More than a Friend (A Newtina...

By ravenpower321

38K 1.1K 1.1K

This book has been written after CoG, so there are SPOILERS. After Grindelwald's attack, Newt and Tina have b... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Very Special A/N

Part 1

4.5K 85 37
By ravenpower321

Hi! I just wanted to say, this is my first fanfic, so please bear with me. The first couple of chapters are short, but they'll get longer. Also, please no swearing in the comments. Implied swearing is meh, but just no actual swear words. Thank you.

After Grindelwald's attack on Paris, everything sort of ground to a halt. After all, no one could do anything, because Dumbledore hadn't found a way to break the blood pact. Dumbledore had also said that the break from fighting Grindelwald was good for them. Then he winked. Jacob was probably the most positive about it all. Even though he had lost the love of his life, Queenie, to Grindelwald, he only thought of the happy memories and hoped for Queenie to come back before they had to do anything drastic. Nagini, well, she had lost her only friend, Credence, also to Grindelwald. She had lived in the circus for as long as she could remember, and she was so happy to have found a friend. She constantly had thoughts of 'what if there was something I could have done?' Tina didn't know what to do. She had lost Queenie, who was her best friend, her only family. She felt like crying, all of them did, but she suppressed her emotions, and only cried alone. She had to be strong. (That's what she told herself.) Newt had to watch everyone lose someone, and it was painful for him. He lost Leta, his first friend, his only friend at Hogwarts. Somehow he didn't feel anything, just numb. 

Newt wanted to help, so he asked Tina and Jacob if they would like to stay at his apartment while in Europe. They both readily agreed, saying it would be nice to stay with a friend and wait to look for Queenie. 

While everyone was doing their own thing, Dumbledore beckoned Newt to walk with him.

"Newt, can you do me a favour?" he asked. 

"Yes, Professor," Newt replied.

"Nagini has nowhere to stay. She could stay at Hogwarts if the Headmaster would allow it, but do you think you could extend your services to the young woman, as well as Porpentina and Jacob?"

"Of course. It would be completely fine."

"Thank you." Dumbledore smiled and headed back to the castle.

After that short conversation with Dumbledore, Newt reached out to Nagini. He found her curled up on an armchair, head buried in her arms. He went up to her and asked,

"Would you like to stay at my apartment with Tina and Jacob for a while?" 

Nagini smiled. "Of course I would. Thank you so much for offering. I was beginning to worry that I would have nowhere to go." Though she kept herself as collected as possible, she was beaming from ear to ear inside. 

Dumbledore had gone back in the castle, and Newt had decided it was time to go to his apartment in London. He got Tina, Jacob, and Nagini, and they quickly apparated to London, where it had started to rain. Large wet drops soaked them all, and they hurried inside as fast as possible. Tina performed a drying charm on everyone, and Newt put the kettle on the stove, to heat up some water for tea. 

"Well, we should all get settled now, I'll show you around," Newt told everyone. Newt's apartment was very humble, except for the lack of shiny things. He said it was because of the Niffler and the baby nifflers, who had an affinity for shiny things and would take them any chance they got. He had his personal bedroom, which he conjured up another bed for, (it was where Jacob would sleep), and he had a guest bedroom with two twin beds for Nagini and Tina. Then he showed Nagini and Tina his basement menagerie, where he kept all of his magical creatures. Jacob was upstairs making chicken potato soup.

At the dinner table, no one really felt like talking, but they had managed to struggle through some light conversation about the weather and such. It reminded Jacob of the first dinner they had, but more subdued. Newt and Tina kept taking little glances at each other and blushing, and Nagini pushed around her chicken, but otherwise nothing much happened. Tina and Newt cleaned up using magic, and that was done quite quickly. Nagini and Jacob were in their rooms. 

Newt noticed Tina's eyes were glassy and asked "Are you alright?" gently. 

"I'm alright. I don't really want to talk about it." She answered. Newt didn't want to impose, he knew the events that had happened were very recent, but he made a mental note to see if he could talk to Tina a bit later. He put his arm around her, and she leaned against him, glad for the gesture. When they were done, they headed off to their rooms. 

"Goodnight Newt," Tina said.

"Goodnight Tina," Newt replied. 

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