Taming the major

Por Kookieluver16

662K 15K 6K

Elizabeth Storm, a free spirit, believes her life is officially over once she has to move to the middle of no... Más

One Look
Disses and Kisses
The Cold Ones
Dresses and Danger.
Opening up
The Truth
Spring Dance
His Story
Just Alittle Broken
Danger Diverted
The Man With Compassion
Girls Day
Danger Prevails
The Chase Begins
Rosalie's sympathy
The Better Player
A secret revealed
Where we are
The Passing

Meternal love

22.7K 533 367
Por Kookieluver16

It had been a week since the day Jasper had told her about him and the Cullens being vampires. When she'd met them after the weekend, she could practically feel their hesitation and nervousness on her reaction. She didn't need to be an empath like Jasper to know, it was clearly written on their faces.

They had relaxed alittle when Izzy had smiled brightly at them, just like she always did. Jasper right besides her as usual only this time his arm was placed securely at her waist rather than her shoulder. It was a subtle move but to the ever observant high schooler of Forks it was a big change. Big enough to move Tyler into action. He had cornered her during break.

"So you and Jasper huh?" He had asked her with poorly concealed envy.

"Yes my and Jasper." Izzy had agreed, rising an eyebrow at him. "So what."

"I don't like it" he stated, as of that was a good enough reason. Izzy had looked at him unimpressed.

"Luckily for me. I couldn't care less about what you like or not." Her voice had been sickly sweet but her expression had been anything but.

That was the moment, Jasper had decided to grace them with his presence. He immediately walked up to them his arm coming around Izzy's waist as she moulded herself to him. They were like magnets, joined by a force unknown even to themselves. Jasper kissed her on the head before turning to face Tyler. His soft smile was instantly replaced with frigid disdain. He openly glared at the persistent boy. As usual Tyler shrank back at Jaspers nonverbal warning.

"I thought I told stay away from my girlfriend." Izzy had a strange urge to interrupt with a 'no my girlfriend' but she refrained herself. Now was not the time. He was defending her, she could tease him later.

"G-Girlfriend." Tyler stammered, the words a slap to his face.

Jasper actually laughed at him directly. It wasn't one that held humour but one that was dry, laced with vivid mock.

"You seem surprised for some reason. The entire school knew it was inevitable. You couldn't possibly be that stupid?" But Jasper's tone negated his words. It showed how he had no doubts in the boys stupidity. It also showed how his humour was keeping hold of his anger.

"Now I'm going to tell you this for the very last time. Leave Liz alone. She's mine. Next time I won't talk with words" he finished clinching his jaw tightly.

Tyler visibly shook, while Izzy tried to contain the sudden rush of excitement she felt when he'd called her his. Izzy was no object and she knew that Jasper knew that aswell. His actions told her as much. He treated her like she was the most precious thing on the world. But in a way what he had said was right, she was his emotionally, physically and most importantly her heart belonged to him. It was both ways. If she was his than he was hers.

To her surprise Tyler stood his ground. Turning to Izzy before saying.

"I think it's up to her to decide if she wants me to stay by her side or not." He gave Izzy his go to sexy smile only Izzy felt no sway from his so called charms.

The slight growl rumbling in Jaspers chest meant that he didn't like the expression any more than she did but he said nothing, only looked down at her in wait of her response. Izzy grinned at him in reassurance before turning to Tyler.

"Honestly, I'd listen to Jasper if I was you." Izzy took a breath, ready to crush Tyler's expectations. "You're too persistent and can't take a hint. I don't like you, I'll never like you. Jasper is my boyfriend and he'll stay my boyfriend."

Izzy saw Tyler's face drop and felt a pang of guilt but it disappeared almost instantly. She had a feeling it had something to do with Jasper and his gift. The truth was that a blunt rejection was necessary for Tyler, nothing else seemed to work. He was a naive spoiled child, something he held in common with Emma, who was used to getting what he wanted. He needed to learn how life wasn't a handmade gift, it was whirlpool of hardships, letdowns and disappointment. You had to work for happiness and love. It wasn't handed down to you in a plate.

Jasper smirked at Tyler, tightening his grip on Izzy's waist. He leaned towards Tyler, his eyes holding victory.

"You heard her. Now don't come close to my girlfriend." Tyler turned back without a word and left them alone.

Since it was high school, naturally everybody knew before lunch. That had explained Emma's more venomous than usual looks. However she said nothing, Apparently the humiliation from last time still rang clear. Or maybe she just didn't get time since Jasper walked over to them halfway through and quietly sat next to Izzy. Jessica and Angela had identical smiles on their faces, meaning lots of questions for later. Out of all the boys only Eric really tried to engage Jasper into a conversation, though it was quickly found out that neither of them had anything in common. Yet Izzy still felt grateful for Eric's effort and Jaspers willing participation.

