Volleyball is gay [Hakyuu One...

By Phantomxlegend

307K 4.6K 10.6K

A little book of oneshots with ships including Kagehina, daisuga, asanoya, kuroken, iwaoi, tsukkiyama, BokuAk... More

*Stupid crap*
Multiple ships
A.U. Ideas


8.9K 160 594
By Phantomxlegend

(A.N. so I had a head cannon that what if Akaashi is actually the really energetic and restless one and is kinda ADHD (A lot ADHD) but the only reason why he seems so calm and collected whilst playing volleyball is because he's able to do things and move around and stuff and that Bokuto is the calmer and more collected one and he's really good at school and studying though Akaashi struggles because of ADHD so pretty much Study A.U.)

Bokuto [POV]

"Akaashi toss me the balllll" I whined leaning on his shoulder

"In a little bit Bokuto" he responded calmly

"Come on practice isn't going to go on for too long today because of finals and everyone has to study so you gotta toss to me" I insisted, he sighed

"Fine" he finally responded going over to the ball cart quickly spinning around on his heel and throwing the ball at me, I caught it with a smile tossing it up above his head, he tossed the ball to me and I spiked it on the other side of the net with a bright smile

"Again" I shouted turning to him he sighed again and submitted to my request tossing the ball to me again. That's mostly how practice went but I decided to end it short because of finals which were coming up soon

"Everyone needs to study for the finals and since Bokuto has ended practice a little earlier than usual today you guys have no excuse not to study today" Yukie exclaimed, Akaashi grumbled something next to me but I couldn't understand

"Akaashi you wanna study together?" I offered with a smile

"Sure Bokuto" he responded

"Good luck" Komi patted me on the back with a sigh

"What are you talking about?" I asked turning around to face him

"Studying, with Akaashi, good luck" he explained

"What's wrong with that?" I asked

"You'll see" he sighed again shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Ready to go Akaashi?" I asked raising one eyebrow

"Hm? Yeah let's go" he responded slinging his bag over his shoulder

"Good luck Bokuto" Yukie whispered in my ear as we walked out of the gym I raised one eyebrow at her confused but she just looked away like nothing had happened

"Akaashi what do you need to study?" I asked

"Probably everything just to be safe" he shrugged

"That's probably a good idea" I agreed

"Bokuto I didn't expect you to be the type that would willingly sit down and study" he insisted

"I kind of like studying it's quiet at least" I told him

"You like the quiet but you're energetic all the time?"

"It's nice to have quiet some times"

"I guess" he shifted his bag to his other shoulder fidgeting with his hands as we walked

"Do you want to go to my house or yours to study?" I offered

"We could go to my house, I don't think my mom's home yet" he looked up at the sky watching the puffy grey clouds float by "It kinda looks like it's going to rain"

"What does rain have anything to do with this?" I asked confused

"Oh sorry I just got distracted but I don't think my mom's home yet so we would have the house to ourselves" he apologized scratching at the back of his neck

"It's fine but yeah I'm fine with going to your house" I responded

"M'kay" We continued walking down the street to Akaashi's house talking the whole time though Akaashi would occasionally derail the conversation with something else though I'm not sure that he knew he was doing it but I went with it because this was probably the most that he's spoken to me at once without getting mad at me.

"Sorry Bokuto I keep getting distracted" he apologized as we got to his house

"It's fine don't worry about it" I responded with a laugh, he chewed on his lower lip unlocking the front door

"How do you usually study Akaashi?" I asked, he shut the door behind us flicking on the lights

"Struggling" he responded bluntly with a sigh

"What?" I asked surprised

"I can't stand studying" he explained further

"Oh" I followed him upstairs to his room dropping my bad down on the floor and sitting on his bed, Akaashi sat down on his desk chair pulling one knee to his chest and sitting on the other.

"Studying is tiring" he mumbled

"I figured you'd be one to love studying" I laughed

"Misconceptions" he explained, I laughed again taking out some notes

"Do you want me to quiz you on something?" I asked "like English or something?"

"Sure" he shrugged "I can do the same for you"

"lemme see your notes" I instructed playfully

"Okay" he responded digging through his bag, his bag was a mess of papers and other supplies I'm surprised he was able to find his notes so quickly. He handed me the notes but as I looked down at them I couldn't make sense of them at all

"Akaashi what on earth does any of this mean?" I asked raising one eyebrow, his handwriting was messy and things were scribbled out here and there, doodles littered the margins and there were about three notes of English in total throughout the whole thing

"Huh?" he asked kicking off the desk and rolling over to me on the bed

"what does any of this mean?" I asked

"I...., don't know" he looked at the paper briefly his cheeks flushing pink

"You have around three notes all together on this whole piece of paper" He commented

"I'm not good at taking notes if you can't tell" he mumbled leaning his chin on his knee

"Yeah I think I can tell" I laughed quietly "But do you have any homework or any decipherable notes?"

"I have math and English homework" he responded

"What a coincidence I do as well" I laughed "You need any help?"

