Dragonball Mae

By kadenzajinx

378K 8.5K 2.6K

*Completed* Mae is the daughter of Goku and twin to Gohan. All her life she has worked hard to keep up with h... More

Mae's Forms
Mae vs Gohan a training battle
First session with Whis
Goku vs Mae: A fight between father and daughter
This is divine power
I will get stronger!
Mae goes home
Lets have a tournament
The tournament continues
I will fight!
The tournament is over, see the golden dragon
Dreaming of the past
Training with saiyans
Goku and Mae vs fake Vegeta?!
From the future we meet again
Goku Black
Saiyan pride
A halloween special
Mae and Zen-Oh, friends?!
Into the future
Super saiyan blue vs super saiyan rosé
Save the Kai, save the future
Saiyan Blood
Divine judgement
Mae drawing
The final battle
Goodbye Trunks
Come forth Shenron
Rematch with universe six
The death of Goku
Come on Zeni!
The Zen Exhibition Match
Mae and Gohan
Son Goku
Time to form a team
Android 17
Stop the poachers
This is my power
Super Saiyan Mae drawing
Wake up Buu!
Rage and Guilt
Special: High School Days
To the World of Void
The Tournament of Power
Kale's Rampage
Super Saiyan
Warriors of love
Frieza and Frost
Spirit Bomb
Six vs Seven
Love and Beauty
SSGSS Mae drawing
Love vs Strength
Vegeta's Pride
Rising Power
Team Up
Chibi expressions
Saiyan Strength
Jiren's Past
Prince Vegeta
Ultra Instinct
Power of Trust
Mae and Jiren
An Unexpected Visit
Twin Birthday
Pride Troopers
Girls Day
The Prophecy
Planet Lync
Chibi Mae and Jiren
Three Star
Jiren vs Drae
Purple Gold
Eternal Dragon
Mae and Gohan Drawing
Mae vs Belmod
Mae and Goku Art
Wedding Day
New Chibis
Frieza's Wish
Paragus and Broly
Fight, Saiyan
Broly's Loss
More Art!
Future Twins
Chi and Gicchin
Young Mae and Gohan Art
More art!
Mae and Vegeta Art
Mae vs Mae
The Evil Saiyan
Vegito vs Cumber
Maeoku Art
A Saiyan's Tail
Time Patrol
Goku Ascends
Save Universe Six!
Kamin and Oren
Fused Mae Art
The Strongest Mortal
Counter Attack
Universe Seven
Mae and Jiren ToP Art
Kamioren vs Goku
Super Saiyan Drae Art
Zamasu's Ambition
Mae and Gohan Chibi Art
Fan Art!!
A Warrior's End

Bachelorette Party

1.9K 52 23
By kadenzajinx

The ocean breeze caressed Mae as she flew. The scent of sea and salt hit her nose causing her to take a deep breath. The cool air ruffled her hair as she sped up. She approached a cruise ship and landed softly on the deck. "Hey 17!" She called out.

"Mae?" Android 17 asked poking his head out from behind a pillar. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to invite you to my wedding." Mae blushed as he walked up.

"You're gettin married?" 17 raised an eyebrow. "To whom?"

"Jiren." Mae mumbled.

"What's that?" 17 smirked.

"Jiren okay?" Mae said blushing even more.

"I thought you didn't like him." 17 teased.

"Yea whatever." Mae pouted. "So you coming or not?"

"Sure I'll be there." 17 laughed. "So has he changed since the tournament?"

"Yea he has. He's still serious and he's a bit overprotective but he's beginning to trust more." Mae explained.

"That's good." 17 said. "By the way how did you find me?"

"Well since I can't sense your energy I just flew around until I found your ship." Mae said.

"How many ships did you visit?" 17 asked.

"About five." Mae laughed. "They weren't pleased to have a random girl fly down."

"Yea I bet." 17 laughed with her.

"Well I better be off. I told 18 and Videl I would meet with them later." Mae said handing him a paper. "Here the time and date. See ya then!"

"Later Mae!" 17 waved her off.

The sun was beginning to set when Mae arrived back at Capsule Corp. She ran inside and quickly changed her clothes. She put on a pair of grey pants, a light blue t shirt and her grey jacket. As she was slipping on her shoes Jiren walked in.

"Going to meet your friends?" He asked as she fixed her hair.

"Yep. I'm kinda running late though." Mae laughed. "Are Dyspo and Toppo coming?"

"They are working they said they would be here for the wedding. Goku and Gohan should be here soon though." Jiren said. They were having a small get together for him.

"Play nice with the others." Mae said giving him a
quick kiss.

"Don't do anything stupid." Jiren smirked.

"I'm just going out with Videl and 18. What could go wrong?" Mae asked as she slipped out the door.

She flew to the bar that Videl and 18 were at. When she landed they were already waiting for her. "Took you long enough." Videl said.

"Sorry I went to see 17 then Jiren and I were chatting." Mae explained.

"It's okay you are here now." 18 said. "Krillin has Marron so let's go let loose."

"What did you do with Pan?" Mae asked Videl.

"My dad is watching her. He said that Gohan and I deserve a break." Videl explained.

"That was nice of him." Mae said as they went inside. The lights were dim and there were people sitting and some were dancing.

"I'll go get us drinks. You guys find a spot to sit." 18 said as she went up to the bar.

