Incendiary: Carl Grimes Love...

By AlyssaGomez1515

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" Children shouldn't play with guns." " Who said I was playing ?" Maya Rosewood was twelve years old when th... More

• Maya Rosewood•
Incendiary Epigraph
Chapter One: What Lies Ahead
Chapter Two: Bloodletting
Chapter Three: Saving The Last One
Chapter Four: Cherokee Rose
Chapter Five: Chupacabra
Chapter Six: Secrets
Chapter Seven: Pretty Much Dead Already
Chapter Eight: Nebraska
Chapter Nine: Triggerfinger
Chapter Ten: Judge, Jury, Executioner
Chapter Eleven: Better Angels
Chapter Twelve : Besides The Dying Fire
• Maya Rosewood Season 3 •
Chapter Thirteen: Seed
Chapter Fourteen: Sick
Chapter Fifteen: Killer Within
Chapter Sixteen: Say The Word
Chapter Seventeen: Hounded
Chapter Eighteen: When The Dead Come Knocking
Chapter Nineteen: Made To Suffer
Chapter Twenty: Sucide King
Chapter Twenty One: Home
Chapter Twenty Two: I Ain't a Judas| Clear | Arrows
Chapter Twenty Three: This Sorrowful Life
Chapter Twenty Four: Welcome To The Tombs
• Maya Rosewood Season 4 •
Chapter Twenty-Five: 30 Days Without An Accident
Chapter Twenty-Six: Infected
Chapter Twenty Eight: Indifference
Chapter Twenty Nine: Interment
Chapter Thirty: Too Far Gone
Chapter Thirty One: Alone
Chapter Thirty Two: Claimed
Chapter Thirty Three: "A"
• Maya Rosewood Season 5 •
Chapter Thirty Four: No Sanctuary
Chapter Thirty Five: Strangers
Chapter Thirty Six: Four Walls And A Roof
Chapter Thirty Seven: Crossed
Chapter Thirty Eight: Coda
Chapter Thirty Nine: What's Happening | Them
Chapter Forty: The Distance
Chapter Forty One: Remember
Chapter Forty Two: Forget
Chapter Forty Three: Spend
Chapter Forty Four: Try
Chapter Forty Five: Conquer
• Maya Rosewood Season 6•
Chapter Forty Six: First Time Again
Chapter Forty Seven: JSS
Chapter Forty Eight: Now
Chapter Forty Nine: Heads Up
Chapter Fifty : Start To Finish
Chapter Fifty One: No Way Out
Maya Dixon
Chapter Fifty Two: The Next World
Chapter Fifty Three: Knots Untied
Chapter Fifty Four: Not Tomorrow Yet
Chapter Fifty Five: Twice As Far
Chapter Fifty Six: Last Day On Earth Part 1
Chapter Fifty Seven: The Last Day On Earth Part 2
• Maya Dixon Season 7 •
Chapter Fifty Eight: The Day Will Come When You Will Be
Chapter Fifty Nine: The Cell
Chapter Sixty: Service
Chapter Sixty One: Go Getters
Chapter Sixty Two: Sing Me A Song
Chapter Sixty Three: Sing Me A Song II
Chapter Sixty Four: Hearts Still Beating

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Isolation

2.4K 70 17
By AlyssaGomez1515

Daryl's Pov

" Where the hell is she ?"

I had been looking for Maya everywhere, but I couldn't find the girl. After finding Karen and David burned alive, Maya had gone missing and the last thing I needed to hear was someone got their hands on her. I walked into Cell Block C and opened the curtain to Carl's old dorm seeing no one was inside.

" Shit." I cursed and walked outside to the benches seeing no one also. I walked by to the courtyard till I saw her legs peeking out from a corner.

" Maya ? Maya !" I yelled and ran over to the girl seeing she was sickly pale with purple bags around her eyes, sweating to death." Maya, can you hear me ? Maya ?"

" Daryl !" I heard and looked up seeing Rick and Glenn run over seeing the girl on the floor.

" I found her like this."

" She's sick." Rick informed and I could feel my heart drop at those words. Not her. She was just on a run with me yesterday. I placed my hand on her forehead seeing her skin was burning up.

Glenn nodded." She was coughing earlier when we were at the fence. Said it was allergies."