"Probably" he responded

"I can help you if you need any help" I pulled out my homework from my bag handing Akaashi his jumbled notes back

"Okay" he rolled back over to his desk taking out his homework as well, we worked mostly in silence, Akaashi didn't ask me for much help but he kept shifting around in his chair and tapping his pencil. I furrowed my eyebrows confused, he was acting a lot more restless than he usually does in practice. After a while he stood up setting his pencil down on the desk

"Where are you going?" I asked playfully

"No where" he responded leaving the room, he didn't come back for a few minutes and I just figured he was going to the bathroom or something. When he finally came back he sat back down in his chair like he had never left

"Akaashi what are your grades like?" I asked out of the blue but after I said that I realized how rude that must have sounded "I mean like you don't have to answer I was just curious!"

"I think the highest grade I have is a B-" he mumbled "Mostly Cs"

"I thought you were good in school" I responded

"I get yelled at a lot and can't focus for the life of me" he laid his head down on the desk scribbling on his piece of paper

"Do you understand the things that you're learning?" I asked

"Yes I understand everything that's the problem, I just can't pay attention for the life of me and I can't do my homework because I can't focus" he sighed putting his pencil down "The teachers hate me"

"That's shocking I thought you were a good student" I commented

"Nope probably the worst student in the class" he drummed his fingers against the desk staring at the wall

"Do you want some help studying?" I offered

"That's not gonna help if I can't focus" he whined sitting up "I actually can't focus for the life of me"

"You always seem so calm and focused in volleyball" I explained

"Because that's probably because I'm not sitting there doing nothing I can move around without getting yelled at" He explained exasperatedly

"One second I have to go to the bathroom" I responded standing

"Mhm" he hummed in response looking down at the paper, I walked out into the hallway going into the bathroom pulling out my phone.

Me: Komi

I waited a few moments leaning up against the bathroom door before I got a response

Komi: Yes Bokuto, are you regretting your study partner choices
Me: No of course not, I just want to know why you told me good luck
Komi: Akaashi is very ADHD, he fidgets with everything and moves around a lot I don't want to talk bad about him but it's super distracting when I'm trying to study with him, though why do you ask? Is he struggling
Me: Kinda, do you know a way to help him study?
Komi: I have no clue sorry Bokuto
Me: Thanks anyways but I should go
Komi: Yeah see you tomorrow
Me: Yeah

I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and went back to Akaashi's room

"You got anything productive done?" I asked closing the door behind myself

"No" he responded still sitting at his desk

"Have you told like your homeroom teacher about your problems?" I asked sitting back down on his bed

"No" he explained spinning around in his chair to face me

"Maybe it would make it easier if you did, your teacher could help you" I suggested

"Ugh probably" he groaned leaning back in his chair "but I don't want to study"

"Then don't, you don't have to study everything all at once" I told him, he pursed his lips picking up his stuff from his desk and coming over to the bed sitting down

"Hi" I greeted playfully as he laid down on his stomach

"Hello Bokuto" He responded with a small smile

"Do you come here often?" I asked raising one eyebrow

"Yes I do, this is my bedroom after all" he explained looking down at his paper

"So it appears it is" I looked around his room

"You've been here before and have been here for almost an hour" He observed looking at his clock on the wall

"Yeah yeah I'm just messing with you" I laughed

"I like it when you're not being super energetic all the time and just being friendly and playful" he commented

"That's stupid" I responded

"You're stupid" He countered

"You're highest grade is a B-" I commented

"Excuse you, for your information that's the highest grade I've ever gotten in my life not my highest grade currently" he explained very matter of factually

"So why are you calling Me stupid" I raised one eyebrow laughing

"You said that me liking you better when you're not as energetic is stupid" he explained "And it's because I can't pay attention long enough to finish my school work" (A.N and apparently I cant pay attention long enough to type things correctly from my paper to my computer -_-)

"I see" I pursed my lips studying his face, I felt my phone vibrate

Yukie: How's studying going

"Who's that?" Akaashi asked not looking up from his paper

"Yukie" I responded

Me: Yeah it's going fine, why

"What's she saying?" he asked curiously

"Asking how studying is going" I explained

Yukie: Oh no reason but Akaashi can be a little much at times especially when he has to sit still and as you have probably seen by now he can't do that
Me: I have seen that but it's not that bothering
Yukie: Never would have guessed he'd have ADHD
Me: Never would have guessed

I put my phone down looking over at Akaashi, he was looking down at his paper writing something. I looked a bit more closely and noticed that he wasn't really writing but he was scribbling in the margins of his paper. He didn't seem to be looking at what he was drawing though it looked like he was actually studying but I couldn't really tell. I smiled working on my homework. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing that I remembered was waking up to the sun shining through the window of the next day and I was still in Akaashi's bedroom

"Ugh Akaashi" I shook his shoulders, he was laying face down on the bed his head tilted to the other side. He grumbled something with a yawn and turned over his eyes shut and his mouth halfway open

"Akaashi it's time to get up" I insisted shaking his shoulders again, he grumbled something again and opened his eyes slowly

"Bokuto?" He asked groggily

"I guess we fell asleep" I scratched at the back of my neck awkwardly

"Huh, oh" he sat up slowly looking out the window "Oh we did, sorry"

