and grabbed a change of clothes. I was so hungry, food had been rare at the time. I found a bucket outside of someone's home. I ate their trash. It was a cool night, but I was barefoot. I walked to the castle looking for her but there was nothing to be seen. Perhaps she had forgotten about me through time. Maybe I had simply held on too tight. I turn the other way and start to walk when someone in the night calls out to me.

Caitlin: Three winters ago

She had parted way with her dark savior. She watched as he ran back into the woods. He was spectacular in the strangest of ways. She felt a strange attachment to him. He was so powerful and yet he was also such an innocent soul. As she walked into town the Knights grabbed her and forced her back to the castle. Kicking and screaming she tried to escape them.

Once they reached the castle the king looked tired and angry. "Where have you been daughter?"

"In the woods far from here with the one that saved me from the bandits."

"The demon!" he yelled

"He's not a demon. He is a savior" she retorts

"It attacked the townsfolk"

"He was defending himself!"

The king slammed his hand on the throne screaming "ENOUGH"

She lowered her head. "You will not be permitted to leave the castle unattended for the duration of my days as your king"

She was angered by his words "But..."

"You are royalty! Not a peasant! And if we ever catch sight of the beast near here again I will see to it that his head will be rested above my mantle!"

Tears welled in her eyes as she responds robotically "Yes, father."

Every day that passed when the hunting parties returned she had felt a sinking feeling that it was the day that they had gotten William. During the short time they spent together she had gotten attached to him and missed him dearly. The years passed, and her father had given her the throne on his deathbed. She was the Queen after some time. Sometimes she would look out of her window and see the moon and wonder if William was watching the same moon thinking of her. "Oh, let the light that shines on me shine on the one that I love" she whispered to herself

She was walking through the castle silently looking down upon the village. They loved her, and she loved them; but she needed a husband. She never found a proper suitor though. She didn't mind though. Deep down she knew her heart belonged to someone else. Her dark angel, who had saved her multiple times for next to no reason. She walked to a window and looked outside to the streets. There she saw a man walking into town. A familiar gentleman, he looked out of place. A light had lit in her heart that she had not felt in a long time. She ran down the staircase to the gates.


I turn around and saw a Knight walking towards me. "What are you doing here?"

"Just taking a stroll." I answered observing the Knight

He looks down his nose at me. "It's a little late for a stroll is it not?"

"Not if you want listen for what matters."

The Knight looked to my feet. His hand reached closer for his sword. I put out a hand "That is not a good idea." I said

The Knight walked close to me and stuck me in the jaw. I fell to the ground clutching my face in pain. "How 'bout I smash your pretty face in and see what is and is not a good idea eh?"

I get to my feet as he swings for me again. This time I saw it coming and grabbed his arm before he could make contact. I squeezed the metal hard bending it to his skin. Then a voice shouted, "Leave that man be!"

I knew that voice. I knew it the moment it was said. My heart fluttered as I let the Knight go. He breaks into a kneel as I look at her. She was just as beautiful as I remember her being. She looked at me shocked for a moment as a smile spreads across her face. Suddenly I was hit from behind and dropped to my knees. "Kneel before the Queen you bastard!"

She was their Queen now? It had been so long. Had she found someone else? I felt like I had made such a mistake. She put her fingers under my chin and said, "Stand Prince William I have missed your arrival!"

I made my way to my feet while the Knights were questioning. She looked to them and said "He is royalty! Can you not see he had been robbed earlier today when he had arrived? Beating him is improper and he could have you killed if he feels the want to!" she said loudly

I look at her as she whispered, "Trust me."

The Knight that struck me apologized profusely and begged for forgiveness. "All is forgiven, I had expected my arrival to be known throughout, as she had said my horse was robbed earlier and had to walk half the night to get here."

She led me into the castle where there was a bath being drawn. She stayed silent for the longest time. The servants had bathed me and clothed me. Once that was finished I was fed as well. When I was finished a Knight led me to Caitlin's chamber. As the door was closed behind me she ran to me and hugged me tight.

"Where have you been?" she asks smacking my chest

"I was waiting on your return. I tried to go to the castle once, but men were always waiting. So, I waited for you where we had met."

Covering her mouth, she leaned her head against me. "I tried to see you a hundred times, but they would never let me leave. If they would have seen, you I was scared that they would take your head back." She said with her voice trembling

It had been so long since I had felt her warmth against me. I wrapped my arms around her keeping her close to me. She smelled so wonderful. "I missed you every day that had passed William"

"And I you"

"Your speaking has improved so much"

"Yeah I started remembering things and practiced speaking when I would see you again."

