Faith and Trust: Better than...

suseagull04 tarafından

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Regina is starting college at Storybrooke University, where she meets Robin, an international student who tea... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 10

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suseagull04 tarafından

For the first week and a half of break, Regina was too distracted by her plans for after Christmas to fully enjoy the traditions she usually participated in with gusto each year.

Emma noticed her lack of enthusiasm on the first day of break while they were making their annual gingerbread house. They had elected to construct a church this year, to commemorate all of the events that had changed their lives that semester. For Regina wasn't the only one who had changed; Emma had too. As Robin had with her, Killian had taken Emma under his wing, helping her navigate the Bible and all the treasures that could be found there.

The two friends were an interesting pair. Unlike Robin and Regina, who always supported each other and rarely quarreled, Killian and Emma were consistently at each other's throats. No matter what the topic, they always found something to disagree on, whether it was the best prank to pull on Halloween or what the group should study next. But at the end of each argument, Regina spotted Emma with Killian's arm around her shoulders, a drink in her hand, talking and laughing like nothing had happened just a few moments before.

"What's gotten into you?" Emma asked. "You're usually the one making sure you do as much as possible when we make our gingerbread house. This year, I have to beg you to do anything. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong- the exact opposite actually," Regina couldn't keep the grin off her face anymore. "If I'm going to tell you more, you have to promise me you won't tell Robin- or anyone else from ANC, just in case they let something slip."

"I promise," Emma swore, making a cross over her heart to show her sincerity.

"Okay. Alice said her parents don't celebrate Christmas, so she's staying here until two days after Christmas. When she flies home, she wants me to go with her to surprise Robin. They apparently only live a half hour away from each other, so it'll be easy for us to spend time together. She's convinced Robin loves me, and thinks this will get him to admit how he feels. And even if he doesn't immediately, she says she has another plan to convince him to admit it."

Emma burst out laughing, no doubt thinking of the various schemes their friend pulled off over the course of the semester. Emma had been the target of some of those plots- Alice was trying to play matchmaker between her and Killian as well, and many of the pranks she came up with always involved the two of them working together. "Of course she does. Doesn't she always? So, what's the problem?"

"Convincing my mother- what else?" Regina grumbled. "Alice said to tell her it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity- but they're all here for at least another year, so that's not really the case."

"Hm..." Emma mused. "Emphasize the educational aspect of it. Get them to take you to all the sights- you know, Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, all the famous places that are rich in history and educational value. That way, she'll see the lessons you can learn by going. And Alice is coming with you, right? So she won't need to worry about you getting lost in the airport or anything like that."

"True- she's not coming back with me though, so what do I do?"

"Hm..." Emma extracted her phone from her pocket, typing furiously. "Got it! Your mom would have you fly from a major airport, right?"

"Definitely," Regina agreed. "Especially considering the destination- we'd have to fly from a larger airport to get there.

"Okay, perfect! Lots of airports and airlines have people that can sort of be your escort, help you find your gate in the airport. If you do that, your mom won't worry quite as much when you're on your own! Oh, and I definitely wouldn't mention that you're primarily going to try to win Robin's heart."

"I don't even know if I'm trying to win his heart, I just want to know how he feels, because the mixed signals are just too confusing," Regina clarified firmly, trying to convince herself as much as Emma. "But that... just might work! But at the same time though, I hate leaving it to chance- how do we know for sure that it will?"

Emma threw her arms around her, so close that she could feel Emma's temple touch hers. "We don't. We just need to have faith."


"Mom?" Regina asked hesitantly, clasping her hands in her lap at the dinner table later that night. Their meal of lasagna- Regina's favorite- has been cleared from the table, and mugs of hot beverages- tea for Regina, coffee for Cora- sat in front of them.

"What is it, dear?" Cora asked, the note of resignation clear in her voice. It was clear from her tone that she knew her daughter wanted to ask her something that she would likely be unwilling to give.

"How would you feel if I go to the U.K. when Alice returns there after Christmas? Her parents don't celebrate, so she's not going home until two days later, and they invited me to stay for a week, not including travel days. She knows to help me find things, and will help me every step of the way. The trip would be entirely educational, I'd learn about another country, their rich culture and history. And yes, I'll be coming back on my own, but Emma found out that airports have people who can help me find the right gates and anything else, like food for the plane," Regina added, knowing her mother would be nervous about her first time flying on her own. Mother and daughter had gone on trips across the country to California, and down the coast to Florida, but never out of the country, and Cora had always been there. She had also used knowledge from her Spanish class to embellish the educational aspect of the trip.

