Hand of God

By Rigved4

408 17 6

Best rating: #52-Quickbooks In the future, where the world is destroyed almost completely due to the Great Wa... More



39 2 0
By Rigved4

The day after Roger talked with May on the roof, Roger was wandering aimlessly in the building. He had been to the armory, medic room, the tech room and other rooms were just living quarters. Roger was about to return to his own quarters on the roof when he heard talking. It was coming from a room directly beneath the stairs.

It was still pretty early and no one was awake as of then.

Roger walked light footed over the concrete stairs and peeked into the room. It was lit up with a single lamp kept on the bed. On either sides of the bed sat May and Raul. Roger could see May while Raul had his back to him. As Raul looked left once, his face was lit up by the lamp.

Raul was six footed dark skinned male with well-toned muscled pushing at the restrains of his clothes. Without his overcoat, he looked even more muscular. He had sad gray eyes,  crew cut hair and sharp ears. He had a long nose above slender lips and a slitted right eyebrow which gave him a threatening as well as a handsome look.

‘We have to figure out how he avoided death by the note, that’s our only hope.’ Raul said. ‘Also, you know your job when we break into Fort Knox?’

‘Guard Roger at all costs.’

‘He’s too valuable, we can’t lose him.’

Then why are they taking me?!

‘Distract Roger for some time today. I’ll tell the plan to others when you two are gone. That way when I tell the plan to Roger, nobody will say anything that would give us away.’

‘Do you really think this’ll work?’ asked May.

‘I have to believe it will. In all this years, no one has ever survived death by the note. He did. Maybe his parents really loved him and did something to save him. We have to reach them and make them tell us. I’ll distribute their pictures to the others.’

‘You have the syringe?’

‘Yeah. Here.’

Raul handed out a syringe containing a blue fluid.

‘Be careful not to tip him off. He’s a smart guy.’

‘Don’t worry. Roger’s parents are going to tell us how to beat the system one way or the other. We’ll ask nicely first and if they don’t co-operate, then we’ll take their beautiful baby boy whom they seem to love so much...as hostage.’

Just as quietly as Roger had descended, he once again went up the stairs.

Just as he had thought. This was again about the same thing as it had been his whole life.


At noon they began their journey. Everyone was well aware of the plan. Roger had practiced his shooting for an hour in the morning but he was not much out of touch, he had been preparing for the Militia test for a long time. He was in good condition to take a fight, as long as someone didn’t bash his head from behind. Roger knew he was in danger, he had not ignored what he heard in the morning even though May and Raul put up a good act. But he knew, there was no way out from here. This was their territory. He would be able to do something once he was in the fort.

He needed to go to the fort to get some answers for himself. Regarding his parents, the chip, how he was alive and more.

Raul had given him the pictures of his parents saying they were the lead scientists. When Roger pretended and asked for pictures of his parents, Raul said May could only afford to steal the two pictures without raising suspicions. Roger just nodded and walked away. He could not give them hints that he knew what they weren’t telling him.

The entourage walked near the bases of the low lying hills to avoid being spotted. They had a long journey ahead which was estimated to end at night.

As Roger marched with the others, his mind was working ways to escape. So many plans but none of them ended with Roger walking out of Fort Knox alive. And all his plans were made assuming the fact that he would easily find his way in Fort Knox which was definitely not the case. He had no idea what was going to be inside Fort Knox.

It had been around five hours since the people from the Valley of Doom had begun their journey and Roger still hadn’t come up with a solution. The pressure was mounting, night was arriving and Roger had no plan.

But it was as if for the first time in his whole life, luck was by Roger’s side.

‘Wait, what’s that sound?’ May said, coming to a stop.

Everyone stopped walking and listened. Roger heard it too. A sharp whistling sound coming from east. The sound was growing in intensity with each passing second.

‘Missile.’ Raul said, his voice devoid of any emotion. Roger looked up to the eastern sky and saw it. A missile growing in size as it came closer. All they could do was watch in silence as the missile hit its target to the west and exploded.

A massive ball of fire rose to the west as sounds of people screaming rang through the air.

‘Oh dear god.’

By the time Roger had been born, the war had been over but nothing could scare him more than that three letter word. And this…...this was an act of war. Roger just stood frozen in his place, he had no idea what to do, and his whole body had seized up with fear.

‘Donnie, lead some of your boys towards that camp. Help as many people as you can and melt into them. This is horrific but we won’t find another opportunity like this. Become a part of the survivors.’


As Donnie and eight others parted, the people of the valley again continued on their way to Fort Knox.

‘This wouldn’t have happened if we’ve had Sulla.’ A woman trudging beside Roger said.

Sulla was the AI that the U.S Military had deployed during the Last War. She was destroyed near the end of the war. Her defense mechanism had helped U.S during the war, immensely .

‘But we don’t have Sulla and it has happened so stop sulking and pick up speed! We proceed as planned!’ Raul shouted and that was the end of discussion.

As Roger came slowly back to his sensations and his brain began functioning again, he realized, he had to save his life from nine less people now. He began planning once again.


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