It felt like no time had passed. She was more beautiful as she aged. She put her hands on my cheeks and turned my head. She smiled and said "You're gorgeous William. With the dirt and dried blood gone from your body you look like an absolute prince."

I thanked her politely as we continued to spoke. I wanted her so badly that it nearly hurt. She walked to the fireplace and warmed herself. I walked behind her sitting alongside wrapping my arms around her. Her fingertips gently touching my arm as she smiled. "Caitlin, I have waited for this day for so long."

"Me too William"

"Not just this." I said "I longed for the day that I could have this, an idea of a normal life. The one of a man that is."

She looked up to me. I place my hand on her cheek rubbing her bottom lip with the tip of my thumb. She's so beautiful, slowly I lean into her and we kiss. We held each other close getting lost in ourselves as I laid her down still kissing her. My lips trembled as we parted, the kiss felt as if we were one person. She smiled at me and leaned up kissing me some more. As the night went on we continued our relationship. By the end of the night the sun had come up I held her close to me. As we drifted to sleep it was the first time in my life that I did not have night terrors. The first time that night I was truly at peace for the first time.

The following morning there was a knock at the door. We both jumped out of bed as she instructed me to hide. I slipped out of her window and hid against the rail as I heard her speaking to someone indistinctly. The fear of falling to my death inhibited me from focusing on what was being said. After a few minutes she looked out the window to see me cling on a ledge. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm just hanging around you know"

She laughed as I climbed in beside her. "Okay I'm going to leave you need to wait a little bit before leaving as well so nobody would be concerned that you spent the whole night with me."

"What would happen if they catch me?" I asked

She looked down "The Queen does not get the leeway that a King does. They would... they would torture you and try to kill you if someone found out."

I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her softly. "What was that for?" she asked

"Something to remember me by if I do not see you" I said jokingly

She left and soon after I did too. I explored the castle looking at the church. I walked in and sat in a pew and began to pray. I asked god to save me from my affliction and to have mercy on my soul. I heard no answer in response. I got up to leave when I saw a Priest in front of me.

"What are you doing here child?"

"Seeking answers, I guess father."


Yes, I seek answers for questions I may never ask."

"Ah, but is that not why he is here? To answer the unasked questions?" He said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

Something affected me. There was a great pain when he had touched me shoulder. I looked and saw a silver cross in his hand. It felt like it was searing my flesh under his hand. "I have to go" I muttered as I ran out of the church to the open air.

I looked over my shoulder to the Priest and seen that he had a strange look on his face. I felt like he knew something was wrong, but I carried on. I walked to a private area and moved my tunic. His cross had burned an indention on my skin. It slowly faded but it was only on my skin for a short time. I was not affected by the church, so it must have been the silver.

"Note to self: Avoid silver..." easier said than done considering that I was staying in a castle.

"This is going to be a lot harder than I thought."

I later saw Caitlin strolling with her subjects. I approached her and took a bow. She bowed as well as we greeted each other. She asked me to walk with her. I joined as we had a formal conversation. As we went back to the castle we feasted. I sat next to her and had her subjects including the advisor question me.

"Where did you say you were from Sir?"

"Prince..." she corrected hastily

I wiped my face with the napkin and said "From across the sea. I received a letter informing me that there was a Queen here seeking a future King"

The advisor rubbed his chin "Of course sir forgive my indulgence on the subject, but you seem to not have the mannerisms of a proper prince."

Caitlin slammed her hand on the table. "I will not tolerate this!"

I lift my hand to her as the councilor retreats. "No, my Queen this man spoke his mind." My eyes locked on him "In my kingdom although in a position of power we maintain a humble presence. See we believed that although royal we are part of the people. We made sure the people are fed and taken care of."

The councilor laughed "That's absurd!"

"Oh yeah? How many times have the villagers tried rising against you?"

He was clearly agitated as I took a slow sip of wine. "Well sir"

"How...Many?" I asked more directly as everyone else watched in silence as I stared intensely at him.

"More than mentionable before her majesty took the throne."

"Enough said. Our villagers never rose against us because I made sure that when fed my pack would make sure the women and children along with the elderly were properly fed then we would eat!" I said squeezing the goblet.

"William... the cup" Caitlin said placing her hand on my wrist

I looked down and realized the cup was bent against my fingers. "Forgive my rudeness" I say as I walk away from the table. Before exiting I look behind me and see the advisor staring at me with a certain loathing nature.

Moments later Caitlin walked to me placing her hand gently on my back and said, "You're a professional at making friends are you not?"

"I'm sorry, it's just that in the wild we have a system."

"I know my love, but you are no longer an animal. I will help you adjust but you are doing well."

I thanked her as we parted ways. People taught me how to be proper behind the scenes as the days passed. My nightmares became worst and had to sleep in another room at night out of fear of hurting her. A knight trained me to fight like a man rather than beast. I learned everything within a month.

