Seven Deadly Sins X Male Read...

By ImmortalGod1

461K 8.3K 16.2K

This is the story of y/n,The Immortal Holy Knight and his journey to find his purpose More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 17

9K 186 289
By ImmortalGod1

Y/n walks up to see jeircho red faced

Y/n:Get who out of your head?

Y/n pats her head

Y/n:That's absolutely adorable Jeircho...

Jeircho:Be quiet,or I'll stab you!

She takes out her sword

Y/n:Will you?

She stabs her sword into y/n

Y/n looks down at the sword in his chest

Y/n:Wow you actually did that...

He takes out the sword and hands it to Jericho

Jeircho:Oh calm down! I knew it wouldn't hurt you anyway!

Y/n:It hurt my feelings.

Jeircho:Well,sucks to suck y/n!

Y/n grabs his dagger and puts it against her throat

Y/n:Oh but I know you feel pain...

Jeircho gives a smug look

Jeircho:Yea but I know you wont hurt me...

Y/n inches his dagger closer

Y/n:Dont be so sure...

Jeircho waves her arms around

Jeircho:Wait y/n! I'm joking! Come on stop playing!

Y/n:Oh but I'm not joking,im dead serious....

Jeircho's neck feels cold as the blade is touching her throat

Y/n stops and smiles

Y/n:Why so serious?

Jeircho goes to slap y/n

Jeircho:You idiot!

He dodges it as Jeircho falls down

Y/n shrugs

Y/n:You didnt expect me to just sit there and take it did you?

Jeircho:Well yea! Stupid y/n you make me look bad!

Y/n:Yea yea...

Jeircho:Anyway like I said earlier,I'm not gonna leave you from now on!



Y/n:Well after all that fighting this sweat is all over me,plus your blood is still on my clothes,so I'm gonna go take a shower...

He starts walking off

Jeircho freezes

Y/n:Care to join me?

Jeircho blushes

Jeircho:You know what? You can come and get me later...

Y/n:Aww but I thought you would never leave my side?

Jericho:Shut up your taking it too serious!

Y/n:Aww man its gonna get lonely in the shower...

Jeircho:I'll be in my room! I still have your blade with me so teleport to me when you wanna hang out!

Y/n:Head to the boar hat! We might need your help!

Jeircho:Alright but I need to take a nap or something I'm tired!

Y/n:Yea,I'd be tired too if I kept getting saved by a handsome immortal over and over!

Jeircho:I'll stab you again!

She runs off leaving a trail of blood from her nose behind her

Y/n laughs as he turns around

Y/n:I guess I should go back to the bar and help meliodas...

Y/n starts heading towards the bar

He walks for a while and finds a nearby waterfall to shower in

He dries up and continues walking until he arrives to the boar hat door

He walks in

It is very crowded

Everyone stops what they are doing and looks at y/n

Y/n:Dont let me stop you from your fun,continue...

They all keep drinking

Y/n walks to the back and sees meliodas

Y/n:Why are there so many people here?

Meliodas:They are here to celebrate!

Y/n:Yea but why come here?

Meliodas:Because I told everyone about you and ban's cooking!

Y/n:You what?

Ban walks out from the kitchen

Ban:Yea I figured before I left I make one last feast for everyone! Your the only person who I know that can cook,everyone else in the kingdom would try to toast an egg if I gave them one!

Y/n laughs

Y/n:Say less! I'll start getting ready immediately!

Y/n zooms into the kitchen

Ban:Aw hell yea time to cook!

Meliodas:Why are you so excited about cooking?

Ban:Just shut up!

Y/n and ban speed through the kitchen

Y/n:This has to be enough for everyone so we better get moving!

Ban:No way how did you figure that out! Was it all the people I saw on the way in!

Y/n:Alright no need to be a smart ass about it!

Y/n puts the bread in the oven

They continue to run around

Y/n:We're almost done ban!

Ban:Great! Not gonna lie I'm getting tired!

The oven dings

Y/n:Let's get this bread!

Let's yeet this wheat!

Let's obtain the grain!

They both open the oven and take out the bread

Ban:You know being immortal has its props!

