Got7 chat room

By liba787

12.4K 567 69

When Bambam just felt like making new friends so he decided to make a group chat with a bunch of strangers. W... More

20. Meet up, part one
Meet up, part 2
Meet up. Final part


1.3K 33 23
By liba787

Dabking made a new chat.
Dabking added nyoung16, eat rice, mork17, sunshine, beom and yugyug to the chat.

Dabking: hello!

Eat rice: HI

Yugyug: who are you guys?

Beom: we are humans and so are you, unless you're an alien

Sunshine: well there's yugyug's answer.

Nyoung16: yes now am I allowed to leave?

Mork17: no

Nyoung: why?

Dabking: well I made this chat to make new friends-

Nyoung: then go outside

Dabking: nO, it's to hot and I don't want sunburn -_-

Eat rice: ...but it's cloudy

Dabking: exactly!

Sunshine: well let the kid be

Dabking: yes thank you so muc- wAit I'm no kid!

Beom: well isn't that what every kid says when the question is asked?

Dabking: ....well then what am I supposed to say?

Beom: just admit that your a kid-

Dabking: well I'm nOT!

Eat rice: well we'll see who's a kid and who is old in a few seconds

Mork17: welp Okay

Yugyug: EAT RICE go first then

Mork17: mhm! And to prove that we are not old creepy men sitting in a basement

Eat rice: what hmfff fine but- why would you think that

Nyoung16: maybe because he thinks that you are

Eat rice: ouch I'm offended- I'm extremely sexy for you information 🙄

Beom: we need proof then :)

Dabking: yea~ because the Internet- trust no one

Yug yug: Oof now I'll have a hard time-

Eat rice: my name's Jackson wang I'm 20 and in from China plus I look like this.

Mork17: 0.0

Nyoung16: oh wow this isn't what I was expecting you to look like tbh but damm you look good

Beom: you look hot

Sunshine: your handsome!

Yugyug: well at least your not a grandpa but your a hot man buttt this is- almost to good to believe you look like this 0.o

Sunshine: I think dabking's words got to him-but he's So hot :)

Dabking: your looking sO wow fuck

Mork17: oh mY GOD MY LIfE is noW Compete! I can die happy now-

Eat rice: well I'm glad you love it :>

Mork17: Oof I'll go next. My name is mark Tuan I'm from L.A and I'm 24 plus I look like this-

Eat rice: oh my god 😍

Sunshine: awww your so cute!

Nyoung16: can I pinch your cheeks?

Beom: why you so cute?

Yugyug: mark looks like the perfect person to snuggle with tbh

Dabking: awww how adorable! Also we got an L.A boy but- your almost to cute to be real-

Mork17 : Oof Thank you but I'm sure the rest of you look better then me- plus I'm very real thank you very much 0.o

Sunshine: don't say thattt your really handsome:)

Mork17: fine :)

Dabking: I'll go next

Dabking: I'm kunpimook bhuwakul But please call me bambam instead 0.0 plus I'm 19 also I'm from Thailand and I look like this

Yugyug: oh my- your eyes! They are so pretty!

Eat rice: I know your not a kid but a wowwww beautiful man instead- but why do you look so tall-

Nyoung16: maybe because he is?

Sunshine: wow bambam looks like a model! And nyoung I'm sure you look good!

Beom: that's a really nice picture and bam looks amazing plus your hair color looks 👌🏻

Mork17: bambam looks fabulous! I kinda want you to style me up :(

Dabking: well if you lived near me then I would've made you look eye catching as ever but you're already eye catching tbh

Mork17: Aww Thanks bambam

Sunshine: I'll go next. My name is Choi youngjae I'm 21 and I'm from South Korea, this is what I look like

Yugyug: awwww such a small squishy!

Nyoung16: I feel like coming to you and hugging you really tight! So fucking cute!

Eat rice: a lot of sunshine, positive energy is radiating from this picture

Mork17: I wish I could squish your cheeks :(

Beom: awww how adorableeeeeeeee

Dabking: so precious! Must protect!

Eat rice: I agree!

Sunshine: thank you guys! And yes everyone can hug me :)

Yugyug: I wish I could hug you now now :( well here's a virtual hug instead *hugs youngjae*

Sunshine: asjejdhdhdhdjddb *hugs yugyug back* Oof my heart

Mork17: Oof CuTe! I want to see yugyug! :)

Dabking: yea me to!

Yugyug: okay okay

Yugyug: my name is Kim yugyome I'm from South Korea I'm 18 and I look like this

Dabking: oh my-shsusgshosgsjsshdb your so fucking gorgeous! Susyushsdmoshssk

Yugyug: hahhhh Thank you 😅

Beom: Oof bambam is broken-

Eat rice: wow that smile tho

Mork17: it's so adorable!!!!

Nyoung16: awww such a smoll cute bean ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡

Yugyug: wha how you do that????

Beom: yea!

Nyoung16 : secret ( ̄^ ̄)

Beom: Aww

Sunshine: yugyome is so adorable awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww UWu but why do I feel like I've seen you somewhere?

Yug yug: Uhm I don't know?

Dabking: 👀

Nyoung16: ...I'll go next- my name is park jinyoung im 22, I'm from South Korea and I look like this.

Beom: wow...I'm-just wow...

Eat rice: so stinking cute!!! Fhgghhghbgyjgkh

Mork17: Oof I just fell off the bed

Sunshine: oh gee hyung your so handsome! And mark are you okay :(

Mork17: yes yes I'm fine :)

Yugyug: why you so pretty jinyoung :>

Dabking: Oof looking like a small cutie baby there now

Nyoung16: Oof Guys-

Beom: your so beautiful oh my god-oh my cute...can I keep that picture?

Yugyug: beom has a crush-

Beom: -_-

Nyoung16: hehe yes you can...*shy*

Beom: cute...

Mork17 : 👀👀👀

Dabking: 👀👀👀👀👀

Yugyug: 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

Sunshine: awwwww now that's just so-❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💙💙💚💚💛💛🧡❤️💜💜💕💕❣️💖💖💗💓💓💞💝💝

Eat rice: welp I can't wait to see them "together" soon

Yugyug: yaaaaaaaa that would be like the cutest thing ever!

Mork17: okay I agree but now beom your turn!

Beom: my name is IM jaebum I'm 23, I'm from South Korea and i look like this

Nyoung: Fuck- oh my eyes! Your so handsome hyung! I can't-

Yugyug: Oof now jinyoung's broken but wow hyung your so handsome!

Dabking: what about me :((

Yugyug: haha your even hotter!

Mork17:Oof everyone is so fufkxing hot I can't even-

Dabking: when you forget how to spell

Sunshine: hahah

Eat rice: welp it's late and I'm sleepy...but I wanna talk more :(

Mork17: go to bed!

Nyoung16: yea if you stay up then you'll be a zombie...

Eat rice: ...well I better go! Night everyone night Markie :)

Yugyug: awww the nickname tho

Sunshine: cuteeeeeee

Beom: hahah night

Mork17: Oof night jackson •^•

Well that's that-

The way jaebum looks at him is just so-gldydyofulfoufoufufiffugfigog okay I'm fine

I hope you liked the first chapter:)

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