
By Jodha95

744 36 6

In 1919 Jordan Hunt arrives in Amritsar, India , leaving his heart with the beautiful and rich socialite, Ann... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

185 6 2
By Jodha95


The yellow sunlight forced it's way through my eyelids. I groaned and pulled the bed covers over my head. Right on cue, a cock sang out its anthem. I shot up. In London, people woke up to the ringing of alarm clocks and not to the wailing of cocks. Eyes half closed, I stumbled to the lavatory. A sleepy face bordered by untidy brown hair stared back at me in the mirror. Anne loved to run her fingers through my curls,my mind drifted back to those happy days in London, as I arranged them. My stomach growled. Praying there was something good for breakfast I entered the dining area. Food was on the table already. Thank God ! It was a normal English breakfast of toast and egg.  I attacked. Satisfied, I decided to do something useful. I looked around for Jacob. I found him bathing Emma.

"Ah, Master Hunt, you're up", he said when he saw me," Are you going somewhere, sir?"

"Morning Jacob. I was just heading out to see the place. My father says  Amritsar is beautiful, I want to see for myself."

"I shall send for Jasdeep to accompany you, sir. I'm almost finished with Emma. Jasdeep can drive her."

"No need for all that. I'm going alone."

"But sir, it's dangerous out there. You never know when these people can turn into bloodthirsty animals. I suggest you take Jasdeep. Or perhaps I should come?"

Good old Jacob. He was always watching out for me.

"Thakyou for your concern Jacob. But I really want to go own my own. You are no fun. And did you forget Jasdeep's an Indian too?"

"I would trust Jasdeep with my life, sir." He assured me. 

"Why ?"

"He's different from the others. He believes that our presence here is good for his country."

I shook my head at Jacob.

 “We’ll see about that. I’m warning you, these Indians are good for nothing. Always looking for trouble.  That jasdeep will turn out to be just like any other Indian.”

"B e careful sir ! " Jacob called after me.

"I will."

So that's how I set out for my little adventure in the streets of Amritsar, the golden city. I hailed a  rickshaw that passed by.  The jerky ride made me feel a little nauseous. I got down at the Jhootha Bazaar. No sooner than I had put my foot down, the mud abandoned it's wet home and attatched itself under my leather shoes.

Ugh! There goes my handstiched leather shoes!

The bazaar was in total havoc.  Hens darted from here to there, cows swished their tails to get rid of   the flies, while their mouths kept chewing and chewing and chewing. The farmers bargained with the buyers . Cats stole fish from the fishmonger’s basket.  Dogs gazed at people with huge, sorrowful eyes, sending a silent plea for food. A plungent smell of rotten vegetables completed the scenery.

I strolled through the bazaar, gripping my wallet and keeping my distance from the Indians. Occassionally, i bumped into someone,  but moved away quickly, but not without glaring at them first.I must admit, it was fun to see them squirm under my eyes. I stopped at a stall selling strawberries. I took a few in my hand. The red strawberries bursting with juice, sure were mouthwatering. I sunk my teeth into one and began to continue my excursion.

“Stop!”  Someone tugged at my shirt.

“Who...?” i turned around and stopped.

A heart-shaped face, crowned by black waves,  dark brown eyes and  pursed lips stared at me. Her eyes narrowed.

“You did not pay.”

I laughed.

“I don’t have to pay you.” I turned to go.

“you have to.” She came in front of me.

“Come on. You see this?” I pointed to myself.” I am an Englishman. Not a  dark filthy Indian like you.”

“You are a thief!”, she wagged her finger at me.” You think you are better than us? You are not. You are a filthy white ape!”

I gaped open mouthed at her boldness. Unbelievable.

She snatched the remaining strawberries from my hand and  vanished .

I was too stunned to react.  I felt my face grow red under the silent smirks of the bystanders.

I  left the scene as quickly as I could, not wanting to draw anymore attention, vowing to make her suffer.

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