Humanity /2/ TO

By poultergeist

321K 8.3K 2.4K


Part One
Ch. 1 Always and Forever
Ch. 2 Graduation
Ch. 3 House of the Rising Sun
Ch. 4 Tangled Up in Blue
Ch. 5 Girl in New Orleans
Ch. 6 Sinners and Saints
Ch. 7 Fruit of the Poisoned Tree
Ch. 8 Bloodletting
Ch. 9 The River in Reverse
Ch. 10 Reigning Pain in New Orleans
Ch. 11 The Casket Girls
Ch. 12 Aprรจs Moi, Le Dรฉluge
Ch. 13 500 Years of Solitude
Ch. 14 Dance Back From the Grave
Ch. 15 Crescent City
Ch. 16 Long Way Back From Hell
Ch. 17 Le Grand Guignol
Ch. 18 Farewell to Storyville
Ch. 19 Moon Over Bourbon Street
Ch. 20 The Big Uneasy
Ch. 21 An Unblinking Death
Ch. 22 A Closer Walk with Thee
Ch. 23 The Battle of New Orleans
Ch. 24 From a Cradle to a Grave
Part Two
Updated Cast
Fairy Tales
Ch. 1 Rebirth
Ch. 2 Alive and Kicking
Ch. 3 Every Mother's Son
Ch. 4 Live and Let Die
Ch. 5 Red Door
Ch. 6 Wheel Inside The Wheel
Ch. 7 Chasing the Devil's Tail
Ch. 8 The Brothers That Care Forgot
Ch. 9 The Map of Moments
Ch. 10 Gonna Set Your Flag on Fire
Ch. 11 Brotherhood of the Damned
Ch. 12 Sanctuary
Ch. 13 The Devil is Damned
Ch. 15 Stay
Ch. 16 Let Her Go
Ch. 17 They All Asked for You
Ch. 18 Save My Soul
Ch. 19 Exquisite Corpse
Ch. 20 Night Has a Thousand Eyes
Ch. 21 When the Levee Breaks
Ch. 22 City Beneath the Sea
Ch. 23 Fire with Fire
Ch. 24 Ashes to Ashes
I'm Sick
Book 3

Ch. 14 I Love You, Goodbye

4.4K 122 43
By poultergeist


I WAS PACKING MY THINGS WHEN I HEARD KLAUS ENTER MY ROOM. "What are you doing?" he asked me.

"Elijah said they're on the road. I'm going to go to them and get our daughters," I told him, not looking up from what I was doing.

Finn had attacked. Thankfully, Cami had taken the girls out for the day and only Elijah had been home when he got there. Elijah ended up blowing up the house to keep him from getting to the girls. Cami had been pulling up when it happened.

"My love-"

I spun on my fiance. "Do not tell me it's not safe. I'll tell you what's not safe, blowing up a house to keep your psychotic brother from finding them," I yelled.

"We will deal with Finn," he promised.

"And then what? Every time you kill him he is just going to jump into another body," I snapped.

"We tried running. We tried hiding. Neither will work," Klaus told me.

"Then what's your bright idea?" I asked.

"As it happens, I'm working on a plan as we speak. One which will be bolstered greatly if you just calm down and keep your eye on the prize," he said, his voice rising to match mine.

"Do not manage me! I have every right to-"

"Rory, your sister is getting married today," he interrupted. I looked at him, having forgotten about that in my panic. "An act that will seal the loyalty of all the wolves that answer to Finn. You will have an army who will answer to you," he told me.

"I'm not the alpha, Klaus," I reminded.

"I beg to differ. You're definitely an alpha, and more importantly, you're a queen," he told me, pushing some of my hair behind my ear. I smiled slightly at the nickname. "And a queen does not run."


I couldn't believe this. Out of everything that could go wrong today, of course this had to. I didn't have anything to wear.

"Trying to find a dress?" Klaus asked, entering the room.

"Literally every dress I have worn since Lilly was born was from you, Caroline, or it was maternity. I have nothing," I whined.

