Mending Fences

By LavenderBlue04

10.7K 310 854

Goodbye Goodbye is such a small word A word that has many meanings So much depth and despair Goodbye can m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 16

335 12 31
By LavenderBlue04

  Natsuki's POV:

Where the heck am I? I frowned bitterly as I walked along a long white void. Emptiness is on all sides and with every step I take it just echos.
   "Suki!" Yuri's voice echoes around me, I turn in circles trying to see if I can see her. I grumble when she's nowhere to be  seen.
   "Yuri!!" I call when something brushes against my side I jump to the back to avoid it, but nothing's there.

Odd...this is all so odd...where am I? Where's Yuri?
The moment I ask that question...

  I suddenly see her,  I'm standing in our bedroom,  she's asleep on our bed.

She's clutching the raccoon stuffed animal I bought her on our third year wedding anniversary.  I thought she had shoved that in a box somewhere. She looks so adorable. 

   "Yuri!" I exclaim. Her eyebrows furrow but she doesn't acknowledge me, and when I try to touch her my hand goes straight through her. She shivers whimpering sadly. It sends a pang through my heart and I frown as she tosses and turns.

  "Eh...mmm... Natsuki..." she mutters softly and I try desperately to hold her.  To help her, but my hand floats through her every single time.

   Then her eyes shoot open and she sits up. The raccoon drops to the floor. My Yuri looks so beaten down. Dark circles hang beneath her eyes,  her beautiful violet colored eyes. Tear stains mark her sickly pale cheeks and she looks so thin.

  "Yuri have you been eating?" I demand and she ignores me still oblivious to my presence. She sniffs rubbing her eyes. She swings her legs off the bed.
   "Damn it!" She growls tripping over the raccoon when she tries to stand. She hits the ground with her clenched fist. "Damn it!" She hits the ground again "damn it!" She hits the ground more aggressively  than before as she gets more aggressive "damn it!" She sobs, her voice drains all the venom from it as she curls into herself sobbing.

   "Oh Yuri,  its okay,  don't cry...please don't cry." I beg, kneeling next to her shaking frame, "Yuri I'm right here." I whimper as she shakes with her anguish. "Yuri I'm right here next to you. Can you feel me? " I kept trying to grab her hand, but it frustratingly went through her everytime.

  "MC's gonna take her away...I need you.." Yuri whimpered and I frowned.
  "Yuri..what do you mean?" I question fearfully,  this was so hard.

   "She can't hear you Natsuki. " I whirled stepping back at the sight before me.
   "Honestly Natsuki,  why are you so freaked out? Your nightmares didn't paint us in the best light but do we look like something out of your nightmares right now?"

   "N-no.." I whimpered and Monika smirked at me kindly and Sayori rushed forward capturing me in a hug. It felt so warm and soft and she smelled like Sayori.  I choked back a sob as I hugged her close.  This felt so real.

  "You have to wake up Natsuki. Yuri needs you." Sayori pulled away and I sniffed.

   "Wake up? What ...what are you talking about?" I whimper and Monika quickly wraps me in a hug.
   "You were shot twice and stabbed once, they had to rush you to the ER, you slipped into a coma." She whispered giving me a final squeeze before she pulled away.

"What? No! " I whimper looking at my solemn friends' faces. "I...I never...never got tell Yuri ..." I sniffed and Monika smiled sadly.

  "You're still alive Natsuki.  There's still a chance you can make everything right." Monika reasoned and Sayori nodded gently.

   "You can do this. I know you can. Focus, let go of all your negative emotions." Sayori exclaimed  with an optimistic grin. "You can return to them Natsuki,  I know you can." She exclaimed bouncing in place and Monika nodded wrapping an arm across Sayori's shoulders.

    "Don't give up "
............ ................. ............... ................ ...........

[A/N: so guys, someone asked for Monika and Sayori's last  moments before they well passed on...since more than one of you requested it, then that's what I'll give you, even if I find it incredibly sad.]

   "What's this?" Natsuki whispered as she looked at the screen unfolding in front of her.  Monika and Sayori looked down as it began to unfold.

   "Moni, dinner tonight was a-mazing!" Sayori  giggled as she kissed Monika, who smiled against the kiss.
   "Only the best for the love of my life. " she whispered and Sayori giggled as Monika ducked her and kissed her deeply.

   "Mmm I love you so much." She whispered  wrapping her arms around Monika's neck as they swayed to the music in their hearts. "Natsuki and Yuri want to do breakfast tomorrow morning. " she whispered kissing Monika's   face with each word. Monika grinned nipping on Sayori's ear. The cool night air brushing against their faces.

"Mmm I'll call them later...breakfast with them will probably be more of a brunch though. Natsuki loves to sleep in." Monika chuckled and Sayori giggled.

   "Come on let's go home, I wanna see my babies." Sayori exclaimed bouncing in place next to her wife as she jiggled the keys next to Monika's ear.
  "Yeah let's go see them, get my mom outta there and then we can have some fun." Monika whispered wiggling her eyebrows and Sayori grinned kissing her nose.

  "I can't wait." She whispered and they shared one last kiss before Monika unlocked their car and they climbed in.
  Natsuki looked over at her two friends and Sayori sniffed wiping away her tears.
     "Nat, when you get back...tell them we love them. " Sayori whispered leaning into Monika.  Monika smiled slightly at her and took a shaky breath.

  "And tell my mom...that dad and I...we ...we're waiting for her...and that I love her..." her tears spilled over and Natsuki whimpered when her friends began to fade away.

  "We have to go away now...but...we're never too far away Natsuki!" Sayori calls.
   "Here's Monika's final tip, don't be guilty, for something you didn't cause. It's not your fault never was your fault. Together Yuri and you can do this!"

Then they were gone once more...this time forever...

Natsuki gave a ragged breath and her eyes snapped open and she took in her dull hospital room with confused eyes.
To Be Continued...

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