Snake hair: Hidden freedom (D...

Por maartjegeerlings

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Her third year at Hogwarts didn't start well for (Y/N) Hydra. A mass murderer broke out of Azkaban to come af... Mais

Running away with Harry
Sirius Black
New lessons with a Time Turner
The Boggart
Quidditch disaster
Terrible discoveries
Horrible news and strange events
The execution
Meeting Sirius Black in the Shrieking Shack

Turning back time

1.4K 31 8
Por maartjegeerlings

I started gaining consciousness again. I slowly opened my eyes and closed them immediately, thanks to the strong white light. I moved a bit and a sharp pain shot through my body. I let out a groan and carefully opened my eyes again. I slowly sat up, ignoring the cries from my body. I look around and saw that Hermoine, Harry and Draco were awake. Samira and Daniel were still unconscious. Ron was slowly waking up, but let out a whimper as he lifted his wounded leg a bit.

 I look at myself. On my arms were scratches and brushes. I feel some sort of pressure against my chest and I slowly slid a hand under my shirt. There was a bandage around my chest. I could feel the pain from the wound at my side, were Remus's claw ones was. I placed my hand carefully one the wound and concentrated. A warm, golden light radiated from my hand and the stinging pain disappeared. I carefully got out of my bed and walked over to the others, who were awake.

 "You guys alright?" I ask concerned. "Yeah, I only got a big scratch across my chest. Madam Pomfrey said it won't turn me into a werewolf." Draco told me and I let my breath go, not noticing that I was holding it. "I can fix it for you." I offered. Draco nodded and I help him pull up his shirt. There was a bandage around his torso with small red stains on them. I unwrap them carefully and gasped at the sight. There was a large wound in the shape of a scratch across his chest. "How did you get this?" I ask, not remembering if he got attacked. "I tried to help you when you got thrown against a boulder, but the wolf scratched me instead. But I got you time to recover." He smiles proudly, but I just shake my head.

 I turned my attention back to his wound and let my hands hover in front of his chest. I concentrate and the same warm, golden light radiates from my hands. His wound closed, but left big scars. I pursed my lips seeing the scars. "Don't worry. I at least know that I kind of saved your life." I smile and he pulled me into his chest. I pulled back and looked at Hermoine and Harry. "Do you guys have any heavy injuries?" They both shook their head and I gave them a quick nod. "I saw my dad and (Y/N)'s mum." Harry suddenly spoke. "They the Dementors away." He exclaimed. "Listen they've captured Sirius.  Any minute the Dementors are going to perform the Kiss." Hermoine told him. My eyes widened and I jumped off the bed. "They are going to kill him?" Harry asked in a rush. "No, it's even worse. They're going to suck his soul out." I explained. 

The doors behind her opened and Dumbledore stepped in and I rushed over to him. "Professor, they've got the wrong man. Sirius is innocent." I told him. "It's Scabbers who did it." Ron exclaimed. "Scabbers?" Dumbledore asked confused. "He's my rat, sir. He's not really a rat. He was a rat. He was my brother Percy's rat." Ron rumbled, but I stopped him by talking to Dumbledore again.  "The point is, we know the truth. Please believe us." I begged. "I do, Mrs. Hydra. But the word of 7 13-year-old wizards will convince few others. A child's voice, however honest and true is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen."Dumbledore tapped a few times on Ron's injured leg and he whimpered in pain. 

Dumbledore suddenly looked up at us as if realizing something. "Mysterious thing, time. Powerful and when meddled with, dangerous. Sirius Black is in the topmost tower cell of the Dark Tower. You know the laws, Mrs. Granger, Mrs. Hydra. You must not be seen. And you would do well, I feel, to return before the last chime. If not, the consequences are too ghastly to discuss. If you succeed tonight more than one innocent life maybe spared. Three turns should do it, I think." He turned around and walked out the door, but before the doors closed he turned back around. "When in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to start. Good luck." He closed the doors this time and I turned to Hermoine. She gave me a nod and we both pulled out our Time Turners.