He smiled. "Well, I'm not here to help you with that problem. Someone else is working on it as we speak," he promised.

"Then why are you smiling?" I asked.

Klaus looked way too happy. "With everything going on today and with your family coming to town, I thought it was time we fixed a certain little problem," he said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

Klaus looked at me, almost seeming nervous as he took my hand. The next thing he did made my heart run a mile per minute. He got down on one knee, pulling out a little gold box. "Lorelai Forbes, will you marry me?" he asked, opening the box. My breath caught at the sight of the ring. It probably cost more than I could earn in ten years of working at the Grill.

"I already answered that question," I said, smirking at him. Klaus smiled as he stood up and slid the beautiful ring on my finger. He kissed me.

When we pulled away I held up my hand, looking at the massive engagement ring. "I promise a queen almost as beautiful as you wore it once upon a time," he told me, making me laugh.

I looked back up at him. "I love you, Klaus Mikaelson," I said.

"I love you, too, Lorelai Forbes," he told me.

"Not to interrupt an absolutely adorable moment, but I have something for you." We looked at Rebekah who was standing in the doorway. Well, Rebekah in the body of a witch. That was going to take some getting used to.

I smiled, going to hug her. "I missed you," I told her.

"Oh, I missed you too. Now let me see," she said, grabbing my hand. "It looks perfect on you."

I smiled. "I can't believe you're marrying my brother," she said.

I glanced back at Klaus. "Neither can I," I said. He smiled at me, before leaving the room.

"I always knew you were a Mikaelson," she said. I smiled, rolling my eyes.

"Well, I doubted you would have time to shop, so I found this for you," she said, holding out a bag.

I smiled at her. "Thank you. Are you staying for the wedding?" I wondered.

She shook her head. "I can't. Kol has a life and death problem," she said.

"What? What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about. Just enjoy today," she told me.

I nodded. "Okay."


Me and Hayley went to greet Jackson later that day.

"Oh, I so do not belong in your world," he said, looking around at all the decorations.

"My world? Give me some credit. I'm not exactly the kind of girl who sat around fantasizing about her wedding day. And if I had, it probably would've looked a little less this," Hayley told him. She gestured to the cake that had at least six layers. I smiled, picturing my own.

"You getting cold feet?" Jackson asked.

Hayley looked at me and shook her head. "No. This is what's right. For Hope, Lilly, for our pack," she said.

"Hayley, Rory," Klaus called, entering the room. "If I might intrude, there's a few people who wish to say hello."

I walked out of the room, to find Cami and Elijah in the courtyard. Cami was holding Hope and Elijah was holding Lilly, both little girls were asleep.

"You brought them here? Finn could be anywhere," I scolded.

"I've taken precautions. There'll be no uninvited guests at this wedding. And after, your pack will be the first line of defense to this home. No more running, queen," he told me.

We smiled at each other, and I moved towards my daughter's. I looked at Elijah. "Thank you," I told the vampire. He nodded.

I took Hope into my arms, waking her up a little. Then moved over to Elijah and tickled Lilly's arm. She looked up at me, her eyes still drooping. "Hi, Mommy," she said.

I smiled. "Hey, baby," I said, kissing her on the head.

Elijah sat her on the her feet and Jackson and Hayley walked over to us. I smiled at the werewolf.

"Hope, Lilly, this is Jackson. Jackson, this is Hope and you kind of already know Lilly," I introduced.

He smiled as Hope took his hand and Lilly shyly hid behind my legs.


I put on the blue dress Rebekah had gotten me. Hope and Lilly were playing in the floor. "I still can't believe you two are here," I told them, sitting down in the floor.

"Mommy has to go do this big thing. But don't worry, because Cami will watch you two. And after that, I'm not letting you two out of my sight," I told them. I heard a knock and stood up.

Caroline was standing outside my door. "You made it," I said, cheerfully.

She nodded, hugging me. "I told you I would, didn't I?" she asked.

I could hear something in her voice. "You okay?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah. I'm good," she said.

"Where's Mom?" I wondered.

Her face seemed to fall slightly. "Uh, she couldn't make it this time," she said.

