Itchy Teeth(boyxboy)

By Gameraddict

463 15 3

While Evan was studying at Anthony's home during one particular night... *This was something I thought of to... More

Itchy Teeth

463 15 3
By Gameraddict

Itchy Teeth

"Stop it!" Evan cried out in exasperation as he pushed away his best friend since first grade, Anthony, that had started edging towards him again. Anthony pouted, even as he retreated back to his own chair at the other side of the table with the snacks he left his seat to fetch in the first place. It was already midnight but they were still studying, or more accurately, HE was studying while Anthony fooled around trying to make him lose focus. Evan always detested how Anthony never studies yet come out first in class whilst he had to cram everything in his head just to get second place.

It was probably due to his recent intense cramming sessions for the upcoming exams that he now had this insane headaches that made him feel like his head was splitting apart. It didn't help that Anthony seemed determine to bother him till he paid more attention to him like a child trying to have his mother's full attention.

"Evaaaaaaaaan~ It's so boring, can't you study later and play with me now? These questions are really easy anyway!" Anthony whined, flopping on the table, arms stretching out to cover Evan's notes. Evan finally looked up, only to glare at the other even as he tried to push the offending limbs away. Just as he opened his mouth to retort back however, he flinched as the pain in his head spiked.


Anthony immediately straightened, looking over worriedly as Evan massaged the side of his head to try and lessen the pain. "What's wrong? Is your head hurting again?"

"No, it's just a headache." Evan replied but Anthony was already at his side, pulling him closer to take a look at his head as his hands ran through his hair. Evan sighed, rolling his eyes as he let Anthony check him over. Get a head injury once because he did not feel the need to tell anyone he was too dizzy to dive and now the other took any symptom he felt seriously. Granted, it resulted in 6 stitches and a hospital stay but really, he was older now and he knew better.

Just then, another wave of pain hit him, making him flinch and resulting in Anthony tugging his hair. A familiar shiver went down his spine and he froze before trying to get out of Anthony's hold. "D- don't tug my h-hair..." he gasped trying to push himself from Anthony.

Anthony frowned, tightening his hold on the other as he tried to take a closer look before freezing all of a sudden. Worried, Evan opened his mouth to ask whether the other was alright when the pain in his head vanished, and he found himself sighing and relaxing bonelessly into Anthony's arms.

"What the hell?..."

"What?" Evan asked as he tried to see what was wrong with his head.

"...Evan, you have a set of doggy ears. Actual animal ears that just popped out of your head." Anthony stated in bafflement, easily letting Evan out of his grasp in his shock.

"Wha- WHAT?!!" Evan exclaimed as he scrambled towards the nearest reflective surface, and there right there were a pair of black wolf ears at the top of his head that Evan knew weren't there before. Evan looked at the ears in confusion, hands reaching up to gently prod one of the ears to check- yup, those were actual ears attached to him.

"How on earth did this happen?" Evan murmured, staring as his ears twitched in the reflection as his hands stroke them gently. sending a pleasant shiver throughout his body.

Just then, he realised that Anthony had been quiet for an unnervingly long time and looked behind to check on the other, only to pause as he took in the way Anthony himself looked. The once dark grey eyes were now red, and he had this hungry look in it. A very hungry look.

"Are those real?" Anthony's playful tone was there but his eyes told a different story as his wolfish gaze raked over him. With unnatural grace that reminded him of a predator on a hunt, Anthony glided closer to him even as Evan found himself subconsciously backing away slowly. "Listen to yourself talk! Why are your eyes red?" Anthony paused at that, glancing over at the same reflective surface he used earlier to study his new changes as well. If he was surprised, it did not show on his face as turned back to Evan barely a moment later with a shrug. "Probably the same reason you have those ears, speaking of which..."

Evan yelped as Anthony suddenly appeared in front of him and reached over to stroke his ear. A zing of pleasure shot through him to his horror and he felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Anthony leered at him, a mischievous smirk on his face as he stroke his ear again. It was all Evan could do to prevent what he was sure to be an embarrassing sound from escaping him as pleasure shot through him. Glaring at Anthony, he tried to push the other away even as he willed himself to calm down. The two of them had been dancing around their attraction for each other for awhile now, ever since they both came of age to be exact. Yet, neither of them had been willing to make the first move, a thing that Evan knew would change tonight if he did not quickly escape the situation with a logical reason. He was not ready for that yet, or so he keeps telling himself.

"Well, I think it is about time to sleep. Maybe this is just a dream, yea?..." Evan mumbled his face going redder by second, feeling uneasy under the intense stare, feeling like the room had gotten a few degrees hotter than before. Anthony made no attempt to move and simply stared at him, his face mixed with different feelings. He licked his lips and Evan shivered as he felt those eyes observe him as if he was prey, with that thought in his head he retreated to his bedroom to escape.

