New stories

By Creamthrill143

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By Creamthrill143

All I could honestly remember about the night before was noise. Josh was yelling, I was yelling, both of us wanted to be heard, but not to hear each other.

When I woke up in the morning, there was a harsh pain in my throat and I could already tell that I wouldn't be able to speak by the end of the day. I tossed the blankets off me and I quietly made my way down the 2 steps that led to the lower part of my condo.

I jumped in the small bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair quickly. I tossed the long hair I had into a sleek and messy bun before I headed back up the stairs.
I took the quickest shower possible and in a matter of minutes I was dressed in black office pants and a crisp white shirt that was tucked in. On my feet, I had on my red bottom black heels, and around my waist was a shiny thin black belt.

I made my way in and quickly out of my garage, leaving in my small black Audi.


I placed the copies of the power point neatly at every desk in the conference room.

From there I headed into my office and sent out emails and text messages to our targeted customers, setting and confirming appointments.

" Why are you here, Alexia?" I heard a voice ask while pulling my door open.

" You know, it's called work. I know it's a new concept to you, but people need to do this to make a living." I retaliated, not once looking up and not once stopping what I was doing. " Some of us work for every thing they own and they don't get shit handed to them on a silver platter like you."

" Are you getting smart?" The voice asked amused.

" Yes, and what's the worst you can do to me, Josh?" I asked finally looking up. The way he leaned against the door made me so angry at him. "Fire me?"

His eyebrows raised and then fell.

" Yes! you're fired." He said getting serious.

" Fine. But there's no one dumb enough to work for your hard headed ass. "

"Obviously you are." He came back.

I walked slowly up to him till I was close to eye level with him. I threw the stack of papers behind me and I narrowed my eyes.

" Not any more." I took in a deep breath. " I quit being your secretary, your manager, your accountant, your girlfriend. Your everything. I quit. " I stepped back for a brief second. "Damn shame. You were somewhat attractive."

The look that sprung across his eyes let me know that he was hurt and naturally it was up to me to make it better but not this time.

I stepped out of the conference room. " I want your shit out of the condo by 7pm tomorrow night or I'll burn every damn thing." I said as I walked out to gather my things before I drove home.

At home, I wrapped myself in my blankets again, motivation to do any thing was long gone and I didn't want to speak to or see anyone. I had turned off my phone and gone to sleep for an eternity to the vocals of an English Ginger.


The smell of old books and fabric softener engulfed me. I could feel something like a feather tickling my cheek and I smiled. I reached up to touch it and it disappeared.

I opened my eyes, disturbed and almost grouchy. I met with his bright green eyes first and he leaned into me and kissed my forehead.

"I'm here, Alexia. " He said first. In my foggy vision, I could see that his eyes were glassy and big.

"Is your stuff out?" I asked suddenly becoming cold to him.

"No. It's not." He said quietly before he looked away for a brief second.

" I'll be out with Carrie for the dinner we were supposed to be attending and I'll just tell her you weren't feeling well" I looked away and I pulled myself out of bed. I headed into the bathroom and ran the shower. I stepped back into the room that was painted dark gray and had splashes of baby blue, white and silver accessories. I reached for the white closet doors and pulled them wide open, hunting for the perfect dress.

" Go with the white tribal cocktail dress. You look best in that." he said before stepping out of the room.

As I got ready for a quick unplanned evening out, I tried not to think of him packing his stuff all around the house.

I drove quickly to dinner with bright eyed-lighthearted Carrie. Her bright personality was sure to cheer me up, I was sure of it.


"So spill it!" Carrie said curling her blond tight ringlets around her finger. "You're either engaged, pregnant or something bad happened. You never wear that dress when you're out with me unless there's something you have to share with me."

" Care-" I forced a laugh. " There is nothing to share!" she rolled her eyes and gave me a look that told me she didn't believe a word I said.

" Where's Josh." At the sound of his name my heart almost broke. "See... that look! Spill and don't spare a single detail."

She leaned over the table and looked at me. She was pulling a best friend thing and I wasn't gonna fall for it.

