Humanity /2/ TO

By poultergeist

321K 8.4K 2.4K


Part One
Ch. 1 Always and Forever
Ch. 2 Graduation
Ch. 3 House of the Rising Sun
Ch. 4 Tangled Up in Blue
Ch. 5 Girl in New Orleans
Ch. 6 Sinners and Saints
Ch. 7 Fruit of the Poisoned Tree
Ch. 8 Bloodletting
Ch. 9 The River in Reverse
Ch. 10 Reigning Pain in New Orleans
Ch. 11 The Casket Girls
Ch. 12 Après Moi, Le Déluge
Ch. 13 500 Years of Solitude
Ch. 14 Dance Back From the Grave
Ch. 15 Crescent City
Ch. 16 Long Way Back From Hell
Ch. 17 Le Grand Guignol
Ch. 18 Farewell to Storyville
Ch. 19 Moon Over Bourbon Street
Ch. 20 The Big Uneasy
Ch. 21 An Unblinking Death
Ch. 22 A Closer Walk with Thee
Ch. 23 The Battle of New Orleans
Ch. 24 From a Cradle to a Grave
Part Two
Updated Cast
Fairy Tales
Ch. 1 Rebirth
Ch. 2 Alive and Kicking
Ch. 3 Every Mother's Son
Ch. 4 Live and Let Die
Ch. 5 Red Door
Ch. 6 Wheel Inside The Wheel
Ch. 7 Chasing the Devil's Tail
Ch. 8 The Brothers That Care Forgot
Ch. 9 The Map of Moments
Ch. 10 Gonna Set Your Flag on Fire
Ch. 11 Brotherhood of the Damned
Ch. 12 Sanctuary
Ch. 13 The Devil is Damned
Ch. 14 I Love You, Goodbye
Ch. 15 Stay
Ch. 16 Let Her Go
Ch. 17 They All Asked for You
Ch. 19 Exquisite Corpse
Ch. 20 Night Has a Thousand Eyes
Ch. 21 When the Levee Breaks
Ch. 22 City Beneath the Sea
Ch. 23 Fire with Fire
Ch. 24 Ashes to Ashes
I'm Sick
Book 3

Ch. 18 Save My Soul

2.8K 94 10
By poultergeist


I HEADED OUT TO THE BAYOU WITH MY SISTER AND BROTHER IN-LAW, IN NEED OF AN ESCAPE FROM THE COMPOUND. I had brought Lilly with me and left Klaus on Hope duty. I could tell being cooped up in the compound was killing the energetic three year old. She didn't have any kids to play with and she didn't have much space to play in in the first place.

My daughter wasn't the only one who needed away from the compound, though. I had thought things would be normal when we got back home from Mystic Falls, but Klaus had thrown himself into working on every little problem we had. I didn't blame him, we had a lot of problems. But we were barely seeing each other.

I would be fine if I didn't know Klaus as well as I did. I could wave it off and say he was busy, but I knew better. He was avoiding me and I knew why.

Jack and Aiden were sparring. I had had to explain to Lilly that they weren't trying to hurt each other, just showing off. "Why do they have to fight to show off?" she asked.

"Because," I said, smiling, "they both know me and your Aunt Hayley are stronger and just want to show that they still have some manhood left."

She laughed at that. "Come on," I told her. I stood up to play with her for a little while.

She ran off to hide, and I stood by the cabin counting. In reality, I was watching Jackson and Aiden and just pretending to be counting. I had my ears open to make sure she didn't wander too far.

"Ho-ho-ho. You're getting faster," Jackson said, grabbing Aiden's elbow before it made contact with his face.

"Maybe you're getting slower," Aiden told him.

Hayley walked out onto the porch and handed me a mug of coffee. The guys started fighting again, which resulted with Aiden on the ground. "Keep your head up. Low center. Guard your face," Jack told him.

Aiden jumped to his feet and resumed fighting. It wasn't long before Jackson got the upper hand again. All of a sudden, Jackson let go and stumbled away from him yelling and cursing.

"Language," I said. Jackson glared at me, and I saw the blood on his arm. Had Aiden seriously just bit him? "Lilly, baby, Mommy's taking a break for a minute," I yelled, stepping off the porch. She came out of the woods, looking disappointed.

"You left yourself wide open," Aiden told the alpha.

"It was your idea to come out here and spar. I'm doing this for you," Jackson reminded him.

Lilly's disappointment turned to worry and she moved to my side. She clearly didn't like the two men yelling at each other. I wrapped my arms around her to try to make her feel better.

