Model Of Love

By MrsUrie-Stumph

106K 1.9K 541

Brantley and Lila Jane have been married 5 years. She had made him wake up and stop the drinking and bullshit... More

Outlaw Wives Club
Fans and Fallout
Shouldn't Have Asked
Where's My Wife?
Snakes, Sharks...and Needles.
Present Time
Tour Meetings
Lying and Lulu's
Early Grave
Necessities of Life
The Way You Love Me
Rude Awakwning
Daddy's Girl
Should Have Let Me Hit Her
It's Him
Meet Hunter
My Kinda Crazy
Mini Stars
Aunt Flo
Peace Offerings
Road Stretch
Pace Cars and Punishments
We're In Kansas
Rule Run Around
Kimbers In Kasas City
Spa Day
Read Me My Rights

Escapes and Emergencies

3.1K 53 8
By MrsUrie-Stumph

Brantley was sure he was going to see racks of clothes in his nightmares that night. The women treated shopping like an Olympic event. He had made arrangements at some of the places he knew that would want to visit so they had shopping assistants and private party shopping.

He admitted to the guys it was in an attempt to make their shopping go faster. He knew it was a long shot, but he had to try. He had Lila Jane's chain attached to his hip and was talking about the new Kimbers he had been looking at with Thomas when he realized he didn't hear Lila Jane's chatter.

Their pattern for the day had been sitting her in her favorite parts of the stores and the girls ran around shopping and showing her things as well while she focused mainly on shoes and dresses. He was happy to say his wife was pretty low maintenance except for those two departments.

He knew before he even looked what he would see. Sure enough, when he turned his head he saw the chain that connected him to his baby girl on the ground where she had been comparing the new shoes that this Sak's place had gotten in. "Luke! Get your ass over here!" He called to his friend.

Luke walked over and seeing the chain sighed. "I swear that woman never learns." He said rubbing his eyes. "We need to spread out and find them before anyone starts shit!" He growled. He wasn't mad at Lila Jane, he knew Caroline didn't do it out of spite either. She just had a bad habit of taking off with his wife when she was vulnerable so she could spoil her.

It was fear that raced through him when they didn't find them on that floor. He ran down the escalator with Luke close behind him calling their names. "Brantley! Luke!" He heard yelled. The tone of Caroline's voice causing chills to go down his spine. He heard beeping the closer he got to them.

He skidded in next to where Caroline had Lila Jane propped up against her. His baby was in tears and holding her head. "Daddy! I need daddy!" She kept calling. "I'm right here, baby." He said pulling her into his lap. PJ had caught up to them and made sure they had space between them and any afternoon shoppers.

"What happened?!" He growled at Caroline. He had tried to be understanding before but now her recklessness had put his wife in danger. He knew she must feel terrible but his mind didn't really care right now. "I don't know! We were looking at the jewelry and she just started speaking gibberish. I thought she was just playing until she fell to the ground holding her head."

Brantley had already grabbed the squealing monitor from her backpack and had to reign in his temper when he saw it near 300. He quickly followed the prompts to release a large dose of insulin. When he was sure it had been sent he sat down the machine and slowly rocked her, the stress of the day must have been too much so fast.

He knew she was having fun, but her anxiety must have shot through the roof when she didn't see him. Not that she didn't trust Caroline, but it was a mental need to see each other to be safe that Caroline obviously didn't understand. He didn't think anyone outside of the life could.

"Daddy's got you, babygirl. Just let the medicine do it's thing. Have you better in no time." PJ looked from his guard position. "We need an ambulance or hospital, Boss?" He asked worried. Brantley picked up her monitor and saw he number was already at 220. "No, I think we'll be ok, PJ. But we should move up that last stop we have planned." "You got it, Boss." He said pulling out his phone.

"Daddy?" His baby asked looked at him confused. "Ya, baby, daddy's here. You like scaring me don't you." He teased kissing her head. "I sorry. My head hurts." She said holding her head. He imagined a spike like that would give quite the headache. Seeing the number dropping still he decided it was safe to move her.

"Luke, I think we're gonna do the last part of the day alone." He said looking at Luke. "Ya, man, I get it. Just get my sister back to her sassy self." He didn't say a word to Caroline just nodded and left. The bags of everything she had bought would be delivered to the busses from the stores later. A perk to the life of the famous.

He heard her say goodbye to her Lu-lu and Caro. He knew he would have to get over this with Caroline eventually, but that was definitely not now. PJ being the incredible security he was had their car waiting for them when he got to the street.

Lila Jane fell asleep on his chest on the drive back to the bus lot. He didn't worry about the others, he knew Luke would let them k ow what happened. When they got to the lot PJ opened the door for them and fell in step behind him. Grabbing the bus door as well he followed the young couple up into the bus.

"I'll just be a second, PJ. Help yourself to anything." He said carrying his wife back to their bedroom. He took off her shoes and slid her under the covers. He handed her his pillow to hug and when he saw was sure she was staying asleep he went to speak to PJ. "You know it was an accident, B." Was the first thing he said to him.

He sat at the table across from PJ. "I know, I know Caroline didn't mean to do anything that would put Lila Jane in danger. But the plain fact is she did. She's a great friend, but she doesn't understand the needs Lila has when she's in this mindset. She thinks I do all this for fun or something." He scoffed, now that his adrenaline was lowering he could lay down himself.

"Ever since her parents died Lila has needed to have an escape. The harsh spotlight of my shows have made only made the need worse in some ways." PJ nodded. He remembered the first time he had seen boss lady in her childlike state. It had kicked his protective instincts into overdrive, so he could only imagine what it did to BG.

"Well, I moved up your appointment to 6. So if you want to get some sleep after all then I wouldn't blame you." He said getting up from the table. "Thanks, PJ. We couldn't do this without you." PJ laughed as he walked. "No, you couldn't." He said winking as he walked out the door.

He felt bad for everyone involved today. He knew Caroline had a ways to go to get back in BG's good graces.

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