"Well now we have to go to school we have morning practice" I told him

"Ugh" he groaned yawning

"Come on Akaashi" I stood up my legs stiff from staying in one position for so long. He groaned and stood up as well collecting his things from the bed

"Sorry we didn't get much done yesterday" he apologized

"Don't worry it's fine, we made a little progress at least" I responded knowing he didn't understand what I was talking about but I learned more about him. We both got as ready as we could for school with the limited time that we had. I put my stuff back in my bag quickly. By the time we got to the school I just looked at my phone for the time and realized that, we were really early and we probably didn't need to rush as much as we did

"Why didn't I look at the time before hand" I whined

"Why what time is it?" Akaashi asked

"We have like an hour before school starts" I whined again

"Bokuto this is why you look at the time when you wake up" he scolded punching me playfully in the shoulder

"I know I'm sorry" I apologized, since I had the keys for the gym I was able to unlock it and we were able to sit in there until school started since we had practice in the mornings. I helped with getting the nets and stuff up since Akaashi insisted on it and I quote "It would be polite so that when everyone else get's here we can start right away".

"Akaashi since we have still quite a lot of time before anyone will get here you wanna study some?" I offered

"Um sure if we can get anything done though" he responded scratching at the back of his neck. I sat down leaning against the wall next to the door to the gym by my bag

"Come here" I instructed waving him over with my hand, he raised one eyebrow and came over. I grabbed his hand pulling him down so that he was sitting on my lap

"Bokuto what are you doing?" he exclaimed

"Just let me try this" I told him digging through Akaashi's bag "I don't know how you find anything in here"

"My English notes are right here if that's what you're looking for" he told me reaching into his bag pulling out a sheet of paper will scary precision

"How-?" was all I asked

"I have a system" He shrugged leaning back against my chest, I wrapped one arm around his waist "And now what are you doing?"

"Shhh hear me out" I responded smiling slightly

"Okay?" he seemed unsure but didn't try to move or make it complicated. Surprisingly he was sitting pretty still, I started to read off his notes making questions as I went. He paused for a few moments before he answered.

"That's right" I explained my smile growing wider, I asked him another question but he answered it wrong

"Think about it" I told him

"Oh like this?" he took out a pencil and wrote something down

"Yeah like that" I commented

"That's....., easy" He mumbled in shock

"Yeah, you just have to pay attention closely to the words" I told him "But it is pretty easy all together" Surprisingly Akaashi was focusing pretty well he would get off track a few times and a few times I let him as like a small break but otherwise it went really well.

"That's so easy" He exclaimed as I explained to him a bit of math that was in his notes

"Were you over thinking it?" I asked with a small laugh

"YES" he exclaimed

"No wonder you thought it was harder than it actually is" I insisted

"Oh my god why didn't I see that before" He asked himself

"You just have to think of it a different way" I pointed to another question "Like what would the answer for this be?" he looked at the problem for a while "You don't have to do it all in your head Akaashi you can write it down"

"Yeah I know" he told me taking his pencil writing out the problem '10a^3+4a^2+5a+2'

"Is this right?" he asked "(2a²+1)(5a+2)?"

"Yeah that's right" I smiled, I continued asking him questions and didn't even hear when some of the team started to come in

"What the hell?" Komi exclaimed as he saw us sitting on the floor

"What?" I asked looking up

"Okay for one your position, two Akaashi doing work without fidgeting?" he exclaimed his eyes wide with surprise "I didn't think it's possible"

"I'm sorry it's hard to sit still" Akaashi insisted

"That's a first" he insisted

"Akaashi I don't know how you get such bad grades you're really smart and you know how to do everything" I commented furrowing my eyebrows

"I think I told you yesterday that I can't sit still long enough or pay attention long enough to do my work so I never finish it" he laughed awkwardly

"But you're so smart" I insisted

"Thank you Bokuto" he stood up again holding one hand out to me "Thanks for helping me study but we should get to practice now"

"Why were you guys here so early anyways?" Konoha asked

"Because Bokuto didn't check the time when we woke up and just assumed we were late" Akaashi explained bending over to put his notes back in his bag

"Wait you slept over?" Komi asked suspiciously

"We were at my house studying, we fell asleep after not getting much done at all" Akaashi sighed

"Well we got a little done and we got a lot done today" I commented

"Mhm but it's not like it's going to help for the test" He shrugged

"what why not?" I whined

"Because I won't be able to focus long enough to get the test done" he shrugged again "Oh well though let's get to practice"

"Yeah" I agreed clapping my hands together

"Wait Akaashi you were sitting in Bokuto's lap does that mean you two are-?" Konoha started but trailed off looking between the two of us

"Are what?" Akaashi asked

"Are you two like a...., like a thing?" he asked

"What?" I exclaimed feeling my face turn a dark red "No I just"

"What no" Akaashi added his cheeks flushing a dark red

"He was sitting in my lap because we were studying that's all I was thinking of a way that I could help him study" I explained awkwardly my voice shaking

"Okay sure" Konoha agreed suspiciously raising one eyebrow at me

"It's the truth" Akaashi insisted

"Yeah Yeah I believe you" He laughed, Akaashi furrowed his eyebrows looking at Konoha for any sort of other comment "Really I believe you"

"Okay" Akaashi turned away from him to look at me

"Let's get to practice" I repeated a bit more firmly this time

"Yeah" Akaashi agreed

*Time skip: After school*

"Akaashi do you want help with studying again?" I offered kindly

"No it's fine I think I can manage on my own" He responded slinging his bag over his shoulder

"Really I insist" I told him "Or maybe do you want to just go get some coffee or something like that?"