 I wrapped the necklace around Draco, while Hermoine did the same by Harry. I turned the wheel on the side 3 times and it started to spin. Blurry figures walked in and out the Hospital Wing and the light from outside slowly changed from orange to white. Everything stopped moving and I took the necklace off and stuffed it back into my pocket.

 "That's how you've been going around and taking your lessons." Draco exclaimed. "Yeah, had to ask McGonagall for it. Gone through a whole summer of paperwork to get one." Harry and Hermoine appeared beside us and I looked at the clock. "7:30. Where were we at 7:30?" I asked no one in particular. "I think we were going to Hagrid's." Hermoine answered. I grabbed Draco's arm and Hermoine took Harry's. We sprinted out the Hospital Wing, on our way to Hagrid's. 

We ran over the bridge and stopped at the end, looking down at the scene. The 7 of us were standing in front of the runes, and Pansy was taunting us. "Can someone please tell me what is going on." Harry asked. I pushed Harry back and took out my Time Turner again. "Harry, this is a Time Turner. McGonagall gave Hermoine and I one first term. That's how we've been going to our classes all year. We've gone back in time and Dumbledore obviously wanted us to return to this moment." I turned back to the scene that was playing down by the runes. "Clearly, he wants us to change something."

 Past me punched Pansy in the face and she ran off with her two friends. We quickly jumped out the window frame on the side of the exit. "I will get that filthy half-breed. Mark my words." I heard Pansy say. Draco wanted to go to her, but I stopped him by grabbing his shirt. "We can't be seen." I whispered.

 We watched our past selves leave and we slowly followed. We looked down at our past selves. They walked past Buckbeak towards the front door from Hagrids hut. "Of course! Do you remember what Dumbledore said? If we succeed maybe more than one innocent life will be spared."

 I pushed past the others towards the forest side. We hid ourselves behind the stack of pumpkins and looked inside the hut. Everyone was there and I was outside together with Buckbeak. I heard  voices in the distance and looked towards the path. Not so far away were Dumbledore, Fudge and the Executioner. I looked back into the hut and saw that Ron got Peter/Scabbers back. I wanted to go to the hut, but got stopped by Hermoine. "(Y/N), remember. We can't be seen!" Hermoine remembered me. "That's the man that betrayed mine and Harry's parents, but you're right." I sighted.

 The voices from Dumbledore and Fudge grew closer and our past selves weren't leaving. I saw a small rock on the ground and got an idea. I picked it up and threw it inside. The rock broke a vase and it seemed to draw their attention. I grabbed another rock and threw it and it hit the back of Harry's head. The past us came out of the back door and the past me ran away from Buckbeak.

 I got up and urged the others to get into the forest. I peeked from behind my tree and saw the past us behind the pumpkin patch. I twig snapped and I hid myself behind my tree again. "What?" I heard the past Harry ask. "I just thought I saw....Never mind." Past Hermoine mumbles. 

I let go of my breath, relieved that she didn't saw us. Our past selves left and we quickly went behind the pumpkins again. I walked around the pumpkins and silently walked up to Buckbeak. The raven that were circling around Buckbeak clearly didn't want me to take him away, because they were pecking my ankles. 

I bowed and Buckbeak bowed back. I unchained him and tried to pull him with me, but he wouldn't budge. I heard the door open and Fudge was about to come out off the hut when Dumbledore stopped him. I looked back at Buckbeak and spoke in his language.

"Buckbeak, do you remember what I told you? That I could save you?"

"Yes I do."

"Well, come with me then. Unless you want to die."

"Take the ferrets with you."

I looked back at the others and mouthed that they needed to take the ferrets with them.  Hermoine ran to the stand with dead ferrets on them and grabbed some. I pulled Buckbeak's chain again and this time, he walked with me. 

I lead him into the forest and we watched the Minister and Dumbledore. I heard the confused voice of the Minister and I  laughed silently. I led Buckbeak further into the forest and released his chain. "What do we do now?"  Hermoine asked. "We save Sirius." Harry answered. "How?" She asked." No idea, but we'll find a way."