The season of rain had come. I helped the workers prepare the houses for the villagers. The Knights among some others were becoming suspicious of my nature. There was a ball coming where announcements would be made. I had plans to propose to Caitlin that night. She had no clue which made me excited.

I had one of the servants help me to learn how to waltz. I caught on fast, but the worry was still there. It had been so long since I had snuck into the castle that I almost had forgotten. I sometimes would walk with her at night and see her smiling at me. She was so beautiful, and she made feel as if my life had only begun because of her. I would often think that if this were the life of a man then this is what my life should be. The knight that struck me had approached smiling. We had since become friends due to my saving his life. "Sir Sean! How do you fair today?"

"Well Prince William thank you sir." He said with a smile. He was indeed a good man and deserved his rank.

I still had to be fitted for a proper suit for the night of the ball. I was unable to see Caitlin for a few days prior because she had to set sail. She was going to be back the day of the ball. As I strolled silently through the castle someone called my name.

I walked to the sound of the voice. Something smelled off about the whole situation. I saw the Priest and the advisor. The advisor walked to me with his hands behind his back. "How are you feeling?" he asked

"Well" I responded bluntly

He nodded as the Priest held onto his cross tightly. I heard something coming behind me. I quickly turn to see someone with a club about to strike me. I throw him into the wall and he fell to the ground as more arrived with swords drawn. I pulled the knights sword and point it at them. "You have this once chance to walk away." I say calmly

Suddenly a searing pain pierced my side. I scream as I grab the cross in my side. Silver... I was trapped. I look up and see the end of a sword strike me in the side of the head. I fell to the ground unconscious.


She stepped off the ship and felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had business to attend too but the thoughts of home had gotten to her. She walked through the highlands to wager a truce. She would only be there for a night, but the sail back would take 3 nights. William had grown so much from the feral man that had found her in the woods that fateful day. She saw the confliction in his eyes. He would lay with her until she had fallen asleep then when she awoke he would be gone. Some nights she could hear him screaming. He would often bar his door at night, so nobody would come through. There was a great pain in his eyes, but he always hid it from her. She loved him so much by his sheer humanity. He would make a true king of her lands. Yet there was a feeling that something was wrong. It sent a chill up her spine, but she couldn't leave just then.


I awoke in chains. I look around to see I was in the dungeon. I was in so much pain from the wound. It took it's time to heal. The Priest walked in with his arms crossed as his eyes were fixated on me. "I know what you are."

I lean forward, looking at him intently. "What am I?"

He spat the word "Demon!"

The realization had hit me hard. "How?"

"Me among others have been keeping a close watch on you. The way you avoid silver, the way you look at the others like livestock. Not to mention at night we hear your evil screams."

"You know nothing about me!"

"Ah but a demon cannot stand certain things given to man by god. At first, I thought it was the cross, but I later found out when I saw you handle the silverware."

"So, what happens now with your allegations? You can only hold me until the queen arrives from her trip."

"Then in the meantime I must have my fun with you William" the advisor said

I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough at his statement. He walked close to me and stuck me with the back of his hand hard across my face. "When the Queen arrives, she will have found out that you are a traitor and tried to have her throne."

I spat blood in his face and said, "She will never believe you."

He struck me again this time with a silver band around his gauntlet and said, "You will not be alive to defend yourself."

My head hung down as I manage to mutter "When I get out of these chains Advisor... I'm going to kill you."

He chuckled and walked away. I heard him notify the guard. "Get the rack ready. His lashes come at dawn."

I look around weakened by the damn silver, there was a window where I howl loudly hoping that someone somewhere could hear my plea.


They had finished their negotiations earlier than she had anticipated. They were lucky enough to have a fair weather on the ride back to the kingdom. She was nearly asleep in the boat when she heard a loud roar from all directions. She shot out of bed and ran out to see everyone else was still fast asleep. She woke the captain and asked him if he had heard anything. It seemed like she was the only one to hear it. The roar was not monstrous as much as it was painful to hear. It felt like a cry for help. She thought of William for just a few moments during. That was when it had hit her. Something was going very wrong. She asked the captain to rush back to the kingdom. He said it would take a day and a half if they went full speed. She set it up for them to not stop. She walked to the back of the boat looking at the sky and said "I'm on my way William"


That night when the pain subsided I fell into a deep unconformable sleep. I looked ahead of me and saw the shadow figure taking the shape of a man. He leaned forward and took the shape of my face. I tried looking away. He placed his fingers on my face and moved my head slowly to face him.