Evan closed his room's door with a sigh, only to yelp when he felt somebody nuzzle his neck. Whirling around, he stumbled against the door when he saw Anthony there behind him.'How did he get here before me?' Evan thought in alarm just as Anthony shuffled closer in. "H-hey! What has gotten int-" before he could complete his sentence, Anthony had leaned in to sniff his neck once more and Evan had to resist the urge to moan when he felt the other's hot breath against his sensitive skin at his neck. "Hey!" Evan gasped as he tried to wrestle himself away from Anthony.

Anthony gulped as he push his face into his best friend's neck, inhaling the delicious scent that underlay Evan's musk. His throat felt unerringly dry, and he thirsted for something. Using his whole body, he pinned Evan against the door and found it surprisingly easy despite Evan's pushing. His hands landed on the other's wrists, pinning it to the door with just some effort as he ducked back down to take another deep breath full of the Evan's scent.

Evan gasped as he felt Anthony's hot breath on his neck. It was suddenly a few degrees hotter before and he grinded his teeth trying to suppress the feeling of pleasure that was starting to consume him, his blood rushing south. 'Ok, this is really bad,' Evan thought desperately. If Anthony pressed in just a little more, he would certainly be able to feel his growing hard on and would probably be prompted to do some things then, things Evan was not ready for since he has yet to figure out the mystery of their new appendages, much less the reason for the strange air between them right now.

"But Evan, it's really late now, can't I stay over?" Anthony whispered into the other's ear, grinning when he felt Evan shudder under him. Humming unconsciously, he buried his nose into the arch of the other's neck, feeling unusually excited at the feel of a pulse.

"Didn't you say you have to wake up early tomorrow for something so you have to return home?" Evan protested. However, he got no answer from the other who seemed too fascinated by his neck for comfort. Just then, a realisation hit him out of the blue and he made a greater effort to get the other off him. Anthony now had glowing red eyes, maybe he is now a vampire. After all, he himself had dog ears and maybe a tail that he didn't know of since he have yet to sit down, pointing to the fact that he might be a werewolf. He should probably give more thought to that but first, he had to make sure he isn't eaten by this goddamn vampire.

"Anthony! Get a hold of yourself!" Evan demanded, but Anthony simply brushed Evan's struggling attempt off and started to sniff Evan's neck with no restrain. It was the first time Anthony saw Evan actually react in panic, his expressions vulnerable to him. And he like it, a lot.

"Say Evan, why do you smell so nice?" Anthony murmured, giving in to the temptation to lick his neck, sucking on one particularly soft spot where his could feel Evan's pulsing artillery acutely.

"H-hah... Anthony! Snap out of it!" Evan hissed as he summoned up all his strength to push Anthony away, which sort of succeeded. He managed to push Anthony off, causing the other to land on his ass, which serves him right really. That would have been alright if not the fact that Anthony had flailed and grab onto him to try and stop his fall so Evan had landed on him too, which would have been fine too if not for his growing erection.

Evan cursed viciously in his head even as he scrambled up. Anthony on the other hand made no move from where he was sprawled on the floor before he pushed himself up onto his arms. "You're hard." Evan's face instantly turned even redder than it was and gave Anthony a vicious kick, getting a yelp out of the other. "Yes, thank you Captain Obvious. Now if you don't mind, I need to, you know-" Evan gestured at his groin, refusing to look the other in the eye even as he reached for the door. Thanks goodness no one else was home except for them, he would hate for anybody to chance upon him on the way to the toilet, especially his sister.

"Hey! Don't go!" Anthony lunged for Evan's foot. Unfortunately, he mistook the distance between them, causing Evan to crash down onto him with a startled yelp. Anthony felt all the air rush out of his lungs as he was knocked down, dazed.

"Oh my god, are you alright? You idiot, what were you thinking??" Evan scolded as he scrambled upright over him, look worried as he checked him over. "Seriously, you- "

"My teeth feels itchy..."

"Wha- " Evan glanced up only to freeze at the way Anthony looked at him. Something like a haze settled over his over his mind and he found himself unable to look away from Anthony's entrancing glowing red eyes. Anthony himself seemed enthralled as his hands reached up to pull him closer, one hand on his neck while the other slid down his back. It was only when his hand reached something furry that Evan seemed to suddenly snap out, biting off a whine with a snarl as he pulled away.

"What the hell?" Evan exclaimed as he twisted around to see the extra tail that he had been wondering about earlier. "When on earth did that appear?" he murmured as he watched it swish left and right lazily.

"Sometime earlier? I don't know, but," Anthony rolled them over in the blink of an eye when Evan was pondering, trapping him with his body and nuzzling his neck once more. "I don't really care right now for some strange reason."

"Hey! Let go of me!" Evan growled as he tried to push the other off, carefully avoiding the other's eyes to prevent a repeat of earlier. To think he would forget about vampires possible being able to put others under their thrall, really, and to think he was the one who actually knew mythologies. (Twilight totally does not count, Anthony)

"You have a tail." Evan could feel Anthony amused smirk against his neck and he snapped at Anthony in frustration, only to gasp when he felt two pin prick sensation on his neck.

