(COMPLETED)The Storm is Here...

By MicMalHamilton

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(Y/N) of House (L/N) is one of the most powerful beings in the world. However, after the death of Ned, (Y/N)... More

Bio & Harem.
Prolouge: part one
Prolouge: part two.
Chapter one: Snow and Sweat
Chapter Two: A Heartfelt Reunion
Chapter Three: Wildfire
Chapter Four: Seeing the Queen
Chapter Five: Dragonglass (short)
Chapter Six: White Walkers
Chapter Seven: King's Landing
Chapter Eight: Back at Winterfell
Chapter Ten: The Night King
Chapter Eleven: A Proper Farewell
Chapter Twelve: Burn them all
Chapter Thirteen: Throne of gold

Chapter Nine: Knighted

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By MicMalHamilton

I sat in my black and golden chair sighing. My eye staring right into Jaime Lannister's soul. I know this bastard didn't do anything to me. Frankly, people should be thanking him for killing the mad king. However, what he did to Bran is unforgivable.

Nevertheless, hearing these arguments for Jaime made me think of him as an honorable man. Just not by a lot at least. I had the inkling that this man was confused. Confused on which side is truly is and for now he chose this one. Of course, i had to keep an eye on the green eyed warrior.

I took notice that Sansa stook up for the man. Daenerys seemed to be peeved about that idea. Although understandable i was still conflicted. Nevertheless, i remained silent.

Once everyone stood up at the Queens command, we all parted ways. At least for now anyway.  In my expense i sought out Colin. He was after all my most trusted friend and a servant. Though, i never liked to call him that. I saw him like the father that i barely had. Especially after my father and mother passed.

I walked out and saw Colin standing on a balcony. Overlooking the Asgardian warriors in the distance. Their fighting was still impeccable. I swelled with complete and utter joy knowing they were still better than the dothraki and the unsullied combined. I would pay just to see the reactions of the lords and ladies. However, i wouldn't want to be an arse.

I looked back at my friend, Colin who still looked out into the sunset as we stood on the balcony. The sun glared as us as if it were a character on it's own. I loved this feeling. The orange glow spreading on my skin. Yet it felt bittersweet.

Colin was an old friend. Whenever my father would discuss his kingly duties or train recruits, i was always alone. My father prided me to be the successor of Asgard.

That name is still new to me.

I never knew the lost lands were called Asgard. Apparently from the documents, about hundreds of years ago a rebellion against Asgard. Although Asgard won many battles, our kingdom eventually lost. Thus, King Odin at the time sent our kingdom into hiding. It was for the best but overall a sad affair for our people.

Looking back at those documents i realized that the age range of those people also varied from thousands of years of age. Meaning that even some of the people in my current rule remember my ancestors time as monarchs. Odd.

Snapping out of my thoughts of Asgard, i turned to Colin.

Colin practically raised me beside my mother and father. If they were or weren't there he definitely was. I couldn't thank this man more. He was my one true friend. Besides Blacksmith of course. Blacksmith was an odd case. I met the man when i was very young.


I ran away from the Colin as fast as i could. I was NOT going to take any more lectures about being a "king" from father. Especially not discussing betrotheds. Girls were nasty. I was only five namedays. I don't even want to be seen with a girl.

As i looked behind me laughing all the way at the chaos i caused, i ran straight into what felt like a wall, and landed on my arse.

I slowly looked up to see a man towering over me covered head to toe in armor. I saw his black beady eyes look at me as if i were a hellspawn. I didn't know what to do.

Feet stopped behind me and grabbed my ear. The stinging pain made me shoot my eyes to my new problem.

My mother.


As she yapped and screeched into my sparking ear, i couldn't take my eyes away from the man. He seemed eight feet tall at LEAST. His black armor made him seem even more threatening. If that was even possible.

(Flashback End)

I smiled at the memory. However, thinking of the punishment i received from mother made me shudder. Even in death she seemed to make a chill run up my spine.

"Colin," My deep voice managed to rasp out. Colin whipped around to see me and smiled.

"Good Evening (Y/N), hope you didn't come here just to brood with me," he said. I smiled.

"Indeed i did not," i confirmed before continuing.

"Colin i don't know how this war is going to play out. I dont know if i will live. You or Blacksmith. Anyone really. We all have a 50/50 chance. So before we do this....i'd like to say i would have not wanted ANYONE more than you to help raise me. I see you as a father. A father that was there and helpful. A father that cared. A father that was patient and understanding but firm as well. I know it might be late but....i would like to name you as Hand of the king."

I held out a golden pin in my hand to the awed man in front of me. Tenderly, he took the pin and clipped it onto his clothing near his heart. His eyes filled with tears and unspoken words. I embraced him into a hug that i never knew i needed from the man.

"Thank you my boy, it's been an honor raising you" he whispered into my ear. Before i can respond a loud voice boomed.


