By LeCringeMaster

157 4 4


chapter 1 - tired
chapter 2 - | = || = |¡ = | __
chapter 3 - his return
chapter 4 - puppet

chapter 5 - overwhelmed

23 1 2
By LeCringeMaster

*please see comments for important author's note*

Felix greeted Brad 2 at the reception desk and began to stride towards the elevator to the executive floor.

"Welcome back," people smiled. There was a sense of happiness throughout the building but also dread. They had passed Tseries by quite a lot, but they knew it was a cushion.

Felix pressed the button to the elevator and waited patiently inside the lobby room. Everyone was talking like normal. Maybe it was acceptable that he didn't know about what was happening. Did they know that Felix was incompetent?

He stepped inside the elevator and hit the top floor. As the doors were closing, a hand held the doors for a moment before stepping in.

"What's up man?" Cry greeted him with a firm handshake.

"Oh, uh, nothing much," Felix awkwardly said. "Just heading up for a meeting."

"By the way, congrats on passing tseries." Cry pressed one of the buttons to go to one of the media floors.

"Yeah," Felix chuckled a bit. "Even if its only for a week or two."

Cry laughed, "it really do be like that though." The elevator stopped and Cry smiled, "Hang in there bud, 100 mil."

The doors closed and Felix was alone. His heart began racing. He was filled with confidence and motivation before, but now it was all anxiety for the meeting.

"I can't go back now," he clenched his fists. "I need to make up my part."

The doors opened and he walked into the room. He approached the door and entered in the secret code.


He smiled, he knew no one else would be able to think of his password. The key that he made was to think of a sentence and cipher it. He sure did get 'em.

He entered another room and approached the scanner. He typed in
And a blue lightflashed over his eyes. He entered the room to see Brad sitting at the table, typing on his laptop. MrBeast was sitting and reviewing the pictures in the folder with Jack. Ken was fumbling with his thumbs.

"Pewdiepie," Ken noticed and the room stood up. MrBeast closed the folder.

Felix always felt awkward when doing meetings like this. He nodded his head while adjusting his jacket, "Good morning." He walked over to the head of the table and gestured them all to sit.

They all sat down and he said, "So, I would like to discuss some recent findings that have come up to me." Brad moved his eyes away. "It has come to my knowledge that there has been a lack of communication between the headquarters and the battlefield."

"Yes sir," MrBeast nodded. "Being one of the main people in charge of combat, I find it troubling how you could forget the importance of this situation." Did he not hear him properly?

"There is no point in discussing that," Ken said, "it will only lead us to being side tracked."

Felix exhaled. He was glad they didn't want to gang on him for not being responsible.

"We'll start first with the beginning," MrBeast said. Brad moved the laptop towards the center of the group so that they could all see.

"Why isn't this on the projector?" Felix asked.

"I couldn't find the cable to connect them," Brad said monotone.

On the screen was a timeline of events with their names.

"So," MrBeast began to inform him on the sequence of events. For their first few missions, they headed into public places, had a program to make accounts, and hacked those devices to subscribe to Pewdiepie. It all worked out, but when the printers were affected by a wrecklessness of a 9 year old, the media gained attention. There became suspicion of how they were working, so they had to slow down. MrBeast showed him pictures of the events, but there was no blood or anything. How could it be such a big deal?

"How many people are used to infiltrate?" Pewdiepie asked.

"Four during this time," MrBeast gestured to the rest of the events.

"To add, we had stronger media events. There wasn't only creation of accounts," Brad added. There were strong events coordinated by MrBeast, Elon Musk, and tweets and other recognition from other 9 year olds. But there were also flops to it like merch and the outside media making articles against him. "One of the Paul people also came to help."

"I'd like to see some numbers on the injuries from the 9 year olds," Pewdiepie requested. All of this information was great, but he already knew them vaguely from Brad's reports.

"Here," Jack passed him the folder, "this is some of the damage."

Pewdiepie braced himself, remembering what he looked up in Japan.
He opened up the folder.


The photos were just 9 year olds fainted. No blood or gruesome attacks like the posts said. He turned the page to see 9 year olds in the recovery room.

"What is this?" Pewds looked up.

Jack glanced around nervously, "That's them." Pewdiepie furrowed his brow. Jack was the head of the recovery units, but this seemed so simple. They just fainted.

