Thor and Loki get cell phones

By Pyrowolf66

10.8K 453 155

Thor and Loki are both given cell phones by S.H.E.I.L.D so that they may contact each other without having to... More

Thor and Loki get cell phones

10.8K 453 155
By Pyrowolf66

(massage from Loki Laufeyson)  

Thor feels a strange vibration from inside his newly fashioned Midgardian "jeans" He jumps from the unexpected attack on his thigh.

"WHAT WICH CRAFT DARES TO ATTACK THE SON OF ODIN!" The Avengers all jump as Thor bellows, grabbing the phone from his pocket and slamming it onto the table.

They had been called In on another of earth's needed aid missions, but now Thor was their mission. Tony rubbs his face with laughter when he sees the small letters on the phone skreen, Steve looks confued, clearly unaware the two god brothers had phones. Clint chuckles, shakeing his head, Bruce leaves, not wanting to interfere with the thunder's anger. 

   "Easy big guy, it's your brother. You know, antler man?" Tony makes a silly impression of Loki's helmet with his fingers, laughing now as he slides the phone back to Thor. 

  " I fail to understand. This pice of mortal machinery is not my brother." Thor huffs, giving Tony a hard look. Steve sighs, tension between Thor and Tony wasn't anything new. But, Tony stays calm.

  "Listen point break, it's called a 'text massage' Loki is simply typeing a massage on his own 'pice of mortal machinery'  and sending it you yours, "  At this Thor quarks a golden brow, and picks up the phone. It's skreen cracked from being slamed. But, sure enough...

(Incoming call, Loki Laufeyson) 

This time he drops the phone in surprise, although this time it continues to make noises and buzz annoyingly. It begins to irritate the thunder god. 

  "Uhhh Thor, you gonna answer it? Thats a call" All the other Avengers left, thinking it a waste of time when Thor was receiving another Midgardian lesson from Tony. Thor looks at Tony and blinks, picking up the horrific thing Thor hands it to Tony.

  "Show me." Thor sits next to him, arms crossed. With a sigh Tony presses a green botton on the phones control pannel, almost instantly Thor hears his brother's voice.

  "THOR! Thor dame you! Answer your phone!" Tony hands the phone to Thor, 

   "Your alone on this one, " Tony pats his shoulder and runs out, Loki yelling vary audible still. 

   "Loki?" Thor dosn't put the phone to his ear, being able to hear his brother already.

   "Ehhhh! You oaf! put the thing to your ear! " Loki sounds frustrated, so Thor obeys; putting the phone hesitantly to his ear. There's nothing but silence for a moment then Loki clears his throat.

  "Oh... my apologies brother, I am new to these Midgardian contraptions." Thor waits for a reply, but hears only his brother soft breaths.


  "Yes Thor?"

   "Why did you request to speak with me? Be it only to teach me of these Midgardian things?"

   "Nay." Loki's voice is light, amused almost. Although, that's a tone Thor has heard many times before.

"May I ask why?" Thor speaks calm now, his younger brother's voice barely audible when he sais.

  "To say I love you."  Before Thor can answer theres a strange loud beeping noise that replaces Loki's words. 

  "Nay! Brother ! wait...." But Loki is clearly gone. Thor can only help but smile when he looks at the phone screen and reads the text from Loki Laufeyson.

(massage from Loki Laufeyson) : Hello dearest brother, I hope you may learn to use this device the mortals call "cellular phone" to speak with me while in Midgard. I miss you here in Asgard. And I love you. ~GOM~ 


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