They spent the rest of the week like that, the couple alternating between the Cullens table and Izzy's friends. It worked out pretty well, especially with the Cullens once Izzy showed them how their secret made no difference by cracking vampire jokes. Infact she ended up making Emmet laugh so hard that the entire cafeteria looked at them strangely.

Jasper had invited her to his house to meet the entire family. Well maybe just his mother since she'd already met everyone else. This is what had led her to her current predicament.

Izzy sat amidst a pile of her own clothes, completely clueless on what to wear. Should she dress casual or formal. Maybe something in between, call her crazy but she really wanted to make a good impression on his mother. Moms were important. Nobody knew that better than Izzy. Finally after an hour of indecision, Izzy finally came up with an outfit.

It was plain but sophisticated, like Izzy wasn't trying so hard but still looked out together. No one else had to know the struggles she had been through with this outfit. She put on some soft curl in her hair and the appropriate amount of makeup required. She was don't in record time. Her mom was waiting downstairs for Jasper.

It was cute how much liking her mom had taken to Jasper. She treated him like a son, doting on his every move. Jasper seemed to love her aswell, deeming her his second mom. When Izzy had told her mother this, she'd burst into tears. Giving Jasper an extra long hug, the following day. Although confused, he'd taken it in stride, closing his eyes and hugging her back as of basking in her warmth. Watching them interact had triggered Izzy's own tears, a silent sob had build up on its own. The moment Jasper had felt a shift in her emotions, he'd wordlessly opened his left arm slightly, beckoning her to them. It hadn't taken Izzy much though before she flung herself towards them, hugging them both. It was a memorable moment for all of them in a way. More So perhaps for Izzy's mother, Jasper had filled a missing place in their family. This had become apparent when he started coming in at random times of the day and nobody questioned him. He'd go around fixing odd ends of the house, like a creaking floorboard or the leaking pipe under the sink. It felt wholesome, like they were an actual family, which in a way they were.

"Jasper" she heard her mom sing, followed by shuffling and a muffled "mornin ma'am" breaking Izzy out of Her reverie.

She quickly made her way downstairs watching her mom fuss over Jasper as Jasper watched her in kind amusement. Izzy dropped to kiss a on seated Jaspers cheek and hugged her mom before grabbing her coat. Jasper stood up to follow before her mom stopped them.

"Will you guys be joining me for diner tonight?" She asked hopefully.

"Not for dinner ma'am." Before adding on, after seeing her expression fall abit. "But definitely late night coffee." Laura smiled brightly before letting them go.

Izzy sighed, knowing she'd have to drink two cups of coffee; again. She knew for a fact that Jasper could never truly refuse her mom. It was no secret how the Storm women had Jasper wrapped around their little fingers.

"Nervous" Jasper asked, wrapping her in a casual embrace.

"No" smiling up at him. "Atleast not anymore" she added.

"Good" he planted his lips on her head in a kiss. "You have absolutely no reason to. They'll love you. I meant Esme will since the rest already do."

"I tend to have that effect on people" Izzy said pointedly, teasing him.

"I'd be laughing at your assumptions if they weren't true darlin." His drawl coming out stronger since they were alone.

"Luckily for me they are true." Izzy flipped back her hair. "Shall we get going?"

"Of course ma'am" Jasper led her to his car, a hand on the small of her back, guiding her.

They drove for what would have been a good forty minutes of Jaspers speed hadn't picked up significantly once the left the condensed urbanised civilisation. They drove for about ten minutes before taking a turn off road into the forest. Afew minutes later they came to a clearing and the Cullens household stood infront of her.

Izzy let out a gasp. Their house, if you could even call that, was absolutely gorgeous. It was huge, obviously, much bigger than Izzy's own spacious abode but Izzy was stunned at its openness. Large tainted window adorned a well contrasted exterior.

"Wow Jas, your house is beautiful." Izzy looked on in wonder.

Jasper chuckled at her reaction. Her reaction to his house was a mixture of awe and disbelief.

"What were you expecting?" He chafed her. "Coffins, dungeons and moats."

Izzy shook her head the moment Jaspers words left his mouth.

"Of course not silly" Izzy smacked his chest slightly. " the moats would be too impractical."

Jasper full on laughed at her response, looking at her in loving disbelief. How did he get so lucky? She was beautiful, no doubt but it was her intelligence and wit that made him fall for her more and more every single day.

"You really are something else aren't ya love" His eyes shining as he looked at her. "It's the one place we don't have to hide who we are. Now let's go inside, everyone is waiting. You know how impatient Alice is."