Cora's lips pursed, then settled into a thin line, her disapproval clear. "Regina, I don't think you're ready for that. And are you sure that these people at the airport would definitely be there to help? What if they don't show up at the appointed time? And what about when you're there? That girl- Alice?- will look away for one moment, and you won't see when to step onto the road from the sidewalk- or worse, you'll try to cross the street when the traffic light is red-"

"I know how to read a traffic light, Mother!" Regina interrupted, trying desperately to keep her temper in check. Getting angry would not help convince her mother to let her go. But her irritation seeped through when she called her "Mother" instead of "Mom," like she usually did.

Cora sighed. "You just don't understand, Regina. You haven't been on your own, so you haven't had practice with any important life skills you'll need one day after you graduate."

Tears came to Regina's eyes, but she fought to keep her voice steady. The only reason I haven't had those opportunities is because of you she thought bitterly. She was so tired of her mother thinking she could never do anything. If she kept this up, Regina would be thirty before she ever got to do anything on her own. "You don't know that- you've never given me the chance to try! I can do this. It's not like we don't have the money." Regina added as an afterthought, voicing what she knew to be true. The reason she had never been to Granny's was because her mother's standards were too high to eat in anything but the finest establishments. She took every chance to flaunt the wealth that being the mayor of Storybrooke gave her.

Cora mulled it over for another moment, Regina waiting with bated breath.

"All right, Regina. You can go."

Regina got up and ran around the table to hug her mother, but she held up her hand. "Wait. You may go- on two conditions."

"What?" Regina asked apprehensively, dreading what she would say.

"First, you must check in with me every day. You'll have a phone plan, but messaging me via Facebook is also acceptable. And second, I'm sure you're going to see Robin while you're there. Absolutely no being with him on your own- you spend time with both him and Alice, or not at all."

Regina's face brightened as she contemplated the conditions. They were better than she had hoped. The one problem was, she was sure Robin would never admit any feelings he had for her while Alice was around. She had a feeling that her friend would find a way to become scarce for a few moments, though...

"Deal," she readily agreed, hugging her mother. "Thank you!"


As Regina had predicted, there were no mishaps at the airport. Her mother had used her connections in Washington D.C. to expedite her passport, so she was able to show both that and her boarding pass to the flight attendant as they boarded the plane.

As they took off, Regina looked out the window, watching the clouds go by. She couldn't believe she was doing this. Suddenly, doubts were crowding her mind, each more horrific to contemplate than the last. What if he didn't want to see her and spend time with his family instead? Did he like her more than Zelena? And finally: did she want to risk losing their friendship, the best she had ever had apart from Emma, for the sake of romance?

Looking over at Alice, it was obvious that her friend knew exactly what thoughts wreaked havoc in her mind. She laughed. "Relax, Regina, it'll be fine!"

Regina sank low in her seat until her face was level with the pocket on the back of the seat in front of her. "Easy for you to say, your friendship- and lack of a love life- isn't on the line."

"Re-gi-na." Alice said slowly, putting her hands on Regina's shoulders and shaking her a little. "There is no way this isn't going to work. All right? Even with your mom's rule, I'll find a way to leave the two of you alone, and everything will work out exactly the way we planned it."

The look Regina gave her could have scorched a glacier. "If you say so. But if it doesn't work, be prepared."

"I don't need to be- but all right, if you say so," Alice replied with a smug confidence Regina wished she possessed.


They went to visit Robin the afternoon of their arrival. Alice had insisted that they not waste any time, so once they had flown in and said a quick hello to Alice's mother, they left.

The sly future educator had discovered that, ironically enough, Robin lived in Nottingham, three hours north of London in the valley of the river Trent. The house itself was on the north end of town, so close to Sherwood Forest that Regina and Alice drove on roads that were more tree-lined with each passing mile, making the roads so dark on the dreary day that Alice had to turn the headlights on as they drove. Just before they turned on the Locksleys' street, they passed the Forest Recreation Ground. Robin had told Alice to look for a one-story brick cottage with a stone chimney, and when they successfully found it, they pulled into the driveway.

Regina watched as Alice stood on Robin's front porch. She was hiding off to the side of the house, watching from the bushes so that she could surprise Robin when the opportune moment arrived.

Alice knocked. A woman who looked remarkably similar to Robin answered the door. She turned her head to call into the house, "Robin, Alice is here!"

"Why don't you come in, honey?" Ms. Locksley asked Alice.

Regina grinned from her hiding place in the bushes as she saw Alice's scheming face hidden under a polite, demure exterior. She was smiling sweetly at Ms. Locksley, but her eyes were dancing, gleaming with Regina knew to be the thrill of events coming together according to Alice's mischievous but brilliant plan. "Actually, could Robin come out first? I have a surprise for him- but don't tell him, I don't want him to suspect anything," she murmured so softly that Regina could barely hear her from where she was crouching in the mulch.