Y/n:I know! That would have burned our hands!

Y/n starts to cut the bread

Ban:Woah slow down you'll cut yourself!

Y/n:I'll be fine!

Y/n finishes up cutting the bread


Ban puts them onto plates with the other food they made

Y/n:See? I told you I would be fine!

Ban:Yea you told me,but I'm seeing something completely different...

Y/n looks at his hands to see his fingers are gone

Y/n sees them all on the floor

They disappear and regenerate on his hand

Ban:What are you going to do with the blood?

Y/n:I'm just gonna leave it there until it stains the kitchen!


Y/n:If you arent the dumbest person...

Ban:I'm kidding! Hurry and clean it so we can serve these people!

Y/n wipes it off with a nearby napkin

Y/n puts the napkin in his pocket

Ban:Throw it away you moron!

Y/n:I know a vampire queen that will take this...

Ban:Does she want your blood or something?

Y/n:Not necessarily,she likes the color red,and she sucks it out....

Ban:She sounds interesting...

Y/n:Yea and she hangs out with this other kid and his yellow talking dog...

Ban grabs his plates

Ban:Alright grab as many as you can! Its showtime!

They go out and start serving everyone

They see Elizabeth

Y/n:Hey Elizabeth!

Y/n:Hello y/n! Its awesome to see you and ban working together to cook!

Ban:What the hell gowther!

Y/n puts the last plate on a table

Y/n:What's wrong?

Ban points to gowther

Ban:What isnt wrong!

Y/n:Gowther why are you wearing the boar hat uniform!

Gowther:Why not? I think it looks good...

Ban:You look like a girl...

Gowther:Am I a pretty girl?

Ban:Uhh,your beautiful...

The room goes silent

Y/n:I just remembered I have to go the bathroom!

He proceeds to jump out the closest window

Y/n gets up with window shards in his hands

Y/n picks them out

Y/n:Glad I got out of that awkward situation...

Jeircho walks up

She sees the broken window

Jeircho:Did you get thrown out the window?

Y/n:No I jumped out...

Jeircho:If I may ask why?

Y/n:Dont worry about that....but let's head inside I saved you some food in the kitchen...

Y/n opens the door for Jeircho

They both walk in the bar

Everyone looks at Jericho

Y/n notices


Everyone looks away from jeircho except for ban

Y/n:Ban that includes you!

Ban:I know I just dont care!

Y/n dashes in and breaks ban's knees

Break your nico nico knees!

Ban:It was worth it...

Y/n:Alright come on Jeircho the food is in the back...

Jeircho walk into the kitchen and sees the plate of food

Jeircho:You made this?

Y/n:Yea,ban helped too but I dont really care...

She takes a bite

Y/n:What do you think of it?

Jeircho:Finally some good freaking food!

Y/n:I knew you would like it!

Ban walks into the back

Ban:Hey kid...

Y/n:What's up ban?

Ban:I'm about to leave...

Y/n:Oh well let's go outside so I can say goodbye

They both walk outside in front of the bar

They look at each other for a bit

Ban:So I guess this is where we part ways...

Y/n:Temporarily yes...

Ban:You've been a real good freind to me y/n,I'm glad to have been on the team with you...

Y/n:Team? Your still on the team ban! Do you know what a team is for?

Ban:What is it?

Y/n:To kick more ass toghther than we can on our own!

Ban smiles

Ban:I cant wait to see you guys again then....

Y/n puts his hands out for ban to shake

Y/n:So long...partner....

Ban shakes his hand

Ban:We'll cross again y/n,I know it...

Y/n:I know but it'll then,good luck finding elaine!

Ban:I'm actually finding a way to bring her back to life. If I find something I'll let you know and see if we can bring your brother back too...

Y/n:Dont worry about me ban,just get elaine...

Ban:Your my ride or die y/n,you know that?

Y/n:Well for me and you it's really ride until everyone else dies,but I know what you mean...

Ban laughs as he puts his bag over his shoulder and turns around to leave

Ban:Diane said she was waiting for you in the forest where you guys had your first date,you should go see her soon...

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