The Final Curtain (Kuroshitsu...

بواسطة StarOfTheCountyDown

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This is the epilogue of Kuroshitsuji, in a way. All sorts of "what if" questions surround the Kuroshitsuji s... المزيد

Chapter One: A Shocking Revelation and Several Changes
Chapter Two: A Near Confession
Chapter Three: The Undertaker's Acquaintance
Chapter Four: Son of the Deceased
Chapter Five: "You Are Still My Only Living Family..."
Chapter Six: Matilda Livesey and the Dinner Party
Chapter Seven: Nocturne
Chapter Eight: The New Case
Chapter Nine: Capucine Brodeur
Chapter Ten: The Flight of the Robin, Part One
Chapter Eleven: The Flight of the Robin, Part Two
Chapter Twelve: The Tale of Bryony Redruth
Chapter Thirteen: Developments of a Demon
Chapter Fifteen: Lady Elizabeth's Motive
Chapter Sixteen: Florentia and Theodosia
Chapter Seventeen: Disclosing Not His Lover
Chapter Eighteen: Pirouette and Slither
Chapter Nineteen: The Firefly

Chapter Fourteen: Ephraim Abberline

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بواسطة StarOfTheCountyDown

Mei Rin had been caring for the Abberline baby while the others went to the ballet.  When Paula returned to the manor, she made sure Lady Elizabeth was situated in the parlor with the others before venturing downstairs to claim her godson. 

    "He was such a good baby, yes he was," Mei Rin smiled as she handed the infant over to Paula.  She took him and cradled him gently, smiling back at the Phantomhive maid.  "What happened at the theatre?  Why is everyone back so soon?" 

    Paula bounced the baby gently.  "There was an attempted murder tonight during the second half of the performance," she explained.  "Matilda knew the prima ballerina from childhood, so we brought her back with us.  You'll get to meet her soon, she's very nice."  After a moment, she started walking towards the door.  "Thank you so much for taking care of him tonight.  You must be exhausted.  I'll get out of your way so you can get some rest." 

    Mei Rin smiled and thanked Paula, removing her apron as the brunette closed the door behind her.  Paula took the few steps to her room quietly, taking care not to wake the baby.  I will have to give him a name soon, she thought to herself.  But what?  Not Fred or Edward, as much as I love my brothers; I can't bear that.  Perhaps... something biblical? 

    She was still puzzling over this, pacing carefully about her bedroom, when the baby began to cry.  None too loudly, but enough to cause Paula to worry. 

    "Oh dear," she whispered.  "What on earth is the matter?" she couldn't smell anything, so she assumed he was fine on that end of things.  Unsure what else might be wrong, she concluded that he must be hungry.  Biting her lip, she began unbuttoning the top of her dress and lifted her left breast out so as to nurse the baby. 

    Suddenly the door swung open, and Agni strode in.  "Excuse me, Paula, but I-"

    There was a moment's stunned silence for both of them as their faces burned and strangled, incoherent noises of surprise escaped their mouths.  As soon as he had regained control of himself, Agni fell prostrate on the floor before Paula, stumbling over his own tongue in his effort to apologize. 

    "Forgive me, Paula!  I am ever so sorry!  There is no excuse!  I can hardly redeem myself!" he began scooting backwards out the door, like an inchworm.  "I will give you your privacy now!  I beg your forgiveness, please have mercy on me!" 

    Paula turned her back on the door, sweat dripping off her temple.  "Wait, Agni," she called, stopping him before he had fully exited the room.  "I... I don't know much about babies.  I have no experience with them.  If you could fetch someone who does know... or, if you yourself have any knowledge of infants... someone to help me?  I'm not sure what I'm doing, or if I'm doing it right...." 

    Agni recovered himself, staring at Paula's back with a burning face.  "I know nothing of nursing children," he admitted.  "I'm afraid I will only be of use after the child is weaned." he placed his thumb and forefinger on his chin and thought.  "But in this household... perhaps Matilda knows something of this nature.  Even if she has never nursed children herself, I expect she has seen her family nursing their children.  If I recall, she comes from a large family." 

    With that, Agni backed out of the room, pulling the door to the frame but not closing it all the way.  Paula let out a stealthy breath, wary of the baby's cries growing slightly louder.  She felt the blood in her face from embarrassment... and... what was that?  Thrill?  Why on earth would being intruded upon in this way give her a thrill?  Certainly if any average churl had burst in upon her in such a state, she would be furious and humiliated.  But Agni... not only was his apology sincere, but she found that she might not mind him seeing her... the rest of her. 

    Paula shook her head, trying to wipe those thoughts away.  Certainly that was out of the question.  Agni was an attractive man, to be sure, but surely he was too holy and reverent to ever give in to lust, especially for a woman as... plain... as she thought herself to be. 