"We could go get coffee if you want?" he nodded

"Sounds good" I smiled brightly "I'll pay"

"Okay" he raised one eyebrow

"Is it a date?" Kaori asked with an innocent smile

"No! It's just getting coffee" I insisted

"Then it will turn into holding hands, hugs and even maybe kissing" she fussed

"No it's just coffee" I insisted again putting my hand on her shoulder

"Sure" she rolled her eyes

"Let's go Akaashi" I commented taking him by the wrist

"Yeah" He shrugged with a faint smile following me

"Where do you want to go?" I asked

"Ummm I don't care" he responded

"Okay then" I let go of his wrist and turned down one street which he followed me

"So I have a question" He started

"What is it?"

"Do you like anyone?"

"That was out of the blue" I commented furrowing my eyebrows

"Sorry my mind was wandering" he apologized scratching at the back of his neck, I looked back at him examining his face for any sort of explanation to where the question came from but I noticed a small bit of pink dusted on his cheeks

"I don't know I might" I responded awkwardly with a shrug

"I don't know if I do" he explained

"That's still a really odd question coming from you" I told him

"my mind was wandering I told you" he insisted,

"Where was it wandering to?" I asked continuing to walk down the street

"School, home, trees, more school, volleyball, dogs" he listed off

"Where did love come from?" I asked

"Maybe after the kids chasing the cats" he shrugged "I don't remember"

"Your thoughts are interesting" I told him

"I guess so but it's quite hard to follow most of the time" he explained

"You're hard to follow at times" I commented opening the door to the coffee shop the bell above the door ringing as a signal that we came in.

"What do you want to get?" I asked him

"Decaf black coffee" he mumbled

"Decaf?" I raised one eyebrow

"Don't give me that look if I have caffeine I wont be able to sleep for a few days" he explained quickly

"Yeah yeah okay go sit down at a table" I instructed with a smile

"Okay" he walked away as I went up to the counter

"Hello how may I help you" the barista asked cheerfully

"Can I get a regular coffee with extra cream and a decaf black coffee?" I asked

"Of course can I get a name for those?" she asked

"Bokuto" I told her

"That will be 468.87 Yen" she told me I handed her a 500 yen coin "Your coffee will be right up"

"Thank you" I smiled at her going over to where Akaashi was sitting

"So" I started as I sat down

"So?" Akaashi raised one eyebrow

"Have you been here before?" I asked

"Yeah a few times that's why I know that I can't have caffeine" he explained leaning on his elbows on the table "I actually wasn't able to sleep for maybe three days I think"

"Was there a lot of Caffeine or something?"

"I have no clue I just had a cup of coffee" he shrugged

"I see" I smiled "I'd like to see how you would react with caffeine"

"It was pretty much the same just I felt like I was dying and I could sit still even less" he explained crossing one leg over the other underneath the table

"Really you weren't like overly hyper?"

"Oh I totally was It's not like I show it though" he rolled his eyes

"Bokuto" the barista called out from the counter, I stood up going over collecting our coffee

"Are you sure that you don't show it or are you just not telling me something?" I raised one eyebrow handing him his coffee

"I'm sure, at least I think, I might have passed out after the third day or I could be exaggerating I don't know it's hard to remember I'll have to ask my mom one time" he blew on his coffee softly before taking a drink "It was horrible though"

"I'd still love to see that" I exclaimed taking a sip of mine "You don't put anything in your coffee no sugar no cream?"

"Nope just plain black coffee with no Caffeine" he explained licking his lips

"Isn't it bitter?" I asked

"Dark and bitter as my soul" he grumbled taking another drink

"No then you would be drinking milk" I cocked my head to one side

"W-What?" He stammered his face flushing a dark red

"I said that if your coffee was as dark and bitter as your soul then you would be drinking milk" I repeated myself calmly. Akaashi looked away his face blushing another shade darker, I felt my phone vibrate I pulled it out, I had gotten a text from Onaga

Onaga: My sister just sent me this picture with the caption "Look at these two nerds at the coffee shop I'm at, they're flirting 'Isn't it bitter?' 'Dark and bitter as my soul' 'No then you would be drinking milk' Oml aren't they on your team as well?"
Onaga: [Attachment 1 Image]

The picture that he sent was of me and Akaashi at our table, Akaashi was turned away my face was blank one eyebrow raised

Onaga: Are you flirting?