" Take her to Cell Block D."

" Why ? So she can be murdered like Karan and David ?!" I yelled, but Rick shook his head.

" Doctor S is now there guarding the patients. Plus, we got more then two people sick. It's harder to burn more." Rick said and I nodded picking the sick girl up. I started to walk to Cell Block D not taking very long to hear the coughs.

" Daryl ?" Maya's weak voice asked. I looked down seeing she could barely open her eyes from how swollen they were.

" It's okay, sunshine. You'll be alright."

" I'm...sorry."

" You got nothing to be sorry about." I reassured kicking on the door before seeing Doctor S open it. He saw it was Maya in my arms and looked to sadly to the pair.

" I'm sorry, Daryl."

" She's going to be okay." I assured walking to an empty cell and placing Maya on the bed. I moved some hair from her face before turning to Doctor S." You watch her now, okay. Make sure no one except my people come near her."

" You have my word, Daryl." Doctor S said.

I nodded kissing Maya's forehead before leaving. There had to be a cure somewhere. A way that Maya could get better and not end up like Patrick or Karen. I made my way to Hershel's office seeing the council members ready for a meeting.

" It's spread.' Hershel began." Everyone who survived the attack in cell block D. Sasha, Caleb, Maya, and now others."

Carol nodded shrugging her shoulders." So what do we do ?"

" First things first. Cell block A is isolation. We keep the sick people there like we tried with Karen and David."

" What the hell we gonna do about that  ?"

" Ask Rick to look into it." Carol said looking to him." Try to make a timeline. Who's where when, but what are we gonna do to stop this ?"

" There is no stopping it. You get it, you have to go through it."

" But it just kills you ?" Michonne worried already thinking about Maya being one of the ones. I knew she cared about Maya like her own since they always laughed on runs or when on watch.

" The illness doesn't. The symptoms do. We need antibiotics."

" We've been through every pharmacy nearby and then some."

" That veterinary college at West Peachtree Tech, that's one place people may not have thought to raid for medication. The drugs for animals there are the same we need."

" That's 50 miles. Too big a risk before. Ain't now." I said nodding my head knowing despite the miles, Maya needed the medicine to survive and there was no way in hell I was going to allow some sickness to take her." I'm gonna take a group out. Best not waste any more time."

" I'm in." Michonne volunteered seeing it caused Hershel to turn around.

" You haven't been exposed. Daryl has. You get in a car with him-"

" He's already given me fleas." Michonne asked causing the old man to laugh before standing up and looking to the two.

" I can lead the way. I know where everything's kept."

Michonne and I looked to each other not liking the idea, but I spoke up." When we're out there, it's always the same. Sooner or later we run."

" I can draw you a map." Hershel said understanding the idea and glad I brought the point up." There are other precautions I feel we should take."

" Like what ?"

" There's no telling how long it'll be before Daryl and his group return. Wouldn't it make sense for us to separate the most vulnerable ? We can use the administration building. Separate office, separate room."

Glenn asked." Who is the most vulnerable ?"

" The very young."

" What about the old ?" Glenn asked looking to the man unsure. He knew it would break Maggie and Beth if something had happened to him.

Hershel laughed yet again shaking his head." I'm steel, Glenn."

Carl's Pov

" It's for your own good." Dad said watching me packing away all my belongings and heading to a separate building that would keep the kids safe from the virus. I rolled my eyes at the comment shoving my belongings now.

" I'm fine. I don't want to be locked away with a bunch of kids."

" I need you in there keeping an eye on Judith and everybody else."

" Is Maya coming ?" I asked looking up to his face." I haven't seen her all day."

Dad didn't know what to say. His face froze and for second it felt like he was keeping something from me. He swallowed shaking his head." She was in Cell Block D when the attack happen so no. Plus, she had things to do. You need to be careful in the safe house. Making sure they're safe. If anybody gets sick, you let me know."

" What if they've already turned when I find them ?"

" You don't fire unless you absolutely need to."

" But you know I might need to, right ?" I asked serious knowing whatever was happening was bad. Dad nodded his head knowing it also and allowed me to head down, but I turned around.

" Tell Maya..." I said looking down hoping I would run into her when I went." I'll see her soon."

