Beautiful Tragedy (A 1D fanfi...

By BeccaCommander

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Like many typical girls Becca aged 16 falls head over heels for the boy-band One Direction, but what she didn... More

Tragedy (A 1D fanfic)
Chapter 1 - What to do?
Chapter 2 - Club 7 in heaven
Chapter 3 - Love strikes
Chapter 4 - Need your name!
Chapter 5 - Walk in the park
Chapter 6 - Just for fun?!
please read this!
Chapter 7 - Not so innocent
Chapter 8 - Confession time
Chapter 9 - Interview from hell
Chapter 10 - Fight club.
Chapter 11 - Snapped
Chapter 12 - Human
Chapter 13 - Stuck in love
Chapter 14 - Game plan
Chapter 15 - Face the truth
Chapter 16 - The truth hurts
Chapter 18 - Bitter Sweet
Chapter 19 - Past and Playful
Chapter 20 - May the truth be told
Final Chapter - A place to call home

Chapter 17 - Cries and Apologies

78 1 0
By BeccaCommander


The party was now over, Niall and Katherine had kicked everyone out early after finding out the truth about what happened with Becca's past. I am shocked and disgusted that any guy would do such a thing, I can literally feel my stomach in bits at the thought of it all, it was making me angry. If I ever met this Ollie guy he would not be able to survive what I had in store for him.

It was only me, the lads, Becca, Piper, Katherine and this Craig guy now only in the house.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Craig now asks Becca with tears in his eyes, he looked so helpless like he wanted to do something but what could we actually do now besides kill Ollie?

Becca was now looking at the ground, full on hysterically crying. I don't blame her, I want to cry with her. I can't believe what Niall and Katherine have just done. That was not the way to go at all, not with a crowd around whilst Becca told us about the abuse she had to endure, she has gone through enough fucking shit, and now this? To say I'm angry with Niall is an understatement.

"I was scared and ashamed. I wanted to tell you but it was my word against his, I had no proof" Becca cried to Craig, he now held his arms out to her for a hug which she gratefully accepted but started crying even more if that's possible.

"I would have believed you. Fuck I'm such an asshole for letting you leave" Craig now says beating himself up about it, he's probably wishing that he could have stopped it, that he could've beaten the guys ass then and there.

I look towards Zayn who was now sat on the couch leant forward elbow on his knees, he was trying to grasp everything that's happened in the last 2 hours. His head must be swirling with different emotions right now so I take it upon myself to see if he's alright.

Walking over to Zayn I tilt my head to the side to get a better look of his face, "You okay there Zayn? You look like you need someone to talk to" I ask him making a statement, all I receive back is a huff from him, he shakes his head and then places it into his hands. I guess he doesn't want to talk then.

"Okay... well I'm here if you need anything" I say then walk away leaving him.


When Louis walks away from me I finally look up and see that Craig is now holding Becca in an embrace which kicks my jealous mode into full blast. She is still my girlfriend.

"Becca?" I say her name hoping to get her attention and pull her away from him, I want to be the one holding her and comforting her, that's my job.

Becca lets go of Craig and now turns to face me. Her eyes are red raw from all the crying and she still has some tears on her face making me instantaneously wipe them away for her, as soon as I do this she runs into my arms holding onto me for dear life tucking her head into my chest, like I might leave her now after finding out the truth. Well i'm definitely not leaving her.

"Fuck baby, I am so so sorry" I apologise over and over again whilst swaying us side to side and my hand running through her hair to try and comfort her. "I can't believe that happened to you and I swear on my life I will never let that happen to you again. I will personally beat the shit out of anyone who will even look at you funny" I console my girlfriend whilst letting some tears of my own slip past.

Craig was now watching us in our embrace and it was clear that he was feeling upset that she had moved on to someone else, that someone being me of course.

Becca looked up to me her green eyes staring right into mine. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you" She cried, her breath got caught in her throat from all the crying she had done and seeing her like this broke me.

"Don't you dare apologise. You have nothing to be sorry for" I demand to her then place my lips onto her forehead kissing her. "I love you" I now whisper to her "And no one is going to touch you ever again"

With that said she leant up kissing me "I love you too Zayn" She says back reciprocating the feelings making me smile at her then kiss her again.

We then hear someone clear their throat making us both snap our heads in that direction, it was Niall and Katherine was stood beside him, they were both stood there looking guilty as ever as they should be. It took all of my might not to punch him right now but I won't, not in front of Becca anyway.

"We just want to say that we are really sorry. What we did was way out of line and we see that now, you don't have to forgive us because what we did was really shitty" Katherine spoke up on behalf of the both of them.

I couldn't say anything, I didn't want to say something i'd regret because unlike them two I think before I do or say anything so instead I just glared at them.

Craig then broke the silence now making us all turn to him. "So I was brought here for you two to humiliate Becca?" He queires now looking angry and when Niall nods his head 'yes' he lunges towards him punching him in the jaw.

I had to pull Craig away from him because even though i'm pissed at Niall we need him in one piece for when we go on tour. "Although you did me a job there Craig, it's not worth it" I try to reason with him but he just pulls away from me and sends an angry glare at Niall and Katherine but then turns to me and Becca.

"You two seem really happy together, I'm glad you've found someone who can give you everything you want Becca" He smiles but I can tell it's forced and that he is now letting her go. "I'm going home, I have shit to fix. Ollie is the one that deserves his ass beating" Craig now says to all of us.

"He isn't getting away with this"

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