"You seem a little bit less aggressive than normal." I said

He smiled as he lowered his hand, "Do you see now? What those cattle will do to anyone that is different? They should worship you as a god, and yet here you are wrapped in chains."

I lowered my head. "They are not all like this."

He laughed maniacally "Oh you are so naïve. Do you not remember what happened for you to spend all that time as an animal?"

I gritted my teeth "No"

He got really close aggressively saying "Stop lying damn you! They tried to kill you when you first turned! You were barley a young man when that happened!"

"They did not understand..."

"Oh no... they understand. They just do not care. Not about you or any of your kind. You heard them you're a demon in their eyes."

His words were piercing but true. "I'm not the monster. I don't want to hurt people, but you thrive from it."

I could see the irritation in his face as he touched my wound. "They are going to torture you when you wake. Do you know that? They are going to try and kill you for no reason other than you for simply being different from them. For being superior to them; Yet I am the one that thrives from evil?"

He had an excellent point. I had to give him credit. "Don't worry Will, not all hope is lost there is still one thing you can do to free yourself from these cattle."

"And that is?"

"You've got the strength and power needed to free yourself. Set me free and you will never know pain again I promise you William."

"At what cost?"

"At the cost of their lives for yours. Its self-defense slaughter them and run, and we will not have any more problems. You cannot tell me that there's a piece of you that does not want to rip the Priest into pieces and spread him across his church or disembowel that loathsome Advisor of the Queen."

"I won't take the lives of the undeserving. If I let you out, then everyone around me would pay the price."

"You're such a fool William." He grabbed my throat and said very slowly "I will be released, you will be immortal, and I will be free!"

He faded shortly after and I woke up. My shoulders ached from the stretching, but my wounds were healed. The advisor walked in with a smile on his face. "Do you want to know something? Just between us?"

"I'm in no position to walk away presently."

"If the Queen doesn't choose a suitor within her third year a husband will be assigned to her by the Advisor" he said waving his hands to himself

"You want to get rid of me, so you can be King?"

Smiling he said, "For a piece of dirt commoner you catch on quickly William."

"She won't marry you"

"Oh, she doesn't have a choice dear boy. See she will marry me and bear my children or else she will be dethroned and sent to the brothel where she belongs."

I snapped at him snarling "I promise you when I get a release from these chains I will show you what the worst kinds of death are."

He faked a shiver and said "I'm petrified by your meaningless threat you mongrel"

With his hand raised a few Knights came in and covered my head with a cloth. I was being transported. The sun shined through the cloth blinding me. Chains were attached to my wrists and brought up over my head. My feet were barley toughing the floor beneath me. Seconds later the cloth gets lifted from my face as the Advisor smiles sadistically. He holds up the whip and I see 3 strips of leather with silver blades the size of arrowheads on the end.

"This is for you. It is usually iron, but I decided to make an acceptation just for you"

The Knight walks beside him and asks, "How many lashes?"

"Until I decided he has had enough" he said walking away

The Knight lowers his head. I recognized him. He walks to me and gives me a stick covered in cloth. "Bite down on this Sir William." He said

I comply and bite down "For what it is worth sir. I am truly sorry, he would have my head on a stake if I do not comply."

I nod slightly understanding he was only doing this because he had no choice. The knight walks behind me as the villagers gather. "This man is being punished for a conspiracy to commit treason against our Queen, and Devil worship!"

The crowed murmured in denial. They knew me and knew that he was lying. They couldn't rise against him and his Knights without Caitlin here to help them. As the gaze upon me I nod slightly as to tell them that I understand.

I could hear the whip crack for the practice from the Knight. The villagers seemed like they wanted to walk away. Knowing the sick bastard that was initiating this likely forced them to be. I look up at the sky as my heart begins beating faster. "Caitlin... I love you" I muttered through the stick.

With a loud crack my whole back felt like acid had been poured down it. I withhold a scream as I bite down hard on the cloth. The silver was so painful as blood streamed down. I have been attacked by bears before, but that was nothing compared to how this felt. A second crack was just as bad as I screamed. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I grip the chains. As the whips continued I felt myself dying. My back felt like it was nothing more than shredded meat. In the distance I could see the beast in the crowd. A whisper in my ear had said "Just let go... Save yourself and indulge on the thing you want most."

I shake my head as another whip thrashed my back. My body started becoming colder. My vision blurred. I could still feel everything. My head lowers as my shoulders relax, my knees bend as the whip continued to thrash constantly. I was at 15 before I couldn't focus enough to count. I heard screams as if they were whispers in the background. I tried to look up but saw nothing. Then I feel the chains release. My knees buckle as I fall into someone's arms "I have you Prince William" he sounded like Sir Sean

I felt something get draped over me, it was could. I let out a scream as I was being drug. I could hear Caitlin's voice screaming at the advisor. As I was being carried I heard horses running in the opposite direction. I close my eyes for what I thought was the last time to the sound of Caitlin rubbing my face saying "I'm right here William! I heard you!"

