Live to Rise. (Loki Love stor...

By XHannahxHorrorX

14.8K 324 34

Aries is a 44 old woman. But with one slight difference. She doesnt look it. Aries is a "Super Hero". She loo... More

Live to Rise. (Loki Love story)
The End!


895 26 2
By XHannahxHorrorX

"YES. I have won again!" Thor yelled pounding his fists on the table.

"Thor, You dented the table again" I said chuckling a bit. He blushed slightly and hit the table from the underside, Fixing it. We had been playing for hours. Tony and Steve had left the game and were replaced by Natasha.

"Okay, I think i'm done." I said laughing. 

"Same. I'm gonna go see how the search is going." Natasha said. 

"I'll come too." I said. Thor joined us and we all walked into Dr. Banners lab.

"Phase two is where S.H.I.E.L.D uses the power from the tesseract to create weapons. Sorry, The computer was moving to slow for me." I heard Steve say as we walked in. He placed a very large weapon on the table and I raised my brow.

"Rogers, We gathered everything relateed to the tesseract. This does not mean we are making wea-" Fury started.

"I'm sorry Nick. Were you lying?" Stark said moving a screen to face everyone. On it, Was a blue print. For a bomb. A nuclear bomb.

"I'd like to know why S.H.I.E.L.D is using the tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction." Dr. Banner said pointing to the screen.

"Because of him." Fury said pointing to Thor.

"Me?" Thor asked confused.

"Last year earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that leveled a small town. We learned that not only are we not alone, But we are hopelessly, Hilariously out gunned." Fury said.

"My people are at nothing but peace with you." Thor said.

"But you're not the only ones out there are you?" Fury retorted.

"You're work with the tesseract is what drew Loki to it. And his allies. It is a signal to all the realms that Earth is ready for a higher form of war." Thor said angered.

"You forced our hand." Fury said.

"A nuclear deturrent? Cause that always calms everythin right down." Stark said.

"Remind me again how you made your fourtune, Stark." Fury said.

"Wait a sec, How is this now about me?" Stark asked.

"I'm sorry, Isn't everything?" Steve said stepping closer. Everyone began to argue as I just stood there. Fury and Thor were spitting words at each other, Tony and Steve were bumping chests and Dr. Banner and Natasha were arguing. 

"You speak of control yet you cause chaos." Thor said smirking.

"Thats his MO isn't it? I mean what are we? A team? No. Were a chemical mixture that makes chaos. Were... Were a time-bomb." Dr. Banner said.

"You need to step away." Fury said.

"Why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?" Tony said.

"You know damn well why. Back off." Steve said.

"Oh, I'm starting to want you to make me." Tony said.

"Yeah, Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, What are you?" Steve asked.

"Genious, Billionaire, PLayboy, Philanthropist." Tony said.

"I know guys with none of that worth 10 of you. You only fight for yourself. You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play. To lay down on the wire and let the other guys crawl over you." Steve said getting in his face.

"I think i'd just cut the wire." Tony said.

"Always the easy way out. You know, You may not be a threat. But you better stop pretending to be the hero." Steve said.

"A hero? You? You're a laboratory experiment. Everything special about you came out of a bottle." Tony said. I bit my lip and stepped back. This way about to get ugly.

"Put on the suit. Lets go a few rounds." Steve smirked.

"Hahaha. You people are so petty. And tiny." Thor laughed.

"Yeah.. This is a team!: Dr. Banner snorted.

"Agent Romanoff would you escort back to his-" 

"Where? You rented my room." Dr. Banner said.

"The cell was just incase-

"You needed to kill me. I know. I tried. I got low. I didn't see an end. So I put a bullet in my mouth. And the other guy spit it out." Dr. Banner said.

"You wanna know my secret Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?" He growled. She reached for her gun and so did Fury. 

"Dr. Banner, Put down the septar." Steve said. Dr. Banner looked down at his hand confused. He was holding it. The computers start going off and he put it down. 

"I'll go get it." Tony said starting to leave.

"You're not going alone." Steve said grabbing him.

"You gonna stop me?" Tony said.

"Put on the suit." Steve said pushing him. Then there was a loud explosion and I fell to the ground.

"Put on the suit!" Steve said,

"Yep!" Tony said and they both took off. Natasha and Dr. Banner were no where in sight

"Stark you got that?" I heard Fury say into his ear piece.

"I'm on it." Tony said. I got to my feet and ran to the cell where Loki was being held.

"Loki! Whats going on?!" I asked running to the glass.

"Its Barton! He took out our systems. Hes headed for the detention center." I heard Fury say in my ear piece. 

"Hide," Loki said. And I looked at him. He looked at me with intense eyes and I did as he said. Thor came barralling into the chamber just as the door to the cell opened.

"No!" Thor yelled and ran at him. Loki possed to tackle him, But Thor crashed through his projection and fell into the cage. I covered my mouth to hold in my wimper. Loki was now standing by the control box.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" He asked Thor.

"The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?" Loki asked with a smile. Then, Loki's man dropped to the floor and I saw Phil.

"Move away please." Phil said hold a rather large gun. Loki stepped back.

"You like this? We stared working on it after you sent the destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Wanna find out?" Phil asked switching it on. Then Phil made a grunting noise and somthing stabbed him from behind. He fell to the ground and I saw Loki stabbing him with the septar. 

"No!" Thor cried. I ran from my hiding and knelt beside Phil. 

"Phil!" I said touching him. His warm blood slicked my hands and poured underneath my knees. Loki walked over to the box and lifted the lever. Wind flooded the chamber, Then he pressed the button and Thor was gone. I stared after him.

"You'r going to loose." Phil said to Loki.

"What?" Loki asked.

"Its in your nature." Phil said,

"Your heros are scattered, Your fortress is falling. Where is my disadvantage?" Loki asked.

"You lack conviction." Phil said.

"I don't think I-" Loki said then Fired the gun at him and he went flying.

"So thats what it does." Phil said. Then he sputtered a little and looked at me.

"Coulson!" I heard Fury calling. I looked around and saw Loki standing. Waiting for me. I looked between them. My world... Or my heart... I stood up and walked over taking Loki's hand. I knew what my choice was.

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