Videl and Mae sat down in an empty booth. "It feels like forever since I actually relaxed." Mae said.

"You've been training?" Videl asked.

"Yea with Jiren. Lord Beerus yelled at me for missing training with them." Mae laughed.

"Jeez those gods can be so demanding." Videl said.

"Pretty much." Mae nodded. "I like training with them though. The way Jiren uses energy is different than what I do. That's why I've been wanting to learn from him."

"Is it working?" Videl asked.

"Kinda Sorta." Mae shrugged.

"That took forever." 18 said as she finally came back with three drinks. "Alright ladies drink up!"

They toasted to Mae and Jiren and drank their drinks. As the night went on they had more drinks. When they felt good they decided to head back to Capsule Corp. Then went outside and began to walk.

"We probably shouldn't fly in the open." Videl giggled. Her face was flushed from the alcohol.

"Good idea." Mae said. "Think Bulma will give us some food when we get back?"

"Man I hope so! I'm starving!" 18 said as they walked.

A small group of men were following them. "Did you hear that? She said Bulma at Capsule Corp. these chicks must be loaded." One of the men said.

"I think that girl is Videl Satan! If we take one of them imagine the ransom we will get." A second man said.

"Let's grab the smallest girl." The third man said.

They waited til the girls turned down an alley. Then they ran and grabbed Mae. "Don't move or we will shoot!" The first man said.

"What the?" 18 blinked at them.

"We are taking this girl! If you wanna see her alive then bring us 100 million zeni!" The second man said.

"We should do something." Videl said taking a step towards Mae.

"No wait it's okay. This should be hilarious. Tell Jiren what happened." Mae grinned. "I mean oh no I'm being kidnapped how terrible!"

"Shut up!" The man said hitting her on the head. Mae pretended to faint and he picked her up and the three of them ran off.

"Come on let's go." 18 said lifting into the air.

"What about Mae?" Videl asked following her back to Capsule Corp.

"You heard her. She knows how to take care of herself. I hope." 18 said.

The men brought Mae to an abandoned warehouse and put handcuffs on her wrists. They then sat her down against a wall and she opened her eyes. "So now what?" She asked them.

"You are awake already?" One of the men said.

"Yea. So what's your names?" She asked them. Her vision blurred from the alcohol and she felt dizzy.

"Like we would tell you." The second man said.

"Fine. I'll just call you Blonde, Brown, and Orange." Mae shrugged. "I'll just call you based on your hair colors."

"Whatever. Just shut up." Orange snapped at her.

18 and Videl told Gohan and Jiren what happened. "So she let herself be kidnapped?" Jiren asked.

"She said it would be funny." 18 said.

"How much did she drink?" Gohan asked.

"Uhh kinda a lot." Videl said.

"You guys realize that Mae never drinks." Vegeta sighed.

"Oops. She didn't say anything though." 18 laughed.

"She probably thought it was a challenge." Goku said.

"Well I can still feel her energy so she's still alive." Gohan said.

"Of course she is. Do you really think some thugs could kill her?" Vegeta scoffed.

Back at the warehouse Mae stretched her arms and broke the handcuffs. "Oh shit. Hey these broke."

"How?!" Blonde asked.

"They must have been busted. Here put these on her." Brown said handing him a new pair.

"So I'm bored." Mae said as he put the new cuffs on.

"We aren't here to entertain you." Blonde said. "We just want our money."

"So you guys just kidnapped me to have me sit here doing nothing? How lame." Mae sulked. "What's taking Jiren so long?"

"Who?" Orange asked.

"My boyfriend. Maybe he can't sense my energy. I'll step things up." She said powering up to super saiyan.

"Woah! Your hair is yellow how did you do that?!" Brown asked in shock.

"This? Oh it's no big deal. It can go red and blue too." Mae said causally. "Hmm he still isn't here. I'll try blue." She powered up again and her hair turned blue.

"She just went super saiyan blue. Maybe she is in trouble." Goku said.

"Goku use your instant transmission." Jiren said grabbing his wrist. The pair of them arrived instantly in the warehouse that Mae was in.

"Took you long enough!" Mae snapped powering down.

"How did you guys get in here?!" Blonde asked stumbling back.

Jiren ignored them and went straight to Mae. "What were you thinking?"

"I dunno thought it would be fun." Mae shrugged.

"So you guys tried to kidnap my daughter." Goku said cracking his knuckles. "I'll give you this one chance to run away. If I ever see you committing crimes I'll be coming for you."

"Y-Yes sir." Orange stammered as he and the other two ran away.

"What's with the restraints?" Jiren said looking at the handcuffs.

"Would you believe me if I said they were saiyan proof?" Mae tilted her head up at him.

"No." Jiren frowned.

"Okay fine." Mae said breaking the cuffs. She stood up and stumbled forward and Jiren caught her. "I feel kinda dizzy."

"That's what happens when you drink too much." Jiren said scooping her up into his arms.

"Thanks for saving me." Mae sighed leaning against his chest.

"Always." Jiren said kissing her forehead. When Goku brought them back Mae had already fallen asleep. Jiren went and laid her down and tucked her in. "Such a trouble maker."

"Jiren." Mae said in her sleep.

"I love you so much." Jiren said as he watched her sleep. He was looking forward to their wedding day.

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