Her hand grasped mine as I hear her say "I love you"


He was so broken. She arrived to see him stung up like an animal. She commanded the knights to seize the advisor and cut William free. He escaped before they could detain him. They led him to the castle and lay him down on his stomach. The healers put medicine on his back. She was in tears looking at the streaks down his back. She knew he could heal but to what extent? She stood by his side for hours with him not responding. His breathing was so slow. She tried withholding tears as she gripped his hand tight. "I promise they will pay for what they did to you."

The next few days were a lot of the same. When he finally gained consciousness all he would do is scream until he finally passed out from the pain. His back looked awful, but he did start healing. His fever refused to break, he seemed okay, but she was concerned.

She rubbed her fingers through his hair. His pulse was so weak. She slowly sang the lullaby that she sang him when they first met. "You're not allowed to die like this. Heal William, heal and hunt them down for what they have done to you.


When I finally awoke I was laying on my stomach. My back still hurt so bad I could barely breath without the insatiable need to scream from pain. I looked around for Caitlin. I tried calling out for her but the mere thought of it hurt more than breathing. I felt something near my spine. I felt it sinking deeper inside of me.

There was a piece of silver that had broken off. I felt it etch itself inside of me. I couldn't heal fast enough to push it out. Laying there in agony I manage to let out a long scream. It was exquisitely horrendous. I maintained consciousness somehow until they had come in. Caitlin Grabbed my hand asking, "What is it?"

"Silver... Inside... Killing me..." I whisper hoarsely

She calls for the healer quickly as he tells her "He needs to hold still so I won't kill him!"

She puts her hand on my face "This is really going to hurt you need to hold still"

I felt him dig inside of me searching. The pain was unimaginable beyond everything I had ever felt before. He was getting closer as five other people held me down as I thrashed in pain. I heard Caitlin begging him to hurry. I was in so much pain that no tears fell. Then all at once the pain stopped. Everything calmed as I rested my head against the table. I heard a small 'tink' when the silver hit the pan. Caitlin appeared in my sight smiling as she worded "It's out"

The next time I awoke I felt much better. I was weak and in pain, but I did not feel like I was on death's door. I managed to get to my feet and walk to the other end of the room. Caitlin rushed to me and hugged me tight. I nearly collapsed in his arms. "I'm not quite back to normal yet."

"I'm sorry, you've just been asleep for so long we were all scared that you would not awaken"

"How long was I asleep?"

"Close to a fortnight" she said distantly

"What of the Priest and Advisor?" I asked

"The Priest was captured and wrapped in chains, but the advisor escaped on horseback as soon as we had come back"

Anger fueled me as I slam my hand on a nearby table. "Damn!"

I heard a familiar clanking coming from the hall. I turned around to see Sir Sean. When our eyes met he averted his gaze and took a knee. With his sword rested on his hands "Sir I am so very sorry for what was done to you. I had no other choice. He said he would have my head otherwise."

I walk to him grabbing his sword from his hands. He was breathing heavily. I put the tip of the sword to the ground and crouch to his level. "You lashed me over and over, and over again! You tore through my skin as if it were nothing!" I yelled

He nodded his head as I stood back up placing the sword on his shoulder. "I know sir..." he said nearly sobbing

"You also cut me free..." I said as everyone looked at me in shock

"You carried me to safety when you were able to. Helping me in any way you could you had no choice when it came to my lashing. You did have a choice in what you had done after. You chose to carry my back to the castle and help me here to heal. For all of that! I owe you my life." I said as I touched his shoulder dropping the sword to the ground

"If it were not for you my friend I would likely be dead."

He gets to his feet and grasps my forearm. We part ways as I put clothes on. I was given a cane to help my back from being unbearable. We made our way to the dungeon where he was being held. I saw him chained up like an animal.

I look to those around me "Leave us." I say as Sir Sean hands me a dagger.

I look to the Priest. "I understand the feeling you have chained up like this."

He glared at me. "You deserve these chains MONSTER!"

I nod my head as I press the blade against his throat. "Do you have any idea what it is like to feel your skin be ripped away? To feel knives slice through our flesh repeatedly until you feel as if you are going to die?"

He begins to pray to his god. "He will smile upon my actions!"

I lower the dagger and drop it to the floor. "They want you dead. Do you know that?"

"I will gladly be a martyr for my god if it meant ridding the world of you!"

I nod my head as I lean in to whisper in his ear. "Would you like to know something?"