"Who texted?" Akaashi asked raising one eyebrow

"Onaga" I responded

"What did he say?" he asked

"He said that his sister sent this" I showed him my phone, he furrowed his eyebrows

"He has a sister?" he asked looking up at me

"That's what you were thinking about?" I laughed

"What? What was I supposed to think about?" he raised one eyebrow

"I don't know never mind" I shook my head stuffing my phone back in my pocket but not after responding to his text

Me: of course not

"No seriously what was I supposed to be thinking about?" he took another drink of his coffee looking at me with his eyebrows furrowed

"I don't know I was concerned that we were being called nerds" I explained with a shrug

"Oh, I didn't know that Onaga had a sister" Akaashi admitted

"I didn't either" I told him

"Oh well" he shrugged

"Your face is really red though" I pointed out

"Because of what you said of course my face is red that's implying I'm innocent" he exclaimed

"Well of course you are" I told him

"How?" He challenged

"You're afraid of spiders, you won't kill bugs, you play in the sandbox when we go to the park, you spin around in wheelie chairs, you're really sensitive when it comes to pain, you don't understand any of the dirty jokes that Kuroo makes around you, you don't understand really anything dirty, when you insisted that you did to Kuroo he asked you to say something dirty you said trash, you literally will not swear, your closet is full of stuffed animals and a ton of animal hoodies, you are the most passive aggressive person I've ever seen and wont outright express your anger, when your pissed you don't say anything to that persons face but you rant about it later, I'm pretty sure your spiritually Canadian, the list could go on forever but I think you get the point" I listed off with a completely straight face "and not to mention you won't watch movies rated R" Akaashi's face was a dark red by now and he avoided looking at me

"None of that is true" he insisted "you're just listing random things off"

"Am I really though?" I raised one eyebrow

"Yes you are" he crossed his arms in front of his chest stubbornly

"Are you sure about that?" I asked

"Screw you" he snapped flipping me off with one hand averting his eyes

"Oh wow" I exclaimed

"I'm not innocent" he muttered taking a drink of his coffee

"You are pretty though" I commented leaning on one elbow on the table

"Shut up no one asked your opinion" he snapped trying to hide his blushing but failing

"It's true though" I insisted firmly

"Bokuto it's getting kind of late I'm sure that my mom will be getting worried of where I am by now" Akaashi commented

"Okay, let me walk you home" I offered, he pursed his lips

"Okay" he finally agreed standing up

"Are you sure that you don't want to study today?" I asked

"I guess we could for a little bit" he shrugged slinging his bag over his shoulder

"Sounds good" I smiled "But Akaashi"

"Yeah?" he asked walking out of the cafe

"Have you ever tried getting something for school that you could fidget with or something?" I asked

"No I haven't" he furrowed his eyebrows

"Maybe that would be a good idea maybe like a bracelet or ring or something to fidget with so you are doing something" I suggested

"Maybe that would work but I'm not sure" He shrugged running his fingers through his hair "It might rain"

"Let's hope we get home before then" I agreed looking up at the sky, Akaashi looked up as well

"Akaashi you need to watch where your going otherwise you'll run into something" I scolded furrowing my eyebrows

"I know" he responded looking back at me but as he did that he tripped over a crack in the side walk, he cried out in surprise

"Are you okay?" I asked quickly

"I'm fine Bokuto" he laughed softly standing up again "Don't worry"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm fine" he picked up his bag

"This is why you need to watch where your going" I scolded again

"You're starting to sound like me" he laughed again, his laugh was so soft and pretty but it was also so rare.

"You're starting to sound like me" I countered crossing my arms in front of my chest

"I guess we rub off on each other more than we realize" He insisted continuing in the direction of his house but now with a slight limp

"Are you sure that you're okay does your foot hurt or something?" I asked

"I think I twisted my ankle but it's fine" he responded

"But you're limping" I pointed out

"It's fine Bokuto really"

"Hmpf" I puffed my cheeks out in a pout going up behind him, with a quick huff I lifted him up in my arms

"Bokuto what are you doing?" he exclaimed

"You're limping" Was all I explained, he pursed his lips crossing his arms in front of his chest but didn't say anything. I smirked to myself walking to his house. I was careful making sure that I didn't drop him but surprisingly he was a lot lighter than I expected

"Are you eating properly?" I asked

"Of course I am idiot?" he muttered "Why?"

"I don't know you just feel lighter than you look" I commented

"I guess" he shrugged leaning his head against my chest "I look like I weigh a lot more than I do but let me tell you I have the metabolism of an absolute god"

"Is that why you eat so much?" I asked with a laugh

"Yes exactly" he nodded, I walked in silence for a while until Akaashi's phone went off

"It's from my mom she asked where I was" he explained typing something

"What time is it right now?" I asked

"6:56" he responded

"Couldn't you have said 7?"

