Forgotten Love

By originalhighcallea

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Troye Sivan Mellet is an aspiring singer and happily in love with his boyfriend Connor Franta. That is until... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 3

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By originalhighcallea

Time Skip 2 years

I have been in depression for over 2 years now. I went into depression after my accident. What with the constant headaches and not being able to remember some things in my life. I can't even write songs now without thinking that they sound awful. My career has gone downhill and I am slowly building it back up. I have a new manager that I have released an EP through and I am currently working on my album.

I have been struggling with it and my manager Emma told me about this special mental ward for LGBT people in an exclusive hospital and I am going to go and see what it is like.

I am currently awaiting my boyfriend Jacob so we can look at it together. Jacob and I have been together for about 8 months and I like him but there is just something missing. I can't put my finger on what. We get along great but we fight nearly every week. He seems to not be able to cope with me having this brain injury. He wants to go out all the time but with these headaches I just cant.

After we checked this place over I decided that I wanted to give it a go but Jacob is not impressed but I don't care I want to do this for myself. I hardly get to do things for myself lately. So I am giving this a go for me. I signed the papers and I go in next week. I really can't wait because they have good feedback and reviews. One of the counselors was there themselves and he said he is a lot happier than he was before he went in.

The week flies by and before I know it, it's time to go in. I have my bag packed and I am awaiting Jacob to pick me up and take me in. I don't know why he is doing all this for me as he doesn't like the fact that I will be in there for about 4 weeks maybe more. They said I can extend my stay if I want to and I if I don't think it is getting better then I will. You see I want to get my depression under control so I can focus on my music career. That at the moment is my life.

We get to the exclusive hospital and I jump out of the car and grab my bag. I walk in with Jacob and I get signed in and shown to my room. I walk to my room with Jacob behind me and I stop just as I come to a room as there was someone walking out of it. I see it's the counselor I met when I first looked at this place. I look at his eyes and can't help but be drawn to them they are gorgeous. I also can't help but check out his body man if I see this everyday then I am going to like being here even better than I thought I would. I must have been in a trance as I am bought back to reality by someone clearing their throat. I look behind me and see Jacob with this furious look on his face. He looks at me and says "if you are done ogling other guys can we go please as I need to get to work after this"? I nod my head and turn to him and say "if you want to go you can go. I am not a baby I can do this myself"? He looks at me and says "just hurry the fuck up so I can go". I look at him and say "then fuck off and go I will do this myself. I don't need you here to baby sit me". With that said I turn on my heel and start walking towards my room again and I don't know if he is following me or not and I really don't care. I am done with the way he treats me.

I get to my room and see that it is a private room which I am glad about. I left all the final detail up to Emma as she knew someone here.

I unpack my bags and just finished as there was a knock on the door. I turn to see it was the counselor from before and he says to me "hey sorry to disturb you just thought you might like a tour as I know they wouldn't have shown you the dining room and all that"? I nod my head as he is right I do need to know where all the things are. We went on tour of all the things I need to see and after we finished we sat back in the dining room and the counselor Connor went to get us a coffee each.

When we have our coffee he tells me all the things that I will be doing here and he said that we get the chance to do the things we love. He looks at me after and says "so what do you like doing Troye"? I look down at me hands then look up and say "I like writing songs. I am a singer and trying to write my album but with this depression that I got after my accident I find it really hard so my manager told me about this place". He looks at me and says "what kind of accident did you have"? I say to him in a whisper "I got hit by a car and I was thrown and when I landed my body hit really hard on the road and so did my head. When I woke up in hospital I was told that I have a Traumatic Brain Injury. That sent me into a depression as I sometimes found it hard to get out of bed or leave the house as I had constant headaches when I first got it". He nods his head and says "that must have been hard for you and your boyfriend"? I nod my head and say "for me yes but I wasn't going out with Jacob at the time. We have only going out for about 8 months". He nods his head and was just about to reply when someone called his name and he looked up then said to me "sorry I have to go I will see you tomorrow in group". I nod my head and finish my coffee and head back to my room.

I am jolted awake the next morning by music being blasted through the speakers. I groan when I hear it and get up to have a shower to wake me up a bit then I head over to have breakfast so I can start with the classes.

Throughout the day I have classes up until lunch time then I can do what I want. The last class of the day is my class with Connor and we just sit there talking for a bit and he says to us "ok what we will do in this class for the next 3 weeks is do what we enjoy. So for example I like taking photos so I will take photos of things that I like. What I want you to do is I will go around the room and you can tell us your name and what you like doing. First I will start with Troye here". I stand up and say "hi I'm Troye and I like to write songs but ever since I had an accident 2 years ago and got my Traumatic Brain Injury I haven't been able to write them because I fell into a depression because of my constant headaches. I really want to get writing again so I can release my album".

We go around the room and just before lunch we finished and Connor said "ok tomorrow we will start working on our projects so what I want you to do is between now and then I want you to think of how you are going to start". We all nod our heads and we all leave the room. Just before I leave Connor asks me to stay behind and I do so he walks up to me and he says "I think I might be able to help you. A friend of mine is a singer as well and I thought I would introduce you and he might be able to help". I nod my head and say "that would be great thanks Connor". He looks at me and says "you can call me Con all my good friends call me that and I would really love to get to know you better. I think that if maybe you had a few more friends it might help you especially with your depression. You see I lost my boyfriend 2 years ago from an accident and when he woke up he just never remembered me. I used to sneak in his room when he was sleeping hoping that he would wake up and remember me but he never did. That's why I feel the need to help you as you remind me so much of him and I still love him with all my heart. I never got over him".

I feel tears come to my eyes as he says that. I feel so sorry for him and I say "I'm sorry Con and I would love to get to know you as well. I think you are gorgeous". He blushes as I say that. I grab his hand and say "sorry for being a bit forward that's just the way I am". He nods his head and gets up to gather his stuff so he can go. He looks at me just before he walks out and says "I will speak to my friend and see if he can come in tomorrow". I nod my head and say "thanks Con I really appreciate it".

As he walks out I think to myself how I would love to get to know him better and maybe just maybe he will give me a go so I can become his boyfriend because let me tell you he is HOT and his body is pretty good too.

As I go about the rest of my day getting my song books organized I can't help but let my mind wonder to Connor and I can't help but daydream about him being my boyfriend but first I need to break up with Jacob not that I have heard from him since he took off yesterday. I don't care though as I really need to go and get a few more things. My song book is full so I need to go and get more plus I need my sea salt spray for my hair.

While I was getting those things I decide to have some lunch as well but as I walked into the café that looks nice I see a familiar person sitting there and he is holding hands with some girl and just before I could walk out he leans over and kisses her. That arse hat was cheating on me with a girl the whole time. Well there goes that problem so I can have free reign on Connor now.

On the walk back to the hospital I think things over and I decide that I will message him tonight and tell him I saw him and that we are through. I find myself not that unhappy with what I saw. I think I didn't love him as much as I thought I did plus he used to give me the shits all the time especially when we used to fight.

As I go through the rest of the afternoon and night I realize that I feel so much lighter now like he was weighing me down. I send him the message and tell him that I saw him and that I didn't want to see or hear from him ever again. He does send a reply asking me to let him explain but I don't. I just reply with get lost and don't come near me. I also decide that I will take him off my list of people that I will see.

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