Izzy laughed at the mention of the pixie like Cullen. Patience was a virtue she lacked. Izzy let Jasper guide her towards the door, as she herself took in the architectural masterpiece he had the pleasure to call his home.

Inside, she was almost instantly engulfed in a hug by the said pixie as she exclaimed how long they'd made her wait. Izzy looked back at Jasper with a grin, his previous words ringing true. Alice lead them to the rest of the family. They all stood in the kitchen, making food from what looked like cooking video on a tablet. There was something rather comical about seeing a bunch of vampires trying to cook knowing fully well that they never ate. So much so that Izzy couldn't help but crack a joke on hoping there wasn't any garlic in there. Everyone laughed and Rosalie playfully rolled her eyes at Izzy.

An unfamiliar woman strode up to her, a warm smile on her face as she extended her hand for Izzy to take.

"Liz, this is Esme" Jasper introduced her. "My mother for all intents and purposes."

Esme beamed at Jasper before turning to Izzy with a similar expression. Izzy shook her hand introducing herself before Esme pulled her into a hug.

"It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you from my kids, especially Jasper here." Esme said, giggling at the embarrassment on her children's faces.

"Aww you guys talk about me" Izzy added flame to the fire. " believe me Mrs Cullens the pleasure is all mine. I've been wanting to meet you for a long while now."

"Please call me Esme." A large smile making its way up her lips at the younger girls words.

Esme was beautiful, like the rest of the Cullens but she had a softer look about her. While the rest of the Cullens were mostly angular and structured, Esme was more rounded. Her body more mature, not round or fat in anyway, just more curved, like that of a young mother.

It was then that Izzy noted Emmet waving at her from behind Esme with a knife in hand as he cut through different vegetables laced infront of him. Izzy grinned at him, commenting on the lack of frilly apron and how disappointing it was.

Edward entered afew moments later, ruffling her hair in a brotherly gesture she was starting to get used to. They stood in the kitchen for a while socialising with the rest of them, before Jasper offered to show her around the house. Izzy agreed, exited to see the rest of the beautiful house. Before they turned to leave the kitchen, Izzy turned to Esme.

"You have a beautiful home" She commented earnestly. "I have never seen a more wonderfully modelled and decorated house before.

Esme who had been watching Jasper and Izzy interact with joy, positively beamed. Telling her how she'd been the one to do it. Izzy was amazed at her level of skill, she'd thought they'd hired a professional.

Jasper showed her the living room and garage aswell as a room with a large piano and various instruments. It also had Carlisle and Esmes room. They were moving upstairs when a peculiar collage caught her interest. Upon further inspection she found out they were graduation caps.

"Do I wanna know" Izzy asked.

"It's kind of like an inside joke." Jasper informed her, smiling.

"How many times have you graduated?" Izzy looked up at him in wonder.

"A good few times." He smirked when he saw Izzy whine alittle.

"This is so not fair. No wonder all of you are so good, you've done everything a million times before."

Jasper shrugged, half mocking. He showed her the rest of the rooms before pulling her into his room and shutting the door.

His room was spacious like the rest of the house, open and airy with a large window taking up one third of the walls. It was filled with military ornaments from the civil war era. Small clues like a painting of a horse and cowboy boots hinted at this southern life. Books on the military and history in general lay stacked at one side in a shelf and a couple of music records were organised in another. A large bed stood in the middle of the room, next to it was a dark leather sofa.

Izzy had noticed how afew rooms had beds and some didn't like those of Edward and Alice. When she asked him about it, a mischievous smile lit across his face. She had barely detected it before she found herself sitting on top of Jasper as he sat on the edge bed, straddling him.

"Vampires don't sleep." Jasper closed in on her, his breath ticking her neck. His close proximity doing wonders to her heart rate. "The beds are for other purposes"

A shiver ran down her spine when his implications became clear. Izzy felt a strange thrill and longing take root as his lips ghosted over her neck and down her collar bone. She could only hope Jasper didn't register her less than innocent emotions.

The groan that left Jaspers mouth when he finally let them detangle did little to reassure her. He looked at her with such intensity that Izzy felt her breath get caught in her throat. How could a man carry so much emotion in his eyes? It went deeper then his empathic skills. It was purely Jasper; a man that felt but hid it so well from the entire world. Opening up to her and afew others.

The sat like that for afew moments before Izzy fully reflected on his words. Realisation hit her.

"What do you mean, you don't sleep." Izzy asked, bafflement coating her eyes. "I saw you fall asleep that day under the bleachers."

Jasper frowned, looking into the distance, recollecting his thoughts. Making up his mind he turned to her fully, all focus on Izzy.