I nodded, wondering what was going on back home. "Well, there are two little people I think really want to see you," I said. Caroline gave me a look as I let her into my room. Her eyes went wide when she saw my daughters.

"Oh, my gosh. I thought they were gone," Caroline said.

"Witches were causing problems. We figured it was best if they both just didn't exist to the city anymore," I explained.

"And you didn't tell me?" she asked.

"We couldn't let them get hurt. Rebekah is pretty much indestructible, so we figured it was best if she kept them," I told her.

She gave me a look, but it quickly changed to a smile as she moved towards my daughters. She sat down in the floor and started playing with Lilly and Hope.


I sat with Caroline during the ceremony, while Cami watched my kids. We all stood as Hayley came out. She looked around nervously until Jackson joined her. They went up to the two stairwells, meeting at the top and standing in front of Mary.

"Please be seated," the elder said. "We gather together as a community seeking peace inspired by the union of this couple before you. There was a time when werewolves saw themselves not as cursed, but as blessed with a connection to our most pure selves. And tonight, we honor that blessing with the long-awaited unification of the two Crescent bloodlines. In doing so, we choose to embrace Hayley's vampire nature."

She tied their hands together, before continuing.

"With this union, Hayley will share her unique gifts with her pack. And now your vows," she said, handing them a candle.

"I pledge to honor and defend you and yours above all others," Jackson vowed.

"To share in blessings and burdens. To be your advocate, your champion," Hayley said.

"To be your comfort, your sanctuary. And for as long as we both shall live," Jackson went on.

"To be your family," Hayley said.

"To be your family," Jackson finished, before they lit a candle.

"You two have endured all the traditional werewolf rituals and trials. There's only one remaining. Jackson, you may kiss your bride," Mary told him.

Jackson and Hayley looked at each other, before kissing for the first time.

I looked up at the balcony where Klaus was and smiled at him, remembering our first kiss. It had been the one that got us into this whole mess.

Jackson and Hayley pulled away, their eyes glowing gold. I looked around at my pack, realizing everyone's eyes were doing it. The ceremony had worked. My babies were finally safe to come home.


I decided to go check on my daughters before going outside. It was New Orleans, meaning the wedding had quickly became a huge celebration. I had already promised Josh a dance, given that Aiden was too busy showing off his new abilities.

I walked into the doorway of the nursery and watched as Cami sat Hope in her crib. "Mommy!" Lilly said from where she was playing on the floor. I smiled and walked over to her.

"Oh, hi, future Mrs. Mikaelson," she said, making me chuckle.

"So you heard," I said.

"Well, the giant rock on your finger isn't exactly subtle," she said. I shrugged as I picked up Lilly.

"So, why aren't you with the all the guests?" Cami asked.

"They're taking the party to the streets and I just wanted to come check on my girls before I went with them," I told her. "I also wanted to thank you for taking care of them."

She looked at me. "Rory, I keep going over this moment in my mind. Last night, right before the explosion, on the way to the house the car's engine stopped, like magic. I think it saved our lives. I don't want to speculate or to scare you, but Hope is part witch. Do you think she did that? Do you think she saved us?" she asked.

I looked at her before turning towards my daughter. That was impossible. She was six months old.

"Hope did save us." Me and Cami both looked at my three year old who was smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"She was scared. Something was wrong. I told her to stop the car," Lilly explained.

"Sweetie, we couldn't see anything wrong with the house," Cami told her.

"But we could feel it," Lilly said.

"What do you mean you could feel it?" I asked.

She shrugged. "We could feel it," Lilly told me.

I glanced at Cami. "You weren't talking to Hope in the back of the car," Cami told her.

"I didn't say I was," Lilly said.

I looked at Cami, growing more concerned about this. If Hope had stopped the car, it meant she already had magic and wasn't even old enough to understand it.


The party moved back inside. Me and Caroline danced together, laughing at ourselves, until I noticed Elijah sulking on the balcony. I walked upstairs and came to stand beside him. I noticed his eyes flick to the ring on my finger. He seemed surprised, but quickly turned back to the courtyard. I started messing with my new engagement ring.