    Within minutes, Agni returned with Matilda, who had removed her Capucine Brodeur disguise and was once again in her plain clothes.  "Mr. Agni," she said as she moved towards Paula.  "Stand by the door, won't you?" 

    "Yes, and you may call me Agni." the khansama took his place next to the closed door, like a soldier at attention. 

    "Paula, darling," Matilda took the baby from her hands and turned him the other direction.  "Hold him this way, chest to chest.  Support his head.  Tilt his head towards you this way, make sure it touches his lip..." Matilda guided Paula's hand, which held the baby's head.  "And he'll open his mouth, and that's when you carefully pull his head in closer.  It may take a couple of tries, but once he connects, he'll do the rest." 

    Matilda was right.  The baby instantly latched on and began suckling.  Paula felt a little panicked, but she focused on keeping the baby comfortable.  She looked at Matilda uncertainly.  "How do I... when he finishes... will I know...?" 

    The other maid nodded kindly.  "He'll stop on his own.  And, you'll be able to tell the difference between him finishing nursing and him accidentally disconnecting from your breast."  As if on cue, the baby's head began moving away, but Matilda took Paula's hand and used it to reposition his head.  "Just place it back, and he'll connect again." 

    Paula bowed her head sheepishly.  "Thank you, Matilda," she murmured.  "I'm so sorry for this.  I confess I may need your help more often until I adjust to this practice." 

    Matilda grinned widely.  "It's no trouble at all, Paula dear, I promise." she patted Paula's knee.  "This is good practice for me as well, if I ever have children." 

    "Ah, yes," Agni spoke up from the door.  The women gave a small start, as they had very nearly forgotten the khansama's presence in the room.  "You are the wife of the Undertaker, are you not, Miss Matilda?" 

    "You may call me Matilda, Agni," she replied.  "And yes, I am.  It's funny how so many people overlook that until someone tells them."  she blushed and looked at the floor.  "I expect it would be easier to believe if we were seen together.  But, he has his work at the mortuary, and I have my duties here.  We do what we must for the Lord Phantomhive." 

    Agni had been facing the wall in order to give Paula privacy, but now he turned his head to Matilda out of curiosity.  "He runs the mortuary for the earl?  I thought he enjoyed that work." 

    "It isn't just a front for him," Matilda confirmed.  "He does enjoy making corpses beautiful again.  It helps him receive closure, I think.  To be frank, it isn't something I've pressed out of him.  I understand that there are some things he isn't ready to share, even with his wife.  He will tell me in time." 

    The baby stirred, finishing nursing.  Matilda held out her arms to hold him while Paula buttoned her dress.  "You may join us, Agni," Paula said, tucking her hair behind her ear and trying to suppress the blood rising to her cheeks. 

    The khansama strode to the bed and knelt down beside the women, gently adjusting the swaddling blankets.  "Have you decided what you will name him?" he asked Paula, beaming at the infant.  "Or did Maria already name him?" 

    Paula shook her head.  "I don't think Maria could bear to name him," she replied.  "But... I have thought of a name that may be fitting.  Ephraim.  It has hints of both Fred and Edward, my brothers.  I think Fred and Maria both would appreciate it." 

    Matilda and Agni smiled at each other and then at Paula.  "It is a lovely name," Matilda affirmed, kissing Ephraim's head.  "I think he will like it as he grows." 

    The three of them suddenly fell silent, hearing voices at the entrance to the hall.  Matilda stood, brushing her skirts.  "That'll be Grell," she said quietly.  "She'll be wanting to talk to me before leaving the manor.  I'd best go to my room so she doesn't come in here and disturb the baby - I mean, Ephraim."  Smiling sweetly at Paula and Agni, she scurried quietly off to her room to await the flamboyant reaper. 

    Agni and Paula sat in silence, listening to Ephraim's steady breathing, stealing shy glances at one another for several minutes.  After blinking and surveying the room, Paula gasped, giving way to a sudden realization.  "Ephraim has nowhere to sleep," she whispered.  "Last night I made do with a wash bin and a pillow, but we had to use that bin today and it is still dirty.  Lord Phantomhive promised to fetch the bassinet from Maria's home before long, but in the meantime I don't know what to do." 

    Agni thought for a moment before an idea came to him.  He stood and pulled a drawer out from the nearby small dresser.  He set some the uniforms on top of the dresser and placed the drawer on the floor by the bed.  Then, to Paula's great surprise, Agni removed his turban and folded it neatly on top of the remaining uniforms, making a soft makeshift cradle for Ephraim.  "There," he said.  "That should do until the Lord Phantomhive procures a proper bassinet." 

    Paula stared at Agni, unable to find words to thank him.  The khansama seemed to understand her silence, however, and merely bowed kindly before bidding her goodnight and turning to leave, his white hair resting on either side of his shoulders and back.

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