Mending Fences

By LavenderBlue04

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Goodbye Goodbye is such a small word A word that has many meanings So much depth and despair Goodbye can m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

375 12 43
By LavenderBlue04

A/N: this chapter is for my friendly neighborhood critic who kept PMing me last night...after finishing it's destiny and were very upset about not knowing Denny and Benny's future and what happened to them. I am really sorry that I overlooked them, I will try to be better in this book. I understand being frustrated,and upset, and I am always welcome to constructive and helpful criticism but I don't like being sworn at and cussed out and then blocked so I can't defend myself.

I really appreciate your support of my books, I really do, but I don't appreciate being called a 'Lazy bitch' and other very hurtful names. Please understand I hold no hard feelings I'm just letting you know that there's nicer ways to ask for something. I am always willing to take suggestions. I'm not calling you out or anything I promise, which is why this is anonymous, but you know who you are. Please don't hate me for this, I am just having a hard time with this new book, and I'm a little emotional and words do hurt, no matter what the saying says.

So please let's just all treat each other with respect and kindness. Like the old saying goes treat others the way you want to be treated.

Sorry to everyone else who's reading I just didn't know how else to reach this person, because they always do this, they rather harshly critique me and then block me before I can reply, and I just reached my limit and needed to let them know there's no hard feelings and Express my thoughts.

Anyways onto the chapter, I'm so sorry for the delay, I hope you all enjoy. Sorry for being lazy and not adding more of the twins, so I'll try to keep the chapters as equal as possible.

Onto the story!

Yuri's POV

"Aunt Yuri?" Benny whispered clutching his stuffed bear in his arm, as he sucked his thumb.
"Hey Benny what's on your mind little one?" I asked carefully placing Rosie in her playpen and scooped him up onto my lap. He looked up at me and my mind flashed to Sayori. He was the most like his mama, he had her kind spirit and gentle heart.

"Why did my mommy and mama go away?" He questioned tearfully and I sucked in a deep breath. I reached out tucking a lock of his brown hair behind his ear.
"Sometimes people just have to go away, and even though it's not fair, it's just how the circle of life goes." I tried to Express as gently as possible. He looked down at his bear and then back up at me.

"Like the song from Lion King?" He questioned softly and I laughed, a true and honest laugh.
"Yeah Benny, like the song from Lion King." I encourage as I stand carrying him towards the kitchen.
"Can I help you make dinner?" He asked me with a bright smile and I laughed sitting him on the counter as I began to grab the ingredients needed for homemade soup.

"Of course you can help me make dinner sweetheart. " I encourage as I helped him onto a barstool and handed him a carrot and a butterknife. "Will you cut up some carrots for our soup ?" I asked and he nodded eagerly as he sat up on his knees and began hacking at the orange vegetable.

I carefully started cutting up the celery and onion. I smiled as Benny hummed softly as he concentrated. I quickly stopped my preperations for a moment as I leaned down and got a pot and filled it with water.
"I love cooking with you Auntie Yuwi." He whispered in my ear and my heart melted at his pure confession.
"You know what Benny I really enjoy cooking with you as well. " I giggle as his face lights up and he bounces in place.

"Yay! Carrots are done done done!" He sings and I laugh adding his diced carrots to the pot of water I had just placed on the stovetop. I lean down kissing his cheek as I finish cutting the other vegetables and adding them to the pot. All the while Benny stood on his tip toes and stirred the pot merrily.

"Aunt Yuri I had a bad dream." Denny sniffed rubbing his eyes as he dragged his bedding behind him. "I peed." He whimpered and I hadn't even realized he had fallen asleep, at time I checked he was playing cars and drinking a juice box.

"Oh honey I'm so sorry." I soothed putting the soup on simmer as I helped Benny from his stool and helped Denny up the stairs. Then Rosie started whimpering. I gently rocked her playpen, shushing her, trying to soothe her and she gave me a defiant look and began to howl with angusih.

"Yuri I wet!" Denny sniffled and I groaned. Baby was safe, Benny was fine. I carefully picked up Denny then remembered he was wet and now my shirt was drenched with urine.
"Oh no!" I groaned and then Benny was gone.
"I'm gonna stir the pot Yuwi!" He called and I yelped jumping up and racing back into the kitchen. Benny was teetering on a chair trying to reach up for the spoon that was on the counter.
"No, no, no baby let's not do that, why don't you go read a book while I clean up your brother?" I practically begged.

"Okie dokie " he exclaimed skipping away and I rushed back into the livingroom as Rosie continued to howl and sob. She wanted picked up. However Denny was sitting his wet butt on the couch.
"Denny no!" I yelped lifting him up, I groaned at the dark wet spot that now stained my couch.

"Yu yu!" Rosie screamed pressing her face against the net. She was angry.
"Just one second angel." I yelled over her cries. Denny began to scream.
"I'm sowy, I'm sowy, I'm sowy, don't weave Yuri I'm sowy!" Then Benny came downstairs sobbing.
"Yuwi I bleeding, book bites me!" He sobbed pitifully.

"Yu yu!"
"I sowy, I sowy!!!!"
"I gonna die, I bleeding!"
"Yu yu!"
"I sowy, I sowy!!!!"
"I gonna die, I bleeding!"
"Yu yu!"
"I sowy, I sowy!!!!"
"I gonna die, I bleeding!"

Tears started blurring my focus, I could feel the thick heavy lump filling my throat. I was failing so bad. I dropped to my knees as I sobbed.

"Yuri!" The front door opens and footsteps approach me. Natsuki lifts Rosie from her crib soothing her as Naomi takes Benny upstairs with the promise of a bandaid. "Hey beautiful it's alright, take a deep breath. Here, take Rosie I'll help Dennster" she cooed brushing aside my hair as she kissed my forehead and stroked my cheek.

"I'm sorry, everything got so overwhelming Suki." I whimpered as she helped Denny out of his wet clothes.

"Don't apologize, I get it. We're in this together. " she promised with a grin.

To Be Continued....

Hey guys thanks for reading hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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