Anthony did not know what prompted him to bite Evan, but when his teeth sunk into the soft skin, all he could feel was satisfaction. Evan's blood filled his mouth, warm and thick on his tongue, tasting like dark rust with a hint of sweet sourness in the aftertaste. He couldn't help but groan in pleasure as it flowed down his throat. Evan's tail was beating against him as in protest but the way he moaned was enough to let him know that it felt good for the other as well.

All of a sudden, the taste turned to the disgusting metallic taste of blood and Anthony gagged, immediately pulling away and wiping his mouth with his shirt in an effort to get rid of the taste.

"Did you... just... ?" Evan blinked in confusion, still sprawled on the floor. Neither of them noticed that their extra features had vanished as they tried to process what just happened.

"What did you just do...? Did you just BITE me?"Evan said as he rubbed his neck, feeling two small rough spots on his smooth skin.

"I don't know?" Anthony felt extremely shock as he stared at Evan's neck. It was more of a question then a reply but as the two of them stared at each other in confusion Evan just sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face. "Well, at least we are back to normal now. Maybe this is all just some hallucination or something."

Picking himself up, he took a quick catalogue of how he was feeling, and was immensely glad to find that his hard on had shrunk. "You can stay over tonight, I guess, since it's late and all." He stated, bending down to pull out the mattress under his bed prepared for whenever Anthony decided to stay over. Evan knew that his friend bit him and he should be panicking but he was too tired to deal with all this crap, especially when it was most probably a hallucination produced by his overworked brain. Strangely enough though, the headaches he had been feeling lately had finally seemed to disappear, much to his relief as it had been getting worse by day, giving him an urge to do something crazy like thrash everything around him on somedays. Now, all he felt was a bone deep tiredness that prompted him to hurry up and go to bed.

Anthony snapped out of his stupor with the movement and grabbed his arm. "Why are you so calm!? I just bit you! And it's no hallucination, there's proof right here! Hell, what on earth is going on?" Anthony yelled. His face was desperate for an answer that neither of them knows. What was happening to them? The silent question sank in the air. Evan had a niggling suspicion about what just happened because he could have sworn that the feeling of him getting ears and tail was something he had definitely felt before, however he just felt too tired to deal with the situation right now.

'Blood loss,' He thought faintly to himself as he pulled away and got ready for bed.

"Hey, maybe I should just go home, just in case, you know." Anthony mumbled, shifting from foot to foot.

Evan simply stared at him with a poker face. "In the middle of the night? Do you want your family to wake up and ask you what happened?"

"Ugh! But what if I... Change again? And suck your blood dry? Like a vampire? What if I kill you!? I am a monster! I just suck your blood a few seconds ago!"" Anthony knew he was overreacting but he was frightened of himself, and for his best friend. The fact that he was also quite tired and no longer had a clear mind also helped to escalate his worry about the situation.

"Well, you are still you. So no matter what happens we just have to trust each other. We are here to help each other, and if you were to kill me, so be it. If that is what my future holds it's okay. You will stop yourself, I trust you will do that. I will forgive you no matter what happens."


"No buts! Now get your ass into bed, I am exhausted and I bet you are too. Either way round, things will be better in the morning when both of us have a clearer mind, so get into bed now!" Evan snapped, before whirling around to finish his preparations.

"You did see my ears and tail too. Maybe I am just like you but probably something of a different species, so it should be fine... Anyway I don't die so easily as your rival, friend thingy or something." Evan mumbled as he slid into his bed, sighing as he settled into a comfortable position, mind already shutting down.

"So...? Are you going to bed?" Evan asked, yawning as he did

For a moment,Anthony simply stood there without moving, and Evan was worried that the other might actually decide to head home instead, which was sure to bring a ton of unnecessary trouble, but the other merely deflated with a tired sigh. "Thank you Evan." Anthony whispered, smiling softly at him briefly before he took got ready for bed. Evan was already lightly dozing when the lights finally turned off.

Evan had been slipping deeper and deeper into the darkness of sleep, so he couldn't have really been certain about what Anthony had mumbled moments after he got into to bed. He could have sworn it was something along the lines of "we are going to talk about this thing between us, don't think I did not notice your hard on" but that couldn't be true could it?

If only he knew that he had been so wrong and that the next morning would bring really uncomfortable conversations with it that would include not only the marks on his neck, but also their relationship, then he would have taken some preventive measures. Sadly he didn't, though perhaps it didn't matter since it would result in Anthony helping with his morning wood and many future pleasurable times.

Still, that was all for tomorrow, and now the two best friend let them slip into the realm of dreams, unaware of the turning point of their lives ahead of them.

A one-shot. Hope you like it.

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