Hes Not Who He Says He Is (So...

By angelnishinoya_

41.2K 881 233

⚠ may be upsetting to some? ⚠ ( COMPLETED ) "I don't want to fall for someone who won't c... More

His Notebook
The bet
something i need to say
Just a toy
Brennen please
Wtf brennen
face rev
broken promise
Can't be with you
you're drunk and horny
Flashbacks hurt the most
Last chapter

please dont tell anyone

3.1K 74 3
By angelnishinoya_

Sams pov

2 period was almost over and I found out that black hair boys name its Brennen Taylor nice name I guess but I've always liked the name, Colby, I think it's because I used to have a preadolescence crush on a boy named Colby but he didn't really know me so he never knew.

The bell rang and everyone was packing up to leave I put my sketchbook away and started to walk out but someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face them it was Brennen "hey why is that notebook so important to you?" He asked "well it has everything I've ever felt or done it's not my notebook its... It's my diary" I say "your diary, you a boy has a diary?" He says about to burst out a laugh " yeah... Please don't tell anyone." I say "Are you serious?" "Yes please don't tell anyone no one knows but you," I say " okay so what's your third period?" he asks  "uh math I think," I say "what room?" He asked "C2 teacher Alverez," I say "dang you sure know your classes for being new," he said "yeah I memorized my schedule," I say "we have the same math class
" wanna walk together," he says "yeah," I say kinda happy I already have a new friend "let's go cutie," he says I blush lightly not because I like him but because he called me cutie and I've never been called cute in my whole life, but I don't take it to the heart you could tell he was popular just by looking at him. I sigh I'm probably just a dare. We walk into class together and everyone stares I quickly go to the back Brennen following close behind. We get to our seats and sit down. I take out my math book and start taking notes Brennen does the same about 15 minutes pass and we were don't taking notes. Our teacher started giving out an assignment. I started to do it when I felt someone's hand on my thigh. I look down and it's the banners hand I look up at him and he smiles at me and I blush I look away from him.
time skip
The school was over and I didn't feel like walking home so I was walking through a path it looked hand made I look down and see fresh footsteps they looked a little bit bigger than mine like an idiot I followed them to this abandoned warehouse. I walked in and looked around wow this place was big glad I came here instead of home at home no one cares about me, all I had was myself so... I walked up these steps and saw a room the door was open and I heard light snores coming from the room( I'm reading this back like sams so dumb he could have been killed)
I walk up to the room and look inside I see a human figure but they're turned away, then the figured rolled over I looked at there face and realized its the brunette from school. He looked adorable. I slowly close his door and walk back down the stairs I lay on the dirty floor not having a care in the world I pull out my sketchbook and start to draw I draw me but happy I look at the drawing and my eyes start to get watery soon enough I was full-on crying I tried to wipe my tears away but they just keep coming.
Why didn't they love me?
Why me?
They don't live you because your a fag a voice in my head says
Colby's p.o.v
I slowly started to wake up I rub my eyes and yawn. I started to get up and I noticed my bedroom door shut. Wtf
I quietly open my door and I hear soft sobs. I quietly start to walk down the stairs I look at where the sound was coming from and see a blond boy laying on the floor crying
He sits up and pulls his knees to his chest and starts to sob a little louder. I walk over and sit next to him but he's crying too much to notice "are you okay?" I ask him, he quickly looks at me. "I'm sorry if I woke you up"
"It's fine I needed to wake up anyways," I say
"Oh okay," he says back
"Why are you crying," I ask
"Idk I guess I just don't want to go home," he says quietly "why?" I ask
"Its because my family doesn't love me, crazy huh?" He says with a chuckle "well I know we just met but if you want you can stay with me until you want to go home?" I say
"What about your parents?"
"They won't mind, trust me," I say
"So do you wanna go to my house?" I ask
"Really?" He asks 
"Well yeah only if you want?" I say
"Really...thank you so much," he says. I stand up and put my hand out for him to grab he does but does it to fast and I lose my balance I fall over and he falls on top of me. He starts laughing and it makes me laugh. He stops and he stares at me I look deep into his light blue eyes. He looks away and blushes, he soon gets up and helps me up. He grabs his things and we walk out of the warehouse. We were walking down a path when I remember he didn't know my name(just realized he forgot about Sams notebook)
"I'm Colby by the way," I say " I'm Sam," he says
°few minutes pass°
"not to be annoying but how much farther" he ask "you're fine its not annoying and we're here," I say "really," he says and looks at my house "your house looks nice," he says "thank you," I say I walk to the front door and open it with sam right behind me I walk up the stairs and he follows. I open my door and walk in I sit on my bed and lay down, Sam stands there staring at me blankly "were am I going to stay" he finally spoke up I pat the side next to me and his eyes go wide "you want me to sleep with you?" He asks "well when you say it like that it sounds wrong," I say winking at him he starts to blush and tries to his it but fails "come on my bed is big enough for the both of us," I say "oh okay," he says he lays down next to me I put the covers over us and he soon falls asleep. He starts to cuddle up next to me I thought nothing of it.
°30 minutes pass°
I was still awake I don't know why but I couldn't sleep. I just lay there staring at the ceiling
I feel my phone buzz in my pocket I take it out and check if it's a text from Brennen saying he needs to talk to me tomorrow its important

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