"Oh, for me? You're leading a pack of super wolves. How long before they decide they don't wanna take orders? Because the only way you can stay alpha is by always staying the strongest," Aiden said, getting in his face.

"You guys done?" I asked, deciding to break this up. "This macho stuff is adorable, but don't make me come out there and kick both your as-" Lilly looked up at me, "-butts." I gave her a wide smile.


Hayley and Jackson started sparring. Hayley wouldn't with me anymore, she said I fought dirty and I couldn't say she was wrong. I had learned to fight to survive, not to play fair. I sat at a picnic table playing with Lilly. She had brought some of her toys with her.

"You still thinking about what Aiden said?" Hayley asked her husband after a little bit.

"He was just trying to help. Being alpha is an honor. You know, it's one you have to earn every day. This pack is changing. We're gonna face challenges. I just want them to know that I am here to lead for them. That I put them first," he said as Hayley grabbed them drinks.

"Look, the pack loves you, Jack. You just have to remind them of that. Buy them a round of beers, turn on that backwoods bayou charm. It worked on me," Hayley told him, smiling.

Jackson chuckled. "What about our other problem?" Jackson asked.

"You mean our evil landlord?" Hayley asked, glancing at me.

I sighed. "You wanna run up to the cabin and see if Grandma Mary has anything for you?" I asked my daughter. She smiled and ran in that direction. It was hard calling Mary that, but it was nice to have someone the girls could call their grandma.

I walked over to the lovebirds, frowning.

"Klaus acts like we're his personal army. I don't trust him," Jackson said.

"I can handle Klaus. We're a pack, right? You two unite the pack together, I handle my evil fiance," I told them.

Hayley nodded. "And are things changing? Yes. But one of those changes is that we no longer have to go through this alone," she told him.

She took Jackson's hand and he kissed her. I smiled sadly. Hayley and Jackson had gotten closer while me and Klaus had seemed to get farther apart. I knew it was chaos and that he was freaking out about everything, but he was pushing me away and it was obvious to everyone.


I came to the balcony outside my room to see Klaus pouring himself a drink in the courtyard later that night. "We need to talk," I told him.

"Do we indeed? Have you come to express your gratitude at the courtesy I've shown your brother in-law? Or perhaps you want to thank me for my efforts to protect you and your pack?" he asked as I walked down the stairs.

"All this tension with you, Jack and the wolves, we need to put it behind us. Give Jack the space he needs to run the pack as he sees fit. No more orders, no more favors. If something is really important, I'll deal with it. But he's the alpha, period," I told him.

Klaus laughed at me. "Sorry. Did you really think I would ever agree to let Jackson control the wolves?" he asked.

"You need to show him some respect, Klaus. He's on our side, fighting for our daughters," I reminded.

"You know, I've spent all day with people who claim to be fighting for our daughters. Some I trust, some I do not. But one thing is for sure. That there is only one person that I trust when it comes to our children's safety. And that would be us." He started to walk out of the room, but turned back. "You all seem to think this is a democracy. I assure you, it is not. If Dahlia is coming, then she is a threat to our child. Which means I decide how to protect her. No one else. And if Jackson or anyone else strays from the course that I set then they will answer to me. Your brother in-law would do well to remember that. I'll leave it to you to remind him. That way, when he does inevitably incur my wrath again, you'll only have yourself to blame," he told me.

I stared at him. "Okay, I know that you're worried and stressed out, so I am going to ignore the fact that you just said that to me. Have fun sleeping alone tonight," I said, and went back upstairs.

I went to my room instead of the one I usually shared with Klaus. I sighed, I was really starting to hate all this. Lilly walked into my room. "Mommy?" she asked.

"What is it, baby?" I wondered as I helped her up onto my bed.

"Are you sleeping in here tonight?" she asked.

"Yes," I said. I wrapped my arm around her, smiling. I knew where this was going.

"Can I sleep here to?" she asked.

"Maybe. If I get a hug first," I said.

She hugged me and I held onto her tight. Mystic Falls had been fine two years ago. It was my life being threatened. That I could deal with. Knowing her and Hope were at risk was a whole different story.

I let her go. "Okay, go get pajamas picked out while I go check on your sister," I told her.

She skipped off to do that and I went to the next room to get Hope ready for bed. Once Hope was ready I walked back out, accidentally catching Klaus in the hall. He looked at me, noticing Hope on my hip. I thought he was going to apologize. He went to his room instead.

I went back to my room and went to bed with both Lilly and Hope occupying where he usually would've been.

I really hate it when Rory and Klaus are fighting.

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