Take me into Your World

Por CalyxSNGB

11.9K 625 97

Perth is an 18 years old introvert. He hates the crowd, he love his space. He was happy with his life surroun... Más

The Worst Day Ever
Tiger Gang 🐯
💕Something New 💕
Playing House 🏡
You Don't Know Me.
Kisses Are Great🖤❤️
Its Not Working..

New Territory

1K 53 5
Por CalyxSNGB

After getting his schedule, Perth is currently standing outside of his first class. Clenching the paper on his hand, Perth took a deep breath trying to calm down his anxiety of being in a new environment.

"Its ok Perth. Just walk inside, avoid eye contact and just sit at the farthest seat you can find and we're good". Perth thought to himself.

After a giving himself a prep talk, Perth composed himself and walk inside the room. When he was inside he noticed that the other students were already in their own group talking with each other, and no one seems to notice his presence.

"Good, this seems easy" Perth felt relief that he doesnt need to talk to anybody seeing that everyone is occupied.

Scanning the room Perth saw a table at the last row near the window. Seeing that it is not occupied by anybody, Perth walk over and took the seat.

Making himself comfortable on his seat. Perth took out his phone and plug his earphone and turns on some music to drown out the noise. Taking out the paper that he have been holding earlier, Perth reviewed his class schedule. His first class which he is in right now is english 101. Which by the way is his worst subject ever.

Due to his love for movies, Perth decided to take Film as his major in college. Luckily his family are well off so his parents doesnt really care what major he want to get in college, as long as he can graduate.

"I dont care what course He get. As long as He gets out from his room and make something out of his life then its fine by me." Perth's mae said when his Pa ask him about college.

Though his mae can be a pain sometimes, he still love her and Pa. He is lucky to have them as his parents cuz they let him do whatever he want. Well, except staying at home that is.

Seeing as the lecturer enters the room all the students rushes to their own seat. Perth turns off his phone and gets ready for the lecture.

~~~~~~~~~~~~٩(๑❛ᴗ❛)۶ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The first class is ok as by Perth standard. All they did was introduction on the subject and discussing further topic that would be discuss in the future. At least he can prepare himself for that.

While walking around the campus during his free time before the next class. Perth received a notification on his phone. Opening it he saw that it was a messege from Plan.

After replaying to Plan, Perth went to the bus stop. While waiting, Perth open his phone and play some games. 5 minutes into his game the bus came and perth picked up his bag and rush to get on when he accidentally push the person infront off him.

"Sorry" he apologize.

The person infront of him turns around and says "its ok" and smile.

Perth was stop on his spot when he saw who it was. The one standing infront of him is none other than the senior that scolds him during the orientation.

Perth suddenly felt warm, and he can hear his heart beating loudly in his chest. He can't seem to breath.

"what is this feeling?" He thought. "Why is it that everytime I see this person it felt like this." He just stood at the steps clenching his chest feeling confuse of these new sensation. He never felt like this before.

"kid! are you getting in or not?" the driver startled Perth and he tried to compose himself and wai at the driver.

"Sorry P, yes I'll get in" He paid for the fare and walk inside the bus. But he saw that there is only one empty seat next to the senior. Though he was scared? nervous? He cant really tell what his current feelings is.

Seeing as he doesnt have other choice, perth took the seat next to the senior and sat quietly. From his position he can see that the pretty senior (yes i called him that, got a problem with it?! ) is currently closing his eyes feeling the wind on his face.

Perth can see his profile from here. He has soft pinkish skin, beautiful nose, plump cherry lips. Oh my those lips, Perth took in a breath when he saw those lips.

"What would it feel to kiss that" He thought.

He was starled out of it when the senior suddenly turn his head away from the window. Perth quickly move his eyes and look straight ahead.

"Perth stupid! why are you thinking of kissing another guy?!!" perth silently kick himself.

When the bus stops at his destination Peth quickly stood up and brisk walk himself out of the bus.

Once he got off, He shake his head trying to erase the thought. More confuse than earlier, He made his way to the cafeteria where his friends are waiting for him.

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