"No because it's not 7 yet it's 6:56"

"But it's closer to 7 than it is 6"

"No it's closer to 6:56 because that's the actual time" he insisted stuffing his phone into his bag

"Fine fine whatever" I rolled my eyes

"Yes fine because that's the time" he clicked his tongue annoyed but that followed with a yawn

"Are you tired?" I asked

"No you make me tired your so warm" he responded

"You can admit that you're tired" I told him


"Fine whatever you insist" I rolled my eyes again

"I can walk you know" he insisted

"Maybe but you hurt your ankle and it'd be bad to walk on it it's better to rest it" I told him

"Okay Doctor Bokuto" he agreed sarcastically

"I'll be your doctor today and I prescribe that you need to rest your leg which may or may not be broken" I instructed

"Can I see a medical license?" he asked stubbornly

"I assure you Mr. Akaashi that my knowledge is very legal and you need to rest your ankle which could possible be broken"

"First you said my leg was broken now my ankle?" He raised one eyebrow

"Follow my directions I'm the doctor" he whined

"You're a pretty crappy doctor" he pointed out with a laugh

"I am not" I insisted puffing my cheeks out

"You are" he poked my cheek with one finger laughing again

"I also prescribe that you stop being so grumpy all the time because it's bad for your health" I told him

"Mmm......, no" he looked up at me his gunmetal blue eyes piercing into my skull

"What's with that look?" I asked

"Nothing" he shrugged looking back down at the sidewalk leaning his head against my chest again. The rest of the walk to his house was in silence apart from people walking by in groups talking among themselves or the occasional car which drove by no one really batted an eye to us. I walked up to the front door of Akaashi's house

"Hey Akaashi do you have your ke-" I trailed off looking down at Akaashi, his eyes were closed and he was breathing softly. He had fallen asleep. I smiled softly at him and rang the doorbell to his house. His mom opened up the door furrowing her eyebrows confused

"He fell asleep" I explained quietly

"That's the first" she raised one eyebrow

"Well he twisted his ankle and I carried him and he fell asleep then" I explained briefly

"He usually doesn't fall asleep around anyone except for himself" she smiled "I guess he trusts you"

"Does he not trust people easily?" I asked

"No he's the least trustful person in our family but come in if you could take him up to his room" she stepped aside and I came in careful not to drop him

"We were going to study but he fell asleep so-" I trailed off with a shrug going upstairs to Akaashi's room. I put him down on his bed and was about to walk away when he grabbed my sleeve

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I apologized turning around, his eyes were halfway open a small smile fluttering across his lips

"It's cold, come here" he instructed groggily

"You have blankets" I insisted

"You're warmer" he pulled me down into his bed

"Akaashi it would be easier to use your blankets" I furrowed my eyebrows concerned "Are you sick or something? You're not usually this clingy"

"Shh" he muttered

"I'm a bit worried about you, you're not usually this clingy" I pressed the back of my hand to his forehead "Are you running a fever?"

"I'm tired, sleep now" he insisted taking my hand which was still pressed to his forehead and lowered it to the bed. I sighed

"Fine, go to sleep" I leaned on my elbow. Akaashi rolled over to his other side pressing his back against my chest. Maybe around half an hour had passed and I wasn't able to sleep and I was surprised that his mom hasn't come in either that or, I had fallen asleep and didn't remember his mother coming in and I just happened to wake up when Akaashi rolled over to his other side smacking me in the face with his hand. I moved his hand examining his face.

"I want math" he muttered in his sleep

"What?" I raised one eyebrow

"I want math" he repeated a little more firmly

"What kind of math?" I asked


"Um how about 12=2x what is x?" I asked with a small laugh

"x is kisses" he explained confidently

"x is kisses?" I asked

"A lot of kisses" he insisted

"Okay, I guess your not wrong" I furrowed my eyebrows confused

"Who are you?" he asked

"You don't know who I am?"

"God?" he asked clicking his tongue

"No I'm Bokuto" I explained with a laugh

"Bokuto?" he asked but it didn't sound like he was asking me

"Yes?" I raised one eyebrow

"Hm" he rolled back over so his back was facing me "I could use your blood to summon the devil and sacrifice your unborn child" that was the last thing that he said to me that night but I can't lie it was probably the scariest thing that I've ever heard him mutter. I don't think that after that I got much sleep, maybe a few hours until the sun started to rise.

"Mmm" Akaashi muttered rolling over opening his eyes slowly

"Mornin" I smiled at him

"Bokuto? What are you-?" he started but furrowed his eyebrows "What did I say last night?"

"Well when I carried you up to your room and put you in your bed you pulled me down as well" I told him "And you said that I was warm and had me sleep with you"

"Oh my god" Akaashi covered his face with his hands hiding his blush (Not very well) "I'm so sorry Bokuto"

"Don't worry about it but you know you talk in your sleep" I commented

"Oh dear god what else did I say?" he sat up slowly shaking his head. I explained to him the conversation that I had while he was sleeping

"and then you said you'd use my blood to summon the devil and sacrifice my unborn child" I explained with a laugh

"I am so genuinely sorry Bokuto I had no clue what I was saying last night at all" he apologized putting his hands on my shoulders

"It's fine though that was just the scariest thing I've ever heard you say" I smiled reassuringly

"My mom comes in my room all the time in the morning because she hears me talking and just has a conversation with me she tells me about them at breakfast it's so embarrassing it's beginning to become a problem" He sighed running his fingers through his hair

"It's really funny though" I reassured him

"I'm never going to live this down?" He raised one eyebrow

"Nope never" I got up slowly "But I should get going to get changed into a clean uniform"


