Broken - A Hunger Games Story

By Azzanspazza

465 19 4

In a dark vision of the near future twelve boys and girls are forced to appear in a live TV show called The H... More

Chapter One - Willow
Chapter Three - Ash
Chapter Four - Trains and Tactics
Chapter Five - Apollo
Chapter Six - The Opening Ceremony
Chapter Seven - Time to Train
Chapter Eight - Gamemakers

Chapter Two - Reaping

63 4 1
By Azzanspazza

Closing your eyes can block out the world. But not for long. You can't hide from your problems forever. Eventually the pain pulls you back to reality. I neatly fold my bed sheet and walk through to the porch wear I fill Juniper's bowel with the legs of a rabbit. I watch as she greedily takes it all in. She dozes off and I look at a small clock on the fire place. It's 9:48 AM. The reaping is at two. I decide to head to the woods for the possible last time.


The snow has thinned out but I still see that my footprints have been re-covered by the falling ice. The pine trees tower above. This is the noisisest part of Seven, besides the saw-mills. It teems with life whatever the weather. Birds flutter by me chirping and the deer are common in these parts. I often think of life as a bird: Flying and seeing the world from a whole new point of view.

A butterfly gently lands on my shoulder. It's beautiful. A slim body and majestic black and white wings patterned with neat swirls. Symmetrical down to every last detail. Thats when I realise I've been walking aimlessly for around an hour and begin to head home.

I turn my head and something catches my eye. A rough wooden plank with two tight blue strings supporting it from a tree. I see Jason swinging, smilng and happy. I remember his delicate hands tying the blue rope and almost falling when attatching it onto the highest branch. I can't stop myself.

It overlooks a beautiful river teeming with fish. I bravely jump up onto the plank and take flight from the ground. I speed up. I am a bird flying high above a river, soaring through the trees. Alive. And free.

I launch myself from the swing, landing on my crouched feet and rolling into a standing position at the edge of the river. I look up and see the sun halfway across the sky. It must be around noon.

I reach home where I see Diana stood in a simple yet elegant yellow dress. A butterfly sewn onto the corner. Her eyes are filled with tears.

"Hey it's okay...I'll go get changed..." I say whilst giving her a tight hug. As I walk inside she goes to sit on the rocking chair.

I pull on a white dress with black embroidery. A family hand-me-down, but it will do. I walk through to the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. My bright hazel eyes stare back into my own. My short hair hangs just below my sholder and I purse my lips together before whispering good luck to my reflective partner.

My mother is sleeping peacefully so I kiss her hand and wipe away tears. I write a note saying - See you soon... you've got nothing to worry about. My names only in there 27 times, right? I love you.

I give Juniper a quick stroke before I go to rejoin Diana outside. We don't talk at all on the twenty minute journey to the square. We just look straight ahead, trying our best to forget what is about to happen, knowing that no more words are necessary. We walk past the cemetery and I hear stifled sobs from Diana. Through the middle forest and to the main sector of the district, that's where all of the shops and stalls are situated. But today... no shops are open for buisness. All shutters are tightly shut and door's securely locked. There's no sign of life.


By the time we reach the square it is almost full. The twelve year old section is situated at the front of the stage stretching back to the eighteen year olds at the very back of the vast square. Peacekeepers patrolling guns raised and ready to attack anyone who violates the law. I register and then Diana and I find the fifteen year old section.

It is eerily quiet. No rough sounds from the mill. Nobody laughing. Nobody talking. Everyone tense as Mayor Jones walks out onto the raised stage before the Justice Builiding, a huge grey piece of architecture. A glass dome in the center. Our mayor begins.... "Hello citizens of District Seven. We are here to celebtrate the Ninety Third hunger Games. We would like to thank you for your...." the speech goes on..... "... I will now list the tributes that have fallen for this country from our district. Kraig Barker, Jack Knot, Blight......." he drones on, but I hear no sound. "So now can I please welcome your district mentor Johanna Mason." This sparks my attention. I have always respected Johanna Mason. She is an incredible person who has done incredible things. She is a victor.

"I would like to say... good luck" She says with gritted teeth. She opens her mouth to add something but quickly turns away and sits down on a wooden chair at the back of the stage. The mayor goes on to introduce our Capitol Escort. She is an extravangantly dressed woman, just like everyone in the Capitol. She wears an extremely tight-fitting purple silk dress and sparkly gold hair. Her eccentric and bright clothes contrast drastically to the dull and faded colours of District Seven.

"Hello, hello!" Silence. Her voice echoes around the Square. "I am Gracie Goldisle and I am here to conduct the reaping for you young folks today. Isn't this just lovely..." She begins to walk over to the glass ball with the female tributes names inside. There are twenty seven neatly folded pieces of paper in their with my name neatly written in prefect handwriting. I find myself gripping onto Diana's shaking hand, my heart beating so fast.


She clears her throat.


She delves her perfectly manicured hand into the bowl....


Her fingers swirl over each slip of paper...


She sharply plucks a piece out and unfolds it slowly...


"Willow Thorne!" she announces.

My heart stops.

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