"There has to be more than this." Pewdiepie demanded, "Give me everything."

"They were injected or contaminated with another virus Tseries made," Ken jumped in. "It would cause them to lose will to fight and stop fighting."

"That's it?"

"Their accounts would be deleted," Jack said, "and we would be forced to release them."

"Why not? Wouldn't they just need therapy?"

"We can't find a cure," Jack began to grit his teeth.

"Why can't we goddamnit? What's holding us back?" Felix hated half-assed responses. It would be so much easier for the conversation to flow and not waste time.

Then again, he did not know about this for an entite year.

"We don't have the supplies anymore," Jack's voice raised. "We don't have the money or enough people to come in and help."

"I'll send some in," Pewdiepie looked at Brad.

"You can't," Ken said, "at the rate we're at, we won't be able to get any new accounts. And trying to heal them would be a lost cause."

MrBeast didn't say anything, but he seemed to be on Ken's side.

"Well, we should-"

"Let's finish the rest of the information before we make any choices," Brad glared at Pewds.

"What more is there?"

"That's only these people," Ken moved the photos.

"Then we have another program to deal with where the 9 year olds began to subscribe to Tseries." He showed some sort of graph. "We think they were able to take our virus and manipulate it for their benefit."

He looked at the pictures, "Wait, what's happening?" The nine year olds cringey appearance was changing.

"That's the effect of this," Jack said, "when infected with this other virus, they change the culture to Tseries."

"What do you do with them?" Pewdiepie looked through the photos. That's why he hasn't seen some of these faces in a while. They had changed to become a person from Tseries.

"Well, we discharged them as you told us to," MrBeast answered.

"I never-"

"You probably forgot about it."

Pewdiepie locked eyes with Brad.

"We've been able to extract the virus on site," MrBeast said, "We trained our army to be able to handle these situations."

"If they can't get rid of it," Jack said, "they get sent to me. We care for them and if we can't help them, we discharge them out."

"Where?" Pewdiepie asked.

"We try to clear their memory and let them continue their normal lives. But by clearing most of their memories, if we try to get them to be a 9 year old again, the virus unlocks again and they support Tseries."

Felix ran his head through his hair, "This seemed a lot worse than I researched."

"May I ask," MrBeast looked between Brad and Pewds, "I have been doing instructions to do certain things with my men according to Pewdiepie's orders. I thought this meeting was to refresh everything, but this all seems to be new to you."

"He forgot everything that occurred when he went through his depressive episodes," Brad covered. Felix glared at him. Why did he cover this up?

"I just want this to be heard," MrBeast said, "I will only do the orders as you have said to be consistent with this brand's beliefs."

Ken cleared his throat, "So, Felix, what did you find when you researched?"

Felix ran his hand through his hair, "Pfff, there was a lot of gore and such. Lost limbs, dead people."

MrBeast squinted his eyes and stared at Ken.

Jack did an awkward chuckle, "Well, that's our most recent issue."


Jack pulled out the last set of photos of 9 year olds.

"How could this-"

Ken spoke over Felix, "They created a disease that would cause limbs to be lost-"

"I don't ever remember being told-"

"Or death if we couldnt assist them."

"How do we-"

"We have been told to retaliate back which leads to the messiness reported."

"Pewdiepie!" Brad called. The room fell silent. Felix's mind raced around in panic as his hands began to tremble. This is what he missed. What if he had known? He would be able to fix some of the damage.

"Felix," Ken said, "I don't know if it's your first time hearing of this, but you need to calm down so we can act rationally."

Felix tried to take in deep breaths.

MrBeast was uneasy, "I lost a few men, which is why I need more men out there to fight back."

"We need men in our facility to keep charge of safety," Jack said. "If they have the T virus, they fight back now."

"What are you planning to do?" Ken asked.

Infiltrating. Deaths. Viruses. Programs. This was so much more than he was told. He didn't realize the 9 year olds were facing this. Why did they still want to fight? Why did they care so much?

What was the purpose?

"Pewdiepie," Brad called his attention, "what do you want to do?"

Pewdiepie looked up in a frenzy. He was sweating and shaking. He needed to think to minimize the harm, but it was inevitable.

"I... I don't know..."

Sub Gap: +500k
9 year old army Confidence:

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