"See you in a few minutes" I waved to him as I left

*Time skip (Because I'm lazy and writers block sucks): At practice*

When I got to the gym Akaashi was already there sitting on the floor his legs stretched out in front of himself

"Akaashi" I called

"Yes Bokuto?" he asked turning around to look at me

"You beat me here" I whined

"Yeah because you're kinda slow" he shrugged

"I am not, you didn't have to go all the way back to your house" I insisted

"I still had to get changed and do my hair" he crossed his legs in front of himself

"You didn't do anything to your hair it looks the same" I insisted going over to him and running my fingers through his hair

"I brushed it" He swatted my hand away "Don't touch it though"

"Why can't I touch your hair?" I asked putting my hand on his head

"Because if you run your fingers through it so many times it'll get frizzy" he swatted my hand away

"Let me touch your hair it's fluffy" I ran my fingers through his hair again

"Stop it'll get frizzy" he insisted ducking down

"No let me touch your hair" I pursed my lips in a pout

"No go away, shoo" he exclaimed

"I swear to god Akaashi I will use your blood to summon the devil and sacrifice your unborn child" I threatened struggling to hold back my laughed

"Bokuto shut up!" He exclaimed

"Bokuto don't you think that's a......, tad violent" Konoha asked as he came into the gym

"I said I was sorry for that" Akaashi whined

"Yeah that's still the scariest thing I've ever been told" I put my hand on his head ruffling his hair

"Stoooooop my hair" He exclaimed grabbing my hand

"You wake up naturally beautiful what are you even on about you look perfect" I put my hands on my hips furrowing my eyebrows

"Aw you think he's beautiful?" Komi asked with a smirk

"W-What-" I exclaimed my face turning a dark red

"I-I don't think that's what he meant" Akaashi stammered, looking over his face was a dark red as well

"Maybe it was what I meant though" I muttered to myself

"What was that" Komi raised one eyebrow mischeviously

"Nothing, I didn't say anything" I cried out my face turning another shade darker

"I could have sworn you had said something" he shrugged "I guess I misheard"

"Let's just get to practice" I muttered

"Yeah" Akaashi agreed with a nod standing up next to me

"What were you doing sitting on the floor anyways Akaashi?" I asked raising one eyebrow at him

"Sitting there" He responded

"Yeah I know that but what were you doing because you were sitting surprisingly still" I furrowed my eyebrows

"Well I was playing on my phone until you came in" he responded briefly

"No wonder you were able to sit still" I laughed, Akaashi sucked in a sharp breath and sighed

"Practice Bokuto" he finally muttered

"Yeah yeah whatever" I rolled my eyes

*Time skip: After practice*

"Akaashi do you want me to come over to your classroom at lunch I could study with you then too" I offered

"If you want I guess" He shrugged picking his bag up

"I'll come by at lunch" I told him running my fingers through his hair to piss him off

"BOKUTO" He shouted swatting my hand away "I told you many, many times before don't touch my hair" 

"I'll let you touch my hair if you let me touch yours" I crossed my arms in front of my chest watching as he examined my face narrowing his eyes.

"You're not going to tempt me with that offer" he crossed his arms in front of his chest as well 

"Are you sure?" I raised one eyebrow drawing out my words

"I'll see you at lunch Bokuto" he turned around walking in the direction of his classroom

"I see your 'compromise' didn't work out" Konoha laughed walking past me

"Aww" I pursed my lips dragging my feet to my class, I was semi-pouting throughout the entire class all up to the point when the bell for lunch rang.  I grabbed my lunch and quickly left the classroom walking down the hallway humming to myself as I walked to Akaashi's classroom.

"Akaaaaaaashhiii" I exclaimed as I opened the door, Akaashi quickly stood up from his seat

"Hi Bokuto please don't shout in the class" he scolded quickly 

"But I was excited to eat with you" I frowned sticking out my bottom lip

"Yeah" He took his lunch and came over to me walking out of the classroom into the hallway

"Where are you going?" I asked 

"Let's go up to the roof or something Bokuto instead of sitting in the classroom" He insisted

"Oh okay" just as I shut the door I heard one of the kids mutter to another

"Wait the idiot actually has friends?" I glanced over the kids trying to see who was the one to say it but I couldn't have known.  I shut the door half jogging after Akaashi who was halfway down the hallway by now.

"Akaashi did you hear what they were talking about?" I asked as I caught up with him

"heard what?" he asked quietly his voice slightly trembling

"What your classmates said when I came in?" I raised one eyebrow

"Oh don't worry about that, I'm....., I'm used to it by now" he muttered 

"What?  You shouldn't be used to it do they always call you an idiot and say things like that?" I asked

"Don't worry about it Bokuto" he repeated walking up the stairwell to the roof, I followed him

"No I'm going to worry about it why would they say things like that why doesn't the teacher stop them?" I asked quickly anger building up inside of me

"Because the teachers don't care, they hate me anyways because I can't ever pay attention and because I have such bad grades, the fact I don't really talk to anyone doesn't help at all either and not to mention the fact I always am in my own little world they think I don't have any friends and think I'm stupid but it doesn't matter" he explained calmly with a sigh