I ran to the place where we could see the Whomping Willow. Lupin was standing in front of the Whomping Willow and used a spell to calm the flailing tree down. He entered the tunnel and I could see Snape in the distance. "And now we wait." I sat myself against a tree and looked at the sky. A bird flew by and that reminded me of what I had seen at the lake. Could it really have been my mum? After a while of waiting, a swarm of bats flew over. Buckbeak, who was behind us, jumped up, trying to catch a bat. "At least someone is enjoying themselves." I silently laughed. "Hermoine, when we were by the lake with Sirius. I saw 2 figures. They made the Dementors go away." Harry explained. "With a Patronus. I heard Snape tell Dumbledore. According to him, only a really powerful wizard could have conjured it." She explained. "It was my dad and her mom. Our parents conjured the Patronus." He said, while pointing at me. "But how is that possible? Both your parents are..." She got cut off. "Dead. I know. I'm just telling you what I saw."

I looked away from Harry and Hermoine and back to the Whomping Willow. Dark figures came out the hole, which I recognize as ourselves. A bright, blue light comes from the sky and I could see Remus change. He let out a howl, just like he had done before. I saw myself and Remus fight. I got thrown against the boulder and Draco drew the werewolf's attention. He got himself attacked, just like he told me. Then Sirius appeared and started attacking the werewolf. Sirius let the werewolf away and I started running through the bushes, to a place where I could see the clearing. Remus was towering over me and Harry, ready to tear us to shreds. I placed my hands in front of my mouth and imitated a howl. The werewolf stopped and looked at our direction. I did it again and the werewolf came running towards us.

"Yeah, didn't think about that. RUN!" I yelled. We all started sprinting, to who-knows-where. I hid myself behind a tree and I could hear the werewolf coming. I rounded the tree, holding Draco's hand and pulling him with me. We were at the other side of the tree and I stopped, by hearing the sound of growling. I turned and the werewolf stood behind us. Draco pulled me into his arms and Harry did the same by Hermoine. The werewolf lunged at us, but he got attacked by Buckbeak. Buckbeak stood on his hind legs and flung his claws around, just like he had done with Pansy. He did it again and the werewolf fled. 

The temperature suddenly dropped and the wind picked up. I looked up at the sky and  hundreds of Dementors flew over, all of them going towards the lake. I took the lead again and sprinted towards the lake. When we came there, the past me was already fighting off the Dementors. 

"Don't worry. Our parents will come. They'll conjure the Patronus." The Dementors kept attacking out past selves and nothing happened. "No one is coming." Hermoine exclaimed. "They will come. Right there." Harry pointed at a spot in front of us. "They have to." I whispered. On the other side of the lake, Sirius's soul was leaving his body and still nobody came. "You are dying. All of you." I realized that no one was coming, so I ran down to the spot where I had see the stag and Chimaera . I pointed my wand at the Dementors and conjured the Patronus Charm. The tiger, snake, eagle and wolf sprouted out of the tip of my wand. They danced around each other and melted together. The Chimaera that I had seen before, was now standing in front of me. The stag appeared besides it. I looked to my right and saw Harry standing there. 

The two animals made their move and waves of light came out of them. The Dementors that flew above us got sent away, one by one. I didn't stop until all the Dementors were gone.


We were soaring through the sky, on Buckbeak's back, making our way back to Hogwarts. "You were right, Hermoine. It wasn't our parents I saw earlier. It was us! I saw myself conjure the Patronus before. I knew I could do it this time because I've seen myself do it. Does that make sense?" I didn't answer and just pulled at Buckbeak's chain, causing him to fly down towards the Dark Tower. We landed and I quickly rushed up to the cell they kept Sirius in. I looked at the other, hoping they would know a solution, because I knew the unlock-charm wouldn't work. 