"Today is the day that the demon saves your life. See I am no monster because I know what pain you may endure will be. I do not wish it upon you because you are pure of heart being a man of god. I will release these chains and set you free. As if nothing were to ever have transpired between us."

"At what cost?" he asked

"Nothing other than a promise to never speak of what I am to another soul for the rest of your days. You keep your integrity and your life if you simply keep my secret."

He nodded as I picked up the dagger and walked away. The knight standing outside the door asked me if it was done. I nodded and handed him the dagger. Caitlin had her hands over her mouth nearly in tears. "He will live for many more years."

She ran and hugged me "I knew you would do this!"

Smiling I hug her back "Why did you spare him?" she asks

"Because he will live the rest of his days with the knowledge that a demon showed more humanity than a man of god did."

She smiled placing her hand on my cheek, and softly planted a kiss upon my lips. She then worded I love you.

"There is something I still must do My Queen." I said as we went to the throne


"I ask that I may seek out the Advisor. He must be stopped for what he did and was going to do if I were to die."

She placed her hand upon mine. "Why? It is done, and he is gone. We have searched for him every day there is no sign of where he had gone. Please move on there's no point in seeking revenge."

"Caitlin... He planned of marrying you, just for the throne he would have had you killed like he did me. This is not about revenge."

"Then what is it about?"

"Retribution, justice, whatever you want to call it. I do not wish to see him dead for what he had done to me. I want Justice for what he was going to do to you and everyone else in the village."

She lowered her head. "What will you need William?"

"Your permission my love, and something of his."

"Granted." She said angrily

She was hurt and scared, but this had to be done. The Priest has his views and I couldn't judge him for his actions. The Advisor needed to be brought to justice before he harmed anyone else. A knight came with his clothing giving it to me. I walked away and took a whiff. I walked to the edge of the village and looked for the smell. It was faint, but I could still track it. Before I went I looked behind me to see the Queen standing there with a sad look in her eyes. "I will be back my love." I whispered as I ran into the woods transforming.


She watched as he ran into the woods. She felt as if she had spent no time at all with him. She feared for his soul now more than ever. He tried so hard to hide the anger behind his eyes, but she could see the animal inside that wanted to tear the advisor apart. He was a good man there was no doubt in her mind about that, but inside of every good man there's an evil begging to be released. The legends say that he in time will either succumb or die trying to stay human.

"What now my Queen? Should we follow?"

"No... This is his journey and he must make it alone. For now, we wait for his return."

She walked back to the castle in silence. William was fast, but she was still concerned because of the severity of his injuries. She placed her hands on her stomach interlocking her fingers.


I hunted the advisor for 3 nights before I finally found him. He was camped out far from civilization. I turned back to a man and clothed before approaching his camp. I had a dagger for the hunt. I strolled by the fire as he ran from his tent. "How are you alive?"

"I don't die easily." I responded gripping the dagger.

"What now then? You take me back in chains?"

I shook my head. "You threatened my Queen and tormented the villagers along with trying to execute me. I can forgive you for my torture. I will not forgive you for your threats against her."

He lunged his sword at me. I block it with my dagger and elbow him in the nose. He fell to the ground. I hit him again and again until I lost my breath. I lifted him by his collar and spat in his face.

He laid there laughing "So now you kill me? You would be no better than me I hope you know!"

Panting I say, "I know. That's why I will not be the one that takes your life. Although I may be a beast at heart I am no monster."

I grabbed a rope from his horse and placed it near a tree. I walked to the Advisor and drug him to the tree and wrapped the rope around him. I made sure it was very tight. He was panicking. "I thought you were no monster! You're leaving me here to die!"

"Not to die my friend. If I wanted you to die I wouldn't give you this." I said as I place a dagger just outside of his reach. "If you want to live you will reach the blade."

As I walked away he screamed "You will never truly be a man!"

I walked through the woods still hearing his screaming. I turned into my other form and ran back to the castle. I chose to not end his life, but let nature take its course.

"I'm not a killer." I whispered to myself.

The night I finally had slept was so restless. I knew something had to change inside of me. When I slept I saw the beast inside once more; He looked at me with a smile and said "Of all the monstrous things I thought you would do you chose debatably the most horrendous. Allowing him to make sure of his own survival is brilliant. I will give you credit Will."

"I will not bow."


I stood tall to him. "I choose who I am. Not some legend saying that I will turn. This is my life. I choose my destiny!"

He looked at me with eyes that almost had looked sad. "You do not understand."

"Understand what monster?"

"Do you think I wanted this when your species was created? To be a corruption in the souls of the Night-Howlers?"

