Saying Goodbye (Sterek Book 2)

By IceQueen51

896 14 0

This is a sequel to Perfect love, go read that Story first to better understand this story. It's been five y... More

Heartbroken Part 1
Heartbroken Part 2
Heartbroken the finale Chapter
Finale Planning
Meeting Halfway
Life Changing Events
Keeping Stiles Alive
Fearing The Worst
Calling For Help
Stiles Last Words
Heartbreaking News Part 1
Heartbreaking News Part 2
Coming to a Conclusion
Letting Stiles Go
Forgiveness and Saying Goodbye
Goodbye Stiles
Last Message From Stiles Part 1
Last Message From Stiles Part 2
The Funeral
The Twins Are Home
Author's Note

Painful Memories and Fears

37 1 0
By IceQueen51

Derek POV

I can hear Stiles unsteady heart beat and how if falters very often i can also hear the doctor telling the nurses that they did everything they can for him now it's up to him to fight i shake my head to get those word out and then i stop listening remembering how i felt when Melissa called with the news of Stiles being injured it was the worst moment of my life.

" Flashback"

Peter and i are in my loft finishing everything for when the pack arrives when Jessica suddenly barges in looking pissed "why didn't you tell me your ex is one of your friends coming to visit" she yells, "i didn't tell you because i knew you would act like this", "act like what", "like your jealous and is going to try and control my life", "well how would you feel if some of my friends came to visit and one of them happens to be my ex", "i would be happy that you are still friends", "so you wouldn't feel threatened", "no because i trust you and know that you love me but the fact that you feel threatened tells me you don't trust me and it let's me wonder do you even love me or not".

"What kind of question is that of course i love you Derek", "then why do you feel so threatened", "because i'm scared that i'm going to lose you", "your not going to los..." i got cut off by my phone ringing i turn to the table and crab it answering without checking the caller id "yes" i say a little irretated, "Derek it's Melissa i have some bad news", "what is it" i ask her a dreadful feeling setting into my stomach, "the pack was in an accident Stiles is badly hurt and the doctors doesn't think his going to make it" i freeze up hearing the words i feared most a tear falling down my cheek and in that moment my hole world came crashing down but before i can say anything she hangs up.

I turn around slowly facing Peter as tears falls down my cheeks he opens his mouth to say something but before he can i grab his hand and start running for the door "Derek what's going on" he says as were running out of the building i stop and turn to him with more tears falling "the pack was in a car accident and Stiles is badly hurt they don't think his going to make it" i say in a rush and then it all hits me with so much forsh and i break down completly i wagely feel Peter walking me to the passenger side of the car and helping me in and then he goes to the drivers side and gets in starting the car and making our way to the hospital.

when we got here i was even more devestated when Melissa said there is still no news so we went to the waiting area to wait and find out what's happening to my Stiles and if his going to be okay.

" End Flashback"

But we still haven't heard anything and i'm getting very worried this can't be were it ends it can't end like this i need to hear his voice one last time, hold him in my arms and kiss him just one more time, i just need to say goodbye before it's to late, what if i don't get that chance before the three words i fear most is said, what if i don't get to say goodbye, don't get to hear his voice again, don't get to hold him in my arms and never let go, don't get to kiss him once more. What if this is the end, what if the next words Melissa tells me is those three words i fear so much, what if i don't get to see him again.

Is this how it's going to end with those three fearful words, those words that will haunt me for the rest of my life.(Stiles is Dead)

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