"Akaashi you can't let them treat you like that" I insisted

"It's not like I'm able to change the way that they view me if they hate me that's fine I don't really care, that's their opinion" he pushed open the door to the roof 

"But you're not stupid and you have the entire volleyball team as your friend" I furrowed my eyebrows

"Bokuto, really don't make a big deal about it, It's fine don't worry" he sat down by the wall crossing his legs in front of himself

"No I'm not gonna just not worry about it, that's bullying Akaashi-" I was about to go on but he held up one hand silencing me

"I know that Bokuto, but I don't care, I'm trying my hardest in school they don't need to know that, I don't have to focus on their views or what they think is best I know what is best for me and I know how to handle it, I just ignore all the comments and rude names they throw at me so please just drop it" he explained quickly furrowing his eyebrows slightly irritated.  I sighed

"Sorry" I apologized taking a bite of my food

"It's fine Bokuto, you didn't know I figured that you'd be angry if you found out" He shrugged

"Did you not plan on telling me?  I thought I was your best friend?" I asked sticking my bottom lip out in a pout

"I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd get mad" he explained starting to eat his food "So don't make a big deal about it m'kay?" I sighed again

"Fine I wont" I crossed my legs in front of myself

"Oh sorry I forgot to bring my notes to study I could go get them" he started to stand up

"Don't worry about it we can study after school today" I insisted pulling him back down

"Oh okay" we ate lunch mostly in silence apart from the soft breeze that occasionally blew by.  At one point I think sitting down on the ground was starting to drive Akaashi crazy he stood up abruptly and walked over to the edge of the roof and walked around the edge before coming back and sitting back down

"You good now?" I asked raising one eyebrow

"Yes much better" He nodded

"good" I smiled finding myself examining his face out of habit

"Is something on my face or something?" I asked

"What?" I raised one eyebrow

"You're staring at me"

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to stare" I scratched at the back of my neck awkwardly, he furrowed his eyebrows like there was something else that he wanted to say but he didn't say anything

"Are you sure that there's nothing wrong?" he asked

"Yes I'm sure sorry I was just thinking" I insisted, Akaashi sighed stretching his legs out in front of himself

"Akaashi you know how you asked me a while ago if I liked someone?" I asked

"Yeah kinda" he responded

"I think I might have a definite answer now" I explained with a small smile


"Is that all you have to say?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows

"That's good that you like someone" he responded 

"I see" 

"Do you think I'll do good on the test?" Akaashi asked out of the blue changing the subject 

"I'm sure of it just if you get fidgety or can't sit still go ask the teacher to be able to walk around or go to the bathroom" I told him

"That's a good idea" he responded with a nod

"But I'm sure that you'll do good you know all the stuff the only problem is your attention span" I laughed quietly


*Time skip: A week later after the test*

I stuffed my hands in my pockets walking into the gym.  I was the only one in the gym for the time being so I started to set up the volleyball net.

"BOKUTO" Akaashi shouted the door to the gym bursting open

"Whoa Akaashi what's wrong?" I asked turning around

"Nothing's wrong but look!" He came over to me bubbling with excitement, it was pretty cute not gonna lie.  He handed me a sheet of paper, it only took me a few seconds to realize it was his test a large 89.5% at the top written in red and circled

"You got 89.5%?" I asked excitedly

"That's the highest score I've ever gotten in my life" He exclaimed a smile plastered on his face, he never did smile but when he did it was like the angels have come down from heaven and blessed us all.

"Good job Akaashi I told you that you could do it" I smiled at him

"The teacher only yelled at me for fidgeting twice and afterwards she confronted me about my ADHD"

"I'm proud of you Akaashi" I had an idea, it was a stupid idea, but an idea.  I leaned down slightly pressing my lips to Akaashi's.  His eyes went wide with surprised and only a moment or two passed before he started kissing me back.  I wrapped my hands around his neck burying my hands in his hair.  He rested his hands on my chest his hands trembling but I couldn't lie my heart was racing.  Akaashi was the first to pull away his cheeks flushed red tears in the corners of his eyes

"Whoa Akaashi what's wrong sorry should I have not done that?" I asked 

"I'm just, really happy" he muttered wiping his tears, I smiled wrapping my arms around him

"Good job Akaashi, good job" he hesitated a bit longer this time to react to my sudden burst of affection but soon wrapped his arms around me as well melting into my hug.

"I think I know who I like" He mumbled pressing his face into my shoulder

"Me too Akaashi" I agreed

(A.N. so that's the end, this is stupidly long, I don't know how to do ADHD in writing, I literally have no experience with ADHD, Heck I can barely type it.  I did some research but it's not like that's going to help for actual experience wise so I just decided to write Akaashi similar to how I am when it comes to school work and stuff (It was exaggerated a lot for entertainment) though I exaggerated it so that I could be able to make it seem more like ADHD but I Hope it turned out okay anyways (I don't have bad grades though I have all A's) but I hope you enjoyed this random chapter ummm the next one will either be a mermaid!Kenma A.U. oooorrrr another BokuAka, depends which one I can finish first)

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