White Mask Male Reader x Rain...

By SoggySocks866

13.8K 81 43

You are Y/n a terrorists based on your hates against the government More

Chapter 1- Why You Joined.
Chapter 2, Why You Were Forced.
Chapter 3-Your First Misson.
Chapter 4 Your First Deconstruction Lesson
Chapter 5 How You Got A Kiss From A Co-Worker
Chapter 6-How You Got A Friend
Chapter 7- How You Got A Girlfriend
Chapter 8- Ships.
Chapter 9-Music And The Streets
Chapter 11- How You Got The Rivalry Between 2 Girls.
Chapter 12.

Chapter 10

505 4 3
By SoggySocks866

You arrived in Wisconsin Dells.
You signed into the hotel, and packed your things into the hotel.
Twitch: There he is....
You changed into your swimsuit.
The girls blushed.
Twitch: Holy Crap!
Ash: It's Huge!
Valkyrie: I have good taste in guys...
You grabbed your key, and bag and went to the hot tub.
You sat down.
The girls on the other side of the tub were admiring your complexion, abs, and face.
The girls look at the girls across the hot tub and got jealous.
Twitch: Alright, I Have Seen Enough.
Ash: Agreed.
She went to talk to Six.
You look at the girls.
They blushed.

You smiled.
They were cute, but not your type.

You woke up, and turned on the tv.
Ash: Where is Twitch?
Valkyrie: Don't Know.
Frost Desk.
Emmanuelle: Excuse me, where can I find Y/n L/n?
The boy looked at her she had a heavy accent.
Boy: Umm, Room 267, Top floor.
She nodded.
Emanuelle: Thanks.
He nodded.
She walked into the elevator.
She went to the top floor and knocked on your door.
You got up and opened the door.
You: Who are you?
Emmanuelle: Emmanuelle Pichon, Your Co-Worker?
You: Yeah just kidding. What's Up? Wait- Why Are You Here?
Emmanuelle: To keep you safe?
You: Emma, I'm fine.
Emmanuelle: Emma?
You: You don't like to be called that?
Emmanuelle: I'm fine with it, on 1 condition.
You: Hmm.
Emmanuelle: Your fine with me being here on vacation with you

You: Sure.
Emma: Cool.
You opened the door fully.
She walked in.
Emma: I was going to get my own room, but this is cooler.
You: Agreed.
You look out the window.
It was a Rainier day, cloudy, and there was kids outside?
Emma went to the bathroom and changed, she came out in a two piece swimsuit.
She blushed.
You changed too.
You: Hey, what do you want for breakfast?
Valkyrie: She's There! With Him!
Ash: What!?
She looked at the cam.
You look at them

You see the cam.
Valkyrie: Oh shit.
You put a sticky note on it

Emma: What was that?
You: Valkyrie....

Emma: Oh..

You: Swim, Or Breakfast?
Emma: Breakfast.
You nod

You: Where to?
Emma: Is there anything French around here?
You: No, but we could go to Applebees.
Emma: What's that?
You: A Good Restaurant

Emma: Ok.
Emma: That was good.
You: Always is.
Emma: Wow, It smells like loads of chlorine.
You: Yep.... Doesn't any pool though?
She nodded.
Those girls that were looking at you yesterday, looked at Emma.
? : Who is she.
? : Don't know, she looks like his girlfriend though.
Emma(This is my time to spend time with him, and maybe make a move?)
You got into the hot tub.
So did she.
4 minutes later.
You look at the front door and saw people get their masks on

You: Emma, Let's Go....
Emma: Why?
You point to them.
They assembled their guns
Valkyrie: He's In Trouble!
You: Twitch!
She started running with you

You slid around the corner up the stairs into your room

You took the sticky note off.
You: Valkyrie! Send Em!
Valkyrie let go of the controller and assembled a team

You got dressed.
You: Twitch, you leave. Now.
You got your gun

You: I'll Follow.
She nodded.
Then screams were heard.
(This didn't happen)
You grabbed your bags. With hers.
You grabbed her hand.
You: We stick together.
She nodded.

She looked at your hands, and clenched your hand tight.
You both started running.
You saw the terrorist force, your friends.
You: Valkyrie!
She looked at you.
You: Throw my gear and a rapple up!
She nodded and gave you the thumbs up

She gave you a riot shield.
You drew your pistol and got dressed.
You ran down stairs.
You: Hands Up!
Those girls looked at you

They pointed their guns at you.
You shot the terrorists.
There were more, a lot more.
You: Hey, Lets get you girls out of here.
Your boots in the bloody water, and the girls scared.
You: Emma, I have the hostages.
Emma: Ok.
You look at them

They look at you.
You: Are you okay?
Girl: No, she has a giant gash!
You look at her.
You pulled her out of the water.
She blushed.
You opened your first aid pouch.
You sprayed a disinfectant.
You bandaged it.
You threw her arm over your shoulder.
You: Do you know how to use a gun?
The other girl shook her head.
You put the shield on your back and put the gun in front of you

You: Stay behind us.
She nodded.
You evacuated them outside.

They looked at you.
You nodded.
You: Emma!
She looked at you.
You: Pass Me One!
She chucked you a drone.
You gave her the thumbs up.
You threw the drone in a room
She took control driving them out if the room.
You: Hands Up!
They dropped the guns and put their hands up

They pulled the link on a frag, you ran away with the shield on your back.
Valkyrie: Delta! Do you Copy!? *Bleep

Girl: Is He Ok?
Valkyrie: Don't know....
You: yes.... Heavily injured.
Valkyrie: He's Injured!
Ash, Valkyrie, Thermite, and Ash went in.
They pulled you out.
Emma ran over.
Emma: Wake Up!
Not a muscle.
Valkyrie let out a tear

Then doc ran over.
Ash cried too.
Doc: Well,  he's dead. But there is a solution. A defibulator at 700.
He pulled them off his belt

He rubbed them together.
Doc: Clear!
You jumped up

You: Ah My God Damn Leg!
Doc: Know it or move it.
The first face you saw was Emma's.
You: Sorry about ruining your vacation

Emma: Anything as long as your alive.
You smiled

Doc fixed your leg.
Then the News helicopter arrived.

Emma got dressed.
You were helped up.
Thermite: We will send in a team to finish them off.
You nodded.

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