It struck me as odd "Explain"

"When you were cursed I was created. I was bred from the pain and anguish from all those I must corrupt. You are the last of your race! If I corrupt you or you just do me a favor and DIE! I will finally be free! I want to be done with this! For so many winters I have been trapped in hell just to await the day I will be free. Then for a moment in time I was. Then you... the last of them was born."

"So, if I die, or if I take the life of an innocent you are free?"

Smiling he claps "So it listens!"

"Why can you not just leave?"

He runs his hand through his hair he said, "There was once a way."

"What was it?"

"We trick your mind. It was attempted once before when one subconsciously killed an innocent to set both of us free."

"What happened?"

"In order for it to truly work you must truly believe that you killed someone that has a pure heart. He didn't truly make himself believe I was free. In turn he had later taken his own life as opposed to taking the life of his child."

"So, you're telling me there's a chance that is will work?"

"I am saying that there is a very minor possibility it will."

"Why would you help me? How do I know you are not pulling some trick on me?"

He rolled his eyes "I want to be free just as much if not more than you! Now I need to stab me through the chest."

A dagger appeared in my hand as I was beginning to question him he said "Pure of heart is determined when you are birthed or created. I may not be innocent, but I am indeed pure of heart on a different standard."

I held the dagger out to his chest with the initial thought that it would have been easy, and yet the though occurred to me that this other piece of me had been the most consistent thing in my life. A dark follower of sorts. He then grabbed my wrist and pressed it against his chest. "What the hell is taking you so long?"

"I don't think I can."

He leaned into the blade and said "If you don't do this you will kill Caitlin, or a child or someone undeserving. You will become a monster whether or not you want it to happen." He places his other hand on my elbow and said "Please... Set us both free. You kill me, and it will stick. We will never see each other again and your soul will finally be at peace."

I could hear something in his voice that sounded concerned. I thought of Caitlin and what my life could have been with her. I lunged the knife through his chest. He smiled as he placed a hand on my shoulder as we lower to the ground. "You actually had it in you. I have to say that I am shocked."

He slowly began to fade and says. "Thank you, William, thank you for setting me free."

I watched as the light fade from his eyes. A weight had lifted from my shoulders. He was finally gone. We were both free. I pulled the dagger from his chest as I rubbed my fingers through his hair. "Goodbye, my old friend."

When I awoke I felt so different, I finally felt like I was free. I started running back to the castle. When I finally I could see lanterns everywhere. I snuck into the room and got into my formal clothes, then I made my way to the ballroom. Tonight, was the night that I would make the biggest decision I would have ever made. I was free and there was nothing stopping me or holding me back in my life anymore. Tonight, was going to be the night that I was going to ask Caitlin to have my hand.


She sat at her throne watching them dance. They all seemed so happy, but her thoughts raced about William. It had been a week since she saw him last. His eyes looked so monstrous. She could feel his rage. She knew that the Advisor had to die, but why must it have been by the hand of the only man she had loved? Why must he have such an affliction in his soul. He was so tormented by his personal demons. She placed her hand over her mouth. She then felt a strong hand on her shoulder. She turned her head quickly and saw William dressed and smiling. "May I have this dance madam?"


I held her hand softly as we walked onto the ballroom floor. We held each other close as she smiles at me. "You seem different"

I whispered softly in her ear. "I'm finally free of the corruption my Queen."

She wrapped her arms around me kissing my neck softly as we danced in circles. "Caitlin?"

"Yes William?"

"I have something to ask you"

She parts from me and looks curiously in my eyes "Will you be my Queen?"

She smiled wholeheartedly jumping into my arms crying. "YES!" she yelled as I spun her around screaming "She said yes!"

That night was the happiest nights of my life. The whole kingdom was ecstatic that our marriage was in effect. We slept together the whole night for the first time in a very long time. I didn't have a single vision that night.

A month passed until the day she was to be wed. It was clear that day, it was a perfect day for a wedding. I watched her walk down the aisle, with a long beautiful gown. I felt myself near tears looking at her. She held my hand as the commencement had come. We vowed to each other.

Her vows were "I promise to love you until the end of our days and then some. You are my hero in every way. My life would truly be different if you were not in it. Although our time had been spaced and distant from one another I have never felt such a connection to someone in all my days. With this ring I will forever bound myself to you. William, I promise you that I will always be with you through the worst times and the best."

She nearly moved me to tears as I had held her hands and began to say mine. "On this day I can truly say I have never felt happier. Before you my life had no meaning. It had no beginning and no end, there was no meaning. Then you came into my life at the most unexpected way in the most unexpected time. With this ring I promise to cherish and protect you for the rest of my days. My life was never worth mentioning until I had met you and today I become so much more than a person, you helped become everything I have ever wanted to be."

