Mending Fences

By LavenderBlue04

10.7K 310 854

Goodbye Goodbye is such a small word A word that has many meanings So much depth and despair Goodbye can m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 9

366 11 37
By LavenderBlue04

(This is a shout out to all my wonderful Wattpad friends who I've gathered on here, thank you)

Natsuki's POV:

  I really missed Sayori,  whenever Yuri and I were struggling or I needed a friend's advice on if a gift was good enough. You know when I couldn't talk to Yuri, I always had Sayori or Monika.  Mostly Sayori.  Now my only options were Cassie, Annie or Axle,  all of which were annoying choices.  I feel like Axle would be overly helpful,  Cassie would make a joke out of it and Annie would find some way to backstab me.

   I don't know how I even got in this position,  sitting at a bar, downing my troubles with a beer. I promise myself I'd never be like my papa. But Yuri just got so  mad for no reason.

      Like one minute I'm her hero and the next I'm so frustrating she can't stand me. I glared straight ahead at the TV dryly, yay sports.
"You look depressed." A soft voice sighed and I turned to look at the voice and smiled.
   "You're Bernadette's mom right?" I asked and she smiled at me.
    "Yup that's me, Atsuko, but you can call me Akko. My wife wrote a story based off us, as like witches or something, your uh niece was wearing the shirt." She mumbled, it was obvious she had already had a bit much to drink.

  "Your wife wrote little witch academia?!" I exclaimed and she chuckled lowly taking another sip of her drink.
   "If that's what it's called then yup." She popped the p on yup as she gulped down the rest of her drink and urged the bartender to bring her another one. "She's all mad cause I was being reckless or whatever.." she murmured and I nodded.

  "My wife just got all mad at me for no reason." I vented and Akko giggled,  she reminded me a lot of Sayori. 
   "Oh been there done that!" She laughed spilling some of her drink on the counter.
   "What do you do for a living?" I question and her eyes sparked to life with excitement.

  "I'm a performer,  I do magic" she winked as she sipped her drink once more. This was nice, it wasn't Sayori, but it was nice. Besides I needed a goofball friend again. I took a sip of my beer.


  "Mama!" A soft voice hissed and I saw a teenager approaching my new friend and so I nudged her.
  "Huh what no, I didn't mean to make her a duck. " she wiped her drool from her mouth and looked to her daughter. 
   "Ursula what are you doing in here?" She demanded slurring every other word. The brunette gave her an incredulous look.

  "Mom has been calling you constantly,  and unless you want to die,  I suggest you come home with me." She whispered grabbing Akko's arm and helping her from the barstool.
   "She's already going to, cause between you and me I had a bit to drink." She stage whispered and Ursula rolled her blue eyes dryly.
   "Honestly mama I don't understand what possessed you to even coming into such an establishment. " she grumbled and Akko reached out poking her cheek.

  "You talk fancy just like Diana." She laughed, I watched them go, maybe I shouldn't have left my phone at home, or Yuri with all the kids. I stumble from my chair and out the door.

  "Okay I cannot leave you here, or let you drive." Akko's daughter took my keys.  "Who can I call for you?" She demanded  and for some reason I couldn't think of anyone so I just shrugged.

  "That's it I'm calling mom. " she grumbled dialing the number as she paced the sidewalk.
   "Tattletale. " Akko grumbled sitting on the sidewalk. I sat next to her and my mind began to  wander.

  "I won't forgive her for this, I'm just so upset. " Sayori sobbed as I sat across from her as she began eating a basket of  fries, the third one that night. Sayori was a stress eater.

"Sayo breath with me,  you and Monika were talking about having kids right? Plus the baby is part Monika,  how can you not love it?"  I tried to be the voice of reason as Sayori ordered a basket of tater tots. Here we were sitting at a diner, drowning our sorrows in food. 

  "She's my wife Natsuki,  and she had sex with a man, not just any man, but our friend, well my ex-friend MC!" She exclaimed finishing off the fries as she tossed the basket with the other two. Her blue eyes were cloudy and angry.

  "Sayo I understand.." I reason and she looks up at me sharply.
   "Oh you understand? Tell me Natsuki when did Yuri sleep with MC and become pregnant?" She demanded and I cringed at her sharp tone.


"Shut up Natsuki,  you don't know okay! You don't feel like you're insignificant or replaceable,  you don't feel like he can give her everything that I... I can't. " she whimpered and  I frowned in concern. "Damn it I hate this!" She exclaimed and I jumped because Sayori never swore, like ever.

  "I'm so sorry Natsuki,  I'm so sorry!" She sobbed after she finished her tater tots,  "I'm just so angry because I know...I know that I've already forgiven her...because...because I love her so much. " 

  "Natsuki Tanaka!" I jumped at the sound of Kayte's voice. She towered over me sternly,  her arms were crossed and her expression was hard.
  "Hiya Kayte!" I waved at her brightly and she sighed heavily helping me to my feet.
   "You're lucky you're an adorable drunk." She muttered nudging me into the front seat.

No one's POV:

    "Natsuki do you have any idea how worried I was?" Yuri greeted Natsuki at the door as She swayed and stumbled up the front stairs and Kayte knocked on the door.
   "You're so pretty, Kayte isn't she pretty?" Natsuki giggled and Yuri glowered at her.

  "Is. She. Drunk?" Her wife questioned teeth clenched. Kayte sighed handing the intoxicated woman over to her wife.
   "Unfortunately yes." She whispered as Natsuki clung to Yuri,  burying her face in her chest.
   "Natsuki stop that, you smell like beer!" Yuri complained shoving her back. Natsuki pouted.
   "Then let's take a bath together. " she proposed suggestively giggling as she wiggled her eyebrows.

  "God when you're sober I'm going to kill you!"

To be Continued...

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