Draco pointed his wand at the lock and yelled, "Bombarda". The door got blasted off it's hinges and Sirius quickly rushed out. "Wait, how are we going to do this? Buckbeak can't  take five people with him." Hermoine asked. "You go with him. I can fly myself." I told them. They got onto Buckbeak's back and I morphed into my eagle form. We took off and flew around Hogwarts, looking for a place to land without being seen. We eventually landed in the courtyard. 

"I'll be forever grateful for this, to all of you." Sirius thanked us. "I want to go with you." Harry told him. "One day, perhaps. For some time, my life will be to unpredictable. And besides, you belong here." Sirius said. "But your innocent." I exclaimed. "And you know it." Sirius sat me and Harry down on  a bench. "And for now that'll do. I expect you're tired of hearing this, but you look so like your father. And you (Y/N), you look so much like your mother. Except your eyes. You have..." Harry and I stopped him. "My father's eyes." I continued. "My mother's eyes." Harry continued. "It's cruel that I spent so much time with James, Lily and Marlene and you so little. But know this: The ones we love never really leave us. And you can always find here." He pressed his hand against our chest, the place where our hearts were. 

He stood up and walked to Draco. "You've shown that you really love my goddaughter. By sacrificing yourself. But I want you to know, if you ever hurt her, I will have a good reason to go to Azkaban." Draco laughed lightly. "Don't worry sir. That won't be needed." He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer and I melted directly into his grip. Sirius smiled and winked at me. He turned to Buckbeak and Hermoine. He climbed onto Buckbeak's back and looked back down at Hermoine. "You really are the brightest witch of your age." He smiled. "Sirius, go to my dad's house. I will tell him everything." I informed him.

He nodded, pulled at Buckbeak's chain and they flew off. We looked at them, slowly flying off into the distance. The clock started chiming and I pulled the others with me, towards the Hospital Wing. On the way there we met Dumbledore, who just left the Hospital Wing. "Well?" He asked. "We did it. He's free." I exclaimed. "Did what?" He asked like he didn't know what was going on. I just shook it off and pushed the doors to the Hospital Wing open. I saw ourselves just fade away, we were just in time.

"How did you get there? I was talking to you there. And now you're there." Ron said, pointing around. "What's he talking about?" I asked amused. "I don't know. Honestly Ron,  how can someone be in to places at the time." Draco smirked. The four of us started laughing, while Ron looked at us like we had gone mad. 


 Since the events with Sirius Black, Ron, Samira and Daniel had all nearly recovered. Apparently Daniel and Samira had tried to help Draco, but got attacked too. 

I walked together with Harry into professor Lupin's office, only to see him packing. "Hello, Harry and (Y/N)." He greeted us. I looked at him, confused by the fact that he knew it was us while he got his back turned to us. And Harry was just as confused as I was. "I saw you two coming." He nodded his head towards the Marauder's map. "I've looked worse, believe me." He said. "You've been sacked." I exclaimed. "No. I resigned, actually." I looked at him, not believing what I just heard. "Resigned? Why?" Harry asked. "It seems like somebody let slip the nature  of my condition. This time tomorrow, the owls will start coming in and parents will not want me teaching their children. Now that I'm no longer your teacher, I feel no guilt whatsoever about giving this back to you. So now I'll say goodbye." He gave Harry the Marauders Map and I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. "Don't disappear for so long this time." He laughed and hugged me back.


I walked into the Great Hall with Harry at my side. People came rushing up to Harry, asking if they could take a ride with something. We walked over to the part of the table where everyone stood. "I didn't mean to unwrap it. They made me do it." Ron said, pointing at the twins. Harry unwrapped the package and inside was a firebolt. "It's a firebolt. The fastest broom after the Shadow Chaser." Fred told him. I grabbed the feather that was besides it and examined it closely. It was a Hippogriff feather. I showed Harry the feather and we grinned at each other. 

We ran outside and I summoned my Shadow Chaser. We mounted our brooms and flew off. We flew around Hogwarts, screaming out of joy.

This was a heavy year, but it was worth it.  

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