Dad nodded not wanting to say a word. I nodded back leaving, but I couldn't hide the feeling in my gut that something was wrong.

Daryl's Pov

" Son of a bitch is about a quart low." I said seeing Michonne walk over to me with some bags in her hands.

" You still keep it in the bottom of tower three ?"

" Yeah."

" I'll go get one." Michonne said, but didn't move an inch." I know you're worried about her."

I looked up to her knowing what she mean't before looking back to the car. My hands were moving around the car rapidly knowing the minute it was good to go we could be on the road finding the cure.

" She's a fighter."

" Believe me, I know she is, but that doesn't stop you from worrying about her."

" That's my partner in crime."

" No, she's like your daughter, Dixon." Michonne said instantly making my face tense." Ever since I met you both, you always been like a father. Telling her what not to do and scolding her for not listening despite knowing she never does listen. It's time to face it. You're a dad."

" Please." I rumbled making Michonne laugh.

"  So it's just gonna be me and you like in the old days ?"

" Yeah, and Bob. Still, feels like we could use another person."

" Who else isn't sick ?"

" We don't ask Rick." I suggested wiping my hands on my jeans." He wants to stay here with Carl and Little Ass-Kicker. Keep them safe. Plus there's plenty of stuff he could do here."

" So who else we got ?" Michonne asked while I closed the hood and looked to her.

" Let me go get him." I said making is way to Cell Block D knowing that was where the extra person would be. I got to the front door seeing Tyreese standing right in front." Oh, there you are. Took me damn near forever to find you. Whatcha doing ?"

" Somebody needs to stand watch."

" Man, I want to find them, too. Maya's in there. Put a bolt in them for what they did. These people are cut off. Ain't no way anyone's getting in and out without a whole bunch of people seeing 'em."

" Sasha's in there. I ain't going nowhere."

" Standing guard ain't gonna do no good unless we come back with them meds." I said, but Tyreese looked back to the window seeing in the distance was Sasha. I understood and nodded my head." All right. We're gassing up by the front gate in case you change your mind."

I made my way around heading back to the car, but stopped seeing the little visiter area. I looked in before walking and tapping on the glass seeing a sick person was near it.

" Hey, can you get me Maya ?"

" Sure." The boy said heading back into the main cells. It didn't take long before Maya stumbled in looking worst then when I found her in the courtyard.

" Hey Robin Hood."

" Hey Sunshine." I said with a low smile trying to boast some confidence in her. She smiled low also and made her way to the glass window." You need to hold on. Michonne, Bob, and I are heading out to get the meds."

" That's dangerous."

" It's worth it."

" Daryl, anything could happen." She said looking to me sadly.

I nodded my head knowing deep down she couldn't stop me from trying to help her." I have to at least try. If I don't, you'll die."

" Daryl-"

" Just stay strong. Keep breathing. I know you are a fighter, Maya. Maggie is going to come every day to make sure your okay."

" Daryl." She coughed out seeing I nodded." I'm sorry."

" There is nothing you need to be sorry for. I should be the one saying sorry." I argued." I shouldn't have let you go to Cell block D alone."

She shook her head quickly." This isn't your fault. Just...Please don't die."

" You got it." I said nodding my head and Maya smiled before stumbling back into the main warehouse.

Carl's Pov

I bounced the ball against the wall for what felt like forever. I never realized how boring life was until Maya and I had to be separated. If she was here, we would of came up with a game or read comic books. She would be excited over the Marvel ones and tell me over and over again how Captain America or Iron man was her favorite superheroes. I heard Hershel door close and got up off the floor seeing him limp to the exit.

" Where are you going ?" I asked.

Hershel looked over surprised to see me in the halls that were mean't to be empty." I'm down here away from y'all 'cause you kids are supposed to stay away from me."

" I've been walking the halls. My dad told me to look out for everyone."

" Well, you should keep your distance." Hershel said causing me to stop walking. I hated hearing those words and not being in the rest of the prison with everyone else.

" You're walking towards the exit."

" I need to go out there. "

" To the cell blocks ?" I asked knowing through the lines what Hershel mean't. The old man slowly turned his head knowing there was no way to by pass me.

"To the woods."

" So you're sneaking out."