I looked out to see the wildling Tormund Giantsbane with his crew and the nights watch men. I strode up to the group as they reunited with Jon Snow. For whatever reason the mood turned grim.

"What's the matter ? I'm not that ugly am i ?," i joked. However, no one laughed.

"They are coming," Jon murmured. Looking directly into my eyes.

"How long do we have ?," i pressed. Now completely serious.

"Before the sun comes up tomorrow."



Everyone in the room turned to me. We were all making battle plans as the night was now here. Jon and the others all desperately made plans and it made me cringe in shame.

"What do you propose then ?," Jon asked frustrated. I understood his frustration but there was no excuse for this ghastly concept they called a "battle plan." Sansa and Daenerys gave me warning glares while Arya gave me a saucy smirk at my boldness. She's been noticing me alot lately.

"First off, releasing the catapults AS the dothraki are charging in wouldn't be a good idea. What if you hit the dothraki in the process ? What if you fail at the expense of a good portion of your army ? You've lost hundreds of men right there," i speeched. By now i was standing and looking at the battle plans they had drawn out. It looked as if they hoped to charge in. As well as lighting the trenches.

That was about it.

I pinched my nose in pure agony before continuing.

"Not only that but if Bran IS one of the sole reasons the night king walks, we can use that to set up some sort of trap. Put people like Jon, Brienne or ANYONE with superb skills near Bran. No offense Theon but I've been near the Night King. I've fought him. You and ten others won't be enough."

Theon nodded at this while everyone else had raised brows. Of course they didn't think about this. Objections however did overcome.

"No. No way are we going to use Bran as bait. Not my brother," Arya stated.

"Arya we don't have time for all this...i'm not saying we have to make sacrifices but what would you rather have done ? This is our chance to take down the Night King and kill him ONCE AND FOR ALL. We can save THOUSANDS."

Arya quieted at that. However, secretly she couldn't help but squirm in pleasure at the power this man held over the room. He can shut anyone including her with a snap of his tongue. Sansa and Daenerys had similar thoughts playing over in their minds.

"My final...critique of this plan is...if the Night King can raise an ARMY of dead people...Why put all the innocents and non-able in the crypts ? Filled with dead people ?," i said nearly laughing at the thought. Everyone in the room groaned in understanding and guilt. They nearly doomed themselves with this plan. The Night King was basically right outside their doorstep and they would have been all over the place.

"So now here's what we do. Launch the flaming boulders first before anything. We can take them out there and hopefully light some of them up. That way it will be easier to see. Next, all the armies will instead be behind the trenches and dragonglass. The spears and trenches can slow them down as well. By that time while all the wights are in one place i want ONE Dragon to fly around burning the dead. Since they are in one place we need to take advantage of that. The Night King, more than likely is looking for Daenerys Jon and me as well as Bran. So i want Daenerys or Jon to try to burn the fucker with Dragon fire. Speaking of the dragons keep them a little away from the ground but close enough to spread flames. Wights can probably jump. With the unable or those seeking shelter, before the battle i will take them all to Asgard. They can hide there. "

The entire table was in shock. This seemed like a plan where they would lose the least amount of casualties and that is what we wanted. For another thirty minutes they decided to broaden my plan a bit. We decided to have Theon, Beric, Pod, Jaime, Greyworm, Arya and the Hound to protect Bran. (I was well aware of the Cleganes fear of fire. I needed him with all of his wits in this fight.)

Jon will be the one flying Rhaegel to battle the Night King while Daenerys will fly Drogon to burn the wights to crisp.

The archers will be up on the balconies shooting dragonglass fire arrows while some unsullied will be up there as well. Their main job will be protecting our archers in case wights climbed up.

"Alright now that we have our plans and formations,let's rest before the battle," i said. Everyone around the table slowly broke away from each other. I noticed that i received looks of respect aeound the room. Especially from Jon and Jorah. I also received looks of lust from a certain wolf, dove and dragon. I gulped as i wondered about those three.

Which one of them would get to me first ?


(Two Hours before the battle)

I walked through the halls of Winterfell when suddenly i felt a presence behind me. An odd and threatening presence. I called Stormbreaker to me and turned, aiming the weapon at the neck of my creeper.

At the neck of Arya Stark. My eye widened a little before glaring at her. I didn't remove my weapon.

"Nice reflexes," she smirked.

"I tend to please," i said.

Her eyes danced at that remark. Arya circled around me, after i lowered my weapon of course. She circled like a stray cat circling it's last source of food.

"You know as a young girl when i saw you for the first time, i instantly wanted you beside me. In battle and in bed, of course a lot of pretty girls wanted you at that time," she admitted. Giving me a calm and unwavering stare. 

"Well you were just a girl-"

"I was...now I'm a woman...not completely anyway," Arya said.