Assuming she got this, " best friend code chapter 2 section one. Sharing.. Best friends shall always share details in their lives no matter how small, irrelevant or shocking, without fear of judgement." She quoted the book she and I wrote 13 years ago.

" Josh is so insensitive and the dictionary definition of insanity." I started after sipping on my Cosmo. "He fired me from work and I told him that I quit him." I looked at her and sighed. " I have never met a man who is so stickler on following tradition. All this started over him wanting me to stay home and letting him take care of bringing home a paycheck."

She gave a mhmm and nodded sipping on her martini.

" Well in my ideal world, that's perfect. I wanna be taken care of, I wouldn't mind sitting at home tanning by the pool side and sipping on some wine, waiting for my version of Josh to come back home and take even better care of me." Carrie laughed and I rolled my eyes at her.

" I know you would! But that's you, I'm very hands on and I can't even stand going on lunch breaks at work. That kind of lifestyle is made for certain people, like senator's wives or something. I'm not built for that life style." I sighed. " So he got mad when I opposed his idea, and when I brought up the fact that I wasn't in the proper marital status to make a decision that big."

" That is a valid point." Carrie said looking at me. " and where did he bring this topic up?"

" He had let me drive his new range rover and I could tell that he wanted something. We were on the way to the grocery store and I turned the car around and took us home.

"He still hasn't gotten used to the fact that I will not always say yes to his every command."

Carrie chuckled. The music that was up beat changed to slow in a matter of seconds, and the lights in the restaurant dimmed even more than they originally were. The chatter of people died down to a mere whisper. I looked at Carrie and we both gave a questioning look.

" Could he be testing me?" I asked looking at my best friend.

" I don't think so. If he was, he would have brought up a prenup, and he would have made you sign a contract way back when."

I felt a gentle hand run down the length of my arm and I froze. I would have screamed, but the look on Carrie's face told me that either she knew the person or we both knew the person.

Behind me, I heard someone squat and take a deep breath.

"Hi," his deep voice sent shivers through my spine.

I looked up at Carrie and widened my eyes. I knew who he was. And Carrie knew who he was. She smiled slightly.

"May I have this dance?"

His warm hand wrapped around mine and he brought it to his lips.

Carrie nodded.

I sighed and pulled myself to my feet. I pulled at the length of the white dress and followed him to the small space next to our table.

He snaked his arm around my waist and took my left hand in his as he pulled me to him. Whispers broke around the restaurant like wild fire and I looked up at him.

" I told you I didn't want to see you anymore." I reminded him.

" I love you so much, and I honestly don't know why I acted like such an ass last night. If you don't want to stay home, that's fine with me. If you want to stay home that's also fine with me. I just want to make sure you're happy and well taken care of." He whispered as his cheek rested against mine.

I stayed silent for a while as he swayed with me quietly. My head rested on the white shirt he had on. "I know that. Your intentions are great but the way you deliver them could be tweaked a bit.

"Until you do that, I think it's best to stay apart." Even I didn't believe the words as I quietly told him.

" I can't." Hurt followed after each word he spoke. " I can't handle losing you as my girlfriend. Nor can I handle leaving you or you leaving me.

"Please don't go...I'll no longer be sane. I will never find another woman like you.

"I promise I'll let you freely let you make important decisions right along side with me. I love you so much that I can't even put it in words! Please stay with me." I heard his voice crack multiple times. He rested his forehead on mine and I felt a light drizzle fall onto my cheeks.

"I have never been so scared to lose anything or anyone in my life, love. Please stay..." He continued. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his erratic heartbeat and breathing.

"Please." he whispered to me. Moving slowly around the dance floor, we swayed and moved about in the smallest moves and gestures.

" You almost lost me." I mumbled up to him. " But I'm glad you didn't."

I tilted my head up to him and he leaned down hesitantly. When I didn't move, he proceeded to touch his lips gently with mine.

"I will stay." I told him finally when our lips separated. A small smile found home on his lips and he sighed and wrapped me tighter into his grip.

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