The holy man smiled at us and told us to kiss. That was the best kiss I ever had. We danced the night away holding each other close. In my years I have never felt closer to another person in my life than I did that night. With her it was like time stood still. "I love you" I whispered in her ear sweetly

The whole village attended along with neighboring kingdoms. I was a King, but the title had meant nothing to me. It was a title like any other. I looked to my Queen and thought about me being her husband. That was a title that I was proud of. It was something that I wanted since the day I had met her.

One Year Later

My life had been perfect for longer than I ever anticipated it would be. She was sleeping beside me as I kiss her forehead. She smiled as I rub my fingers across her cheek. She was the greatest thing that has ever happened in my life. I told her every day that I loved her, but words could never really express my feelings for her. She wanted to have children, but I was fearful of them having the same affliction that I do. The constant affliction they will have to feel is something I do not want for anyone. Especially my own child. It breaks my heart seeing how much she wants an heir to the throne. Not to confuse her because I truly wanted a child to carry on my name, but I was the last of my kind. I wanted the race to die. I want the cycle to end.

The night of our anniversary we watched the stars and smiled at one another. When we drifted off to sleep that night my life would forever be different. I was walking with Caitlin in silence. We were holding hands smiling in the sunlight. Things were like any other dream I had for the past year that I had been with her. Until I saw something closing in the distance. A man was running at us with a sword drawn. I pushed her to the side as released my claws and shoved them deep inside of the man. I could feel him grow limp.

I blinked and saw Caitlin's eyes wide open as blood was on her lips. "OH GOD NO!"

I released my claws and covered her wound screaming for help. She was crying. "I'M SORRY! OH GOD I AM SO SORRY!" I yelled through the tears

She put her hand on my face. She looked so calm "It's not your fault William... I love you"

"NO! Don't leave me please! Don't go!" she slowly closed her eyes and started drifted away.

I still waited for people to come in as I put pressure on her wound. I pick her up and lay her against my chest as her breathing slowed. "Please don't go..."

She lowered her eyes and said "I will see you again William... I promise you I will find you again."

My face conformed as I held her close to me rocking her crying so hard. When she drew her last breath. I felt something change inside of me. Something was different. I felt so much stronger, but the guilt was immeasurable.

I let out a long scream that shook the walls of the castle. The knights had broken in with swords drawn. I leaped out of bed and I ran out the window leaping down while transforming. I ran into the woods as fast as I could while my heart continued to break. I was immortal... but at the cost of everything I ever wanted.

I later found out the demon inside had never left but was in a hibernation. She paid the price for my neglect. He in the end was free and I awaited the day I could find him in this world or another. I had a dream that night and told him to run far and fast because I will wait until the end of time to kill him.

1000 Years Later

The future was much better than the time I was a mortal. The time had changed but people had remained the same. I lived many different lives awaiting the day I finally would be reunited with my beloved.

It was August 23rd when we were married. I walked to the cemetery and visited her. I started to find her every year at the same time for the past 60 years. I got to my knees and talked to her kindly. Her gravestone was nearly faded. I put a bouquet of flowers on her stone. I whisper, "Over the mountains, over the sea, back where my heart is longing to be with you my love." As a tear falls to the ground I walk away.

I found myself in a pub later that day. I could hear people indistinct conversations as I drink a lager. To the say the least the drinks are much better. I fiddled with a pen and wrote down a note to myself when I heard someone over my shoulder say "I know how that one goes. My mum used to sing it to me."

"Oh yeah?" I asked without looking

"I see the moon, the moon sees me
shining through the leaves of the old oak tree
Oh, let the light that shines on me
shine on the one I love.

Over the mountain, over the sea,
back where my heart is longing to be
Oh, let the light that shines on me
shine on the one I love.

I hear the lark, the lark hears me
singing from the leaves of the old oak tree
Oh, let the lark that sings to me
sing to the one I love,

Over the mountains, over the sea
back where my heart is longing to be
Oh, let the lark that sings to me
sing to the one I love."

I quickly turned around in my chair and saw her... I saw my beloved. I quickly smiled and reached for her hand. "Forgive my rudeness I am William."

She held her hand out to mine and I kissed it as she said "Such a gentleman. My name's Caitlin, but my friends call me Kat."

"A name that is befitting of a Queen should not be disrespected by anything other than the name." I said intrigued by her

She blushed as she said, "I don't mean to be forward, but you seem so familiar to me and I was wondering if I could be a drink."

"No" I said as she looked concerned "Allow me to buy you one." She smiled

For over a thousand years I lived in a constant hell, but that day I found my beloved as she had kept her word. She found me in the darkness. We sat in the pub for a long time talking, the way she looked at me made me feel as if no time had passed. A piece of me deep inside felt a familiar happiness. For the first time in a thousand years... I am n


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