I turned towards the Original, knowing this wedding probably hadn't been easy on him. I doubted seeing my ring had helped any. "Dance with me," I said, holding out my hand.

He turned towards me. "Shouldn't you be with one of your sisters?" he asked.

"It's a wedding, Elijah. Klaus is with the girls, Hayley is with her husband and Caroline is with a rather flirty werewolf. I could easily find someone to dance with, but what I can't do is watch you stand up here and brood," I said, making him smile.

"Alright," he said, taking my hand. We headed downstairs and started dancing. "So, I see Hayley and Jackson aren't the only ones with something to celebrate."

I looked at him. "I was going to tell you, Elijah," I said.

"You don't need to apologize," he told me.

"But you should've been one of the first people to know and now you're one of the last and I didn't even get to tell you," I said.

"Rory," he said, making me look up at him. We looked at each other for a moment, before he looked away. "I will never be mad at you for choosing to be happy," he told me.

I smiled and nodded. "I know. Everything has just happened so fast. I have two kids again. And now I'm engaged. It's just a lot to process. All the people I grew up with are in college having the time of their lives while I'm a mom of two and I'm engaged to the love of my life," I said.

He nodded. I noticed Gia getting a drink. "Maybe you should ask Gia out," I said.

He raised an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes. "Come on, Elijah. She's hot and single. And you're on and off again just got married. Your little brother just got engaged. I am going to be working as much match maker magic as I can to get a ring on Rebekah's finger as soon as she tells Marcel she's back in town. My babies are home. Everyone is happy or getting pretty close to it. You deserve to be happy too," I said.

He smiled sadly. "I'll think about it," he promised.

I smiled back, but it quickly turned to a frown when I noticed Klaus walking downstairs with Lilly and Hope. "What is he doing?" I asked.

"Ladies and gentleman, may I have your attention please?" he asked. "Rory, my love, if you would join me, I'd like to propose a toast."

I gave him a look as I came to stand beside him. I took Hope and made a few funny faces at Lilly.

"I want to welcome you all. As you know, last spring Rory and I had a daughter. Due to tragic circumstances, her and her older sister were lost. Now they have returned home. This is Hope, and some of you have already met Lilly," he told everyone.

Everyone started murmuring. Marcel, Jackson and Caroline were the only three who weren't surprised to see the kids.

"And they will live here among you. Their pack. Their family. We implore you protect our daughters. Teach them. Love them as your own," he continued.

Jackson and Hayley nodded. Klaus picked up a champagne glass, before going on.

"Jackson. I invite you and your bride to live here uniting your proud and noble people in peace. Welcome to the family, mate," Klaus said. Jackson nodded, but me and Hayley sent my fiance a look. As if this wasn't hard enough on Elijah, Klaus had to twist the knife.

"To Jackson and Hayley," he said and raised his glass.

"Cheers!" everyone exclaimed.


Me and Klaus took turns either holding Hope or dancing with Lilly, until Hope got tired. Klaus took her to the nursery to put her down, while I got Lilly something to eat. Once Lilly had gotten dinner I started to take her to my room and lay her down. "Here, I'll take her," Caroline told me. She took Lilly to my room while I went to Hope's nursery.

Klaus was standing next to Hope's crib watching her. I walked over to him, smiling. I kissed him on the cheek before laying my head on his shoulder. I looked down at Hope, watching her. "Lilly's out. Caroline wanted to take her for a while," I told him.

"Did she enjoy today?" he wondered.

I turned to look at him. "If that was your way of asking if having a dad to dance with made her happy, it did," I told him.

He smiled. "Good," he said.

I laid my head back on his shoulder. "You okay?" I asked.

"Right now, I'm perfect," he told me. We stood in silence, just watching our baby sleep. At least until Elijah and Rebekah walked in. "Must you intrude on every moment?" Klaus asked.

"I'm not here to quarrel, brother," Elijah told him.