"Of course, dear." Ms. Locksley smiled, the look in her eyes hinting at the origin of the playful side of Robin's personality. She turned and walked in the house, telling her son to come to the door.

He appeared in the doorway, and even from her vantage point, Regina could tell he was confused that Alice hadn't just followed his mum inside. Alice's knowing smile matched her own when after he hugged her, he asked, "Why are we just standing out here? Come inside and have some tea."

Alice responded, "Not yet- I have a surprise for you first."

Robin's brow furrowed. "All right... what is it?"

Regina grinned. That was her cue. She stood and ran up the steps to Robin, throwing herself at him. He caught her instinctively, enveloping her in his arms. Then he seemed to look down and register what had happened- or rather, who he was holding. She felt his heart beating as rapidly as a hummingbird's wings as he gasped. "Regina?!?"

She pulled back just enough to grin up at him. "The one and only."

He pulled her back in again, holding her tightly. "I can't believe you're here. I missed you, so much," he whispered, his lips brushing her hair as he spoke.

"Me too," she whispered back. "More than you know."

His face lit up until it rivaled the Christmas tree that she could see in one of the rooms beyond. "Would you like to come in for some tea? Or I believe we just so happen to have the makings for peppermint hot chocolate if you're interested," he added, grinning down at her. He knew it was the one mint chocolate thing she enjoyed. "I believe we're also going caroling tonight. Care to join us?" he asked, turning to Alice to include her in the invitation.

Alice spoke up eagerly for the pair of them. "We would, thank you!"


By the end of a night spent in their company, Regina discovered that Robin's mother was a gem. She welcomed both Alice and Regina into her home, telling Regina excitedly how much she'd heard about her and how excited she was to finally meet her.

Over a pot of tea and a plate of cookies, the three friends rehashed all that had transpired during their two weeks apart. Regina downplayed her holiday, telling the others that the days leading up to Christmas, usually so full of activity and joy for her, were nothing in comparison to that long-awaited afternoon. She couldn't help but notice the look in Robin's eyes as he looked at her in that moment, and wondered if he had longed for their reunion as much as she had.

They went caroling with some of Robin's neighbors. Robin had told her animatedly that his friends Tuck and John were on the list of houses where they would stop, and they might go to Will's house as well, as he lived only a few minutes further down the road from Tuck.

As they were caroling, she met his friends. Tuck was short and stocky, barely taller than her, while John was a giant of a man who towered above her. After the group had sung a Christmas carol at each house, both boys teased Robin relentlessly when he introduced her, which gave her hope that maybe Alice's plot wasn't as crazy as she had first thought.

"So, this is the girl you've talked about nonstop, is it, Robin?" John teased.

"Oh no," Regina groaned as Robin glared at his friend. "What exactly did he say about me?"

"Nothing bad at all, I promise!" Robin protested, throwing his arms around her without breaking eye contact with John.

John laughed. "It's true, he's had nothing but good things to say about you since the moment he laid eyes on you," he assured Regina. "I was only referring to the fact that he never mentioned how beautiful you are."

Even in the dim light that shone from John's house, Regina could see Robin's cheeks grow as red as she was sure her own were at that moment. "John..." he said warningly.

John burst out laughing again, holding up his hands in surrender and backing into his house. "Relax mate, I'm just joking. She's all yours."

Regina didn't think it was possible, but her cheeks became even warmer than they already were. Did John mean what she thought he meant? He sounded almost as if...

Her thoughts were interrupted by Robin, who stepped partly in front of her. "All right, we'll be heading on our way now. Bye John, see you later. Maybe next time you won't be trying to embarrass me?"

"We'll see," John answered, winking at Regina.

As they walked back to Robin's, they made plans for the week. Alice and Regina updated Robin on Cora's conditions for allowing her to go on the trip, so he suggested learning about the surrounding countryside. They could explore Nottingham Castle, and venture into Wales or Scotland one day.

The last suggestion made Regina laugh. "My only request if we go to Scotland: can we not have haggis please? I found out what it is thanks to a multicultural fair in the fifth grade and I have no desire to try it!"

Alice and Robin burst out laughing simultaneously. "You're the guest, so we'll do whatever you want," Robin said, throwing his arm around her as they walked.

"Speak for yourself," Alice said. "I have things I want to show her while she's here- but if you don't want to join us, that's fine with me, I'll just keep her all to myself," she teased.

"No, no, I'll do anything- I want to spend as much time as possible with her while she's here, same as you," Robin declared.

His comment made Regina smile. Maybe Alice's crazy plan would work, after all- but only time would tell.

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