I gave her a questioning gaze before it dawned on me.

"Are you sure ?," i asked.

"If i wasn't i wouldnt ask," Arya pressed.

"And what of this Gendry boy ?," i couldn't help but ask. Arya rolled her eyes at.my insistence.

"He is a friend, nothing more, nothing less."

I smiled. I walked over to the many faced assassin.

It was a long night indeed.

But unbeknownst to me it was about to get longer.

(One hour before the battle)

After relieving myself from Arya's clutches, i went to gather up the all the ones who were inable to fight. Or the ones who simply didn't want too.

Among the crowd of people were Sansa,Missandei,Tyrion, Lord Varys, and many others. When i saw Sansa i walked up to her, fear gripping every bone in my body. Once she saw me her eyes swelled with tears. Her eyes studied my face as if it were the last time she'll ever look at it. I couldn't blame her.

"Sansa i-," i was interrupted by her sweet loving lips smashing onto mine with a vigor. Once we parted she had a smile on her face, one that would be etched into my memory for generations.

"I know," she said. I nodded and stepped back from her to see everyone else saying their goodbyes.

Jaime Lannister was cracking kokes with Tyrion before both of them tearfully hugged. Missandei feverely kissed Greyworm before he seperated from her with haste. Almost to afraid to look at her once more. The Starks and even Theon came to say goodbye to Sansa. Sam whispered false promises into Gillys ear.

All of this...it was heartbreaking to witness.

Once everyone had said their goodbyes, they all joint hands or clapsed each others shoulder. Sansa grabbed my left hand and i noticed the eyes of Missandei wandering over to me. The brown skinned beauty looked at me almost as if she were afraid yet daring. I like her.

I opened the BiFrost and everyone's eyes widened as the rainbow hue captivated us all.


(Asgard: The Lost Lands)

With a crash everyone landed. I looked at Tyrion to see him sprawled out on the ground, heaving as if he ran for acres. I couldnt help the smile that graced my lips.

"First time ?," i snarked.

The icy glare he sent my way only made my smile more unbreakable. I pointed Stormbreaker to a farmhouse in the woods.

"You guys can rest right there until the battle is over," i boomed "i'll pick you up then."

"And if you die ?," Missandei couldn't help to blurt out. I looked at her warily before answering.

"Then welcome to your new home," i said scarcily. Before i lifted off i practically ran towarsa Sansa and captured my lips to her one last time. Without a word i walked away. I couldn't bare to see her tear stained face or her pleading eyes. I had to fight for the living.  I opened the BiFrost once more and vanished without a trace.

(Winterfell: Minutes before the battle)

I landed into the courtyard with a huff. It was hard to walk away from my love. But the world needs me right now. I walked past the awed looks from the soldiers. I looked for Daenerys but as i looked around i couldn't seem to find her. Whatever jealous feeling that swelled up in my chest was immediately squashed. I know she wouldn't betray me like that. Maybe she was checking on her dragons.  I'll leave her be. My thoughts then wandered to Colin and the Blacksmith.

As i went into the great hall i heard what sounded like Tormund, say "fuck tradition." Well this has to be good. However, once i stepped in i saw a Brienne kneeling in front of Jamie Lannister. It was then i realized.

"Your going to knight her," i stated. More so as a fact than a question. Heads whipped to my direction. Including the face of Colin and the...helm of the blacksmith.

"Aye," Tormund grunted "disagree ?"

I laughed at his threatening tone. This guy truly was hilarious.

"Doesn't a king have to stand as witness to a knighting ?," i asked.

Silence overcame the odd assortment of people. I looked to Brienne to see that whatever hope she gained about being a knight, looked about crushed. However, i had an idea. 

"Luckily, you have a king right here," i said. I nodded towards Jamie who nodded back to me. New respect gaining in everyone's eyes. I looked to Colin who gave a nod of approval. A proud smile across his face. We all fell silent as Jamie began the knighting.

"In the name of the warrior... I charge you to be brave. In the name of the father...I charge you to be just. In the name of the mother, I charge you to defend the innocent... Arise, Brienne of Tarth, a knight of the Seven Kingdoms," Jamie said.

Brienne stood with a happy smile gracing her lips. Tears apparent in her eyes as she looked at Jamie. We all cheered and clapped as she basked in the praise. I grabbed a glass of wine and lifted into the air.

"Ser Brienne of Tarth, knight of the seven kindoms!!!!"

It nearly brought tears to me as well.

However what i didnt know was soon in the future i would be having tears. But NOT out of happiness and joy.

Nice to have one moment of clarity.

And it wasn't until later that the horns of hell began to ring.


As you guys notice this battle will be vastly different from the original. I think that the reader would very much fix the battle problems they had. Especially since he is a king.

I will also have different people die in the battle so BE PREPARED.

Good Luck to you all.

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