Nothing gets better

By loniababy

27.3K 671 812

After the fatal accident of Uchiha Obito "death" Kakashi finds himself lost. Years past since the Incident... More



3.7K 108 124
By loniababy

Kakashi walked the streets of kohan, with his hands firmly in his pockets. And his one visible eye, looking around at the beautiful/colorful morning sky.

Walking to the training grounds. At a rather slow past. We're his students should be. I'm guessing waiting for there Sensei. That is Kakashi of course.

Kakashi was rather late most of the time. Unless it was an very important mission.

As a child, Kakashi was never late. He was always on time. Always the best in his class. And always the most popular. With the guys an the girls that being.

Mostly the girls.

Hanging around Obi so much, Kakashi kinda picked up his habits. No not kinda. He did.

Obito was always late. Let's face it, he wasn't the best at waking up at the right times, or showing up. When needed of course.

After Obito died, Kakashi made his life basically dedicated to Him.

Kakashi always thought it has something to do with them both having the same eyes. But that's not the case.

He just loved Obito so much, he never realized how obi really toke an impact on his life. he lived his life like obi did. Once ago. To feel all most connected with him or like Obito was still alive..?

Walking further to the training grounds. Feeling the morning breeze slightly drift his page over, from his icha icha book that is. Groining to himself, as he felt the cold air hit through his mask. And swift through his silver hair.

Making him sigh in relief.

'It's a nice day today...'

Kakashi now sighing in annoyance feeling quite saddened . He didn't have anyone to spend this beautiful day with.

Yeah, he could spend it with his students. After their training of course. But it's the usual everytime. Train on days off, and go separate ways after training is over.

Its was really confusing, how his students were so distant from each other. Kakashi and team minato were never like that. Right?

Him and rin hung out most of the time, including obito, of course.

He wasn't used to seeing jonin teams, this anti social with each other. But then again, he didn't know how to get everyone close..


Running his gloved hand through his hair, as he reached the training grounds.

Seeing his students waiting. Sasuke leaning against a stump. while Sakura, sat on the ground, pulling at the grass. And naruto of course, having a 'your late' kinda look with his hands on his hips.

"Haha, gomen everyone" Kakashi scratched the back of his hair nervously.

"Y-you see what happened was.." he swallowed hard down his dry throat.

Naruto, Sakura and sasuke. Stared with raised eyebrows, waiting for him to speak.

Kakashi felt nervous, not knowing what his excuse would be today. And those piercings eyes. He felt sweet come through his shirt, as they stared uncomfortable hard at him. Waiting for an answer.

Finally, He spoke.

"Uhh..I got lost on the path of life..?" Kakashi felt a sweet drop from his face. He wasn't even sure of his own answer.

"Yeah right sensei, you said that last time" Sakura stated, while rolling her eyes.

"Hn" was all sasuke said.

"Kakashi sensei, Be here next time! Uhhh..we cant wait here all day y'know..I have things to do after training. Like eating RAMEN!!!!"

Kakashi sighed. "Gomen everyone..."

"shall me train then? You guys know naruto can't function without his ramen. So I think we better get this over quickly. Shall we?" Kakashi stated while scratching his neck.

"Hai" Sakura said with a smile. Finally getting started with what they came there for in the first place. After waiting so long.

"Hn, come on dobe...stop complaining about not eating ramen all the time. Your so annoying." Sasuke said with a smirk.

"SHUT UP SASUKE!" Naruto replied back. Crossing his arms in front of his chest, and looking the opposite way from sasuke, with a anger but blushing face.

'Uh, those love birds' Kakashi thought chuckling to himself.

"Hey Sensei what are you laughing at?" Sakura said with a brow raised.

'Hmph she has no do you see? These two are so inlove' Kakashi thought while glancing up at the sky.

"Uh.." running his hand through his hair as the breeze passes by agian.

"Nothing Shall we get started then? Kiddo's?"

Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura, stood beside each other, waiting for Kakashi to give them orders.

"Okay..naruto and sasuke. I want you to have a sparing match, first. Then, I want Sakura to practice her genjutsu on sasuke. Since he has the Sharingan and can easily get out of it, if something goes wrong, of course."

Naruto sighed loudly in annoyance.

"B-but sensei! What am I gonnnnnaaa dooooo!?? After me and sasuke are done with our match??!" Naruto whined with a frown.

"Naruto don't worry. Everyone gets there turn. Sakura sits the first round out. Okay? Then it'll be you, and then Sasuke. I'll make everything fare and Square!" Kakashi said with a closed eye smile.

"I guess" Naruto said while crossing his arms, pouting.

"Okay..Sasuke, Naruto. Do the unison sigh together. And when I say start. You may begin."

Sakura stepped over to Kakashi.

Naruto and Sasuke, faced each other. Sasuke smirking. And naruto slightly blushing.

Naruto glanced up at sasuke, looking at his eyes. When suddenly, sasuke gave Naruto a seductive wink.

Making Naruto flush his cheeks, and caught off Guard.

Kakashi sighed, seeing everything that was going on between Naruto and Sasuke. Staring in awe, chuckling inward to himself, knowing Sakura has no idea. And wondering what she'll do when she finds out Sasuke is gay...?

Kakashi quickly breathing in, coming back to reality from his thoughts.

"Ok, may begin."

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