" Don't need anyone worrying about me and I damn sure don't want someone telling me I can't go."

" I can't just let you go out into the woods by yourself."

" Let me ?" Hershel questioned.

I nodded my head." I can't stop you, but I have to tell my dad."

" Go ahead, then. I'll be out there by the time you find him." Hershel said and began to walk to the exit. I shook my head and walked to him.

" Hershel. If you have to go, then I have to come with you."

" Carl."

" I have to." I said before looking to the rope bracelet on his wrist." You mean a lot to people."

Hershel stared at me now getting why I was so close to Maya. We were so much a like. Didn't know how to take no for an answer, but in the long run, it helped us survive. Hershel nodded his head and opened the door allowing me to help him with the woods. We got to the woods seeing how humid it was and the only thing to be the bugs. Hershel grabbed some berries before looking over to me and seeing the metal weapon in his hand.

" When did your dad give it back ?"

I looked over seeing Hershel had his eyes on the gun." Yesterday. After everything happened."

" You've grown a lot these last few months The both of you have."

" Maya's always been grown up." I admired.

" There's a responsibility about you. I think it's done you good to step back."

" Yeah. It was all right. Can't be like that all the time."

" I would have been fine on my own. It's peaceful out here. These last couple days, we might be safer outside those walls than in."

" No, we're not." I said before pointing to a walker that was stuck to the side of a tree growing mold. The walker reached out wanting to eat, but didn't even have legs to go.

" Let's wrap this up." Hershel said when we heard metal move. We turned only to see a walker that had a bear trap entangled in the leg rusting with dried blood. I raised my gun ready to shoot, but Hershel shook his head." Don't. You don't need to. It was so peaceful."

" It was. Can't be like that all the time." I said when I noticed a ring on the group.

I picked it up and expected it before placing it in my pocket and walking away with Hershel. The old man opened the bag and looked down seeing how many berries he had found.

" This should be enough for Glenn, Sasha, and Maya."

" Maya ?" I asked turning around to see he was being serious. I didn't see her in the courtyard. She didn't even visit me before I went to the safe house." She's sick ?"

" Carl-"

" Why did no one tell me ? Is she okay ? When did she get it ? I have to see her." I said turning back around towards the prison a bit fast.

" Carl. Carl wait !" Hershel said catching up to me and seeing the terror on my face." You can't."

" She's my best friend !"

" I know she is, but the last thing she needs is learning your sick too just because you saw her. Your job is to watch those kids. My job is to make sure we don't lose her." Hershel said seeing I slowly look down before nodding.

" Okay, but the minute you get there, give the tea to her. I know she won't, but make sure she doesn't give up."

" Promise." Hershel said before walking back to the prison with me.

Maya's Pov

I closed my eyes leaning against Glenn for support. We had both fallen sick and Glenn didn't want me out of his sight worried who ever killed Karen and David would kill me. He told me the story and it had flowed around the Cell block scaring people. Someone had killed Karen and David and on top of it burned their bodies to a crisp. I heard the cell doors open and turned watching Hershel come through the doors.

" Hershel ?" I questioned trying to stand up, but he shook his head coming up the stairs.

" Sit Maya. You need to rest."

" You can't be in here." I said before coughing and sitting halfway down staircase tired. Hershel got to me seeing how pale I was. He set the tea down and grabbed one handing it to me.

" Drink it."

" What is it ?"

" Just drink it stubborn." Hershel said making me laugh lightly at the humor. I grabbed the jar carefully before taking a sip and smiling at the taste.

" How is it out there ?"

" Everyone is worried. The people they care about are in here. Carl's worried for you."

" He knows ?" I asked seeing the old man nodded.

" Almost ran here to see you. He really cares about you." Hershel laughed, but for the first time I felt my cheeks heat up.

" He's my best friend." I said taking another sip before looking up to the doctor." You need to leave, now. If you get sick-"

" I have a heart of an ox, missy." Hershel said causing me to laugh again." And I promise Carl I would both watch you and make sure you don't lose hope. It's important you don't lose hope. Your job is to survive this and laugh it off later.

" I never had a grandpa before, but your good enough for me." I said with a smile seeing Hershel laughed.

" I'll take you for a granddaughter."

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