"That was the first time I had slept since the day I turned." He looked solemn when he spoke to her. "Somehow and I don't know how but you managed to put me to sleep with your voice. Vampires don't sleep Liz."

Izzy sat dumbfounded, how had she been able to effect a vampire? Someone who was incapable of sleep in the first place.

"Is there something wrong with me?" Izzy whispered, watching Jasper with big doe eyes that held concern.

It was so comical watching her fret out on her uniqueness when she sat infront of living, breathing-okay well neither- vampire.

"Believe me darlin you're perfect. Even more special then I first thought. Carlisle had field day when he heard about the effect you had." He laid his own hand on hers, bringing it up to his lips for a reassuring kiss.

"Does Carlisle have any theories?" Izzy was eager for any sort of knowledge what so ever regarding her unusual case.

"Carlisle always has theories. You can ask him when they call us down." Izzy nodded, bopping her head like a child.

It wasn't long after that, when Edward decided to ruin their peace by barging in unannounced. He sat infront of them on the sofa and was joined only moments later by Emmet. In less then a minute the entire Cullen children were settled in various spots across the room. Amazingly enough Alice produced a pack on uno cards, announcing a match.

That's how they spent the remaining day playing UNO while the patron Cullens paid them regular visits. It took Izzy a single game to realise how to play around the vampires and their gifts. She kept her mind and emotions under strict lock and key, only opening the gates to confuse Jasper and Edward. Poor Edward had the worst of it. Izzy pictured the weirdest things and projected them on to his head. There had been numerous moments when he'd stopped midway only to look at her like she was insane. For Alice she made her decision indecisive to the last possible second.

By then end of their session Izzy had won almost half of the games they had played. The rest of occupants looked at her with begrudging respect while Jaspers eyes held nothing but pride.

"Not to shabby for a human huh?" Izzy cocked her head up.

"No" Edward agreed. "But please tell me where exactly did you see poodles in bikinis, twerking"

Izzy just laughed at him, vaguely gesturing her hand about. The rest of them looked at the pair in confusion and amusement.

"Darlin do I want to know about the things you've shown my brother." Jasper slid his arms down her waist.
Izzy shook her head, laughing at Edwards expense.

"You really don't." Edward cringed "this one has a strange mind."

"And don't you forget it" Izzy beamed in pride.

It was then that Esme and Carlisle joined them once more. Esme smiled brightly at Izzy, her eyes already holding an affection similar to her mothers.

"I heard you wanted to know my theories regarding your...gift?" Carlisles tone was not unkind. This expression held understanding for her curiosity.

Izzy smiled in agreement.

"I believe you hold a gift of persuasion." Carlisle started. "I've heard from my children how good you are with your words and the effect it had on people. Jasper also told me how mesmerising your voice is. It would seem like you can influence or even manipulate those around you to a certain degree."

"But how?" Izzy asked, even more confused than before. "And why?"

"Sometimes..." Carlisle hesitated, taking a quick glance at Jaspers stiffing form. "A human may exhibit signs of their gift in their human lives before they are, uh turned."

"As in turned into your kind" Izzy stayed rather than asked, tucking away a new piece of information in her mind. She looked confused as she sat contemplating his words. It left her with a new onslaught of questions but ones she would hold onto right. They were meant more for her than for the Cullens, atleast for now.

She didn't stay long after that, heading home with Jasper who still had to have coffee with them. Once in the car with Jasper she relaxed. Telling him what a wonderful time she'd had and how it finally felt like she had siblings of her own. The boys certainly played their part as annoying brother, with the ease of skilled artists. Jasper had laughed at that, telling her how much each of them adored her, even Rosalie.

"What do you do at night if you don't sleep Jas?" She straighten her sweater, waiting for his response.

"I would usually read or something along those line but..." Jasper looked at her with something similar to Shame.

"But..." Izzy edged him on causing him to sigh.

"But these days I can't seem to stay away from you for longer than absolutely necessary....so I, I end up staying outside your room to make sure you're safe." He let the last part out quickly, trying to minimise his embarrassment.

"I'd comment on how weird and stalker like it if I wasn't completely in love with you" Jasper grinned at that, resulting in a giggle from Izzy. "You can come in now if you want. I wouldn't mind sleeping next to you." Izzy smiled shyly, her turn to be embarrassed.

"I think I'll hold you to that darlin. Maybe even every night." Jasper smiled at her, elated at her request. He'd always dreamed of holding her as she slept. It was about to come true.

"Maybe I can put us both to sleep." Izzy asked him cautiously not wanting to overstep her boundaries when it came to her strange ability. Jasper pondered for a moment before nodding, a near blissful smile on his face.

"I'd like that; a lot."

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