Mother I'm In Love With A Kil...

By Beautiful-death1

121 1 2

A girl named Crystal, writing to her mother about her life for never writing her. Telling her about everythin... More

He's My Prince

The Start Of It All

63 1 2
By Beautiful-death1

Dear Mom,

I know that I haven't written to you since I got here. The thing is that my life just went crazy. So here it goes, I hope you understand.....

Crystal's POV:

I just got to campus , dragging my luggage to my room. First I walked up to a lady at a desk. "Name Please" she said in a annyons tone for jerks that were obnoxiously loud in the laby. "I..Its Crystal" all she did was nod and gave me a old silver key. "Room 24, floor 2" grabbing it, I gave her a slight smile and went on my way. After getting lost for the fifth time, I finally got to my room. The door was wide open showing with all the boxes everywhere. I know that all I brought was at least 7 to 8 boxes so the rest must be my room mate's. Then I felt a hand crawl up my shoulder making me jump "woah, sorry for scarin yah'," As I looked over my shoulder seeing a strawberry blond haired, hazel eyed, shy smile guy behind me.  A slight blush ran across my face " No its fine" He let go of my shoulder walked into the room. "So..your my roommate?" saying as I rubbed the back of my head. Walking in I saw a pretty simple living room and a small kitchen. He just smiled and pointed toward a door on the left, I guess it was mine. 

When I walked on it, it was a pretty big room if you asked me. Already having a bed and desk, taking in a deep sigh. I walked out to grab my boxes just to hear " Wow, Dave you got a hottie, you lucky bastard". There was a guy standing in the door way smirking, just for Dave to walk out punching his shoulder. "Shut it man!" he muttered to the guy "So are you going that party?". Soon after they both smiled, yelling that he'll be back tomorrow. Rolling my eyes went back to unpacking my stuff.

~~~ 2 hours later~~~

I finally finished my room, after making my room feel like I was home, then took Dave's stuff into his room. Grabbing a towel deciding that I'm home alone way not have a nice long bath. As the water was filling the bath, I went and made a small snack (Me IRL). After a good 30 minutes in the bath, I heard a loud bang. Thinking it was my roommate home early, I got out. Grumbling out the door, seeing the lights off wondering why he was walking in the dark. I turn on the hallway light to see... a tall figure in a white hoodie, black dress pants, and I couldn't see their face but it wasn't a normal color. It started to walk over to me with a Knife!? Soon as I saw that I ran into my room locking the door. I could hear him kicking and banging the door trying to break it. My heart was racing, I grabbed my phone just as it smash through the door.I screamed running in my closet. I heard it laugh in at my stupidity " Your not so clever, Crystal" My heart skipped a beat when he said my name. My closet door swung open to see his face I couldn't look away from him. He was handsome, no not in the normal guy way but in a crazy guy way. I hated horror because there is not one attractive killer was in any of them. 

He covered my mouth as he smiled bigger making the curved smile bleed. I stared in his eye letting him do what he wanted to. Just for him to stop " Arn't you scared!?" I just stayed quite as he shoved me down. Walking off.

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