"It's Kol," Rebekah said. "I couldn't help him." Klaus turned towards her and I looked between the three. I still didn't know what was going on with Kol. "He's not gonna last the night."

Klaus looked at the ground before turning towards me. "Go, I can handle everything going on here and two kids," I told him.

He nodded and quickly pecked me on the lips. "Alright. I'll be back," he said.

"I know. I love you," I said.

"I love you too," he told me as I left with his siblings.

Once he was gone I took a deep breath and looked down at Hope. She had woken up at the sound of everyone talking. She started to fuss and put her arms out. I sighed and picked her up, bouncing her in my arms. "Yeah, Daddy left for a little bit," I told her.

I smiled at her. This reminded me of so many times when I had ended up just holding Lilly while trying to keep my sanity because things were so crazy. Only now I had both Lilly and her and both of them had powers I couldn't understand. "I get that you don't understand any of this yet, but we're gonna have to work on that magic thing, baby girl," I told her, kissing her on the head.


All the guests began to leave and I went back upstairs to check on a now crying Hope. "Hey, it's okay. I know, Daddy had to leave," I said, picking her up. I rubbed her back. "He'll be back and I'm right here."

I was starting to get her calmed down when I noticed Caroline in the doorway. "Hey," I said.

She gave me a smile. "Hey," she said. "Where'd everyone go?"

"Well, Hayley and Jackson headed to their room for whatever the hell a wedding night is like after an arranged marriage. All the guests are headed home now. The Mikaelsons had to leave for the cemetery. Kol is sick, they don't think he'll make it to morning," I told her.

Caroline looked at the ground. "Speaking of someone being sick, there's something I need to tell you," she said.

I could tell this was serious. I sat Hope in her crib and walked into the hallway. "What's going on, Care?" I asked.

She looked at me, tears filling her eyes. "It's Mom," she said.

My heart sank before I even heard the rest. Everything Caroline told me just got mushed together. All I got out of it was tumor and cancer. Caroline broke down in tears. I was too shocked to cry. I just hugged my sister.


I packed my things, tears now streaming down my face. "Little wolf?"

I looked up from the suitcase to see Klaus in the doorway. I wiped away my tears. "I didn't realize you were back. How's Kol?" I asked.

"Dead," he said, continuing to look at me in concern.

"Oh," I said. "I'm so sorry."

"I've watched him die once before. What happened?" he asked.

"Uh, it's my mom," I said. I sniffed and wiped at my eyes again. I don't know why I bothered, the tears just kept coming. "Apparently, she couldn't make it because she has cancer. She isn't gonna make it much longer." I sighed. "I know everything we are going through. Even with the wolves united, we have Freya and Finn and Dahlia. I don't have time to be running off, but she's my mom, Klaus. I can't just sit here, knowing that I could get the call anytime that my mom is gone and I wasn't even with her," I said, starting to sob.

Klaus wrapped his arms around me. "It's okay, little wolf," he told me.

I cried into his shoulder. "I already packed my things," I told him.

"Alright," he said, pulling away. I wiped at my tears again. He looked at me for a moment, before moving towards the closet. "Just let me get mine and the girls."

I looked at him, not able to understand that right now. "What?" I asked.

He turned towards me. "If you think I'm letting you go through this by yourself, your wrong. You just agreed earlier today to marry me. What kind of man would I be if I let you go by yourself?" he asked.

I shrugged. I knew Klaus loved me, but I hadn't expected him to volunteer to come with me. "Okay. I guess I can call Cami and see if she's busy," I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"If we're both leaving someone is going to have to watch the girls," I said.

He shook his head, looking down at the ground. "Your sister needs you, you need me, and our daughters need both of us. I'm sure one of your friends in Mystic Falls can help us with them," he told me. He looked up at me. "Besides, your mother still hasn't gotten the chance to meet her newest granddaughter."

I gave him a small smile, suddenly wanting to cry for a whole new reason. "Okay," I said, nodding.

He nodded, before kissing me on the head and going to get stuff packed for the kids.

Have tissues ready for the next two chapters.

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And this is Rory's ring:

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